THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE: WASHINGTON,-- D. C, THURSDAY, JUNE. 29, 1893. YOlf 1 of day or night terrors, which Dr. Ham- AT CEDAR CREEK. until it changed ends and spilled him out. BEST POLISH IN THE WORLD. Corps. Sickles PICKET --SHOTS, I took to my heels and into my tent I went. THEIR RECORDS, FIGHTING THERJ OVER lin ascribes to the Eleventh 122d would no doubt havo taken advantage of What Was Soon by a Member of the But of all the improper language I ever the time gained by Bushbeck'a Brigade, of N. Y. heard, that delivered to tho night air by the Corps, corps hack your of April 13 an article Alert Comraijesill Along the man with the barrel was the worst. Ho What Our Veterans Have to Say About the Eleventh to move his SEE in issue From so as to form his line of battle to face the. from Comrade A. L. Miller, Co. H,8th offered a roward of $10 to anyone who would Brief Sketches of tlio Services of west and to conform to the line of works of N. Y. Cav., claiming that Gen. Custer's Jjine. find out who did it;hut he never found out. Their Old Campaigns. "Williams's Division, of the Twelfth Corps. I command was entitled to more credit Tho poor comrade is dead now." Different Regiments. We hazard nothing when we claim that for the victory at Cedar Creek than any Another llarrel Story. only been checked other portion the forces comprising the A IarInj?'DeKl. G. W. Co. C, 2Gth Kan., Jackson would not have of Jones, Iud., Turon. DO NOT BE DECEIVED Tho "Editor desires communications for publica- (as ho was by Berry's Division, of Sicklcs's Eighth, Nineteenth, and Sixth Corps, or TJGUST E. ZEITLER, M. D., Ser-- tells of an incident after his being released Tho 1st Del. tiio FJplitinjr Them Over and Picket Sbot with Pastes, Enamels, and Paints tion in Corns.1 had a Army Shcnaudoah. geaut-Majo- r, 109lh Pa., from confinement 22, The regiment organized "Wilming- which colt! Comrades nro requested to writo fre- but the battle would have Little Phil's of the Florence, at Tyler, Tex., July wa3 at tuns. three-month- stain tho hands, injure tho iron, and burn briefly, to point, on ono sido different ending Hooker had not lost his have yet to hear infantrymen saying .JLjL N. J., says that at 10 o'clock in 1864. Some time in the next month the ton, and served the s' period, quently, legibly, ibe if I red. Tho Rising Sun Stovo Polish is Bril- of the paper, and with each nubject on a separate nerve to was willing against cavalrymen in tho matter morning, at his body ers encamped Donald-sonvill- e, and from Sept. 10 to Oct. 19, 1861, such an extent that he anything the Gettysburg, of at is ranks Odorless, sheet. If articles arc of importanco copies should to Corps to fate and fighting, for they never failed to give us SiaV) Stone- La. A steamer came to land- were and liant, and Durable. Each packago be kept, in case of accidental JofcS. Matter for these abandon the Third its of division (tho White confronted the recruited, it for threo contains (with exception of foraging). a a years. Cos. six ounces j when moistened will columns should be of cencral interest to all old to retreat that night. a show the bare wall Jackson's old command. ' The ground ing, quarter of mile below, and unloaded, H, I aud K, together with tho mako several boxes half-grow- half-doze- of Pasto Polish. tf Bolriier and hictoricully us accurato as posible. The worst thing Hooker did was to send The finest thing I saw during my three years' between was ecantily wooded with n among other things, a n barrels of veterans and iccmits of the 2d Del., wero Tho briefer a communication the sooner space can on left HAS AN ANNUAL SALE TONS; be found for it. Williams's Division away from the works service was the cavalry charge (our) oaks, and tliereHva a space inter- sorghum molasses, as they supposed. Now, transferred to this regiment July 1, 1864. QF,3,0QQ that extended from Hazel Grove to the of Berryville and Winchester Pike, Sept. 19, vening that a pistol-sh- ot would span. At during the seven months that our comrade The three companies mentioned above wero Plank road, which they could have held un- 1861. It raised the cavalry very much in this time the firing was desultory. "Sud- and his friends had been the guests of the mustered out at different dates from Aug. 13 HOOKER'S ERRORS. til Berry's Division came up on the Plank my estimation, and I havo never gotten