SIlvER staTE SPARKS Sisolak takes helm as Nevada governor YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1910 TribuneSERVING SPARKS SINCE 1910 Page 3 Volume 111, Number 2 Wednesday, January 9, 2019 $1.00 SPORTS cOvER story New 8,500-seat amphitheater planned for Victorian Square Demolished Nevada drops first Bourbon Square game after rout of Casino to be the Utah State site of venue By Kayla Anderson Page 6 Sparks Tribune The long-shuttered Bour- bon Square Casino in the heart of Victorian Square will soon become an 8,500- seat amphitheater if ev- erything goes as planned, offering yet another enter- tainment source in down- town Sparks. Marnell Gaming, the own- ers of the Nugget Casino Re- sort, acquired the Bourbon Square property about a High Desert year ago when it sold two of League play its parking lots to Silverwing John Byrne/Tribune Development. Since the Sparks City Councilman Donald Abbott displays the plans for a new 8,500-seat amphi- begins next week change of ownership, Mar- theater in Victorian Square. The entertainment venue will be on the site of the demol- Page 7 nell has been throwing ideas ished Bourbon Square Casino, which can be seen in the background. around on what to do with the old dilapidated building. amphitheater has been a noise impact of a new event phitheater will make avail- “We looked at doing a lot significant economic gener- facility. Therefore, Marnell able up to three times the INSIDE of different things with that ator for the community, also came back with a revised number of spots required by space. It’s been abandoned causing Marnell’s cash flow plan that showed a change the Sparks Municipal Code Weather...............................2 for a while, and it would’ve to increase 30-40 percent. in fencing, the proposed during these peak times and State Briefs..........................2 taken a lot of structural “We’ve always been lean- stage moved in a different they have already been suc- Opinion..............................8 work to make it habitable,” ing that way; we thought location and other security cessful at using the offsite lot Puzzles..............................11 says Nugget Casino Resort about building condos or a measures. for employee parking during Classified Ads..................12 general manager Mark Ster- hotel, but our core business A parking study done in past events. Legals................................13 bens. Realizing that reno- is in casinos and entertain- late October showed how The revised plan went vating the building to make ing, so an amphitheater many parking spaces the back to the City of Sparks it structurally sound would made the most sense,” Ster- new event center would Planning Commission in require a great amount of bens says of what their plan need to accommodate at late December, which was work and money, Marnell is for the leveled space in peak times; Marnell proved approved on the 20th and Follow us on decided to demolish the fa- Victorian Square. that more spots would be there is a two-week window Twitter: cility that the old Silver Club Early last December, Mar- available during events like for the community to com- @SparksTribune used to be hosted in. nell executives brought up Hot August Nights and the ment on the project. The Las Vegas-based hos- the idea of turning it into Rib Cook-Off by requiring “It could be open by June pitality company also owns an amphitheater with the that Nugget employees park 1 with our first concert be- a 5,000-seat amphitheater Sparks Planning Commis- at an offsite lot in Reno and ing held June 15,” Sterbens in Laughlin, which has done sion and asked for feedback. shuttling in, freeing up more said. Marnell wants to use it very well since its debut in There were some concerns parking. The parking study 2013. Sterbens says that the about safety, access and confirmed that the new am- > See SQUARE, Page 5 SPARKS Get the digital edition. SEE MORE sparkstrib.com Tribune News | Sports | Trending Now Your Community Newspaper Since 1910 ONLINE! 2 Jan. 9, 2019 yOuR SEvEN-Day fOREcast WEDNESDAY THuRSDAY fRIDAY SaTuRDAY SuNDAY MONDAY Tuesday 51/32 47/28 43/26 44/30 44/32 50/30 48/31 Cloudy, a shower Partly sunny Some brightening; Clouds and sun Snow changing to An a.m. flurry, Snow possible in in the p.m. chilly rain then a shower the morning NEvaDa news bRIEfS Associated Press deaths of man, woman neVada lawmakeRs unlikely erblom proposed raising lawmak- noRth of Reno appaRent to boost theiR own salaRies ers pay to $24,000 per session, in muRdeR-suicide LAS VEGAS — As Nevada state addition to making it an annual Reno man gets 12 life pRison RENO — The Washoe County Sher- lawmakers prepare to kick off their session. But the measure, which teRms foR teen sex assault iff’s Office says the deaths of a man and annual legislative session next needed to be approved by lawmak- RENO — A Reno man convicted woman north of Reno over the week- month, they’ll be bringing home ers twice, failed to pass in their 2017 of 17 counts of sexually assaulting a end was an apparent murder-suicide. comparatively low salaries, which session. 