COLUMBIAC—No. 41 NEW YORK, N. Y., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBERSPECTATOR7, 1955 VOL. DAILY «^§|^232 Disclose Plans Van Am Sponsors Winter Air Force to Drop For Proposed Fete During Intersession Student Center Columbia's ROTC Students Urged to Offer Society Offers $33 End-term Vacation Unit Opinions of Project With Skiing, Hayriding, Barnard Girls in June, 1957 By Bernard Nussbaum To provide undergraduate stu- ex- at In order to facilitate the dents with deserved relaxation pro-rated four dollars an hour, Pentagon Economy pression of student opinion con- will be available free of charge. from .a term of work and anx- cerning the proposed Student According to the plans of the Move Won’t iety, the Society, Affect Center, a list of official propo- Van Am in two sponsoring organizations, sals formulated by a University- conjunction with Barnard's SAC the nights will offer a perfectly Seniors or Juniors appointed committee are on view is planning a Winter carnival quiet schedule of ballroom danc- The Columbia Unit of the Air King's Crown to complement the Force Reserve this week- in the of sports and social activities at ing days' vig- Officers Training Jay Hall. orous rounds of sports. Corps will Office, 405 John a Massachusetts resort during be discontinued in. re- Suggestions which will be the intersession, Feb. 5-7. The carnival weekend will be June, 1957, a spokesman for the viewed by the Student Board Ad- climaxed in true party style with University announced last night. For his (or her) $33, the cost Committee should be sub- the election of a Snow King and visory of the three-day weekend, the Present Juniors and Seniors writing to the King's Queen. While the details of the will mitted in students will be allowed to for- be able to complete their Crown Office. method of selection have not training program get their cares • in the snows up through the of 5 yesterday no stu- as yet been disclosed, it is def- 1956-57 As P.M. at Jug End Barn, South Egre- academic year. It is not had been initely known that the prize yet dent recommendations mont, Massachusetts, by skiing, clear what plans the Air to that office, despite winners will receive a trophy, a Force submitted skating, and hayriding. has for Freshmen and the fact that plans for the Center bottle of champagne, and full re- Sophomores now in the AFROTC. tentative stage. The fee will provide for the imbursement for the cost of the are still in the Over 20 of the 188 AFROTC Student Cen- cost of eight family style meals, trip. The report on the Units across the country are be- submitted Uni- two nights' accommodations, all In order to secure a reserva- ter was first to ing discontinued, according tips, equipment rentals in addi- tion for the trip, a deposit to versity officials in 1948 and was $5 an tion to insurance coverage up to Lienienani Colonel Robert J. announcement by Pentagon modified in October of this year. must be made by December 17 at officials $500. As an added inducement, Hagstrom, Commander of the yesterday. Columbia was compiled on the basis of: the "Jake" in Barnard Hall, It Columbia whose unit is at present com- and ques- ski instruction, which is ordinary (Continued on Page Four) AFROTC Unit. 1) student interviews manded by Lt. Col. Robert J. 2) con- tionaires taken since 1946, Haggstrom, is the only Metro- heads of under- ferences with politan New York school affected advice from Banker, Engineer graduate activities, 3) by this decision. Harvard is the professional architects and other Brief Class of '59 only other Ivy League school men, 4) visits to similar centers affected. ate different institutions and 5) About Future The University spokesman at- direct knowledge of the needs Jobs and discussion of tributed the Pentagon action to and objectives of the college pro- Inspection the fact that cadet enrollment gram by members of the com- the banking and engineering pro- at fessions were the Columbia has not been as mittee. focal points of high as the Air Force had expected The Student Center is speci- yesterday's freshman orientation lecture. It the in when it established ihe unit in fically designed for the college was first a se- ries 1951. He pointed out that the and other undergraduate students of three lectures on voca- tional guidance. College's relatively small enroll- of the university following a pro- Benjamin Buttenweiser ment had made it extremely dif- gram leading to a first degree. '19, of L-oeb & ficult to enlist a sufficient num- One of the main features of Kuhn, Company, a New York banking firm, and Charles ber of students to justify the the new Center will be an audi- Spencer '07, of Spencer, White cost of the unit. torium-ballroom which can be & Prentis, were the featured He also used for a place for class meet- explained that the speakers at the meeting, which ings, lectures and movies. It may AFROTC has been in direct com- was open