VOlUME XVI NUMBER 4-DECEMBER. 1956 @ DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BARBER SHOP QUARTET HARMONY ,--------_." ..._,--- '.11""---' ",",----..--­ ~~:::----- ::::----- -.;;, 1/ /,? t ;.;:::- :.::..:..~._..._-- ~::::.-. J @DECC'A RECORDS BARBERSHOP WINNERS 1956 MEDALISTS Of/icial S.P.E,B.S.Q.S.A, Recordings CHAMPIONS, CONFEDERATES 2nd place Winners: PLAY-TONICS 3rd Ploce Winners: LADS OF ENCHANTMENT 4th Place Winners: FOUR·PITCHIKERS 5th Ploce Winners: EASTERNAIRES Port Ono: Goodbye, Old Dixie, Goodbye • My CUlie'$ Due 01 Two·lo-Twa • It looh like Rain in Cherry BloHonl lone • Ramona ED 2435 Part Two: The Svn~hine of Yovr Smile. Did Your Mother Come f,om Irelond? • love Me ond Ihe World Is Mine. My lillIe Dream Girl ED 2436 Port Throe: Rock_A·Bye Your Baby wilh a Dixie Melody. Cobin on a Hilltop. A Perfect Day. Donny Boy ED 2437 Porls.l, 2 and 3 available on One 12·inch long Ploy Record DL 8372 1956 International BARBERSHOP CHORUS WINNERS CHAMPIONS, AMBASSADORS OF HARMONY (Michigan City, Indiana) 2nd Place Winner~: CASCADE CHORUS (Eugene.Springfield, Orogon) 3rd place Winners: EAST YORK BARBERSHOPPERS (Toronto, Ontario) 4th Place Winners: PEKIN, ILLINOIS CHORUS 5th Place Winners: BORDER CHORDERS (EI Paso, Texas) Port One: Gee, But I'm Lonesome. Wailing for the Robert E. lee. (I'll Be With You) In Apple Blonom Time • I'm Silting on Top of Ihp Wo,ld (Just Rolling Along-Just Rolling Along) ED 2438 Part Two: When tho Morning Glories Woke Up in the Morning (Thon I'll Kin Your Two Up~ Good Night) • When Irish Eyes Aro Smiling. Tiger Rag. MU5krot Ramble E,D 2439 Part Three: For Me and My Gal. Ridin' Down the Canyon. Carry Me Bock 10 , Old Virginny • The Do,ktown Shullers' Boll ED 2440 , 1, ParIs 2 cmd 3 avoilobl. on One 12-inch lonp Ploy Record DL 8373 BARBBRSHOP "CHAMPS"-THB BUFFALD BILLS International Champions of S.P.E,B.S.Q,S,A. When I Lost You· Whon Irish Eyes Are Smiling· Rose5 of Picordy • The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise· I'm Sorry I Made You Cry· Thol Tumble Down Shack in Alhlono • I'm Alway~ Chasing Rainbows· Forgive Me • II's a Sin to Toll a Lie· The Trail of the Lonesome Pine· Over the Roinbow • The Halh of Ivy OL 8340 AND STILL IN DEMAND .. BARBERSHOP BALL-TIlE SCHMITT BROTtlERS • 1951 Inlernotionol Champions S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. DL 8280 • ED 2348 ED· 2349 SWEET AOELINES-GIRlS' BARBERSHOP QUARTETS· Official Reco/dings • 1955 Medolhl Winners DL 8234 • ED 232S • ED 2326 ED 2327 BARBERSHOP QUARTET WINNER5-1955 MEDALISTS. OHiciol S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. Recordings DL 8177 ED 2294 ED 2295 EO 2296 1955 International BAR8ERSHOP CHORUS WINNERS DL 8175 • ED 2288 • ED 2289 ED 2290 Prinled in U.S.A. December VOLUME XVI 1956 NUMBER 4 Curtis F. Hockett, Editor International Secretary Features Robert G. Hafer Associate International Cha"ce 01 a Lifetime. 1 Secretaries Frallk Thorne Dies . ................••..... 4 Ken Booth \Y. L. (Bill) OliO BIoII' Your OWIl 110m. 5 InternationalORice "Joe Barbershopper" COlliest 10 20619 Fenkcll Avenue Detroit 23. Michigan Special Christlllas Section .. 