L) . i tis 4011 in IN A* m mina istrationAl a - By Mitchell Horowitz University President John Marburger, in a budget report to the University Senate Monday, claimed Gov- ernor Mario Cuomo's 1986-87 state budget proposal mandates 184 cuts in staff positions at Stony Brook and I would have a "disastrous" effect on the university. The Governor's Office, however, claims that while personnel expenditure cuts are required, no layoffs will occur. The state budget which Cuomo released last month, cuts certain educational projects, and falls short in inflationary increases throughout the SUNY system. If passed in its current-form.the budget would pro- vide funding for only 50 percent of the inflationary increases in Other Than Personnel Services (OTPS) areas for Stony Brook. Continued funding for the cam- pus' Living Marine Sciences Institute and W.B. Yeats projects are not provided for in the budget, and would have to be liquidated, according to Marburger. "This is one of those puzzling budgets ... We will beseech the legislature to make restorations," he said "If this budget passes, we'll be in trouble." The budget will take effect April 1, after deliberation by the State legislature. "The personnel reductions proposed in this year's Executive Budget amount to 184 jobs. We think that this is an unrealistic proposal, to put it very mildly ... There is no doubt that cuts of this magnitude would cripple Stony Brook," Marburger wrote in an early draft of his budget statement. Currently Stony Brook employs 2800 staff members on the main campus: how- ever Marburger said maintenance and janitorial .......... ......................................... .............................. ............................................................................. ......................... .......... ....................... ........ ...................... .......................................................................... .......... ............................................................................... workers would be the ones targeted for layoffs. IUniversity President John Marburger speaks at ............................... ............. ........... ...... ......... ...... ..... ................... ......................................................... ...... ... ........................................... ................ .......... Monday's Senate meeting. statesman/Paul Kahn ......................... ..... ............................ ......... ................................... John Crisanti, a policy analyst for the Senate's Higher Education Committee, said the situation - _ -"*»** (Continued on page 5,1 Violence Stirs Question of Racial Confli At By Jeff Leibowitz Office of Student Affairs, until the in- legislature to allocate funds for Black incident was being discussed in the con- The legislative president of Ammann vestigation of the matter is completed. History month, but she said her request text of racism. "How could I be racist in College was charged Tuesday night - O'Connor found her room vandalized had been ignored. a building that's half black and half with physically harrassing a student after Tuesday's incident, and a message But O'Connor said the request was not white?" O'Connor asked. after a chaotic legislative meeting written on a poster which had been torn made in accordance with Robert's Rules during which the student allegedly off her wall read "Next time it won't be a of Order. O'Connor said Johnson failed The matter has been referred to Gary threatened the president with physical paper, it will be you." O'Connor gave the to raise the issue again in the meeting. Mis, the Hearing Officer for the Student violence. following account: O'Connor and other students in Am- Judiciary. Mis would not discuss the The legislative president, Theresa A proposal regarding representation ,mann College expressed regret that the matter yeaterday. at hall meetings was being discussed by OtConnor, a freshman who is white, . ......... maintained last night that the incident, the legislature (comprised of four white ................. .... ... ............. ............ ......... ....... ........... .... ................. ... ... .... which occurred shortly after Tuesday's legislators and one black) when Malloy ......... .... ...... meeting and involved a black student, and her friends entered the meeting. sophomore Alona Malloy, was not of a They were disruptive and the meeting op ------ ..... ..... ..... ... racial motivation. became unorganized. O'Connor, at- ............. ---- -----------..... ..... .. .. ................. ..... O'Connor also denied the allegation tempting to quiet the crowd, yelled for .......... ........ ..... .. ....... that the incident was racially inspired, them to "Shut up!" Interpreting the ..... .... but other students, including freshman statement as being directed at her, . .. ........ ......... ..... ..... .. ........ ............... ... Lynda Jordan, a C wing resident who Malloy shouted back at O'Connor and ........... ........... .. .. ...... ... ..... .. ... ......... ......................... for three months last semester received threatened physical violence. egisla- ......... ..... ........ ........ ....... ..... ... ..... ... .......... .. ....... threatening notes with slogans such as tive officials and Barbara Ornstein, the ........... "Nigger go home" and "This is your last building's residence hall director, ! .............. chance nigger, get off the hall," say the helped to restore order. IA confrontation is representative of Shortly after the meeting, O'Connor mounting tensisons between certain was on the telephone when she heard ....... ................... ........ ... ..... white and black students of the Malloy loudly making remarks about 1:x building. her which she felt Malloy intended her . .............. .... According to a police report neither to hear. When she approached Malloy, 'PA ---------- party suffered physical injuries in the an argument ensued and Malloy called I ........ fight, although O'Connor showed visible O'Connor a "white bitch." O'ConnV vaid ----- . ..... .... ........ ... .. lacerations on her face and friends of she then struck Malloy. The fir it was Malloy said she visited the infirmary broken up quickly by student<vho were --------------- --- .. .. .... ----------- ..... yesterday morning. nearby. .............. Malloy declined to comment on the At an earlier point in tne legislative matter, which has been referred to the meeting Johnson had asked the building - - L-*S w : * we re umh y 11M ene every st of the UJa^ Prepare your reports, Thesis, Term Paper on your PC- or the Universitys'...then give your well thought-out work the finishing touch with our speedy, letter quality printers, and 25% Cotton Rag- 201b. paper and single-strike film ribbons! Your efforts deserve a great presentation! Cal/ Susan, our Customer Support manager, before you submit your papers. 3619800 400 TOWN LINE ROAD- HAUPPAUGE BETWEEN EXTEBANK AND E.F. HUTTON JUST OFF NESCONSET HIGHWAY MM!rH ' [ PACKARDHEWLETTaserjet E Q~~l~ulU IaPACKARD Pdnftr I i I VW -M 10 I Arthurs GRADE A To -l -VACATIONS WFREE DELIVERY Three Village Travel CALL 689 311 1 W o Airline Tickets -Package Tours s- Group Travel oStudent Travel 700 N. Country Road s.- Cruises - Amtrak r Se uket, N.Y. : R^v^\ n -. * * (Neor.^». 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Computer Dating 0 6 -M/C & Visa Accepted 5 a m -Snow Tires A v- p -Winter Specials I I - A I ................................ ^ sdX jF... .. a place to findcyourl Valenin !! i| - | 7510317 75 9895 IR W - -, ,- -N -d I v Thursday, February 13,1986 Union Ballroom 10:00pm till?| I Js-t Fill Out TF7is Qu estionare L a niW Vil/ sC sto rcomputcrcomputer ronipatabledate 1 Sponsored by the Stony Br RHA, ookwith ass - - s frgisance - 1uestion 55h ______24CO 2 STATESMAN Thursday February 6, 1986 - m |- ' Pot y ' : S ~ l a e ~v i ~ n rIn i at o L-. 74z-l By George Bidermann the Senate will be forced to really work. The Polity Senate took steps this week The Executive Committee will serve to towards ratifying an organization plan distribute the work and guide the Se- that establishes an executive committee nate." As outlined in Drobenare's prop- to take charge of Senate activities and osal, the committee will serve to clarify issues before they are presented coordinate the activities of the Senate, to the full Senate. clarify issues before they are sent to the The plan, which was developed by full Senate, and suggest to the Polity O'Neill Senator Neal Drobenare over president items to be placed on the Se- the intersession, is to be voted on at next nate agenda. Monday's meeting after Drobenare The committee will consist of all presents the finalized version. At this elected officials of the Senate, an elected week's meeting, members
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