to the College. petition also be used as a ballroom for entire with Columbia's older Noting the about 500 couples, a banquet relation of inter- and better established Naval Re- national finance to the of serve hall, and a theater for certain world Officers Training Program. Barn, Egremont, Mass., today, and the position of The spokesman types of productions. Going up Ihe ski trail at Jug End South of the said another United States as the "banker of obstacle difficult The committee decided this site of intersession weekend. to surmount the Western world," Mr. Butten- the October however to discuss with was existence of a large per- weiser pointed up the many- centage the architect, Arthur L. Harmon of Columbia College sidedness of the banking field. graduates '01 Arch., the possibility of in- who traditionally go Nations Becomes First Calling on the profession "a most to study in professional cluding in the Center a small and interesting and constructive" one, graduate schools, thus precluding (Continued on Page Four) Mr. Buttenweiser cited the op- their participation in AFROTC. CU‘Distinguished’ Cadet portunities for one to meet his The decision to discontinue the fellow Americans, as well as unit appears to Maurice Chevalier By Henry Kurtz be an economy his counterparts overseas. move on the part of the Charles L. Nations '56E became the first member of the Colum- Defense Speaks at Maison Mr. Buttenweiser tried to dis- Department. The units bia AFROTC unit to be designated "Distinguished Military Cadet," at small pell many popular notions about schools like Columbia do not yesterday. fCantinup-d Page on Four) produce pilot training Lieutenant Colonel enough (Continued on Haggstrom, Professor of Air Page Four; Science at Columbia, who made SDA Commitee Will Probe the nomination, commented that Zoology Department "the award has far-reaching im- plications for the recipient, espe- Campus Admissions for Bias Completing Work on cially if he chooses to follow a Columbia's Students for Democratic Action launched a "minor ' For career in the Air Force.' campaign" to evaluate the status of Civil Rights at Columbia, yester- Lounge Students The Professor of Air Science day. A committee, consisting of two S.D.A. members, will inves- When students taking courses at each university is empowered ■* tigate the situation in order to in Columbia College's Zoology awards to those ca- to make the Venezuelan Ex-Presidentf uncover any existing discrimi- Department return from their dets who exhibit outstanding nation or segregation in any Co- Christmas vacations, they will evidence of: 1) Academic Ex- Refuses His Doctorate> lumbia school or facility. be able to obtain a temporary 2) excellence in Air Sci- ' respite cellence, Romulo Gallegos, former Presi- In particular the admissions from their wearisome ence and 3) Demonstrate leader- policies of the College of Physi- tasks in a new lounge on the dent of Venezuela, has notified 9th ship proficiency in the Cadet cians and Surgeons and Barnard floor of Schermerhorn. Corps and in extra-curricula ac- Columbia University that he has5 College will be checked for any 'Lester G. Barth, Professor and tivities. decided to renounce the honorary' possible "quota system." Departmental Consultant of the If Cadet Captain Nations ,goes doctorate it awarded . him in, Another committee of three Zoology Department, discovered "Distinguished on to win the . was appointed to study the Civil the need for a lounge last year, July, 1948. The award came four (Co ntinued on Paae Four I Liberties issue, as it concerns when he began teaching the Maurice Chevalier cnatting wiih months before he was over- people at Columbia. Particular Zoology 1 and 2 courses. For- admirers at the MaisonFrancaise. thrown by the military junta Weeks Speaks Today ' reference was made to the files merly students in these courses, country. That irrepressible 68-year-old Sinclair Weeks, U. S. Secretary that still governs his on each student kept in the who wanted a break from their Frenchman, Maurice Chevalier, of Commerce, will address the Senor Gallegos did not explaini Dean's Office, which may include fpur hour labs, could only wan- delivered an improvised story Young Republican Club of Co- his reasons. He expressed deep> information as to- his political der aimlessly in the halls. Pro- of his career yesterday at Co- lumbia College at noon today in regret at 'his inability to returni views. In the past F.8.1, agents fessor Barth decided to use his lumbia's Maison Francaise. Room 501 Schermerhorn. Mr. the diploma that went with it,. have, with the students' permis- department's funds to construct The singer.-comedian, cur- Weeks will speak on the state of saying it was "seized by agents-3 sion, made use of these files for a lounge for the students'* bene- (Continued on Page Four/ the nation's economic health.
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