February 2012 1 04 General Manager Greetings HIGHLIGHT March / April 2012 06 Expert Panel to Discuss US —China Financial Opportunities and Challenges BEIJING AMERICAN CLUB CONTACT INFORMATION 14 Taste the Elegance through FRANCE 北 京 美 洲 俱 乐 部 Tel: +8610 8519 2888 15 World Formula One Paddock Club Tickets on Sale 16 Sound of Spring st GENERAL MANAGER'S OFFICE —Beijing American Club Successfully Hosts 1 Event of “Afternoon Tea with Elegance” Series in 2012 总经理办公室 16 Voltaire Leung General Manager 18 Improvement to Woman's Second Brain 梁国忠 总经理 [email protected] Starts with Drinking Water Correctly —Beijing American Club Successfully Hosts 2nd Event in Zhang Jin “Afternoon Tea with Elegance” Series Management Representative, Deputy General Manager 张 瑾 管理者代表、副总经理 [email protected] ELITE MEMBER INTERVIEW MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT 20 Explore the Path to Physical and 会籍公关部 Mental Health Serina Wang —A Dialogue with Sophia Mang, CEO of Director of Membership & Marketing Golden Standards Consult 王海霞 会籍及市场拓展总监 [email protected] Ext.2838 Lucy Tan COVER STORY Public Relationship Executive 25 James Jiao, An Enabler of American Dream 谭 宇 公共关系主任 and Chinese Dream 24 [email protected] Ext.1825 —A Dialogue with President of J.A.O. Design International Jocelyn Chang Architects & Planners PR Assistant 29 If you want to understand the western 常 公关助理 thinking, you have to know Murphy’s Law [email protected] Ext.2865 ART & CULTURE 44 Masquerade —The feast for vision FOOD & BEVERAGE DEPARTMENT CUISINE & WINE fascinating your mind 餐饮部 30 Black Gold —Russian Sturgeon Caviar Hans Shi 32 Wine of the Month LEISURE & F&B Operation Manager 34 Meeting Package 石 宇 营运经理 [email protected] Ext.1823 35 Easter Champagne Brunch LIFESTYLE Coco Kou at Beijing American Club 46 Formula One World Championship (F1) Assist Banquet Sales Manager —The Most Expensive Motor Race in the World 寇 颖 宴会销售副经理 48 Rare Oceanic Species —Coral [email protected] Ext.1832 CIRCLE NETWORKING 50 The Legend Story of Land Rover Sammi Yin & MEMBER ACTIVITY Assistant Guest Service Manager 尹 萍 餐厅服务副经理 36 BAC Dinner with Influential [email protected] Ext.1833 Political Leaders 53 New Benefit Partner —A Dialogue with Ms Candida P. Wolff 54 Global Reciprocal Club List 会籍咨询 Membership Inquiry: 86 10 8519 1826 38 Mona Lee: Behind the Fairytale 55 Member Privileges 餐饮预订 F&B Reservations: 86 10 8519 2880 媒体咨询 Media Inquiry: 86 10 8519 1880 Beijing American Club, 28th floor, China Resources Building No.8 Jianguomen North Avenue, Beijing 100005,PRC 中国北京建国门北大街 8 号华润大厦 28 层 北京美洲俱乐部 邮编:100005 Tel: +8610 8519 2888 Fax: +8610 8519 2800 www.americanclubbeijing.com 30 e world-famous Beijing American Club, regarded as one of the " Top 4 Clubs of Beijing", is a gathering place for leading celebrities, reecting the club's matchless reputation as a high-end business and social networking platform. 拥有国际知名度的北京美洲俱乐部,被誉为“京城顶级四大俱乐部”之一。 它为颇具影响力的各界名流提供了一个高端的商务和社交平台,赢得了无 与伦比2的 声 誉。 