n n a M o H ^■4 - ' - % :■ ^ ... f ■, ■ \ Average Daily Net Press Rub The Weather For the ^ e e k Ea<tod,. ,> caoudy, cool tonight. Low ' Septniilm S, leee - 50 to 55. Mostly sunny wltll seasonable temperatures tomor« row. High in the middle to up* 14,495 per 70a. Manehe$ter-^A City of ViUago Ctunhn VOL. LXXXV, NO. f86 .(TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—tWO SECTidNS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1966 (Claaaifled Advertising oa-P age 25) PRICE SEVEN CENTS- ■ - -r ■ ■ . Assassinated in Parliament CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP)—Prime Minister Hendrik F. Verwoerd died today at the hands of a whit# Newt o f Schools T h e assailantj in the uniform, of a parliamentary mes­ Six pages of news aiid In^ Senate Tilt Faces senger, stabbed Verwoerd as he sat in Parliament. H# formation on schools in Man­ plunged a knife into the symbol of South Africa’s white chester and surrounding supremacy rule, then stabbed him twice.more as he towns appear in today's Mixed Housing Bill Herald. slumped on his desk with blood gushing from the The outlook as the jschool wounds. A pool of blood formed on the green carpeting. year starts, schools bus WASHINGTON (AP) — The shut down the debate with a Horrified members of Parlla- —» ................■ ---------------------- - routes, new programs, new Senate heads into debate — and cloture vote. ment quickly subdued the as­ wOerd’s aid and a knife thrust teachers and administrators an expected filibuster — on the Democratic Leader Mike sailant. from the assassin tore his trou­ and' new schools are fea­ House-passed 1986 civil rights Mansfield would only say pub- Verwoerd, H, was pronounced sers. tured in the Herald's annual bill today amid mixed views on licly^ however, that he had no dead on arrival at a hospital. As soon as he realized Ver­ report on area education. its fate. idea how long it might ^ke to The senior Cabinet minister, woerd was being attacked. The news is on pages 16 Sponsors said they a,re confi­ settle the issue. Theophilus Donges — who be­ Waring jumped on the assassin through 21. dent the bill will be passed con­ ' The bill would ban discrim­ came acting- prime minister -rfand___ tried to pull him off the One chancy aspect on taining some form of - open ination in about 40 per cent of announced the leader s death to ^rime minister. education is the construction housing provision. the nation's housing units, most­ Parliament a little more than a NaHonalist party member part of it. Schools are not But a sizable number of sena­ ly apartments and new single an hour later. ^ Parliament. J.C. Greyling, Donges identified tlie assassin always ready When school tors said privately they believed home developments. Individual went to Waring’s assistance. A as a temporary messenger in begins; One such is the An­ that, after a period of frustrat­ homeowners would not be cov­ struggle followed as Mveral oth­ ing debate, the measure would Parliament. He said the assail­ er .members grappled 'with the dover Elementary school^ ered. " ' • HENiUCK F. V£BWO£IU> which was scheduled, and is be shunted aside Until next Mansfield planned to move to ant was under arrest but that assahsin. his motives were not known. reported in the school pages, year. bring up the bill for debate to­ The South African Press Asso­ to open tomorrow. Unfinish­ Others said they saw a good day as soon as the Senate com­ The South African Press Asso­ ciation said'the assassin is re­ . - ed work on the addition has chance it would be passed with pletes a brief period set aside U.N. Stunned ciation said it understood the ported to have told his messen>-< postponed the opening to the housing section removed, for routine business such as in­ assassin was of Greek descent. ger colleagues In Parliament next Monday. .. leaving this issue to be fought troduction of bills. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. The South African radio gave that his father was dtreek and *■* out in a Senate-House Confer­ (AP) — News of the assMslna- his name as Dmitri Stafendas. his mother Portuguese. He said- The motion is debatable and Appealing to the nation to re­ ence. Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr., D-N.C., tion of Prime MinisTer Hehdrik he lived for some time in Lour- Length of the debate will be main calm, Donges said the enco Marques, Portuguese East said Southern senators plan to F. Verwoerd of South Africa CaMnet would continue its nor­ the key to whether Congress can talk about it, at least for Africa, and in Angola,'Porguese Legality of * stunned U.N. delegates today. mal work and the police "would A sailor on leave was killed on Rt. 84 in Southing­ meet a mid-October adjouma- while. West Africa. Both of these areas leave no Mone unturned to get have rebellions against white ton early Monday when a rock hurtled from an ment target. 