C.l r·~ • :. 1 C.l ., .,.., .,., •·: Ci WARM Worm woathor /Jr on t/10 • r, 'way throug/1 wo"h one/ ~ I f I 1:, r:, t··;. ;l') f"' I"' e,-1 •r I Weclnesclay, March 11, 1964 Volumfl 105, No. II · 28 Pages Only Holt Seconds after EscaP-ing ' I Remains Dansville Mother and Son .In Tourney Only Holt remains out of 14 Ingham County League and Watch Train Demolish Car Capital Circuit cage teams Death stared a DansvIlle s n.ow in g badly and as she ap­ who started last week after ed"; she said, the elevator and took Mrs, Freer housewife in the face Tuesday proached the track the crossing the elusive s~ate titles. ami then passed her by, The train carried the car some and her son to the Courser home. signal started to flash, little distance and the car was The Rams, winner of the Mrs. Lewis Freer 37, and her They remined there until Mrs •. · She applied the brakes but hurled against an elevator build­ Waverly district Saturday son, Timothy, 3 years old, nar­ Freer's husband, Lewis, arrived , night, passed their first test they failed to react because of ing along the tracks, and brought them home. rawly escaped being ground un­ the slippery road and the car Mrs. Freer said she answered der the wheels· of a train at the Mrs. Freer said she was given spun around an(f the motor stall­ questions of the engineer ancl Fowlerville cross I n g of the every help from everyone around ed on the tracks. Afewrodsaway other memilers of the train crew ChesapeaJ(e and Ohio railroad the neighborhood. came the west bound passenge1' and then was taken to the eleva­ shortly.after 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. train, its whistle· blowing and Its Wendell Boone of Grand Ledge, tor, who witnessed the near fatal Mrs. Freer and her son were headlia:ht shining. Livingston county sheriff's of­ on their way to visit Mrs. Harold crash from the vicinity ofthe ele­ Mrs. Freer tried to start the ficers, who inves!iagted the mis­ Coursm· of Fowlerville. As they vator, said he was afraid Mrs. car and failed, Then she leaped hap, said the car was a total Freer would be unable to get of1 came over a rise in the highway out of the vehicle with her son wrecl1. and approached the railroad track the tracks after she lighted in twr arms and run. After things had quieted down, at the southern edg·e of Fowler­ from the car because of the ley "When I heard the crash of Mrs. Freer called Mrs, Courser ville, Mrs. Freer said it was conditions. the train hilling the car, I pray. and her brother-in-law came to Mrs. Freer said she> was driv­ ing a car owned by her sister­ in-law, Mrs. Carl Moore of Lan­ sing, Mrs, Moore had loaned it to Mrs. Freer while her car ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND custom.ers have rolled to a stop at Ingham Welfare Costs Rise was being repaired. Mrs. Freer in regional play by downing a said she had planned to take the Dart National drive-in bank in Mason since the branch was opened about another woman and 2 children towering Lowell team 72-58 with her on the trip, but at the .3 years ago. Bill Davis of Charlotte could scarcely believe his eyes Monday Tuesday night. last moment the other woman morning when he stopped at the bank to do some business. Jack Davis, dir­ Next for Coach Dan Hovan­ As Number of Cases Drop could not go. ector of the bank, and Mrs. Marion Block are shown here presenting the L•sian's Cl'ew will he an 8:45 'I ax payers, one w a y or e>VCI'yone - increase in the The Freer family resides at date with Delton Friday night . 3S and Mc•l'idian had 32. 100 OOOth customer with a basket of groceries, a $25 savings account and a another, distributed a total of cost of liv111g. 1450 Williamston road, a mile I . in the semi·finals at Battle aIm o s t $6 million either The clL>pai'tment of social south of Danville. In addition to Creel<;. Biggest item in direct l'e· transistor radio. tilrougtJ tile county depart­ welfarl' operates programs lief expenditures went fo1· little Timothy, they have 3 other ment of social welfaw or the covering direct relief, the foocl but this showed a de­ children, 2 girls, 17 and 15 years Accuracy from the outside, state bureau of social aid. county ho~pilal, ndt!lt hospi­ Cl'ease over 1962. In fact, all old and a lloy of 10. a .good full. court press and That's tile figure reported to talization an:! ehilrl care. items of disecl relief showed just outright scrappiness were Wars on Pigeons Ingham' supervisors Wednes­ The bureau of social aid ad­ . a'' decrease except those in­ the ingredients used against day by Daryl Minnis, director ministers old age> assistance, volving medical care and mu·s­ Donors Deliver Mason Police Chief Tim Stolz Lowell. of both agencies. ing home care. has declared war on pigeons at <dd to depemlcnt chih{ren, aid The total represents a .