BNL17541 (ENDF-201) ENDF-201 ENDF/B SUMMARY DOCUMENTATION Assembled by 0. OZER & D. GARBER May 1973 NATIONAL NEUTRON CROSS SECTION CENTER BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC UNDER CONTRACT NO. AT(30-1)-16 WITH THE UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Research supported by the United States Atomic Energy Commission. NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Atomic Energy Com- mission, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Printed in the United States of America May 1973 600 copies INTRODUCTION The purpose of this publication is to provide a localized source of descriptions for the evaluations contained in the ENDF/B Library. The summary documentation presented in this volume is intended to be a more detailed description than the (File 1) comments contained in the computer readable data files, but not as detailed as the formal reports describing each ENDF/B evaluation. (A list of the published formal reports is given in the table of contents.) The summary documentations were written by the CSEWG (Cross Section Evaluation Working Group) evaluators and compiled by NNCSC (National Neutron Cross Section Center). When assembling the information for this volume, a minimum amount of editing was unavoidable. This editing primarily consisted of removing computer file listings and irreproducible graphs, since these can be easily obtained from the ENDF files with the use of standard editing or plotting programs. In a few instances, sections of the formal document were reproduced. Materials for which no summary documentation has been received to date, are represented by the (File 1) comments contained in the data file only. The loose leaf"independent section format was selected for ease of updating when more documentation and/or evaluations become available. It is hoped that In the future a more standardized documentation will make the updating simplified. The publication is presented in sections, each section describing one (or more) ENDF evaluations. These sections are identified and ordered by element number (Z) and atomic weight (A). Sections describing more than one ENDF material are identified by the Z-A numbers of the lowest material described. The section number corresponding to a particular data set should be determined using the table of contents. (e.g., sLi(HAT-1115) is described in Section 3-6, whereas 1S3Cs(MAT-1141) is described in Section 47-107, which also includes 107Ag and 10SAg.) The ENDF/B-III Library contains 230 materials. (A material may consist of an isotope, element, molecule, or standard mixture of elements.) Ten of these materials contain thermal scattering law data only. Eighty- seven materials consist of photon interaction cross sections for elements. The summary documentations presented in this volume describe the principal part of the library consisting of the remaining 133 materials with neutron cross sections specified for all relevant reactions. The