CONTENTS 05 总经理寄语 美洲热点 06“中美金融机遇与挑战” 国际专家级讨论会 14 极致生活 品味法兰西 15 火热预订世界一级方程式大奖赛中国站 Paddock Club 尊贵门票 17 春之声 ——北京美洲俱乐部成功举办 2012 年首次 “优雅女士下午茶”系列活动 19 女人的第二大脑,从喝水开始 ——美洲俱乐部第二届优雅女士下午茶成功举办 精英会员访谈 22 探寻身心健康之道 6 ——对话金海上方健康管理公司董事长邵敏同 封面故事 27 一个美国梦和中国梦的实现者 38 ——对话美国龙安建筑规划设计顾问有限公司总裁 29 要知道西方思维,就要知道墨菲定律 美食与美酒 31 黑色黄金——俄罗斯鲟鱼籽酱 48 32 本月美酒推荐 34 宴会优惠 35 北京美洲俱乐部复活节香槟早午餐 社交圈 • 精英汇 37 美洲政要晚宴 ——对话 Candida P. Wolff 女士 42 李蒙:童话,亦需经营 艺术与文化 53 45 假面舞会——震慑心灵的视听盛宴 品味休闲 51 47 一级方程式赛车(F1) ——揭秘世界上最昂贵的比赛 49 珍贵的海洋物种 ——珊瑚 51 英伦贵族 传奇路虎 53 新权益伙伴 54 全球互惠俱乐部资源 55 会员专享附加服务 3 GENERAL MANAGER GREETINGS 总经理寄语 Dear Members and Friends, Winter goes and spring comes. In the best season of the year, Beijing American Club will present various wonderful activities. At the international expert discussion about “Sino-American Financial Opportunities and Challenges” successfully held on March 9, we had the great pleasure to invite the American Ambassador to China Mr. Gary Locke and two heavyweight elites from American financial circles Mr. Peter A. Cohen and Mr. Reuben Jeffrey to act as the speakers and distinguished guests in the discussion, so that the activity came to a successful end. In the middle ten days and the last ten days of March, we will gret the spring forum of Beijing American Club in 2012. Besides, the Club will make a careful planning of the trial drive activity of Land Rover and Jaguar, afternoon tea activity for elegant weman, the “Taste New Zealand” dinner party of delicacies and good wine. To appreciate beautiful scenes, enjoy dignified life and experience perfection, please start out with Beijing American Club. What deserves close attention is that not many tickets of the World Formula One Grand Prix of Paddock Club 2012 to be held in Shanghai, China from April 13 to 15, 2012 are left. Please contact us as soon as possible if participation is desired. Besides, a real luxury French journey of “Delicacies and good wine” exclusively designed for members by Beijing American Club going hand in hand with the French top private travel customization company HNC is in hot sign-up. In addition, the Executive Chef of the Club Master Lam Shing Lun will prepare a series of health-preserving meals in spring for members and make your taste bud feel the breath of spring. The Russian sturgeon caviar made by the western Executive Sous Chef Hill Wang will make a god of the belly of gluttons that love delicacies and attach importance to health! Finally, we will hold a thank-you party for secretaries or assistants of members on April 25. Your warm participation is highly expected! Sincerely, Voltaire Leung 4 亲爱的会员朋友们: 冬去春来,正值一年中最好的时节,美洲俱乐部的活动精彩纷呈。正如 3 月 9 日成功 举办的 “中美金融机遇与挑战” 国际专家级讨论会,我们非常荣幸的邀请到美国驻华大使 骆家辉先生以及来自美国金融界的两位重量级精英 Peter A. Cohen 先生、Reuben Jeffrey 先 生担任此次讨论会的主讲和讨论嘉宾,使得活动完满落幕。3 月中下旬我们将迎来美洲俱乐 部 2012 年的春季论坛,俱乐部在 4 月份还为会员朋友们精心安排了路虎以及捷豹汽车试驾 活动、优雅女性下午茶活动、“品味新西兰”美食与美酒晚宴,领略美景、尊贵生活、体验 完美,请与美洲一同出发吧。 值得关注的是 2012 年 4 月 13 日至 15 日中国站 ( 上海 ) 举行的 2012 赛季世界一级方 程式大奖赛 Paddock Club 尊贵款待门票已所剩不多,如欲参加请尽快与我们联系。另外,5 月 2 日至 9 日,美洲俱乐部携手法国顶级私人旅行定制公司 HNC 为会员独家设计的一场真 正奢华级法国“美食与美酒”之旅,正在火速报名中。 此外,俱乐部的中餐行政总厨林胜伦师傅为会员朋友们安排了一系列的春季养生餐 , 带 领您的味蕾感受春天的气息。西餐行政副总厨王嵩师傅推出的俄罗斯鲟鱼籽酱,定将满足爱 好美食并关注健康的老饕们的口腹之欲! 最后,我们将在 4 月 25 日为会员朋友们的秘书或助理们举办一场答谢派对,期待大家 的热情参与! 