AA Ran Nigeria Limited Total Energy COMPANY PROFILE AARANONIGERIA.COM Table of contents About Us ............................................................................ page 4 Our Mission and Vision ..................................................... page 5 Our Business ..................................................................... page 7 Technology & Innovation ................................................. page 9 Refinery ............................................................................. page 11 Our Products ...................................................................... page 12 Photo Gallery ..................................................................... page 15 Retail Outlets .................................................................... page 17 Our Local and International Partners ............................. page 20 A.A Rano Foundation ....................................................... page 22 Corporate Social Responsibility ...................................... page 23 Directors and Management .............................................. page 25 Contacts ............................................................................ page 40 Leader in Nigeria’s downstream sector Company Profile | 3 ABOUT US A. A RANO is a Nigerian Indigenous Oil The Company has been enjoying an and Gas Company that Commenced the unprecedented Growth in recent years business of Marketing and distribution which is evident in the Construction of its of Petroleum Products in 1994 ,with its 60 Million Liters Tank Farm in Lagos, headquarter in Kano, Nigeria. The Com- Nigeria and commissioning of its newly pany was fully Incorporated as A. A acquired Vessel (Mt. Hajara ).The Compa- RANO NIGERIA LTD in Nigeria in the ny’s Unprecedented growth and Strategic year 2002. A.A RANO GROUP together expansion into the Upstream Sector of with all its Subsidiaries were Incorporat- the Nigerian Oil and Gas Petroleum Sub- ed in Nigeria , the Company is vertically sector (Exploration & Production) earned integrated and operates in all areas of it the lifting right of 45,000/bpd of Nige- the oil and gas industry, including explo- rian Crude Oil under the Federal Govern- ration and production, refining, distribu- ment of Nigeria Offshore Processing tion, marketing and trading of Petro- Agreement. The Company is considering leum Products, Provision of Cargo and building its own Crude oil Refining Plant Haulage logistic Services. in Nigeria. Company Profile | 4 OUR Vision OUR Mission To be a Leader in the Nigerian Oil and > To set the standards and raise the bar Gas Industry & Sub-Saharan Africa of business in Oil and Gas in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa through premi- um and consistent service delivery using skilled personnel who ensures optimum returns for our stakeholders, shareholders and customers > Employ a diverse, innovative and results-oriented team and motivated work force > Deliver continuous sustainable Health, Safety, Security and Environmental excellence > Profitable growth through superior cus- tomer service, innovation, quality and Alh. (DR) Auwal Abdulllahi Rano commitment Chairman, A.A Rano Group Company Profile | 5 Lagos Office Nigeria Head Office Kano, Nigeria Company Profile | 6 Our Business A. A. Rano Nigeria Limited’s core busi- marketers who find the state of the art ness is the wholesale and retail of facilities and safety systems at its PMS, DPK, AGO, LPG and lubricants depot very comforting and conducive to its customers at its various filling sta- for their operation. tions scattered across the country and the supply of AGO and LPFO to manu- facturers and other industrial con- cerns. The company also provides jetty ser- vices to other depot owners around its depot located at Ijegun-Egba and throughput services to other oil Company Profile | 7 Quality refined Oil & Gas BUSINESS STRATEGY This department is headed by Mr. Ibra- him Abdu who has managed the At A.A RANO we understand that effec- design, development and implementa- tive strategy formulation and imple- tion of the following systems: mentation is very critical to company’s growth and competitiveness. Our strat- Down Stream Petroleum Distribution egy is centered on Customer Relation- Management System; Filling Station ship Management. Being an IT-driven Management System; Depot Inventory Organization that seeks to use informa- Management System; Document Man- tion and communication technology in agement System; Development of gaining strategic competitive advan- robust Company's website and Man- tage. agement of the Company's IT Infra- structure. TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION We are a technology-driven company The company has an in-house Informa- that uses Information Technology in tion and Communication