17 KEnwood 2·8300 District COllleSI Wirlllers .. 14 International Officers Prnidtnt, Ro\\'bnd P. Dnis, Room 1755, 195 Br()~dw~y. Ntw York 7, N. Y. (Amuic.ln Ttl. (j Td. Co.) Immtdi.lff P.ut Pluidrnt, A,thur A. Merrill. 25 Comment Commodo.r ROJd. ChJppJqu, N. Y. (Grnrul Elrct,i, Co.) FilSl Vict·Pruidtnl. Jouph E. Lewis, 2912 Gn­ Your fIfllllillg Licellse. 7 Ion Annuc. 0111.1'. Teo, (Pulidull, NJtionli Bond U InvrSlmrnl Co.) Keepitlg 011 Pitch . 11 SHond Vicr-P,uidrnt, Robul I"';nt, Locust bot, AnchorJaf, Krnluck, (RuifCd) Vice-Ptc'idenl, O. B. FJlh. Jr., 10950 MJld"lcu Share The Weal/h . 11 A"'rnut, los Altos. CJliforni.l (Gtnrul Elrel';' Co.) Do YOII Remember'! . ............••.... 28 Vict-Prnidfnl, John S~lin, Hotd WUlwo,lh. 59 Wut 461h SUCCI, Ntw York, N. Y. (B~nku. GUH~nIY Trust Co.) TrfHuru, MHk Roberts, r·438 Pischn AVf.. Dttroic 14. Michigan (AtlornfY) Departments Board of Directors (TumElCpiringJuneJO.19J7) Homer J. Aspy. 614 So. Sc. Amduws Pbce, Los Barbershop Crall 8 Angtlu 5, Calif. (Homu J. Aspy Anocialu. Public Relations) Nell'S 01 Quarlcts. .........•.••.......•.••... , ....•••... , .... 13 Calmu Browy. 2148 \Vuc Lawn AVfnue, Mad· ison, \Viscon_in (Hulingl Supervisor, \Vis. Harmoll)' Heritag(· Pub. Suv. Comm.) 16 Dwilht L. Can,inl. 1102 Norlh Atbnlic, Spo· k~nt, WJsh. (CJlkins Mfl. Co.) Nell' Chapters . 11 \Villi~m H. HJII. -+69 S. W. 261b Road, Mi,mi, Florid' Comillg E\'eIllS .. 21 Judge LUlhel Sltlern, 429 Cily H,II, Minnupolis I. Minn. (Municip,1 Courl) O\'er the Editor's Shoulder .. (Tum ElCpiringJune JO. 1911) 30 Claunce J,lving. )6·)8 E'H 8th St" Holl'nd. Ch(/pter~. "'1ieh. (Pruidenc, Peoplu ShU Duk) Key Cha1/ges Irom the 32 Kenneth Phinney, 89 Washinglon Avr" Krnmorr, N. Y. (Agenl, Prudrnti'l Ins. Co.) L. A. Pomeroy, 4)00 Chrysler Bldg.. New York 17, N. Y. (Diurice SaltS OIT. SUPU\'ilOl. Armco Stul Corp.) George Punspill, 15 Brookdllr A'·r.. Milford, QVll DECE,U'IIill ""Ol'Ell Conn. (Engr. Depl.. Unicrd Aircrah Corp.. Sikorsky Air. Div.) Floyd 51'0'11. 214 Inluraner Buildina. Topeh. KanHs (Allolney) ClJrishnas is a time for gh'ing thflnks for the maul's lUany blessings we (TrrmElCpiringJunrJO.19H) have received throughout the past year. It gives the Harmonizer Starr an Rudy Hall. 11 12 Ohio Slrftl. Michigan City. Indi,,,, (Socirty Ling"ir Co.) opportunit)' to say a grateful "Thank You'l to all Us contributing editors lIillon Howe. 334 ~bnor Road E"t, Toronco 7, Onurio (Dh'. Supflinlfndrnl, Toronlo Tun­ and to the thousands of BarberslJoppers who have helped so much in tbe sit Comm.) Louis Laurrl, 4617 Wahu W,y. EI Paso, Tn" publicntion of )'our official magnzine during 1956. Artist DOli WooHon of ., (Mgr. Ind. Suppl)', Mine (1 Smeltrr Supply Co.) Mt. Vernoll, Ohio hns gh'en liS fI touch of yuletit.le hnrmolly ou our RichHd SI',noe, 3418 Guilford Ro'd. Rockford, Illinois (Illinois Bell Tel. Co.) December co\'Cr, As we gather togetller ill (illartet or chorus to sing the John M. WHd. 34) Bailey A"rnur, Pillsb'llgh carols of the Chrislmas seaSOlls lei us take lime to give thanks to God that II. Pa. (Ltl,1 Div.. Vttuans Adm.) l ill a troubled world, he ll:ls seell fit