documentation for a number of "lumped" fission product materials is given following the section of the corresponding fissionable material. For additional information concerning the evaluated files as well as the corresponding experimental data, contact: National Neutron Cross Section Center Broofchaven National Laboratory Upton, New York 11973 iii LIST OF AUTHORS AND REFERENCES Z-EL-A MAT LABORATORY REFERENCE DATE AUTHORS (NOTES) 1-H-1 1148 LASL LA-4574 (1971) OCT70 L.STEUART.ET.AU STANDARD H-1 N.P) 1-H-2 1120 BNU.BNL BNU (PRI.COm. 1967) JUN67 LEONARD.STEUART( MOD.BY BNL) 2-HE -.088 AM. ANL- 7462( OCT. 1968) JUN68 (NATURAL ELEMENT) 2-HE-3 1146 LASL LASLt PRI. COm. 1971) 1968 L.STEWART (STANDARD HE-3 N.P) 3-LI-6 1115 LASL AURE 0-6C/64( IN PART) AUC71 BATTAT.LABAUVE( STANDARD LI-6 N.A) 3-LI-7 1116 LASL AWRE 0-61/64(IN PART) MAR71 BATTAT.LABAUVE( MOD. DFN-21SA) 4- BE- 9 1154 LLL UCRL-74533 (DEC 72) DEC71 R.J.HOUERTON. S.T.PERKINS S-S-10 1155 LASL.ORNL ORNL-TM-1872( OCT 67) JAN72 D. IRVING.R.LABAUVE( STANDARD B-10) S-B-11 1160 GE.BNL 0FN-49A SEP71 C.COUAN (AURE DATA MOD 1971) 6-C-12 1165 KAPL KAPL-3099C JUN 66) JAN72 C.LUBITZ ET.AL.( STANDARD TOTAL) 7-N-14 1133 LASL LA-4725 (SEP 72) JAN71 P.G.YOUNG.D.G.FOSTER.JR 8-0-16 1134 LASL LA-4780 (AUG 72) AUG71 P.O.YOUNG.D.G.FOSTER.JR 1I-NA-23 1156 WARO.ORNL UARD-4181-2 (FEB 71 1971 PAIIC.PITTERLE(UARD) PEREY(ORNL) 12-MG 1814 ANL ANL-73871 MAR 68) SEP66 E.M.PENNINGTON.J.C.GAJNIAK 13-AL-27 1135 LASL LA-4726 (DEC 72) APR71 D.G.FOSTER.JR..P.O.YOUNG 14- SI 1151 BNL.GGA GA-8628 (MAY 68) AUG71 M.K.DRAKE (MOO.BY R.KINSEY AUG71) 17-CL 1149 GGA GA-7829 VOL 4 (67) FEB67 M.S.ALLEN.M.K.DRAKE 19-(C 1150 GGA GA-7829 VOL 5 (67) FEB67 M.K.DRAKE 20-CA 1152 ORNL.GGA GA-7829 VOL 6 (67) 0CT71 F.PEREY(ORNL) M.K.DRAKE(GGA) 22-TI 1144 ANL TO BE PUBL. MAR71 A.B.SMITH 23-V 1017 ANL ANL-7387 (MAR.68) SEP66 E.M.PENNINGTON.J.C.GAJNIAK 24-CR 1121 UNES.BNL UCAP- 7281 (1969) JUL70 AZZIZ.CORNYN(UNES) DRAKE(BNL) 25-MN-SS 1019 BNL BNL-50060 ( JUN.67) JUN67 STEPHENSON.PRINCE.PEARLSTEIN 26- FE 1180 ORNL ORNL-4617 (1970) JAN72 PENNY.KINNEY.ET.AL.(DATA MOO.72) 27- CO- 59 1118 BNL TO BE PUBL. 1971 T.E.STEPHENSON. A.PRINCE 28-NI 1123 UNES.BNL UCAP-7387 (1969) JUM71 AZZIZ.CORNYN(UNES) DRAKE(BNL> 29-CU 1087 AI AI-AEC-1274KDEC.68) SEP68 J.M.OTTER ET.AL.(»UKNDL EVAL) 29-CU-63 1065 AI AI-AEC-12741 (DEC. 68) SEP68 J.M.OTTER ET.AL.UUKNOL EVAL) 29-CU-65 1086 AI AI-AEC-1274UDEC.68) SEP68 J.M.OTTER ET.AL.(4UKNDL EVAL) 36-KR-83 1201 B.U.UADCO HEDL-TME 71-106(1971) JUL71 SCHENTER.SCHMITTROTH.LIVOLSI 40-ZR-95 1202 B*U.UADCO HEOL-THE 71-ieet 1971) JUL71 SCHENTER.SCHMITTROTH.LIVOLSI 41-NB-93 1164 GGA GA-8133«A00 (67) JAN67 ALLEN.DRAKE.MATHEUS (MOO SEP 71) 41-NB-95 1203 BvU.UAOCO HEDL-TfE 71-106(1971) JUL71 SCHENTER.SCHMITTR07H.LIV0LSI 42-MO 1111 ANL ANL-7387 (1968) 0CT66 E.PENNINGTON (MOD. OCT 69) 42-MO-95 1204 B*U.UAOCO SCHENTER. SCHMTTROW. L IVOLSI HEDL-TME 71-106(1971) JUL71 SCHENTER.SCHMITTROTH.LIVOLSI 42-MO-97 HttlL-TME 71-106(1971) JUL71 42-M0-98 1205 B.U.UADCO SCHENTER.SCHMnTROTH.LlVOLSI 42-MO-99 1206 B»U,UAOCO HEOL-TME 71-106(1971) JUL71 SCHENTER.SCHMITTROTH.LIVOLSI 42-MO-10© 1207 8»U.UADC0 HEDL-TME 71-106(1971) JUL71 SCHENTER.SCK1ITTROTH.LIV0LS2 43-TC-99 1208 B*U.UADCO HEDL- TME 71 -106( 1971) JUL71 Z.LIVOLSI 44-RU-101 1137 B*U BAU-1367 0CT71 44-RU-102 121© B»U.UADCO HEOL-TME 71-106(1971) JU.71 SCHENTER.SCHMITTROTH.LIVOLSI 44-RU-103 1211 B.U.UADCC HEDL.