Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 2001 Daily Egyptian 2001 10-18-2001 The Daily Egyptian, October 18, 2001 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October2001 Volume 87, Issue 41 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 2001 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 2001 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THURSDAY DAILY. EGYPTIANDAILYEGYPTIAN.COM Porn stays: Thumbs up: Spare a quarter? City council votes Microbiologist given Athletic department trying against more restrictions. News. PAGE 3 Outstanding scholar award. News PAGE 6 to improve funding. Spons PAGE 20 VOL. 87, NO. 41, 20 PAGES SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY am us iis anthrax plan No reason for panic, says Chancellor MO!LY PARKER DAILY EGYl'TIAN Officials fmm the Unh·mity :1nd city have piececl together a plan ro respond to anthra"I: or other bioterrorism threats that may surf.ice, including the possibility of being able to test for suspicious substances for anthr.u: in a laboratory on campus. The plan is meant to prmide a "sensible and s'1fe" procedure for the public to follow if they see any suspicious substance, Chancellor Vv.-tlter V. \Vendler said at a press conference Wednesday :iftemoon. A group of officials from· the Unh·ersil}~ police and health departments met at the THE AMERICAN WAY: Nurjan lsmailova, of Kyrgyz State National University, shows a Kyrgyzstan postcard to Devin Stacey, a junior Carbondale Police Department Weclnesday to in high school , during an open discussion Wednesday in junior English at Du Quoin High School. lsmailova is one of seven teachers from coordinate a planned response to any threats of the former Soviet Union who travelled to Southern Illinois to study education in a democratic society. See related story p.3 · · anthrax recci,·cd in the area. Although they are taking e,·el'}' reported threat of anthr.u: or bioterrorism seriously, \Vendlcr said there was not a reason to be over­ ly anxious in response to the scare. No anthrax threats have tested posith-e in ]llinois or .l\.:issouri, despite thousands of fulse alarms. MARK LAMBIRD opportunity. These targets are not said the Vi~ and Virtue Ministry Unintentional damage was also "We feel that there is a ''CIJ' low levd of DAILY EGYmAS preselected, unlike the first week building, a.s well a.s some populat­ inflicted on Red Cross buildings. threat in Southern Illinois," \ll/endler said. of the campaign, and are now cho­ ed areas of !Gndahar were Officials "ith the relief agency The plan was constructed- :ifter local police sen by pilots during their missions. attacked. The Vice and V1rt11e said that bombs had damaged two departments receh-cd cills regarding suspicious The United States militruy has Some of the new t:irgets being Ministry building houses the gov­ food warehousC3 in Kabul. lenm or subsbnees, none of which ha\'C tested stepped up its assault on Taliban hit include Taliban troop concen­ ernment agency of the same name Penta,,,"On officials confirmed that positi\'e. forces in Afghanistan in prepara­ trations north of the Afghan capi­ that enforces the restrictions on the buildings had been hit, but "\'Ve should all feel s:ifer tonight knm,ing tion for ground force deployment. tal of Kabul. The troops are along items such as radio, !devisions and they said they bdie,-cd Taliban that we :ire prepared," said Brian Chapman, The USS !Gtty Hawk, an air­ the front line, where Taliban forces other items banned by the govern­ forces were storing mpplies near assistant ,ice chancellor for administration. craft carrier that had been sb­ are fighting troops of the ment, FOX News reported. the area that was hit. If someone does notice a suspicious package tioned in Japan, has arrh-cd in the Northern Alliance. As the attacks intensified, the Officials "ith the World Food or unusual substance, they should fir.t examine Arabian Sea ,,ithout its normal The Northern Alliance has Taliban gm-crnment has reported Program announcro \Vednesday the situation s:ucly and then cill the local police cargo of war planes. The ship is made considerable gains since the numerous ci\ilian casualties while that Taliban forces seized control department or the SIUC police. loaded with special operations beginning of the air attacks. TI.e the Pe!ltagon has only confirmed of warehouses in !Gbu! and The rclecommunicator at the police depart­ troops and helicopters and ,,ill area controlled by the alliance has four deaths. The four deaths Kandahar. The warehouses con­ ment will ask a series of questions relating to the sen-c as a base for the ground grown from the northern area of occum:d when a laser-guided 'llined more than half the situation so the police can determine how to troop deployment. the country to one mile from the bomb hit a residential area. agency's wheat supplies to be best respond. An offi= \\ill then be assigned to The air attacks have intensified capital, in central Afghanistan, Taliban officials also reported used for relief in the famine­ the case and \\ill continue th~ in\'estigation by over Afghanistan in preparation according to CNN repons. Wednesday that 15 to 20 civilians stricken countty. asking further questions or examining the scene. for a ground att:u:k. On Wednesda}; the cities of were killed when a bus was hit in In what Pentagon officials ha,-c Kandahar and Jalalabad were also theci~of.AighandahPcntagon described as a strategic shift, war attacked by coalition forces. officials had not confirmed the Repurter Marl: Lambird can he SEE ANTHRr..X P.