to join us togelher in a Socief)' so Conlributing Editors filled with harmony. "MERRY CHRISTMAS and may fhe New Year find Ktm Boolh Paul Dr P'oli, peace and harmony for all 11COpics in :111 Irlnds •• /J Rohrn G. H,frl R. M. Hockenbfough W. L. OltO J. GtOrlr O'Britn SuffOid Taylor F. Stirli;'1 Wilton THE HARMONIZER IS tht offici,l publiulion of tht Sotiety fOI Iht Prntrvation 'nd Enrour· agemenl of Barbn Shop Quarltt Sinainl in Amrr;u. Inc. It is published qUHterly in March. Int'llv/agazine Committee June. S~plrnlbu ~nd Deermbll JI Incrrnuional Hudquarurs. 201519 Fenl.tll An., Otlloh 23. lIIichig,n, and tnurtd as second·rlan nlatlrr al Ihr post omer JI Duroit. Michilpn, IIndrr tht R. M. HocktnbroUlb, Ch,irmm Act of IIIH(h ), 1879. Editori'l 'nd Ad\"flcising omus He at InltrnJlion~1 Hudquuctls. Notier of ch,ngt of address Jhould be submitltd to che tdilori,l offiCe! of THE lIARMONIZER al IralC thirt)· d,ys btforr tht ntxt flublic~lion dHr. Subscripcion prict is $2.00 yurly and 5.50 an is,ut. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Uo $tart uke.New lJear /?igkt In ljarberJkopping The next 12 months are going to be great for barbershop­ You may also want to visit the Carnegie Institute 0/ Tech­ ping! It's going to be a year filled with ringing chords and 1I010gy-Home of the famous "Tech Tartans"; Cathedral of good fellowship. So, to get started right for the big events of Leal'llill}! - University of Pittsburgh's unique skyscraper '57 and to get the 1110st from your new membership card, we schoolhouse, 42 stories high. Seventeen nationality rooms suggest that you take advantage of this invitation: decorated by artists from respective countries, and the "On January 23 (which may seem a long time away, but Stepilell Col/ills Foster Memorial adjoining the Cathedral of believe us it isn'l) Pittsburgh invites you to test its claim that Learning. Costliest tribute ever erected to a musician. Houses it's 'The Most Progressive City in America.' The Pittsburgh original manuscripts of his famous songs. Chapter, Pennsylvania's No.1, invites you to try the 'most' in barbershopping hospitality on the occasion of thc 1957 WOMEN TAKE NOTE Mid-Winter Convention January 23-24-25-26." If you attendcd the Mid-Winter Meeting there in 1948 The women are not going 10 be left out of the excitement you know that the latter statement, at least, isn't just an idle of the 1957 Mid-Winter Meeting as it is rumored that a boast. The Steel City Barbershoppers rcally take their barber­ special tour is being arranged for a trip through the H. J. shopping and thcir hosting scriously. International Secretary Hoi'" Compally Food Plallt, the largest of its kind in the Bob Hafer has just returned from a conference with General world, and home of the famous "57" varieties. So bring the Chairman of the Convention, Fred Wagner and his Commit­ wife and children along and let them mix fun and culture tee Chairmen, who are bubbling with enthusiasm about the while you mix Society business, training sessions and good plans for our enjoyment. harmony with good fellowship.
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