denly there appeared among us from the so-call- ed Southern Confederacy, they had to Oct. 1, nnd the remainder of the regiment "Fortune Knocks at least finnp af varJ Grove, O-- WM"' road ; this would have retained Hazel over it. rear a young negro, without uniform, but contracted a chronic hunger. The writer retained in service until July 12, 1865, when nno'o rfnVr ' TM; t V '" Ti Gravo 31islal:os ivliicli Insured tho Result at 1864, Sixth cartridge-bel- t. uiioo uuui, .una to iuui ball. with pickets between Leo and Jackson, and On the morning of Oct. 19, tho with a musket and a He aud Lafayette East had a special longing mustered out. was the first regiment of W vat, .- - K .. ? . It .. mtt "-.- n fin. .C " "Jf ' - Chancellorsville. re-enli- st v 'Iltt- 3.ClJU enabled Hooker to drive the 30,000 men of Corps held a position on the extreme right spoke to no one, but moved steadily and for sorghum molasses about this time, aud the Army of the Potomac to in pV:i w,y"" 1 risK, aii i.at is required is a little andf and ycu DESIRE to correct the statement of the and Corps as a wedge be- of Sheridan's forces..- - The Second Division, tho soon passing be- their appetites being stronger their 1864. Thomas A. Smith, tho first Colouel, Pluck Stin can make it. First Fifth rapidly iront, than . : ........ towards Wf want...,.n ...iiv r,.,nnrtvtAnr.n t i Comrade Hnthavray concerning the 3d on of was Brigadier-Genera- l, 4 Ly tw.wiw.u tween the right and left wing of Lee's army, Gou. George W. Getty, was the right yond the line. Scores of men yelled at him consciences, they planned to take in one of promoted Oct. 1, 1864, to be a - lW5Curousoia sooas Dy sample; no Md. Chancellorsville, to which he and with manifested corps, Brigade, Gen. D. D. ho the above-mention- ed incident- at anything like the spirit the and the Third to come back, that would be killed, but barrels, and and was subsequently killed at and you have the chance to establish a business ..... f 1 .. ascribes tho defeat of Berry's Division by Grant or Sheridan, Lee would have found Bidwell, composed of the 1st Me., 42d N. Y., he gave no heed. He sought no cover, but ally to replenish their Btock of fractional Farmville, the last battle of the regiment. tht' tiill vy jyu iiAuusumcjy.I.. invc wuii pay a ' r:j-7"7"- " ' y on May 3, 1863. He did not name that fix, divided N. Y., N. Y., 122d N. Y., 61st Pa., currency Col. W. rn :yr - himself in the same with a 49th 77th with a calm diguity advanced to midway by supplying the wants of their John Andrews resigned Feb. 6, 1863, --lui-rrsi- y, ( a .. i." "- - wir - t"w. wrtivtMMJii--rt- 1UUIEU regiment, hut, it being the only one present army, tnat Hooters Dnlliant strategy naa occupied the right of the division ; the 122d between the contending lines. Here he fellow-comrade- s. That night they divested and the regiment was commanded when JtlaauZncarer, Sox 5308, Cotton,: in that battle, I deem it my duty to correct contributed to bring disgrace upon the Army N. Y. the right of the brigade. halted, leaned his gun against a tree, which themselyes of unnecessary clothing, nnd mustered out by Col. Daniel "Woodall, who down-stren- m. Mention the impression npon his part that the 3d of the Potomac. Long before daylight we were roused from he climbed. Forty feet or more in the air waded They made a bold held a brevet of Brigadier-Geuera- l. The The NnUoaal TrftH Md. was forced by the enemy to retire from But by the abandonment of Hazel Grove our slumbers by picket-firin- g iu our front, he rested. Now he could see over and be- attack on one of the barrels, but somehow total enlistment was 2,062 men, of which the works held on the Plank road near Fair-vie- w. he not only lost all the benefit that he would but not enough to cause any uneasiness in yond the enemy's breastworks, and his pur- the feel of it was nob just right, and the 153 were killed, placing it among Col. Fox's HiGH have derived from it for enfilading Jack- the Sixth Corps. Once awake for them pose waB clear. Tho significance of his stuff that leaked out of it was more sticky 300 fighting regiments, with a percentaue "MM3&M FB THIAL appears that his statement is based son's right flank if he continued to advance meant 3no more sleep that morning, and was for he doing the than even molasies, and interfered with their of 14.2 in killed.
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