JAN UARY 1990 NEWSLETTER VOL. 8, NO.1 The American Gay Atheist Li EDUCATING THE LESBIAN AND GAY COMMUNITY SINCE 1983 THE AGA NEWSLETTER IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY AT HOUSTON, TEXAS AND IS INCIDENTAL WITH MEMBERS-HIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- HAPPY NEW YEAR! October and December 1988 issues of THE Although we are probably not the AMERICANATHEIST magazine. first to wish you a Happy New Year, let us say that ours ts On Friday, January 6, 1989, AGA made headlines genuine and not just another trite in the Houston's two major newspapers when expression. Like last year, your ecttorsnave Mark Franceschini and Don Sanders debunked a decided to briefly recap the major highlights in sighting of another Virgin Mary. This particular the life of AGA during the past year. Let's get sighting had gained national attention on Fox about this task as there is much current news Television's A CURRENT AFFAIR, attracting to report. thousands of Sightseers from hundreds of miles around. JANUARY The January 1989 edition of THE AMERICANGAY Being inquisitive and investigative Atheists, ATHEIST reported that Don Sanders received a Franceschini and Sanders soon found the source sentence of "deferred adjudication" in the case of the "holy" vision -- a floodlight at a nearby of the alleged defacing of the Harris County car wash. During the discovery, the two Bible Monument. In this case, Sanders was accused of causing severe damage to a Bible- IN THIS ISSUE containing monument which rests on the OPENING REMARKS HAPPY NEW YEAR property of the Harris County Ctvtl Courts s bullding in downtown Houston. On the advise of 1989 IN REVIEW legal counsel, Sanders accepted the sentence of COVENANT HOUSE FOUNDER ACCUSED "deferred adjudlcatlon," meanlng that after a BUSH, FOREIGNERS AND FAMILY PLANNING probationary period of approximately one year $9 MILLION SUIT FOR SLANDER there would be no record of criminal activity, BIBLES IN PUBL IC SCHOOLS? provided that the defendant not get involved in CATHOLICS LOSE POPULARITY & TAX $ any other criminal activity during that time. ACT UP AT CHURCH Sanders was released from probation in early NEWS TO USE.... July. This was a case of "let's keep the Atheist NY BRUNCH & HOUSTON OPEN HOUSE Quiet and accuse him of causing damage which SEND IN THOSE CLI PSIIII!!!l!!!!!1II he dld not cc: For a complete story, see the CLOSING REMARKS AND MUCH MORE I /~--------------------------------------------------------------~AMERICAN GAY ATHEISTS P.O. BOX 66711 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77266-6711 Pace 2 Arn e r tc a n Gay Atheists Atheists were confronted by APRIL THE AMERICAN GAY a band of approximately six The Aprll edition reported on ATHEIST of the local keepers of the the spectacular 19th Annual shri ne, yem ng obscenit ies Convention of American Editor and throw 1ng rocks. For a Atnetsts held March 24 - 26. Don Sanders full detail, see the January AGA's meeting at the Managing Editor 1989 issue of THE Convention attracted nearly Mark Franceschini AMERICANGAYATHEIST. 60 people, and Don Sanders Non-Res1dent Staff received the first "Arrested nomtnic ncrio FEBRUARY Atheist Award." The Aprll Gaylord Lovett The February issue of THE issue also announced the James McClain AMERICAN GAY ATHEIST "Lesb1an/Gay Athe1st and other AGA'ers reprinted a series of Awakening Brunch" with letters from several guest of honor Dr. Madalyn American Gay AthebtsJ Inc'J is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization January issues of TWT Murray Q'Hair during the 'Whose purposes are to promote a magazine, a Texas first March on Aust in for positive image of Gay men and statewide Gay/Lesbian Lesbian/Gay Equal Rights. Lesbian 'w'Omen,and speciftcall y of periodical, concerning the Gay men and Lesbian \/Omen 'Whoare Atheists; to promote and advance the Christianization of the MAY scientific concept of meteri811sm; Harvey Ml1k Memorial Rally The May Newsletter was the and to educate the public generally he1din Houston back in first to be of a color other and Gay men and Lesbian 'WOmen November, 1988. TWT than white. In fact, our speciftcall y, in regard to human sexuality and the val ue of human magazine also printed a first color issue was interpersonal relationshi ps. letter from Don Sanders, appropriately pink. In that AGA's National Director, issue was a report of the Copyright 1989 by American Gay Atheists, Inc. All rights reserved. concerning the sensational enormously successful Reproduction in ...,hole or in part Harris County Bible March on Austin which 'Without ...,rltten permi~ion is Monument case. Also attracted some 20,000 prOhibited. repr1nted 1n the February oarttcipants to the Texas Mant n9 address: issue was an article about State Capitol. Everyone in P. O. Box 66711 Houston# TX 77266- 6711 AGA from the SEATTLE GAY attendance