Technology gaining strategic competitive advan- (ICT) and Business Intelligence (BI) tage. department that oversees the full auto- mation of the company's business and logistical processes. Company Profile | 9 Innovation in Downstream REFINERY A.A RANO GROUP has a broad plan of consolidating its Portfolio of Investment in the Downstream Sub-sector of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Sector by building its own Crude Oil Refinery in the New Lekki Free Trade Zone Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is pro- cessed and refined into more useful products such as petroleum naphtha, gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas. The Group intends to commence refining its current allocation of 45,000/bpd of Crude Oil from its refining plant in the next five years. Company Profile | 11 OUR PRODUCTS CRUDE OIL AUTOMOTIVE GAS OIL (AGO) The Company’s unprecedented growth Diesel or Automotive Gas Oil (AGO) and strategic expansion into the Up- forms an important part of the compa- stream sector of the Nigerian Oil and ny’s trade. An average of 60,000 MT of Gas Petroleum Sub-sector (Exploration AGO is imported and distributed to our & Production) earned it the lifting right geographically dispersed retail outlet in of 45,000/bpd of Nigerian Crude Oil Nigeria and to our bulk and non-bulk under the Federal Government of customers. Nigeria. PREMIUM MOTOR SPIRIT (PMS) LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS (LPG) We procure locally, import, store and We have strategically positioned our- distribute Premium Motor Spirit and selves and invested in the Nigerian have strategic local and international liquefied Petroleum Gas. The Company business partners to meet the growing has strengthened its LPG business with customer demands. Marketing and dis- the installation of fully automated tribution of Premium of Motor Spirit modern and movable LPG filling plants (PMS) is a core area of our business. in Abuja, Kano and Lagos. We have also commenced the installa- DUAL PURPOSE KEROSINE (DPK) tions of LPG skid plants and auto gas We are into the marketing and distribu- dispensers in all our strategic retail out- tion of Dual Purpose Kerosene (DPK), lets in Nigeria. We have commenced also called paraffin. In many third-world the constructions of bigger Gas Plant in countries, kerosene is used extensively Abuja, Lagos and Kano State. in both rural and urban areas for do- mestic purposes such as cooking, light- ing kerosene-powered lanterns and burning refuse. Company Profile | 12 CAR CARE PRODUCTS Engine Cleaner Our engine cleaning fluid is designed Brake Fluids to rid all engines and other metal parts Our perfectly concentrated brake fluid of grease and oil. We designed this is well-tempered for lasting protection product to be totally compliant with all against wear and corrosion. As a quality engines while it does not affect engine product, it is optimized for use in vehi- gaskets, and radiator hoses. cles with brake. Radiator Sealant Oil and Lubricants Radiator sealant is a good option for a Engine oils or lubricants are the life of fast fix for a leaky radiator, gasket or all automobiles. The importance of this hose. in every engine cannot be over empha- sized because it is the sure footing that the wheel of automobiles and engines Radiator Cleaner drives on. The key role of lubricants is to This is well designed to combat rust stall friction in the engine and to and wear in your vehicles’ radiator. It is temper down heat. Our Car Care Prod- designed to help flush cooling-circuit ucts are available at our retail outlets deposits and also extend its span. nationwide. Company Profile | 13 TANK FARM OPERATIONS A. A RANO TERMINAL was licensed in April 2014, the bounded White Petro- leum products terminal is designed to receive vessels, store products and dis- tribute via trucking. Transparent processes with Loading Gantry: with 5 loading bays, our tank farm management 10 Loading Arms smith meters fitted system (TMS) with Accuload III. Net. Dispatch: Fully integrated automated dispatch with Our tank farm management system 5 minutes documentation timeline (TMS) is an integrated system, provid- per transaction. ing all functionality required for tank farm automation and management Accuload System: to ensure accuracy, from oil or gas transfer-in, to storage precision, efficiency, safety of distri- and transfer-out. bution process, reliable truck loading and 100% reduction in customer Our state of the art Automated Tank downtime, the company has an Accu- Farm enables cost-effective, flexible, load system on each of the loading and open process execution, monitor- bay. ing, and reliable data processing – throughout the entire tank farm or ter- minal across all its processes
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