No, 3299. An Act to sanction the Issue and Appli­ cation of certain Sums of Monev available under Loan Acts for Rail­ ways and for other purposes. [30th November, 1923.] E it enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty by B and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of Victoria in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows (that is to say):— Short title, 1. This Act may be cited as the Railway Loan Application Act 1923. Issue and 2. There may be issued and applied out of any loan application of £2,630,000 out authorized by Parliament and out of any moneys in the of loan funds for railways or Railway Loans Repayment Fund and appropriated by tramways and works. Parliament for the construction of railways or tramways and works connected with either (including rolling-stock) any 14 GEO. V.] Railway Loan Application. [No. 3299 111 any sums of monevnot exceeding in the whole Two million six hundred and thirty thousand pounds for the works and purposes mentioned in the Schedule to this Act schedule, and in sums not exceeding the amounts specified therein in the column headed u Amount Issued and Applied" and with the sanction of the Minister the Victorian Railways Commissioners may enter upon take and use such lands as are required for any of the purposes specified in the Schedule to this Act. and the provisions of sub­ section (3) of section eighty of the Railways Act 1.915 fgo^)2710 shall extend and apply to the exercise of the powers conferred by this section with respect to such lands. 3. No authority other than this Act is necessary to Auth°rlfcy- authorize the expenditure herein provided. 4. Notwithstanding anything contained in any Railway £? Saya^r™ Construction Act or Railway Loan Application Act fo^eS^0' in force before the commencement of this Act no money undertlli8 Act- shall by virtue of any such Act be expended out of any loan funds for railways or tramwavs or works connected therewith other than such as are respectively specified in the column headed " Amount Issued and Appliedv in the Schedule to this Act and to the extent therein schedule. mentioned. 5. The sums of money authorized by this Act to be HOW affected by issued and applied for the works and purposes mentioned in the Schedule to this Act may be so issued and applied schedule. notwithstanding anything contained in the Railways Standing Committee Act\9i\h\ Provided that such works and purposes were specified in the printed statement which accompanied the Railway Loan Application Bill on its introduction into Parliament in the year One thousand nine hundred and fifteen and were in course of construction on or before the thirtieth day of November One thousand nine hundred and sixteen, but otherwise the provisions of the Railways Standing Committee Act 1915 (except paragraphs NO. 2717 ss. 22, (1) (2) and (3) of section twenty-two and except section twenty-four thereof) shall apply to all works and purposes specified in Item 1 in the first column of the Schedule to this Act the estimated cost of completing which as specified in the said Schedule exceeds Twenty thousand pounds. SCHEDULE. 112 14 GEO. V.] Railway Loan Application. [No. 3299 Sections 2, 4,5. SCHEDULE. ' No. Amount of Description of Wori Issued and Item Applied. £ 1 ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TC) WAY AND WORKS. 1,250,000 List of specific works (excluding bridges and the strengthening of tracks), the estimated Capital Cost of each of which is over £2,000, towards the construction of which provision is made in this Act:— o" Original Itcvised 1 Expendi- Estimated Estimated Estimatcd Cost tare at Amount a Work. Capital Cost as at 31st required to S3 of 31st October, October, 31st October, b Work. 1923. 1923. 1924. Su £ £ £ £ • *• 1 Aspendale—Provision of pedes­ trian subway, interlocked gates and wickets and rearrangement of station buildings, &c. 5,700* • • 5,700 < 2 Ballan—Facilities for crossing trains 4,077 « • 4,077 .-. 3 Ballarat North—Provision of truck repair shops and track- work at locomotive dep6t 5,819 • • 5,819 4 Bealiba and Emu (between)— Regrading the line at 139 miles 3,255 • § 3,255 5 Bell—Provision of additional , siding accommodation 2,110 2,021 89 6 Benalla—Accommodation for the Victorian Railways Institute 2,293 • • 2,293 7 Bendigo—Accommodation for the Victorian Railways Institute.. 4,298 740 3,558 8 Bendigo and Inglewood (between) —Regrading the line 11,000* • a 11,600 9 Birchip—Provision of refresh­ ment room accommodation .. 5,784 2,150 3,634 10 Brunswick and Moreland (be­ tween)—Provision of a new station 4,500* * • 4,500 11 Bungaree—Facilities for crossing trains 5,200* • t 5,200 12 Burnley—Provision of delta cros­ sing at down end of station on the Burnley to Darling line, in lieu of the existing crossover.. 2,540 3,000 « * 3,000 •»• 13 Canterbury and Surrey Hills (be­ tween)—Provision of a new * station 5,000* • • • • 5,000 •-. 