-'IGE 8 planes are now hitting t:irgets of Reports from inside Afghanistan deaths as ofWedncsday e\'ening. llachtd at m\\[email protected] SILJC student struck by car while crossing Linco1n Drive Victim taken to hospital, Point's Bailey Hall. at 8:51 a.m. acC9rding to a police stIUck the woman, she rolled on to scious after tht accident.. Eyewitness Angel Ragans, a pas­ officer at the scene. Hill, 26, of the hood and went. through the The accident comes on the heels condition unknown senger in the car, said drh·er Louis Carbondale, was cited for failure to windshield head first; The entire of SIUC·studcnt Anne Coleman's Hill III was tra,·cling east on )ield for a pedestrian in a crosswalk. \\indshidd \\':IS shattered, with a death in a University crosswalk on Lincoln Drive when the car struck a Ragans fdt helpless ,-:hen she hole puncturing the windshield's Sept. 21. _Coleman was on her bieya GINNY SKALSKI female student. As the vehicle realized that the woman was going passenger side large enough to fit a cle when she was struck by a \'Chicle DAILY EGYl'TIAW approached the crosswalk, Hill said to get hit because there \\':IS nothing basketball through. in front of the SIU Arena. a glare in his windshield from the she could do. The ,ictlm then rolled to· the sun obstructed his \iew, causing the . "I saw her in the window and ground, accordi:;g to Ragans, and &porter Jmnifer Wig d;ntri}utcd An S]UC student was struck by collision. As of press time, SlUC screamed, but it \\-as too late tc attempted _to· get up and wall:­ to this story. a car Wednesday morning while Police did not release the name or stop," said · Ragans, an SJUC stu­ around, but a ¼itnes, forced her to walking through a Lincoln Drive condition of the \ictim. dent in theater. lay down and offered a book bag as &perter Ginny Skalski can he crosswal!-, just north of Thompson Police resp,mded to the accident . Ragans said when the vehicle a makeshift pillow. She was con- ".achd at ginnys@hoonailcom PAGE 2 • THURSDAY OCTOBER 18 2001 DAILY EGYPTIAN News National Briefs - National Briefs - National Briefs - National Brief~ have reached about S54 million and the u~s. House shutdown September 11th fund, created by the for anthrax sweep New York Community Trust and the United Way in New York City, has raised WASHlNGlON - The U.S. House of S171 million. Representatives will dose for frve days for a Other donation-collecting organiza­ complete security sweep ~lter 31 people test­ tions indude the Salvation Army, Families ed positive for anthrax exposure in a senator's for Freedom Scholarship fund and catholic office. Charities USA. Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D•South Red Cro•s chapters across the nation have Dakota, received a letter containing positive samples of anthrax earlier this week. Officials said posiiive samples r~i~:h1~t;;1;t1J.~~]!~~~~}~~~le:;.~~~nagn~~i~i~d were also found in his office and mailroom. g~r:!1~ the 1 0 :r:dit:~~~~\i1~ i~i:~n~~~~o~i~~: Das~fe~~~:ls ::~~i~;lJ!!t~:;1n~:r attal: on the Pentagon. He \\ill donate the remainer of 1~~:i: his salary to other organizations involved with attack relief. ~~~;ai:b::~~~o~ ~~t~~1~1n~:~~~tifa~~;~e~. Displaced staffs are working in alternative locations. test:~~;~~~ 6~~fn~ple were in lines Wednesday lo be United States mistakenly (•·.f;\!tr!itbill!fJJ];}:.}"lt~ ~;;;;~;:~:;i~;::::;:ns .:ii~~i~~;€~;I;I.t 1 :: JOPRYIMILLS' ,:,,1 _:_:_1_~_1_~_r_t_~~_i_~_,f_~1-~_'~-~_i_t:_i_t_i_r_~_1_f_'~-~-·;._;_:.,..:_:__ ;_:_~_i_im_:_~_t_{_~_t_r.~_}_ _~_~._,~_,~_;_~_,~_:_~_~_:_;__:_:_.~_~_~_~_:~ Sunny Partly Cloudy high of 68 high of 56 low of 43 lowof40 International Briefs - lnternationa..;..l ==="" Briefs - International Briefs - Indian, Pakistani Israel not talking tensions continue to Palestinians ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Pakistan put its JERUSALEM- The Israeli government has armed forces on high alert Wednesday alter suspended all contact with Palestinian offi­ detecting Indian troop movements near the cials alter the assassination o! Rechavam Zeevi, border of Kashmir.
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