THECOPKBIGHT, 1886, »T THI SPOBTING LOB PuitiMiwo Co. SPORTING TKTEBEDLIFE. AT PHILA. POST OFFICE AS 8iroNi> CLASS MA mm. VOLUME 7, NO. 8. PHILADELPHIA, PA., JUNE 2, 1886. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. stiff Saturday and Joe Qninn was put in at short and THE LEAGUE KIDS. Sweeney was sent to centre field. Quinn waa off in KEMLAP'8 LETTER. BASE BALL. hid play in thii new position, baviiig four chances and Kansag City Rather Proud of the League The Whites Not Appreciated at ITom« a« accepting but two. With either one of this great infield ON SATURDAY. Baby—Bits of Gossip. LATE NEWS. off, and another player pat in to try and fill the gap, it They Would Like—A Craving for New deenw to weaken th« whole team, and it certainly does. KANSAS CITT, Mo., May 26.—Editor SPORTIKS Faces. The young batt«ry of the Black Diamonds—Realey Lire—Tbe Boston aggregation imagined tbey CHICAGO, May 27.—Editor SPORTING Lr»n.— All the News of a Week and Graves—are a good pair M draw to. ID the last would bave a walk-over when they uckled tbe The Sporting Events of Our toioi U in the Ki8t this week, and that about Boston game phtyed here (he beau-eater* were unable The Double Games at Cowboys, but they were never more tooled in to do anything with ihe Egyptian mystery, they get­ tells the story of base ball afiaira in Chicago Compiled. ting but five eioglen off of his delivery—two of these their lives, inasmuch aa tbey dropped the two Saturday. at present. Still, there are some things that hits were balls that rame down on the inskt* of th» Philadelphia. lapt g&ines with ua. The first wa* won by them I may mention not without interest to reader! divmond, and wonld bave been outs if the players had after an exciting ten-inning contest, and that by here and elsewhere. In the first place, ourlada Gathered by Reporters, Corres­ been properly coached. mere luck. are meeting with juat about the same treatment I heard au admirer of the Browns remark (he other Everything duly considered one mast confess The Work on the Turf—Late day: "If I had a short stop like Billy Gleason I The Athletics Lose Two—Phil• at the hands of the Chicago people as they did pondents and the Telegraph would make him play abort witb hia right hand and that Kansas City baa an elegant team, and of Base Ball News, Etc last year; in fact, our people, in wishing to main­ cover second with his left." One of Jack Glasacock's adelphia Gains Two—Out- late they have been playing great ball, fielding tain their reputation for impartiality, are giving friends gpoke up and said "that if h« was in fichmelz'a and batting very well indeed; their base-run­ all the appianie they have to offer to visiting From all Points. place he wouldn't have any outfielders at all, but ning is also praiseworthy, Bassett, Radforl, would allow McKinnon.Dunlap, Glasscock and Denny of-Town Games. THE TDRF. clubs and withholding it from the AVhitea at to take care of the pastures tack of them." Donaelly and Rowe making slides tbat are times when to do so eeema needlessly cruel. FROM ST. The youngsters of the Black Diamonds are showing really wonderful. Fre«land Beattn at La ton! a—Racing at Now, if spectators in other cities accorded our np in much better form than at the opening of the LEAGUE GAMES. Pete Conway is improving with each game. Jerome Park, boys the same warm hospitality that we extend The Games With New York—The Umpire season. Both Quiun and faliill are fielding better In a recent one with the New Yorks he held NEW YORBT, May 29.—The sport at Jerome to visiting teams the effect would not prove so Trouble—Qen«ral News Notes, and bitting the ball harder than th*y did when they Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit «nd New the Giants down to four a*fa hits. Hf Las good con­ Park to-day was excellent. Sutler won the first each had a bad cade of buck ague. PKITCHABD. discouraging to the Chicago team, but they ST. Locis, May 27.