N. Wildwood Offi cials: No More ‘Business As Usual’ New Construction Offi ce Ramps Up Effi ciency Herald NEWS By LAUREN SUIT Council, members of the building community to as COWCO and replacing the former Joint DI GESTS and general public during a special meeting Construction Offi ce of the Wildwoods, has NORTH WILDWOOD — Whether you need been in operation for a little over a year and “… We’re doing it by the book, so when you a permit from the City of Wildwood Construc- while there are still a few rough edges, the Fair Skies Benefi t Retail go to bed at night, you know you’re sleep- tion Offi ce for a multi-family development offi ce has made large strides in effi ciency and COURT HOUSE — Memorial Day week- project or just thinking about adding a deck, ing in a home with no life safety issues.” accountability, according to Chris Wood, city end, the unoffi cial start of summer, kicked don’t expect the same-old practices of the past Chris Wood, city clerk for City of Wildwood clerk for City of Wildwood. off the season with summer-like weather. institution. “There’s been a learning curve from how Vicki Clark, Executive Director of the Cape May 20. That’s the message that construction offi ce things were done and how things are done May County Chamber of Commerce, told the The construction offi ce, commonly referred offi cials explained to North Wildwood City (Page A10 Please) Herald May 27 the weekend was a promis- ing start to the tourist season. Sunny skies brought visitors but cool breezes and ocean temperatures made for abbreviated beach days, Clark said, leading tourist to stroll boardwalks and shopping venues. (Page A10 Please) Today’s Select Spout Off Cape May: Bicycle town? I doubt it. There is barely enough room for the automo- biles. Bike riders make up their own rules for the road. Some one is going to get seri- ously hurt. Please rethink. —Cape May Turn to Page A24 for more Spout Offs or log onto www.CapeMayCountyHerald.com to PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY THE SEAWAVE CORP. see them all! Vol. 44 No. 22 Copyright 2008 Seawave Corp. All rights reserved. May 28, 2008 1508 Route 47, Rio Grande NJ 08242-1402 Frederick, McNamara, What About Residents? Golden, Pending Recount SH Bayfront West Wildwood Walkway Gets Chooses New Debated, Again Commissioners By LESLIE TRULUCK By LAUREN SUIT STONE HARBOR — Several owners of the six single-family residential properties within WEST WILDWOOD — Mayor Chris Fox the proposed Waterfront Business District lis- and Commissioner Rita Maroldo did not run tened May 19 as planning board and Borough for reelection, but due to a recount, they will Council offi cials discussed the fate of their be holding onto their government positions a property assets. little longer. Most properties within the proposed zone on Dr. Herbert C. Frederick, Gerard McNa- the west side of Third Avenue between 96th mara and Scott William Golden were originally and 99th Streets are mixed-use or commercial. scheduled to be sworn in on May 27, following Offi cials anticipate that residential use will be the results of the May 20 election. But that may phased out as commercial value supersedes that change after yesterday’s recount. of residential. Residents spoke to an ordinance Candidates Cornelius J. Maxwell and Joseph that will most likely be substantially amended L. Hickey appeared in court on May 22 and immediately once passed, or withdrawn and Al Campbell were granted their request for a recount by Commander James Lewis, American Legion Post 198, Court House is master of cer- restarted, again. Superior Court Judge Raymond Batten. emonies at Middle Township’s Memorial Day observance May 26. Many townspeople The ordinance's past lives include Ordinance According to the judge’s offi ce, the recount participated in the annual ceremony to remember those who gave their lives in defense 1299, introduced Nov. 20, 2007; Ordinance was to take place at 1:30 p.m. May 27 at the of freedom. Please see page A47 for related story. 1306, introduced Feb.19; and it now lives as Cape May Airport to check electronic voting Ordinance 1313, for which the hearing has machine and paper absentee and provisional been postponed council’s meeting June 17, Seven of Top 10 Right Here ballots. with the potential to be withdrawn and reincar- The results of the election split up the cam- nated into yet another. The borough has spent paign team consisting of Frederick, McNamara $655 publishing the ordinance three times Best Beach in NJ: Wildwood and Hocker as well as the team of Hickey, because of substantial changes as it has been By JOE HART Research Center in conjunction with the New Maxwell and Golden. passed back and forth between the planning Jersey Division of Travel and Tourism launched According to the Cape May County Clerk’s board and Borough Council. SANDY HOOK –– Seven beaches in Cape the New