PLEASE NOTE: Some of the information provided, such as phone numbers and Web addresses, may have changed since release of this publication. No. 21 OHIOGeoFacts DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES • DIVISION OF GEOLOG I CAL SURVEY WHERE TO SEE OHIO’S GEOLOGY Listed below are places where you can hike through scenic areas, collect fossils, or visit archaeological or historical sites that have a geological focus.The facilities of the Ohio Geological Survey (Delaware County__Horace R. Collins Laboratory, 740-548-7348; Erie County__Lake Erie Geology Group, 419-626-4296; Franklin County__main offi ce, 614-265-6576) have displays and information on geology. For ad di tion al in for ma tion on the sites listed below, please contact the ap pro pri ate agency, not the Ohio Geolog i cal Survey. KEY: Franklin County: Co lum bus and Franklin Coun ty Metropolitan Park District (614-508-8000, <http://www.metroparks.net>): Blendon Woods A archaeology site (S, MP), Highbanks (S, H, A, MP, RR7); Friendship Park (S, CP); Glen CP city or county park Echo Park (S, CP); Griggs Reser voir and Dam (S, CP); Hayden Run Falls F fossil collecting, by permission only (S, CP); Indian Village Camp (S, H, CP); Whetstone Park (S, CP); Ohio GSA# Ohio Division of Geological Survey GSA reprint (see Refer- Historical Center ($, 614-297-2300, <http://www.ohiohistory.org>); Ohio ences) State Uni ver si ty Orton Muse um (614-292-6896) H historical site Gallia County: Tycoon Lake State Wildlife Area (S); Bob Evans MP metropark Farm (S, H) PR permit required Geauga County: Aquilla Lake State Wildlife Area (S, H); Big Creek PV private Park (S, CP); Metals Park (S, H, CP); Thompson Ledge Park (S, CP) RR# hike number from Ramey (see References) Greene County: John Bryan State Park (S, GSA97, RR37); Little S scenic geology Miami State Park (S); Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve (S, H, $ access fee RR37); Trav er tine Fen State Nature Preserve (S, PR); Glen Helen (S, < > Web site address H, A, PV—owned by Antioch College, RR41, 937-767-7375, <http:// www.glenhelen.org>) Adams County: Davis Memorial State Nature Preserve (S); John- Guernsey County: Salt Fork State Park (S) son Ridge (for mer ly Uni ty Woods) State Na ture Preserve (S); Ser pent Hamilton County: Hamilton County Park District (513-521-7275, Mound State Me mo ri al (A, S, GSA 100); Strait Creek Prairie Bluff State <http://hamiltoncountyparks.org>): Miami Whitewater Forest (S, H, $, Nature Preserve (S, PR); Robert A. Whipple State Nature Preserve (S); MP), Sharon Woods (S, H, $, MP), Shawnee Lookout (S, A, $, MP, RR43), Buzzardroost Rock (S, PV); Sparrowood Nature Area (S, PV) Winton Woods (S, $, MP); Greenbelt State Nature Preserve (S, PR); New- Ashland County: Mohican State Park and State Forest (S, RR10); berry State Nature Preserve (S, PR); Sharon Woods Gorge State Nature Clear Fork Gorge State Nature Preserve (S) Preserve (S); Cincin nati Mu se um of Nat u ral History ($, 513-287-7000 or Athens County: Burr Oak State Park (S, RR22); Strouds Run State 800-733-2077, <http://www.cincymuseum.org>); University of Cincin nati Park (S, RR28); Desonier State Nature Preserve (S); Gifford State For- Geology Museum (513-556-3732) est (S); Acadia Cliffs State Wildlife Area (S); Wa ter loo State Wildlife Harrison County: Harrison State Recla ma tion Area (S, H); Tappan Ex per i ment Sta tion (S) Lake Park (S, RR20); History of Coal Museum (740-942-2623, <http:// Belmont County: Barkcamp State Park (S); Raven Rocks (S) harrisoncountyohio.org/coalmuseum/default.htm>) Brown County: Indian Creek State Wildlife Area (S) Highland County: Paint Creek State Park (S); Rocky Fork State Park Butler County: Hueston Woods State Park (S, F, 513-523-6347); Gov- (S); Fort Hill State Memo rial (S, A, $, RR39); Etawah Woods State Nature er nor Bebb Park (S, CP); Miami and Erie Canal Park (H, CP); Rentschler Preserve (S, PR, guided tours); Miller State Nature Preserve (S, PR); Forest Pre serve (S, CP); Miami University Geology Muse um (513-529- Fallsville State Wildlife Area (S, H); Barrett’s Mill (S, H); Seven Caves 3220, <http://www.cas.muohio.edu/limpermuseum/>) (S, H, $, 937-365-1283 or 800-290-9695, <http://www.7caves.com>) Champaign County: Ce dar Bog State Nature Preserve (S); Siegent- Hocking County: Hocking Hills State Park (S, RR8, Hocking haler-Kaestner Esker State Nature Preserve (S); Ohio Caverns (S, $, Hills information: 740-385-6842 or 800-HOCKING, <http://www. 937-465-4017, <http://www.cavern.com/ohiocaverns/>) hockinghills.com>): Ash Cave, Cantwell Cliffs, Cedar Falls, Conkle’s Clark County: Snyder Park (S, CP) Hollow State Nature Preserve (RR5), Old Man’s Cave (H, A), Rock Clermont County: East Fork State Park (S, F, RR38, 513-797-6081); House; Tar Hol low State Park (S, RR29); Clear Creek (former ly Allen F. Stonelick State Park (S, F, 513-625-7544); Cincinnati Nature Center (S, Beck) State Na ture Preserve (S); Crane Hollow State Nature Preserve PV, $ on Sat. & Sun., <http://www.cincynature.org/>) (S, PR); Little Rocky Hollow State Nature Preserve (S, PR); Rockbridge Clinton County: Cowan Lake State Park (S, 937-289-2105) State Na ture Preserve (S); Sheick Hollow State Nature Preserve (S, PR); Columbiana County: Bea ver Creek State Park (S, H, RR12); Sheep- Wayne National Forest (S, RR11) skin Hollow (formerly Little Beaver Creek) State Nature Preserve (S) Huron County: Augusta-Anne Olsen (formerly Vermilion River) State Coshocton County: Woodbury State Wild life Area (S) Nature Preserve (S, PR) Cuyahoga County: Cleve land Metroparks System (216-351-6300, Jackson County: Jackson Lake State Park (S); Lake Katherine State <http://www.clemetparks.com>): Bedford Res er va tion-Tink ers Creek Nature Preserve (S, RR24); Buckeye Furnace State Memorial (S, H, $); Gorge (S, MP), Big Creek (S, MP), Bradley Woods (S, MP), Brecks- Leo Petroglyph State Memo ri al (S, A); Cooper Hollow State Wildlife Area ville Res er va tion (S, MP, RR13), Euclid Creek (S, MP), North Chagrin (S, RR23); Liberty State Wildlife Area (S) Reservation (S, MP), Rocky River Reser va tion (S, MP), South Chagrin Jefferson County: Jefferson Lake State Park (S); Brush Creek State Res er va tion (S, MP), Shaker Lakes Region al Na ture Cen ter (S, MP); Wildlife Area (S); Fernwood State Forest (S) Cuyahoga Val ley National Park (S, H, GSA 93, RR14, 216-524-1497, Knox County: Brinkhaven Access Wildlife Preserve (S) <http://www.nps.gov/cuva/>); Cleveland Mu se um of Nat u ral His to ry ($, Lake County: Chapin Forest Reservation (S, MP); Hogback Ridge 216-231-4600 or 800-317-9155, <http://www.cmnh.org>) Park (S, H, A, MP); Indian Point Park (S, A, MP); Headlands Dunes Delaware County: Alum Creek State Park (S); Highbanks (S, H, A, State Na ture Preserve (S); Holden Arboretum (S, PV) MP—see Franklin County for phone num ber, RR7); Blue Lime stone Park Lawrence County: Dean State Forest (S); Wayne Nation al For est (S, CP); O’Shaughnessy Res er voir and Dam (S, CP); Olen tangy Indian Cav- (S, RR31) erns (S, $, 740-548-7917, <http://www. olentangyindiancaverns.com>) Licking County: Black Hand Gorge State Nature Preserve (S, H, A, Erie County: Kelleys Is land (S, H, A, GSA 91, RR47); Glacial Grooves GSA95, RR3); Flint Ridge State Me mo ri al (S, H, A, GSA96, $); Octagon State Memorial (S, H); Milan State Wildlife Area (S); The Blue Hole at Earthworks and Moundbuilders Earthworks (A, $) Castalia (S) Logan County: Campbell Hill (S); Zane Shawnee Caverns (S, $, Fairfi eld County: Christ mas Rocks State Nature Preserve (S, PR); 937-592-9592, <http://www.homestead.com/zaneshawneecaverns/ Rhodo den dron Cove State Nature Preserve (S, PR); Shallenberger State introduction.html>) Nature Pre serve (S); Wahkeena Nature Preserve (Ohio Histor i cal Society) Lorain County: Black Riv er Reservation (S, MP); Indian Hollow (S, H, $); Rock Mill Dam State Wildlife Area (S); Lockville Locks (H, CP); Res er va tion (S, H, MP); Vermilion River Res er va tion (S, H, MP) Rising Park and Mount Pleasant (S, H, CP); Tarlton Cross Mound (S, A) Lucas County: Metroparks of the To ledo Area (419-535-3058 ext. 101, <http://www.metroparkstoledo.com>): Farnsworth Me- tropark (S, MP), Oak Openings Pre serve (S, MP), Secor Metropark ASHTABULA WILLIAMS FULTON LUCAS (F, MP, 419-829-2761), Fossil Park (F, S, MP, 419-882-8313, <http:// GEAUGA OTTAWA LAKE WOOD olanderpk.com/xfer/info_fossil.html>) HENRY TRUMBULL CUYAHOGA DEFIANCE SANDUSKY ERIE LORAIN Mahoning County: Mill Creek Park (S, H) PORTAGE PAULDING HURON MEDINA SUMMIT Medina County: Hinckley Reser va tion (S, CP, RR18) SENECA PUTNAM HANCOCK Meigs County: Forked Run State Park (S); Shade River State Forest MAHONING VAN WERT (S); Belleville Locks and Dam (S, H, CP) WYANDOT CRAWFORD RICHLAND ASHLAND WAYNE ALLEN STARK COLUMBIANA Miami County: Miami County Park District (937-667-1086, <http:// HARDIN MERCER CARROLL MARION AUGLAIZE HOLMES www.miamicountyparks.com>): Charleston Falls Preserve (S, MP, MORROW TUSCARAWAS LOGAN KNOX UNION JEFFERSON RR36); Ludlow Falls (S), Overlook Falls (S), Greenville Falls State SHELBY COSHOCTON HARRISON DELAWARE Nature Preserve (S), Brukner Nature Center (S, 937-698-6493, <http:// DARKE CHAMPAIGN LICKING GUERNSEY www.bruknernaturecenter.com/> MIAMI MUSKINGUM BELMONT FRANKLIN Monroe County: Rothenbuhler Woods State Nature Preserve (S, MADISON CLARK FAIRFIELD NOBLE PR); Sun fi sh Creek State Forest (S) PREBLE PERRY MONTGOMERY MONROE GREENE PICKAWAY Montgomery County: Montgomery County Park District (937-275- MORGAN 7275, <http://metroparks.org>): Englewood Reserve (S, MP), Germantown FAYETTE HOCKING WASHINGTON WARREN BUTLER CLINTON ROSS Re serve (S, MP, RR40), Huffman Reserve (S, H, MP), Taylorsville Re- ATHENS VINTON serve (S, MP); Boonshoft Muse um of Discov ery ($, 937-275-7431, <http:// HIGHLAND HAMILTON CLERMONT MEIGS www.boonschoftmuseum.org>) PIKE Morgan County: Burr Oak State Park (S, RR22); Ohio Power Rec- JACKSON BROWN ADAMS GALLIA re ation Area (S, RR25); Wayne National Forest (RR30 & 32) SCIOTO Morrow County: Mt.
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