北京美洲俱乐部总经理 梁国忠 5 HIGHLIGHT 美洲热点 Distinguished Panlists: Mr. Patrick Chovanec, professor at Tsinghua University’s School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Mr. Reuben Jeffrey, CEO of Rockefeller Financial and former United States Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs, Mr. Guo Dajiang, Managing Director of CITIC Securities Co.,Ltd, Mr. Peter Cohen, Chairman and CEO of Cowen Group, Ms Xiaowei Ye, Partner of Bingham McCutchen LLP, Mr. John Li, International business director of China asset management CO., Ltd, Mr. Ye Weiqiang, associate editor from Caixin media (from left) 论 坛 嘉 宾 : 清华大学经济管理学院副教授 Patrick Chovanec、纽约洛克菲勒金融集团的首席执行官及董事会成员,前美国国务卿 Reuben Jeffrey、中信证券董 事总经理过大江、高宏集团董事长兼首席执行官 Peter A. Cohen、斌瀚国际律师事务所合伙人叶小玮、华夏基金管理有限公司国际业务总监李仲翔、 财新传媒副主编叶伟强(左起) Expert Panel to Discuss US –China Financial Opportunities and Challenges he Expert Panel to discuss US- China Mr. Gary Locke delivered great China Financial Opportunities sincerity in his keynote speech to and Challenges jointly hosted by promote improvements in investment Tthe Beijing American Club and environments in both China and the the Tsinghua - Carnegie Global Policy US. In addition to his expectations for Center, was held on March 9, 2012 the future, Mr. Locke cited a number before an audience of 70 honorable of substantive initiatives being actively guests. They included officials from the implemented by both governments, U.S. Embassy, specially invited members which involve market access, visa policy, of the Beijing American Club, as well and promotion of understanding in as selected scholars and experts from each other’s business environments. Six the Tsinghua - Carnegie Global Policy VIP guests, namely Mr. Reuben Jeffrey, Center. CEO of Rockefeller Financial and former United States Under Secretary of State In the spirit of “discuss freely, exchange for Economic, Business and Agricultural Welcome Address by Mr. Richard An, President of Beijing American Club openly, and learn from one another” Affairs, Mr. Peter Cohen, Chairman and 美洲俱乐部董事长安宁先生致欢迎词 of this Seminar, U.S. Ambassador to CEO of Cowen Group, Mr. Guo Dajiang, 6 Managing Director of CITIC Securities Co.,Ltd, Ms Xiaowei Ye, Partner of Bingham “中美金融机遇与挑战” McCutchen LLP, Mr. John Li, International business director of China asset management CO., Ltd, Mr. Ye Weiqiang, 国际专家级讨论会 associate editor from Caixin media., held a private discussion from different perspectives 012 年 3 月 9 日 北京美洲俱乐部联合清华卡耐基全球政策中心共同举 on current opportunities in financial services in both countries. Mr. Patrick Chovanec, 办 2012 年度“中美金融机遇与挑战”国际专家级讨论会。70 位与会嘉 professor at Tsinghua University’s School 宾包括来自美国大使馆的客人、北京美洲俱乐部的特邀会员,清华卡耐 of Economics and Management, Tsinghua 2基全球政策中心特邀学者和专家。 University, was invited to serve as the 讨论会本着“自由讨论、开放交流、互相学习”的精神,美国驻华大使骆家 moderator of the discussion. 辉先生的主题发言首先为大家表达了促进中美投资环境改善的极大诚意。他列举 了两国政府正在努力实施的包括市场准入、签证政策、促进了解彼此经营环境等 The Beijing American Club serves as an 在内的一系列实质举措和对未来的期待。包括纽约洛克菲勒金融集团的首席执行 important platform to promote exchanges 官及董事会成员,前美国国务卿 Reuben Jeffrey 先生,高宏集团董事长兼首席执 among global business leaders, while the Tsinghua-Carnegie Global Policy Center as 行官 Peter A. Cohen 先生,中信证券董事总经理过大江先生,斌瀚国际律师事务 an institute for Sino-US cooperation brings 所合伙人叶小玮女士,华夏基金管理有限公司国际业务总监李仲翔,财新传媒副 together senior experts and scholars from 主编叶伟强先生在内的
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