Jersey’s Top Ten Beaches Survey Offi ce, the results, including eight provisional The board considered a sunset clause in May County made the state's fi rst annual top at njtoptenbeaches.org where residents and ballots, are as follows: Herbert C. Frederick, which residential property owners would have ten list with the wide sandy expanses in Wild- visitors to over 60 beaches from Monmouth 179; Gerard P. McNamara, 160; Scott Golden, three years to rebuild their properties but ulti- wood fi nishing fi rst. to Cape May counties were able to vote for 152; Dennis G. Hocker, 148; Cornelius J. Max- mately decided on an indefi nite time period. In early February, the New Jersey Marine their favorites. well, 144; Joseph L. Hickey, 141 and Robert Linda Weber, the professional planner hired Sciences Consortium (NJMSC), New Jersey Sea Marsha Samuel, the survey’s project man- Kilgore, 113. (Page A10 Please) Grant and the Richard Stockton College Coastal (Page A6 Please) Frederick, 57, is a lifelong resident of the borough and after spending over 30 years work- Third in a Series of Meetings is Now Set Here ing with the Wildwood Board of Education, recently retired as the principal of Glenwood Avenue Elementary School. Affordable Housing Advocates Gaining Ground He was mayor of West Wildwood from 1980 to 1984 and a commissioner here from 2002 By SUSAN KRYSIAK AVEDISSIAN to 2004. Between those terms, he served as freeholder from 1985 to 1991. COURT HOUSE — Crystal Hamer, 27, has Frederick said that he wanted to bring his ex- been searching in vain since 2006 for an afford- perience to the borough, but wanted “all of the able place to live in Cape May County while residents to be apart of what we’re doing.” she works, goes to school, and raises her child He said that he saw that in the previous here as a single parent. administration, “money is being spent irre- She relocated to the county in 2006 and sponsibly and our seniors are hurting. They has been working several part-time jobs are being faced with the choice of paying for since, earning 50 credits toward a social work (Page A11 Please) degree. “I need a safe, affordable place to live and to work and to go to school,” she told people It's Inside. May 28 - June 3, 2008 eager to hear about creating affordable housing Dining, Entertainment, Shopping, & More. options May 22 at a workshop at Atlantic Cape Upcoming Events May 30 - June 1 Ocean City’s annual Flower Show Community College Cape May campus. .......... B10 May 31 and June 1 Historic C old Spring Villag Dining, e Open House B16 Sa Ruby Walker, of Court House, told attendees turday, May 31 Film Society hosts “Burie d Treasure” ...... B5 We dnesday, June 4 she is the mother of eight children, three of Wildwood naval aviator speaks ........ whom are grown and fi ve of whom her husband Entertainment, .. B2 Fo and she adopted and she is still raising. ur-month serie s “It’s Your Call Shopping, with Lynn Doyle” in OC ...........page B13 She came to the workshop dressed in her For more eve nts see What’s On Deck calendar pB16 medical uniform, and her voice was quiet when Weekly Features Fishing THE GRID ........ pB20 - 21 Fishin g Line ........... p B22 Antiques ... .............. pB8 Sho she told her story. Susan Krysiak Avedissian pping .............. pB10 Recreation ... .......... pB14 Dining ................ .. pB15 www Since her husband died two years ago, she Connie Pascale, Esq., vice president of Legal Services of New Jersey, speaks at a work- and More... .CapeMayCountyHerald.com has faced a multitude of challenges keeping a shop on affordable housing May 22 sponsored by South Jersey Legal Services, at Atlantic roof over her and her children’s heads. Cape Community College here. It attracted about 25 participants who will be continuing (Page A10 Please) to meet in the coming months. Index...See Page A3 A2 www.CapeMayCountyHerald.com Herald Newspapers May 28 2008 Discover the Difference Who’s looking out for you? Beaver Supply presents... VISIT OUR LOCATION: MONDAY - FRIDAY 7AM-4:30PM sey h Jer out SATURDAY 8AM-1PM f S ll o A ng vi er S 18 Diamond Road Rio Grande, NJ 08242 609-886-2000 Since 1972 “The Shore Thing” www.gobeaversupply.com Herald Newspapers May 28 2008 www.CapeMayCountyHerald.com A3 Acme Gifts Charities at Store Reopening By JACK FICHTER as well as contributions to A who’s who of Lower Bakely complimented the the Lower Township Police Township officials were new look of the store. NEED MORE CASH?SAFEST NORTH CAPE MAY — Department to use for their on hand including Mayor A large red ribbon was Way to Sell Your Acme celebrated the grand Christmas Toy and Food Walter Craig, Township cut by Vietnam Vets of reopening of its renovated Drive and Town Bank Vol- Manager Joe Jackson, America Erma Chapter Vice GOLD! store here May 23 with a unteer Fire Company.
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