3rd Quarter 2010-2011 No of District : 8 Nos Total Area : 21,087 Sqkm VAIR$ENGTE Gross Cropped Area : 1,33,226 Ha CHIT$E SAIP$HAI CHH$IMLUAN G BILK$HAWTHLIR BUHC$ HAN GPHAI CHEM$ PHAI THIN$GLIAN Net Cropped Area : 1,30,226 Ha BUIL$UM KANH$MUN N HL$IMEN SAKA$W RDAI KOLA$SIB BAIR$ABI THIN$GDAW L ZAW$LNUAM MEID$UM SAIK$HAWTHLIR ZAMU$ ANG $ $ BUALPUI RATU$ CHUHVEL HOR$TOKI BUKP$UI KA W$N PUI Gross Irrigated Area : 10,361 Ha DARL$AWN SUAN$GPU ILAWN MAM$IT TUID$AM NGO$PA DARL$AK LENG$PUI KHAW$ RUH LIAN BUNG$ HMUN $ LAMZ$AWL $ Net Irrigated Area : 10,244 Ha SAIRANG KHUANGPHAH SERH$MUN $ AIZA$WL TUIP$UIBARI WEST PHAILENG $ $ REIE$K SAITUAL AIDU$ZAWL HNAH LAN THIN$GSULTHLIAH LAILI$PHAI KAW$LKULH TLUNGVEL AIBA$WK $ No. of Cultivators(2001) : 2,56,332 Nos SATE$EK KHAW$ ZAWL B$AKTAWNG PHUD$ UNGSEI CHAM$ PHAI $ SILS$URI SAILSUK KHAW$ HAI PUKZ$IN G Avg. operational Farm Size : 0.51 Ha SERC$HHIP MAR$PARA BUNG$ ZUN G BIAT$E KHA$WBUNG EAST$ LUNGDAR BUNG$ HMUN NOR$TH VANLAIPHAI Nos of NWDPRA Projects : 140 (97,000ha) FARK$AWN KALA$PANI HNAH$ THIAL GURU$SORA THIN$GSAI TLAB$UNG LU NG$SEN LU NG$LEI Nos of WDPSCA Projects : 61 (30,000ha) DARZ$O ROTL$ANG S.VA$NLAIPHAI BOR$APANSURI SANG$ AU S.LU$NGRANG THIN$GFAI CHAW$ NGTE LAW$NGTLAI SAIH$A TUIP$AN G DAM$DEP NEW$ KELSIH PHUR$ A PARV$A 1. MIZORAM AGRICULTURE IN BRIEF Nos. of Agriculture District : 8 Nos. of Agriculture Sub-Division : 13 Nos. of Agriculture Circle : 57 Nos. of Jhumia Family : 94,633 Nos. of Agricultural Labour : 27,494 Area under Jhum Cultivation : 35,702 Ha. WRC Potential Area (MRSAC) : 74,644 Ha. Existing WRC Area : 11,198 Ha. Productivity of Jhum Cultivation : 0.90 MT Productivity of WRC : 1.50 MT Principal Crops : Rice, Maize, Rice bean, Soybean, Sesamum. Estimated Rice Requirement : 1,71,420 MT/Year (@ 450gm/day/person) Total Rice Production : 46,300 MT Status ( Surplus/Deficit) : 1,25,120 MT (deficit) Fertilizers consumption : 42.07 Kg/Ha Pesticides consumption : 0.07 Kg/Ha ( a.i ) 2. CROP SITUATION 2.1 KHARIF ASSESMENT Sl No. Name of Crop 2009-10 2010-11 (Estimate) Area'000 ha. Prod'000 MT Area'000 ha. Prod'000 MT 1 CEREALS 1) Rice 47.20 66.13 44.13 * 74.40 2) Maize 8.31 11.14 8.81 12.70 Total Cereals 55.51 77.27 52.94 87.10 2 PULSES 1) Arhar 0.20 0.12 0.74 1.10 2) Rice Bean 0.74 0.90 0.20 0.20 3) Other Pulses 1.45 1.96 1.60 2.10 Total Pulses 2.39 2.98 2.54 3.40 3 OILSEEDS 1) Sesumm 1.10 0.75 1.20 1.90 2) Soyabean 1.30 2.10 1.01 0.70 Total Oilseeds 2.40 2.85 2.21 2.60 Grand total 60.30 5.70 57.69 5.20 2.2 RABI PROSPECTS Sl No. Name of Crop 2009-10 2010-11(Target) Area'000 Prod'000 ha. MT Area'000 ha. Prod'000 MT 1 CEREALS 1) Rice 0.80 1.60 1.20 2.45 2) Maize 0.45 0.5 0.67 1.00 Total Cereals 1.25 2.1 1.87 3.45 2 PULSES 1) Other Pulses 2.00 5.60 1.67 2.50 Total Pulses 2.00 5.60 1.67 2.50 3 OILSEEDS 1) Rape & Mustard 0.75 0.52 0.70 0.50 Total Oilseeds 0.75 0.52 0.70 0.50 Grand Total of Rabi 4.00 8.22 4.24 6.45 Grand Total of RABI 60.30 5.70 57.69 5.20 2.3 DISTRICT WISE AVAILABILITY OF WRC POTENTIAL & UTILIZATION STATUS Sl No Name of District WRC Area under % utilization Area need Potential Cultivation as on of WRC to be Area (in 30.07.2010 (in Ha.) Potential developed Ha.