SOUTH HAMS DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE - WEDNESDAY, 16TH APRIL, 2014 Agenda, Reports and Minutes for the meeting Agenda No Item 1. Agenda Letter (Pages 1 - 4) 2. Reports Reports to DM: a) SI Reports (Pages 5 - 6) 53/2889/13/F - Householder application for alterations and extension to dwelling – Hillesden, Kiln Lane, Stokenham b) Land at Bantham Cross 11-0042 - 0045-14-F Combined report (Pages 7 - 30) 11/0042/14/F Erection of agricultural building (No1, washing), associated dwelling, new access road and site office. Resubmission of planning ref 11/1547/13/F - Land at SX 707 456, Bantham Cross, Churchstow, Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 3QU 11/0043/14/F Erection of agricultural building (No.2, cold storage building). Resubmission of planning ref 11/1545/13/F, Land at SX 707 456, Bantham Cross, Churchstow, Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 3QU 11/0044/14/F Erection of agricultural building (No3, cold store) Resubmission of planning ref 11/1546/13/F - Land at SX 707 456, Bantham Cross, Churchstow, Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 3QU 11/0045/14/F Erection of agricultural building (No. 4, grading unit for potatoes) Resubmission of planning ref 11/1544/13/F - Land at SX 707 456, Bantham Cross, Churchstow, Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 3QU c) 43/2567/13/F (Pages 31 - 44) Erection of 1no. wind turbine (estimated output of 0.05megawatts) with 24.6 metres hub height, 34.2 metres tip height and associated infrastructure for agricultural use - Land at SX776419, Winslade Farm, Frogmore, Kingsbridge, TQ7 2PA d) 56/0226/14/F (Pages 45 - 46) Demolition of existing disused storehouse and replacement with one-storey dwelling and ancillary car parking for one car. Modification of stone wall to improve access to the site. - Land at SX8044 5996 West of Moat Hill House, Moat Hill, Totnes e) 45/1843/13/F (Pages 47 - 58) 45/1843/13/F Retrospective application for change of use of land to accommodate 1 mobile home, 3 touring caravans and provision of utility room - Thorn Meadow, Stidston, South Brent, TQ10 9JT f) 59/0202/14/F (Pages 59 - 62) Householder application for vehicle access - 2 Preston Cottages , West Alvington TQ7 3BG g) 62/3013/13/VAR & 62/3014/13/VAR (Pages 63 - 70) 62/3013/13/VAR Removal of condition 9 of planning approval 62/1461/13/RM - Land at Milizac Close, Yealmpton 62/3014/13/VAR Removal of condition 6 of planning approval 62/2948/11/O - Land at Milizac Close, Yealmpton h) 56/2564/13/F (Pages 71 - 78) Retrospective application for retention of existing toilets and construction of new storage unit M, together with alterations to existing car parking - Devon Ceramics, Station Road, Totnes TQ9 5JR i) 56/2566/13/F (Pages 79 - 88) Retrospective application for retention of existing car parking spaces 9- 16 (inclusive) - Devon Ceramics Ltd, Station Road, Totnes, TQ9 5JR j) 56/2568/13/F (Pages 89 - 96) Retrospective application for retention of existing kitchen and freezer room - Devon Ceramics Ltd, Station Road, Totnes, TQ9 5JR 3. Minutes (Pages 97 - 110) 2 3 To: Chairman & Members of the Development Management Committee Our Ref: CS/KT (Cllrs Bastone, Brazil, Coulson, Cuthbert, Foss, Hicks, Holway, Pennington, Squire, Steer, Vint, and Wright). 8 April 2014 Dear Councillor A meeting of the Development Management Committee will be held in the Council Chamber, Follaton House, Plymouth Road, Totnes, on Wednesday, 16 April 2014 at 10.30 am, when your attendance is requested. Yours sincerely Kathryn Trant Member Services Manager FOR ANY QUERIES ON THIS AGENDA, PLEASE CONTACT KATHRYN TRANT THE MEMBER SERVICES MANAGER ON DIRECT LINE 01803 861185 AGENDA 1. Minutes - to approve as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 19 March 2014 (pages 1 to 7); 2. Urgent Business - brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman; 3. Division of Agenda - to consider whether the discussion of any item of business is likely to lead to the disclosure of exempt information; 4. Declarations of Interest - Members are invited to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting; 5. Public Participation - The Chairman to advise the Committee on any requests received from members of the public to address the meeting; 6. Site Inspections:- (a) to appoint the Group for site inspections to be held on Tuesday 6 May 2014 (page 8 only); (b) to receive a report in connection with the site inspection held on Monday 7 April 2014 in connection with:- i). 