-TME 71-106(1971) JU.71 SCHENTER.SCHMITTROTH.LIVOLSI 44-RU-104 1212 B*ti.WADCO HEDL-TME 71-106(1971) IUL71 SCHENTC.«.SCHMmR0TH.LlV0LS3 44-RU-105 1213 B«U.UAOCO HEOL-TME 71-106(1971) JUL71 SCHENTtW.SCHMITTROTH.LIVOLSI 44-RU-106 1214 B»U.UADCO HEDL-TME 71-106(1971) JUL71 SCHENTER.SCHMITTROTH.LIVOLSI 45-RH-1O3 1215 B*U.UADCO »€OL-TME 71-106(1971) JUL71 SCHENTER.SCHMmROTH.LlVOLSI 45-RH-10S 1125 B.U 8AU-1367 0CT71 Z.LIV0LS1 46-PD-105 1217 B*U.UADCO HEDL- TME 71 -106( 1971) JU.71 SCHENTER.SCHMITTROTH.LIVOLSI 46-PD-106 1218 BtU.UADCO HEOL-TME 71-1064 1971) JU.71 SCHENTER.SCHMITTROTH.LIVOLSI 46-PD-107 1219 B.U.UAOC0 HEDL-TME 71-106(1971) JUL71 SCHENTER.SCHMITTROTH.LIVOLSI 46-PD-109 1220 B«U.UAOCO HEDL-TME 71-106(1971) JUL71 SCHENTER.SCHMJTTROTH.LIVOLSI 47- AC-107 1221 S*U.HADCO HEDL- TME 71 -106( 1971) JU.71 SCHENTER.SCHTinTROTH.Llva.SI 47-AG-109 1138 8NL TO BE PUBL. 0CT71 M.R.BHAT AND A.PRINCE 48-CD-113 1139 BNL TO BE P»JBL. 0C771 M.R.BHAT AND A.PRINCE S3-1-131 1223 B»U.UADCO HEOL-TME 71-106(1971) JU.71 SCHENTER.SCHMITTROTH.LIVOLSI 53-1-135 1224 8+U.UADCO HEDL-TME VI-106( 1971) JU.71 SCHENTER.SCHMITTROTH.LIVOLSI S4-XE-131 1225 B*U.UADCO HEOL-Tt€ 71-106(1971) JU.71 SCHENTER. SCHniTTROTH.LIV0t.SI S4-XE-133 1226 B*U.HADCO HEOL- TME 71 -106( 1971) JU.71 SCHENTER.SCHMITTROTH.LIVOLSI 54-XE-13S 1227 B*U.UADCO HEDL-TME 71-106(1971) JU.71 SCHENTER.SCHMITTROTH.LIVOLSI 55-CS-133 1026 BNU PRI.COflM.1967 JUN67 B.R.LEONARD.K.8.STEUART S5-CS-135 1141 BNL TO BE PUBL. 0CT71 M.R.BHAT AND A.PRINCE S5-CS-137 1229 BtU.UADCO HEDL-TME 71-106(1971) JU.71 SCHENTER.SCHMTTROTH.LJVOLSI 57-LA-139 1230 B«U.UAOCO HEDL-TME 71-106(1971) JU.71 SCHENTER.SCHniTTROTH.HVOLSI 'S8-CE-141 1231 B*U BAW-409 (NOV 71) JX71 LIVOLSI 1232 8*U BAU-409 (NOV 71) JU.71 LIVOLSI 59-PR-141 1233 B*U LIVOLSI BAU-409 (NOV 71) JU.71 LIVOLSI 59-PR-143 1234 B*W BAU-409 (NOV 71) JU.71 iv LIST OF AUTHORS AND REFERENCES 2-EL-A MAT LABORATORY REFERENCE DATE AUTHORS (NOTES) 66-NO-143 1235 B*U BAUI-409 (NOV 71) JUL71 LIVOLSI 60-ND-I45 1236 B*U BAW-409 (NOV 71) JUL71 LIVOLSI 60-ND-147 1237 B*U BAU-409 (NOV 71) JUL71 LIVOLSI 61-PM-147 1238 B*U BAH-409 (NOV 71) JUL71 LIVOLSI 61-PM-148G 1239 B+U BAU-409 (NOV 71) JUL71 LIVOLSI (GROUND STATE) 61-PM-148M 1254 B«U BAU-409 (NOV 71) JUL71 LIVOLSI (META- STABLE STATE) 61-PM-149 1240 B*UI BAU-409 (NOV 71) JUL71 LIVOLSI 61-PT1-151 1241 B«UI BAU-409 (NOV 71) JUL71 LIVOLSI 62-ST1-147 1242 B*U BAU-409 (NOV 71) JUL71 LIVOLSI 62-SM-148 1243 B«U BAU-409 (NOV 71) JUL71 LIVOLSI 62-SM-149 1027 BNU PRI.COm.
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