14-year-old girl over a 5-year period The sheriff’s office has identified the part-time legislators have been A similar effort in 1989 to boost law- has been sentenced to 12 consecutive the victims of Sunday’s shootings at a reluctant to raise. maker pensions was met with heavy life prison terms. home in Cold Springs as 38-year-old Lawmakers receive about $9,000 opposition. Washoe County prosecutors say Nicholas Underwood and 33-year-old for work during the state’s 120-day “I think many have the attitude that 56-year-old Jeffery Lynn Fluckiger Diana Underwood. session held in odd-numbered years, candidates knew the pay when they would theoretically have to serve a Deputies were called to the home along with a per-diem for expenses ran and by running they implicitly minimum of 271 years in prison before on Spruce Lake Court at about 10:15 that totals about $16,800. accepted it,” said Michael Bowers, a he could be considered for parole. p.m. Sunday to investigate a report That’s far below the pay that law- UNLV political science professor. He was sentenced in Reno on Fri- of a battery in progress with possible makers in roughly 20 states receive, It’s unclear if legislators will try to day after he was convicted earlier of shots fired. according to numbers compiled by raise their pay again when their 2019 sexual assault and lewdness with a Detectives say the preliminary evi- the National Conference of State Leg- session convenes next month. child under 14 as well as the produc- dence indicates Nicholas Underwood islatures. Alabama legislators receive So far, legislators have not pre-filed tion and possession of child pornog- shot Diana Underwood during a do- about $46,000 while California law- any bills to raise their pay. raphy. mestic incident and then took his makers receive more than $100,000 He was arrested in 2017. own life. a year. OveRheated e-cigaRette The case remains under investiga- While some political experts con- batteRy causes small fiRe on flight family uRges suspect tion. tend that higher pay allows people to suRRendeR in Vegas to serve who can’t otherwise afford American Airlines says a passen- manicuRist death neVada VoteR to take time off work, others contend ger’s electronic cigarette caused a LAS VEGAS — The family of a RegistRation numbeRs dRop that higher pay can lead to career pol- small fire on a flight from Las Vegas by 3,700 people Las Vegas woman accused of using a iticians. to Chicago’s O’Hare International stolen car to run over and kill a nail LAS VEGAS — The Nevada Sec- University of Nevada, Las Vegas Airport. salon owner after failing to pay for a retary of State’s office says Nevada’s history professor Michael Green American Airlines spokeswoman manicure is urging her to surrender. voter registration numbers dropped says Nevada’s tight lawmaker pay is Leslie Scott says the e-cigarette’s bat- In an interview that aired Monday by about 3,700 last month when vot- tied to the state Constitution’s estab- tery overheated shortly after Flight on ABC’s “Good Morning Amer- ers were moved to inactive status. lishment of a part-time Legislature. 168 landed Friday night. Scott says ica,” the mother and grandmother of Secretary of State Barbara Cega- “It was partly that they didn’t expect flight attendants stamped out the 21-year-old Krystal Whipple said she vske said Thursday that Nevada has the legislators to spend much time fire. has to come out of hiding. 1,582,293 million active registered there, and it certainly wasn’t going No one was injured. The 138 pas- Mother Sharon Whipple apologized voters. About 38 percent are Demo- to be their main job, so paying them sengers and crew of six taxied to a to the victim’s family and hoped they crats and 33 percent are Republican. only a little bit was not an issue,” gate. could eventually forgive her daughter. Nonpartisans make up 22 percent. Green said. The U.S. Transportation Depart- Krystal Whipple is accused of flee- Cegavske says the voters were The state constitution’s framers ment has banned e-cigarettes from ing a nail salon Dec. 29 after not pay- moved to inactive status as part of also wanted to discourage people checked bags because of the potential ing.
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