Supplementary Table S5: Myofibroblastic signature associated to proteins up-regulated in whole cellular extract and conditioned medium of CAFs Accession Description Short name CAFs/NFs St dev CAFs/NFs Myofibroblast marker according to Experiment P02675 Fibrinogen beta chain FGB 23.71 1.49 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE P35749 Myosin-11 MYH11 12.14 6.14 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE P68032 Actin, alpha cardiac muscle 1 ACTC1 4.63 0.02 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) CM Q96HC4 PDZ and LIM domain protein 5 PDLIM5 4.15 0.02 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) WCE P62736 Actin, aortic smooth muscle ACTA2 4.15 0.53 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE P24821 Tenascin TNC 3.45 0.08 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) CM P07996 Thrombospondin-1 THBS1 3.42 0.01 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM P51911 Calponin-1 CNN1 3.15 0.40 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE Q16270 Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 7 IGFBP7 3.12 0.10 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM Q9UMS6 Synaptopodin-2 SYNPO2 2.80 0.07 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE P09493 Tropomyosin alpha-1 chain TPM1 2.64 0.05 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) WCE P21980 Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase 2 TGM2 2.60 0.01 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE Q6UVK1 Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4 CSPG4 2.54 0.11 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE P24844 Myosin regulatory light polypeptide 9 MYL9 2.41 0.19 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE P07951 Tropomyosin beta chain TPM2 2.36 0.39 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) WCE P55290 Cadherin-13 CDH13 2.33 0.34 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE Q9Y4K0 Lysyl oxidase homolog 2 LOXL2 2.27 0.19 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM Q01995 Transgelin TAGLN 2.26 0.09 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) WCE P08572 Collagen alpha-2(IV) chain COL4A2 2.14 0.15 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) CM Q05682 Caldesmon CALD1 2.12 0.02 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) WCE P02751 Fibronectin FN1 2.10 0.11 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) WCE Q15746 Myosin light chain kinase, smooth muscle MYLK 2.02 0.25 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE P05121 Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 SERPINE1 2.01 0.06 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM P21333 Filamin-A FLNA 1.98 0.11 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM P60660 Myosin light polypeptide 6 MYL6 1.90 0.04 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) WCE P13797 Plastin-3 PLS3 1.86 0.08 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) WCE P09486 SPARC SPARC 1.84 0.10 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM P05161 Interferon-induced 17 kDa protein ISG15 1.79 0.00 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE Q99685 Monoglyceride lipase MGLL 1.79 0.05 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE P08123 Collagen alpha-2(I) chain COL1A2 1.78 0.42 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) WCE Q15417 Calponin-3 CNN3 1.76 0.04 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE P51636 Caveolin-2 CAV2 1.73 0.00 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE Q13642 Four and a half LIM domains protein 1 FHL1 1.72 0.02 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE P12814 Alpha-actinin-1 ACTN1 1.71 0.05 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) WCE P07355 Annexin A2 ANXA2 1.71 0.22 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM P23528 Cofilin-1 CFL1 1.68 0.09 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM Q14192 Four and a half LIM domains protein 2 FHL2 1.68 0.15 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) WCE Q9Y3X0 Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 9 CCDC9 1.67 0.02 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE Q93052 Lipoma-preferred partner LPP 1.66 0.00 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE P62158 Calmodulin CALM1 1.61 0.11 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE O00469 Procollagen-lysine,2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 2 PLOD2 1.57 0.09 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) WCE Q12841 Follistatin-related protein 1 FSTL1 1.57 0.07 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM P02794 Ferritin heavy chain FTH1 1.56 0.07 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) WCE P08603 Complement factor H CFH 1.53 0.12 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) CM Q9UBR2 Cathepsin Z CTSZ 1.51 0.08 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE O76061 Stanniocalcin-2 STC2 0.67 0.03 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM P02452 Collagen alpha-1(I) chain COL1A1 0.66 0.05 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM Q15582 Transforming growth factor-beta-induced protein ig-h3 TGFBI 0.65 0.05 