14 Carwarp—Facilities for crossing trains 3,059 • • • t 3,059 * ... 15 Chelsea—Provision of subway, interlocked gates and re-ar­ rangement of station buildings, &c. 5,700* » • • • 5,700 •?• 16 Clifton Hill—Regrading the line to eliminate the level crossing at Queen's Parade 17,650* • • t • 17,650 •«• 17 Cressy and Maroona Line—Water supply works, including the purchase of land 16,561 • * 12,027 4,534 1 Carried forward • t • * • • 88,668 1,250,000 Rough estimate only. SCHEDULB 14 GEO. V.] Railway Loan Application. [No. 3299 113 SCHEDULE—continued. No. Amount of Description ot Work. Issued and Item. Applied. £ Brought forward • • • * • • * * 1,250,000 1 ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO WAY AND WORKS—continued List of specific works (excluding bridges and the strengthening of traoks), the estimated Capital Cost of each of which ia over £2,000, towards the con- struction of which provision is made in this Act:— 6 ft Original ilevised Expendi­ Estimated 0 Estimated Estimated Cost ture at Amount CD Work. Capital Cost as at 31st required to £ - of 31st October, October, 31st October, Work. 1923. 1923. 1924. Sub • £ £ £ £ Brought forward • • • • • • 88,668 • * 18 Dandenong—Towards improved station, yard and other accom­ modation, including the pro­ vision of bridges, pedestrian 1 subway,closing of level crossing, diversion of roads and the purchase of land t • • • • 17,000$ , , 19 Eaglehawk—Provision of addi­ tional siding accommodation.. 9,500* • • • • 9,500 cm* 20 Eltham—Provision of additional accommodation to facilitate the handling of passenger traffic 5,661 7,500 • « 7,500 • • 21 Essendon—Rearrangement of tracks and extension of plat­ forms in connexion with the t running of eight car trains .. 9,400* • • * • 9,400 22 Frankston—Improved station, yard and other accommodation, including the purchase of land 21,505 • '« 20,770 735 23 Gordon—Facilities for crossing trains 4,200* •»« • * 4,200 « • 24 Hamilton—Provision of addi­ tional tracks, locomotive depot, &c, including the purchase of land 19,600* •*• 10 19,590 " • 25 Horsham—Rearrangement of the station yard and improved locomotive facilities, including the purchase of land 25,000* • • • • 25,000 , s 26 Inglewood and Korong Vale (be­ tween)—Regrading the line .. 11,557 • • 7,747 3,810 , , 27 Jung—Facilities for crossing trains 2,430* a • • • 2,430 28 Kyneton—Additional refreshment room accommodation and can­ tilever verandah 12,930 14,000 2,344 11,656 29 Melbourne—Provision of a new shipping shed and accommo­ dation in connexion therewith 197,340 202,000 198,096 3,904 30 Melbourne (Flinders - street) — Additional accommodation for guards and motormen 2,454 2,700 2,384 316 1,250,000 Carried forward • • ' • • 203,709 * Hough estimate only, f Estimates not completed. t Estimated expenditure during the currency of thiB Act. SCHEDULE 114 14 GEO. V.] Railway Loan Application. [No. 3299 SCHEDULE—continued. No. Amount of Description of Work. Issued and Item. Applied. £ Brought forward 1,250,000 ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO WAY AND WORKS—continued. List of apecifio works (excluding bridges and the strengthening of tracks), the estimated Capital Cost of each of which is over £2,000, towards the construction of which provision is made in this Act:— Original Revised Expendi­ Estimated Estimated Estimated Cost ture at Amount Work. Capital Cost as at 31st required to of 31st October, October, 31st October, 1923. 1923. 1924. Work. Brought forward 203,709 31 Melbourne (Flinders-street) — Additional track facilities, in­ cluding crossovers 3,403 3,403 32 Melbourne (Flinders - street)— Additions and alterations to tracks to accommodate the Glen Iris to Sunshine and Kew to Co burg traffic 9,881 11,000 10,000 1,000 33 Melbourne (Flinders-street) — Provision of additional siding accommodation at site of old East Melbourne Cricket Ground 6,084 6,084 34 Melbourne (Flinders-street Yard) —Provision of garage accom­ modation for departmental motor vehicles and accommo­ dation for the Overhead Super­ intendent 18,650 19,650 8,182 11,468 35 Melbourne (Flinders-street Yard) —Provision of office and store accommodation for the Dis­ tribution Engineer and Staff.. 5,300 5,300 36 Melbourne (Jolimont Workshops) —Extension of the inspection bay in order to accommodate eight car trains 18,500* 18,500 37 Melbourne (Princes Bridge Yard) —Additional siding accommo­ dation 6,044 6,200 6,044 156 38 Melbourne (S pencer-street)—Ex­ tension of the Dining Car depot 4,970 7,296 6,000 1,296 39 Melbourne (Spencer-street)—Ac* commodation for yardsmen, guards, and shunters 17,053 23,300 17,627 5,673 40 Melbourne (Spencer-street)—Sub­ stitution of electric for hydraulic lifts at the General Offices 7,467 378 7,089 41 Melbourne (Spencer-street)—Pro­ vision of accommodation, &c, for the telegraph operating staff at the General Offices 3,168 6,050 4,617 433 Carried forward .
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