at AGA's brunch Telephone: (71'3) 880- 4242 NEWS. were educated and entertained by the Murray- t18nuscri pts submitted must be MARCH o'Hairs and were even typed, double-s~, and accompanied by a stamped, self- The March 1989 Newsletter treated to a tour of the new addressed envelope. The editors began tak1ng on a new look Amer1can Atnetsts General assume no res ponsibility for and not1ceably free of Headquarters. The May unsolicited manuscripts. All staples. In the March issue, Newsletter expressed submissions are subject to editorial revisions for reasons of space we reminded our readers to concerns over the considerations and clarity. All attend the 1989 Convention appointment of a Jesuit contri butions are the optnions of the of American Atheists at the priest to head one of the authors and do not necesseril y end of the month. Also nation's most prestigious reflect the position of American Gay Atheists, Inc. disclosed in this issue was ltbrartes. It was also the future installation of a disclosed in the May issue Chicago Dial A Gay Atheist that a "Bible Survey" course line, was being taught in the Page 3 Newsletter The June issue addressed lack thereof, on the part of DIAL-A-GAY the blatant state/church AGA's members and -ATHEIST separation issue of whtte "supporters." More news iron crosses being erected was released about the case by a county government at of Don Sanders and American RECORDED MESSAGE intersections where a Gay Atheists vs. Dallas 24 HOURS A DAY drunk-driving fatality had Tavern Guild. Sanders also occurred. June was also was a guest writer on the HOUSTON parade and march time for subject of the so-called New (713) 880-4242 AGA in Houston and in New Age movement in The York City. June 24 and 25 Montrose Activity Center NEW YORK CITY were the dates of the Newsletter. On the back (718) 899-1737 American Atheist Summer page of THE AMERICANGAY Solstice Picnic in Austin, ATHEIST was a cartoon CHICAGO Tx. (708) 255-2960 created by Ms. Monika House of Houston which has Corpus Christi (Texas) JULY remained a favorite of all, public schools. Dominic Finally, the IRS notified us including Jon Murray, Florio, AGA's Vice- that AGA had been President of American President, attracted much recognized as an official Atheists. media attention when he 501 «x» tax-exempt marched. on Washington in educationa1 f oundation. As SEPTEMBER his infamous Pope's costume a result of the new status, The September "Editor's at a march support ing we began mail ing the July Comment" section dealt with women's reproductive issue by bulk rate. Pride the ever-increasingly rights. The May issue Week acttvtttes were expensive case of Don announced the new number reported herein from the Sanders and American Gay for Dial A Gay Atheist cmes of Houston, New York Atheists vs. Dallas Tavern Chicago, bringing to a total City and Detroit. The July Guild. Our New York City of 3 such "Dial-It" services issue gave complete reports affil tate announced a Sunday In the natton of several Supreme Court . brunch for September 24, rulings concerning the near while Houston scheduled its JUNE overturning of Roe vs. Wade first for October 15. The The June issue of THE and the state/church entire month of September AMERICAN GAY ATHEIST separation case of saw your National Director featured an article by Allegheny County vs. ACLU, away from his euttes 1n Memphis member Paul in which the Court did a Houston attend1ng to the Neuwirth which appeared in "flip-flop" concerning affairs of the American Memphis' Gay newspaper, religious symbols on public Atheists GHQ in Austin GAZE. The art ic1e addressed property. during the absence of the a mini-controversy which Murray-O'Hairs. AGA had started in Memphis AUGUST over their local MCC (Gay The editorial comment in OCTOBER Fundamentalist church) the August ed1t1on aired rms month's "Opening Space" meddling in the secular some of the concerns of was written by Mark affairs of the comrnuntty. Atheist activism, or the Franceschini and concerned 1 Pace 4 Ameri·can Gay Atheists itself with female Atheists erecting white iron crosses NEWS TO USE... and their role as pioneers in on public rights-of-way and the women's rights to remove those that SUFFER THE LITTLE movements. Don Sanders remain. AGA's Winter CHILDREN TO CUM WITH discussed his duties while Solstice Celebration was ME perf orming as Act ing announced herein, with the The "Rev." Bruce Ritter, Director of the GHQand gave November issue concludinq founder of Covenant House more information about his that AGA member Doug shelters, has been accused efforts to rid Harris County McNeil of Phoenix had by several young males of the unconstitutional volunteered to open a which .have used his white iron crosses mall ing address in Phoenix facilities of having had cluttering the hlghways.
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