$211,. to the disab!L>d and aid lo the Farhat the courthouse. Using special Mike Oakes and Dave 807 increase in 1963 over 19G2 Minnis' report came up with pellet ammunition, the chief Is blind. \ Rhines paced the attack with in spite of tile fact that the The l'CJlOI't shows that only som(' interestin~ fi.glll'es as to 97 Pints of Blood thinning the ranks of the pigeons . 21 points each but the rebound­ aver age monthly case load backgl'Ound of recipients. Ed· at sundown. The growing number Vevay escnp;'ri any direct re· Suggests ing of Marv Burt and reserve dropped Irom 3,327 in 1962 to lid cases. Lunsing headed !he ucational bacJ(ground shows Blood donors at the Mason ed the 2-g;allon mark were Paul of birds has been making good center John Walsh against the that 55 percent of Ingham wei· hygiene the court­ 3,235 in 19G3. Minnis attl'ibutcd list with G02, Mason had 12, bloOdmobile stop Friday re­ Snyder and Harold Ware. One­ dlfficult,p~ar much taller Lowell front line the increase in cost to the fare recipients did not stay in sponded as they have not respond­ house Iront door. Ea·::;t Lansing lwei only 2. Lan­ gallon points were awarded to had a lot to do with the win. same malady which plagues sing township nccountt-:d for school beyond tile ninth grade ed in years. A total of 97 pints Clarabelle Burgess, Mrs, Ralph while •Ill percent have a high Expansion were collected for the Red Cross Hart, Mrs. Lavina Wilson and school education and 5 percent blood bank in Lansing, George Post. went to school beyond the 12th More court room space at It wasn't the first trip for many Donors who showed up for the grade. Mason - that's what Prose­ of th.e donor.s,. Ivan Kerr hit the . bloodmobile stop were .• Mary Du. cutor Leo Farhat urged the Native born Ingham resi­ 3-gallon mark. Those who reach- bay, Ed Campbell, Genevieve Story in Saturd(J,;_'Y. Evening Post board of supervisors to pro· dents are! in the minority on vide in a letter to the board Burch, Alton Bishop, Perry Foss, the county welfare roUs with Marguerite Bement, Frank Allen, Wednesday m-ornin.g. · 21 percent while other Michi· Harold Lavis, Ralph Hart, Ralph Farhat urged the ·board to gun counties provided 35 per· Swinehart, Frances Cavender, move all other offices from cent or OUI' direct relief rccip· School Board Lorraine Be I> e e , Mrs. Jennie Mason Author and Family the third floor of the court ients and other states provid· Clark, Mary Ellen Harrington, house and into the old jail Jerry Lawyer, Mrs. Lavonie ed us with •14 percent of the when it is vacated. He suggest· case load. Asks Meeting Lewis, Lawrence Burgess, Jam­ ed that the third floor could es Maddix, Mrs. Lola Palmer, Cruised Europe in Ketch Distribution of smplus com· then be remodeled for 2 or 3 Mrs. Dorothy Hall, Harold Ware, more courtrooms and court Confronted with mounting modities is also a duty of the Barry Wentland, Benjamin Car­ offices. school enrollmf'nts and crowded Ingham welfare departments. penter, Curtis Moody, Walter If you pick up a Saturday Evening Post one He also advocated establish­ classrooms and in the face of During 19()3 .$340,()90 worth of defeat at the polls last week of Mills, William Elser mr.n, Rich­ of these weeks, you will find a story which takes such things as cornmeal, flour, ing a prosecutor's office in a $600,000 bond Issue for more ard Woodland, David Woods, place in Albania. Jan!, powdered mi tk, rice, the old jail to handle the buildings, the Mason board of ed­ Louis Beratta, Ron a 1d Psket, beans, butter, chcpped meat, growing number of out·COUn· John Coy, Vaughn Snook, Richard ucation has called a meeting peanut butter, cheese and ty criminal cases. ":remer, Mrs. Ethel Be ratta, The author is Stanley Smith, an assistant for Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the shortening were given to an The matter was referred to rhomas Christensen, Mrs. Mar­ senior high school with the en. professor of journalism at Michigan State univer­ average of 12,269 people a the county buildings comJllit­ tha Maddix, Ivan Kerr, Mrs, tire citizens committee to dis.
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