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM Q99536 Synaptic vesicle membrane protein VAT-1 homolog VAT1 0.62 0.01 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) WCE Q8NBS9 Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 5 TXNDC5 0.62 0.07 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM Q13641 Trophoblast glycoprotein TPBG 0.62 0.04 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) WCE P35555 Fibrillin-1 FBN1 0.62 0.09 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM P07093 Glia-derived nexin SERPINE2 0.57 0.08 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM Q16363 Laminin subunit alpha-4 LAMA4 0.56 0.11 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM O00264 Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 1 PGRMC1 0.56 0.06 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) WCE P55083 Microfibril-associated glycoprotein 4 MFAP4 0.44 0.06 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) CM P50454 Serpin H1 SERPINH1 0.44 0.03 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM O00391 Sulfhydryl oxidase 1 QSOX1 0.40 0.04 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM P24592 Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 6 IGFBP6 0.40 0.05 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM P08253 72 kDa type IV collagenase MMP2 0.39 0.01 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM P01033 Metalloproteinase inhibitor 1 TIMP1 0.38 0.04 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM Q4LDE5 on Willebrand factor type A, EGF and pentraxin domain-containing p SVEP1 0.36 0.05 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) CM P03956 Interstitial collagenase MMP1 0.35 0.02 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM Q9BUD6 Spondin-2 SPON2 0.33 0.01 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) CM P07585 Decorin DCN 0.31 0.04 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) CM P05155 Plasma protease C1 inhibitor SERPING1 0.30 0.08 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) CM P36955 Pigment epithelium-derived factor SERPINF1 0.28 0.02 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) CM Q15063 Periostin POSTN 0.20 0.04 BioGPS (Smooth muscle expression) CM P02787 Serotransferrin TF 0.05 0.01 HPA (Smooth muscle staining) CM Supplementary Table S5: Markers CAFs expressed preferentially in tumoral stroma of colorectal cancer using inmunohistochemistry of Human Protein Atlas Accession Description Short name Experiment CAFs/NFs St dev CAFs/NFs HPA antibody Patient id HPA (Tumoral stroma) HPA (Tumoral epithelial) P62736 Actin, aortic smooth muscle ACTA2 WCE 2.07 0.53 HPA041271 4382 yes no P12814 Alpha-actinin-1 ACTN1 WCE 1.70 0.05 CAB004303 2060 yes no P07355 Annexin A2 ANXA2 CM 1.71 0.22 CAB004311 1898 yes yes P21810 Biglycan BGN CM 1.83 0.00 HPA003157 349 yes no P62158 Calmodulin CALM1 WCE 1.61 0.11 CAB018558 1898 yes yes P51636 Caveolin-2 CAV2 WCE 1.73 0.00 CAB013488 3264 yes no P55290 Cadherin-13 CDH13 WCE 2.33 0.34 CAB025863 2096 yes no P08603 Complement factor H CFH CM 1.53 0.11 CAB016385 3408 yes no P51911 Calponin-1 CNN1 WCE 3.15 0.40 CAB000007 237 yes no Q15417 Calponin-3 CNN3 WCE 1.75 0.04 CAB009849 2096 yes no P08572 Collagen alpha-2(IV) chain COL4A2 CM 2.14 0.16 CAB10751 2957 yes no Q6UVK1 Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4 CSPG4 WCE 2.54 0.11 CAB016189 2948 yes yes Q9UBP4 Dickkopf-related protein 3 DKK3 CM 2.80 0.18 CAB024949 2948 yes no P02675 Fibrinogen beta chain FGB WCE 23.67 1.49 HPA001900 2002 yes no Q14192 Four and a half LIM domains protein 2 FHL2 WCE 1.67 0.15 HPA005922 2096 yes no P21333 Filamin-A FLNA CM 1.99 0.10 HPA001115 1454 yes no P02751 Fibronectin FN1 WCE 2.10 0.11 CAB00126 1957 yes no Q12841 Follistatin-related protein 1 FSTL1 CM 1.58 0.07 HPA035251 2948 yes no P02042 Hemoglobin subunit delta HBD WCE 1.77 0.12 CAB037087 2616 yes no Q16270 Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 7 IGFBP7 CM 3.13 0.09 HPA002196 4089 yes no Q93052 Lipoma-preferred partner LPP WCE 1.66 0.00 HPA011133 2957 yes no Q99685 Monoglyceride lipase MGLL WCE 1.79 0.05 HPA011994 2957 yes no P35749 Myosin-11 MYH11 WCE 12.13 6.13 HPA015310 2001 yes no P35579 Myosin-9 MYH9 WCE 1.90 0.10 CAB015386 2948 yes no P24844 Myosin regulatory light polypeptide 9 MYL9 WCE 2.41 0.19 HPA039262 1960 yes no Q15746 Myosin light chain kinase, smooth muscle MYLK WCE 2.02 0.25 HPA031677 3782 yes no Q96HC4 PDZ and LIM domain protein 5 PDLIM5 WCE 4.15 0.02 CAB013511 3074 yes no O00469 Procollagen-lysine,2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 2 PLOD2 WCE 1.57 0.09 CAB025898 2096 yes no P13797 Plastin-3 PLS3 WCE 1.86 0.08 HPA020433 2616 yes no P05121 Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 SERPINE1 CM 2.02 0.05 HPA050039 2616 yes no P09486 SPARC SPARC CM 1.85 0.09 CAB002306 1424 yes no Q9UMS6 Synaptopodin-2 SYNPO2 WCE 2.79 0.07 HPA030665 1898 yes no Q01995 Transgelin TAGLN WCE 2.26 0.09 HPA019467 2957 yes no P21980 Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase 2 TGM2 WCE 2.59 0.01 HPA029518 2960 yes no P24821 Tenascin TNC CM 3.46 0.06 HPA004823 2002 yes no P09493 Tropomyosin alpha-1 chain TPM1 WCE 2.64 0.05 HPA009066 2001 yes no.
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