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Aizawl 4,140 308 7.43 3,832 2 Lunglei 12,797 507 3.96 12,290 3 Saiha 4,284 384 8.96 3,900 4 Champhai 8,697 3,345 38.46 5,352 5 Kolasib 9,429 2,495 26.46 6,934 6 Serchhip 3,710 1,533 41.32 2,177 7 Lawngtlai 11,405 1,200 10.52 10,205 8 Mamit 20,182 589 2.91 19,593 Grand Total 74,644 * 10,363 13.88 64,283 Based on Mapping of Potential Areas for WRC in Mizoram using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, Mizoram Remote Sensing Application Centre (MRSAC), Science and Technology, Planning Department, Aizawl, 2008 The following strategies are initiated to strengthen the food grain production in order to attain the food security - 1. Expansion of Cultivation area through On-Farm Development works. The total WRC Potential Area (WRC PA) is 74,644 hectares which account for 3.54% of the total geographical area. The area under crop production is only 10,363 hectares and the remaining areas of 64,281 hectares need further development. 2. Enhancement of Productivity and increased area coverage : The average productivity of Kharif rice is about 1.5 MT/ha. and summer rice is 1.70 MT/ha. The yield levels is low compared to national productivity and production. Attempts is being made to increase the productivity from present position to 3.50 MT/Ha. 3. Adoption of improved package of practices 4. Agril. Machineries & Equipments : • Farm Power availability at National level is 2.5 Kw/Ha • Farm Power availability in Mizoram is 0.25 Kw/Ha • During 2010-2011 State continue to extend subsidy of Power Tiller @ Rs.90,000/No(CSS & State Plan Fund) to 100 Nos of Farmers 5. Oil Palm Cultivation: Oil Palm Development Programme under the Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm and Maize (ISOPOM) CSS was taken up (75:25 basis) in Mizoram since 2004-2005. Major thrust is given on the oil palm cultivation in order to decrease area under jhum cultivation where the net revenue returns per hactare tend to be higher. The area covered under Oil Palm since inception of the scheme (2004-2005) and up to 2009-2010 is 6521 ha. spreading in Kolasib, Mamit, Serchhip and Lunglei Districts During 2010-2011, area under expansion 1877.50 ha out of 2500 ha is achievedcovering the District of Lawngtlai, Lunglei, Serchhip, Mamit and Kolasib District . 6. STATE POLICY AND INITIATIVES • New Land Use Policy (NLUP) is an integrated & comprehensive planning and implementation of the same to translate into action the vision of the Government to make “New Mizoram”, through Transformation Development Model 6.1 Sector-Wise Schemes • Schemes under Agriculture: • (i) WRC - on flat land - 12,000 • (ii) WRC – terrace – 10,000 • (iii) Sugarcane Cultivation –1,000 • (iv) Oil Palm Cultivation – 8,600 TOTAL : 31,600 6.2 Physical Target and Financial Outlay of NLUP for 2010 – 2011 Sl Items Units 2010-2011 No. Physical Financial Target Outlay 1. Project Management including