'in'” cOnsideration of the 1964 Secretary-General U Thant told The unofficial word was that reporters, “This is deplorable to the bottom of this dastardly rule. overpass struck him in the chest. (AP Phbtofax) Vietnam War civil rights bull, the Dixie sena­ deed.” He said the public should the leaders were prepared to go tors delayed a vote on such a because' any .violent action is de­ He was a linguist, reportedly along, with two weeks of talk. plorable.” not ^ c u la t e or "lose their fluent in eight languages, and motion for 17 days. h eads.", Court Issue Then, if it appears the Souther­ \ T h e assassination came as the bad at one time been an inter­ This strategy gives opponents Verwoerd’s death, in the most ners have mounted a filibuster U.N. General Assembly prepar­ preter in a Durban, South Afri­ ■ / I f '.- Six in State Die an opportunity for a double fill-' notorious political a;i(saS8ination FT. DIX, N.J. (AP) — The against it, they were understo(^ ed to handle at least three Is­ ca, court. since that of President John F. question of whether a U.S. sol­ to be planning an attempt to (See Page Nine) sues involving South Africa at promises no According to his fellbw mes­ dier,, can be ordered,, legally to sengers, 'vdien he arrived for Its session ■ openmg in two change■ in South Africa’s apar In Road Accidents fight in Viet Nam raised compli­ weeks. work to^y he was carrying two cations today in the court mar­ theid policy. His Nationalist paper-wrapped packages of a Six persons were killed in accidents in Connecticut were: They are the World Court de- tial of a soldier charged with party wjU ^ c k the new prime size which corresponded with-' Connecticut highway accidents Michael Johnstmi, 21, of Put­ Lodge Imposes Curfew cision bn South-West Airicai -refusing,to obey travel mrders to mijiistet'. , ’ . i ' the knives later seized from htoi over the long Labor Day .week­ nam, killed Sunday whe'n,.th« failure of U.N. sanctions to 't6p- the Alien conflict. The a tta ^ came suddenly t},e police, end, corh pared to nine during car in which he waa -ii(idlng On Americans in on ple the white minority regime before members kne\y .what was.. After eaUng only part ef Wa the same traliday weekend last crashed into some treesI off Before’^Pvt. Deniiis Mora, 36, in Rhodesia, and the issue of happening- Galleries were fill- Route 193 in Thohfpson. New York City, could enter a year. SAIGON, ^'South Viet Nam Quong is m the 91st day of a ^ ^ Ini‘«^th spectators, (See Page Nine) Mrs. Anna Micale, 49, of plea at the opening of his gener­ One drowning was reported, . (AP) . U.S. Ambassador Hen­ ^ r tia l fast aimed at tumbling government. -^ e , man was in black and a passenger in a al court martial the court of 10 and two Oonnectlcut residents ry Cabot Lodge declared a cur­ the regime of Premier NgUyen The death of Verwoerd waa green uniform, and members car involved in a collision on officers was excused so oppos­ were killed in out-of-state traf­ few today for all American ci­ Cao Ky. He is sustained by a hot expected to halt the pre^-' took it for granted he was on West Middle Turnpike in Man­ ing counsel could argue pcints fic mishaps. A Oonnectiiiut boy vilian personnel in the Saigon sure by African members to fluty. chester SimdSy. of law. sugar solution. G am ing Issue drowned in Massachusetts. area next, weekend to protect to force a change in its t^cial 'Ilie minister of. forestry anfl Mrs. Marie Coffield, 39, of The civilian curfew State police were investigating StMiley FauHmer of; ^ -them from Viet Cong terrorism — ------ ‘ a^jnake tourism, Frank Waring, a torm- Stamford, killed in a York, Mora's civilian lawyer. nounced by the U.S. Embassy the possibility that someone and Communist. charges of in­ ■ican is- CRT' South African international at North State and Canal Streets will run from 6 p.m. Saturday to In P rim ary may have thrown or dropped railed the argument that the terference in the naticmal elec­ sues. / rugby ' player, dashed to Ver- in Stamford that Injured six 4 a.m. Monday. The U.S. Com­ the rock that smashed through Viet Nam War is Ikegal because tion Sunday. other persons. M has not been declared by Oon- mand has already ordered the windshield of Mark Verillo's While the South Vietnamese troops and Defense Department A t Nevada car on Interstate Route M in Mary Dubowski, 16.
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