53/2889/13/F - Householder application for alterations and extension to dwelling – Hillesden, Kiln Lane, Stokenham (pages 9 to 14); 7a. Planning Applications: 11/0042/14/F Erection of agricultural building (No1, washing), associated dwelling, new access road and site office. Resubmission of planning ref 11/1547/13/F - Land at SX 707 456, Bantham Cross, Churchstow, Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 3QU 11/0043/14/F Erection of agricultural building (No.2, cold storage building). Resubmission of planning ref 11/1545/13/F, Land at SX 707 456, Bantham Cross, Churchstow, Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 3QU 11/0044/14/F Erection of agricultural building (No3, cold store) Resubmission of planning ref 11/1546/13/F - Land at SX 707 456, Bantham Cross, Churchstow, Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 3QU 11/0045/14/F Erection of agricultural building (No. 4, grading unit for potatoes) Resubmission of planning ref 11/1544/13/F - Land at SX 707 456, Bantham Cross, Churchstow, Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 3QU (pages 17 to 39); 43/2567/13/F Erection of 1no. wind turbine (estimated output of 0.05megawatts) with 24.6 metres hub height, 34.2 metres tip height and associated infrastructure for agricultural use - Land at SX776419, Winslade Farm, Frogmore, Kingsbridge, TQ7 2PA (pages 40 to 52); (Upon the conclusion of the above agenda items, the meeting will be adjourned and re-convened at 2.00pm) 7b. Planning Applications - Members are requested to raise any queries they may have with the respective case officer before the meeting (pages 53 to 107). Members of the public may wish to note that the Council's meeting rooms are accessible by wheelchairs and have a loop induction hearing system Members of the public shall be permitted to record the proceedings of any meeting in sound and pictures and broadcast them whether by electronic means or otherwise, subject to receiving the prior approval of the Chairman of the Committee, in consultation with the Head of Paid Service (or Monitoring Officer in his/her absence) ********************************** An optional lunch will be available for Members of the Committee in the Cary Room at 1.00 pm ********************************** During the preparation of reports contained in this Agenda, the Officers have had recourse to the following documents:- Devon County Structure Plan and relevant Local Plans South Hams Local Plan Relevant Government Circulars and Advice Relevant Appeal decisions Human Rights Act 1998 Where other information has been used, the relevant sources are quoted within the individual report. Planning case officer’s recommendations include reference to conditions and reasons for refusal by code. Please note that 'NS' refers to a non-standard condition or reason for refusal and for details of these, contact the appropriate case officer. MEMBERS ARE REQUESTED TO SIGN THE ATTENDANCE REGISTER THIS AGENDA HAS BEEN PRINTED ON ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PAPER The Council Chamber doors will be opened to the public from 10.15 am ITEM ITEM REPORT OF THE SITE INSPECTION HELD MONDAY 7 APRIL 2014 53/2889/13/F Householder application for alterations and extension to dwelling – Hillesden, Kiln Lane, Stokenham Present : Cllr R C Steer Cllr P Coulson Cllr K Cuthbert Cllr M J Hicks Cllr T R Holway Cllr J T Pennington Cllr J W Squire Cllr R J Vint Cllr S A E Wright Also in attendance: Cllr J Baverstock – local Ward Member Cllr Rogers – Parish Council Representative Dan Lethbridge - Agent Ian Lloyd – Planning Officer Kathryn Trant – Member Services Manager The Chairman began the site visit with introductions. The Planning Officer then reminded Members of the details of the application. He began at the front of the property and outlined the proposed alterations. The Site Inspection Group then proceeded to the rear of the property where the proposed extension was explained and the agent had marked out the relevant positions. He advised Members that some excavation would be necessary. The local Ward Member indicated a bamboo that represented the ridge height of the proposed extension. The Planning Officer outlined the position of the eaves of the proposed extension. The agent then erected a ridge marker for the Site Inspection Group as a point of reference as the Group proceeded to the neighbouring property that would be most affected by the proposal. From the rear garden of the neighbouring property the position of the ridge height could be judged. The local Ward Member advised Members that one of the primary concerns was the loss of light, particularly evening light, to the neighbouring property. The Group proceeded to a public area to discuss the proposal. Members had asked a number of questions in relation to height and position of the rear extension. The Parish Council representative advised the Group that the Parish Council concerns related to unneighbourliness. Whilst they were pleased that the ridge height had been reduced from the original proposal there was still concern at the position of the extension as it could be placed at the other side of the bungalow and the harm caused would be limited. The local Ward Member had nothing further to add, other than to thank the Members for their attendance.
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