capacity LS L.S 1,562.20 building etc. Sub-Total 1,562.20 2 Development Component (1st Year) a) WRC-I @ Rs. 60,000/- No. 4,800 2,880.00 b) WRC-II @ Rs. 63,500/- No. 4,230 2,686.00 c) Oil Palm @ Rs. 60,000/- No. 2,800 1,680.00 d) Sugarcane @ Rs. 60,000/- No. 510 306.00 Sub Total 12,340 7,552.00 Total 12,340 9,114.20 6.3 STATUS OF NLUP AT LAUNCHING DAY – 14.01.2011 Sl Name of district No. of Amount Account No. No beneficiaries transferred to DAOs (in Rs.)* 1 Aizawl 68 23,60,000.00 11974 - MRB, Zarkawt 2 Lunglei 84 26,80,000.00 12088 - MRB, Lunglei (115768 46567-SBI) 3 Saiha 10 12,00,000.00 3376 - MRB, Saiha 4 Champhai 44 18,60,000.00 31578734772 - SBI, Champhai 5 Kolasib 17 13,40,000.00 6420- MRB, (1147057458- SBI, Kolasib) 6 Serchhip 90 28,00,000.00 SB 947-MRB, New Serchhip 7 Lawngtlai 29 14,80,000.00 4680 - MRB, Lawngtlai (11695 378536-SBI) 8 Mamit 16 13,20,000.00 1359 - MRB,Mamit Total 358 150,40,000.00 •Rs.20,000.00 per beneficiary was disbursed on launching day (14.01.2011) •Rs.10,00,000.00 was transferred to each and every DAOs for reserve. 7. PROGREES REPORT OF NATIONAL WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS FOR RAINFED AREAS (NWDPRA) UPTO 3rd QUARTER ENDING 2010 No. of Projects : 140 Nos. ( Area in ha & rupees in lakhs) Sl.no Component Unit Target Achievement Remarks Ha/ Phy Fin Phy Fin No A. Management Component 1 Administration Nos 140 250 140 103.25 2 Monitoring Nos 140 30 - 10,50 The 3 Evaluation Nos 56 30 - 28.00 Expenditure B. Preparatory phase sanction 4 Entry Point Activity Nos - - proposal is yet to be 5 Institution & Capacity Building Nos 140 30 - 8.26 obtained 6 Detailed Project Report Nos - - from Govt. C. Watershed works phase amounting to Rs.1350/ 7 Watershed Development works Ha 20834 1500 - 750 as 2nd 8 Livelihood activities for asset less Nos 5000 250 5000 250 Installment persons 9 Production system and micro Nos 3417 410 - - enterprises TOTAL 2500 - 1150 ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 3RD QUARTER OF 2010-2011 UNDER NWDPRA (Area in Ha) Name of Achievements during 3rd quarter S district Nos of Hill Land Assistan Assistan Assistan Assistan Assistanc Assistan Horticul Famil l WHS/Fa terrace develop ce given ce given ce given ce given e given ce given ture ies rm construct ed for for for for for for plantati settle N ponds ed (Ha) poultry Piggery carpentr Pisicult Blacksmit Tailorin on d so o construct (Ha) (nos) (nos) y ure hy g (Ha) far ed (Ha) (nos) (Nos) (nos) (nos) (nos) 1 Aizawl - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Lunglei 117 113 25 196 293 - - - - 1012 245 3 Saiha 139 149.6 38.9 68 257 - - - - 8.7 223 4 Champh 81 93 178 190 190 - - - - 569.5 - ai 5 Kolasib 32 906.85 1436.85 191 320 32 - - 32 370 2 6 Serchhip 72 28.69 16.53 - - - - - - 326 12 7 Lawngtl - 15 15 90 90 - - - - - - ai 8 Mamit 8 9 106 227 344 22 13 1 - - 74 Total 449 1315.14 1816.28 962 1494 54 13 1 32 2286.2 556 Note.1.Aizawl District is yet to draw the first installment released from the Treasury.
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