—Editor SPORTING Lu«:— York the Winners. trol of the tall and p-ssetaxa spetid and all the race, three-quarters of a mile; time, 1:17. Tre- curve*. He rertaiujy has a promising future. don't do this, and last year I had occasion to Jim Mutrie and Ms "Goiham Giants" arrived in ON THE WING. A muffed fly ball by Lillie, an error of Myers Woiilukan u alM) iuipiovmg iu eff^ctiveoeM. Hia mont won the Juvenile Stakes, Stride Away touoh npon this matter both in the Tribune St. Louis on last Friday morning from Kansas at second base and a wild pitch, all in the third coolness at critUal j>oiutd uf the game ia an accom­ second, Tom Hood third; time not taken. Third and in THE SPORT»KO LIFE, aad the City, having suffered a defeat there the day be­ "Mat" Accompanies the Detroit^—A Yonng inning, gave the Philadelphia the only run of plishment worrh putwe-*ing. Whitney is pitchiug in race—Metropolitan Handicap-—Long view first, result was thnt I received letUrs approving my fore at the hands of Dave Uowe and hia broad- Phenoiuenal Exploded—Current Gossip. the game against the Kansas Citys. It was a hurtl lucb, but just uait uuiil he geu iu hid uid form; Eole socond, Maumee third; time, 2:38. Fourth then something will dr-p. He is, buwevtr, atronj uc s and from Milwaukee, St. Paul, New York City brimmed followers. The Giants were without BOSTON, May 23.—Editor SPORTING Lirm:— pitcaeri' game throughout, with no advantage tbe tat and dhuulu be played m the field aa often aa raiie—Stonebuck first, Royal Arch second, El­ and elsewhere. Several of these letters were the aervioeg of either one of their regular catch­ Having gone through a severe course of train­ upon the part »f either Whitney or Casey. In possible. gin third; distance, mile and a furloojr; time, 1:58%, written by traveling men who had witnessed the ers (Buck Ewing and Tom Deasley), and the old every inning but the first and second, the visitors Duouflly has already worked int^ tha good graces fifth race—ULO mile; Wo ode: meat fii>t, Harry fowie ing to perfect myself as a ED a* cot, the manage­ S'coud, Mrtimpdnke third; time. 1:4,5%. Sixth race— great games of la?t year between the Whites and reliable "Any Position O'Rourke" was put in to ment of the Detroit Club decided to permit me had men on bines, but sharp fieMing prevented of llie Kduaas Citv prople. He id quiet and gentle­ the Giucts upon the Polo Grounds in New York manly and an taruest worker. tittndiciip Steeplechase, full course; Disturbance first, free the pitching of both Keefe and Mickey to accompany them on their first and moment­ them from scoring. Whitney's pitching w;ia especially Bourke C»ckr<ta e^coud, Abraham 3U; n<> time. City, and without a single exception they wrote effective agaiost Wood, who struck out every time he C-ii>tatn Kuwe has done ttoUy up to date and is Welch. Some of the members of the New York ous Eastern trip of the season of 1886, and I c«me Co the bat. McGuire aod Hackett caught finely, slugging the tmil ht-artily. Tue big hitters uf the CINCINNATI, M»y 29.—llie racisg at Latouia, Ky,, in DO gentle terms concerning the treatment of team told me that O'Rourke's hands were in bad shall stick to the club so long aa my powers as and Myera' and Malvey abase playing wafl exceedingly LeagUH will riud Captain B. up arnoug them at tue to-day, was sharp. 'Ihe winners were:—Oue mile— our team by metropolitan audience, as com­ end i.f the se.soii. Aacen-ler 1-t, Ti<psy 2d, Taxjfatherer 3d; time, 1:43*^. condition, and I don't doubt their word, but he a mascot continue good and the club incident­ clever. The atteutlunce waa about 7uO. The futl score Second race, five furloups—Larnlo 1st, Violette 2«1, pared with that accorded to the New Yorka. ftkught three remarkable games for a man with ally play well. Prom the present outlook there But two home rima bave been made npon the home Now this thing is unfair and a ball player h*j gri'iini'f, Bowe and \A hituey bein,; cred ti-d th -rewith. Tt.e.d.sin 3d; time, 1:04% Third race, Hindoo •ore ban .id, and covered himself with glory by is no prospect of failure in either particular. Of PHILA. AB.B.B. P. A.« KiS. CITT. AB.R. B. P. A.I ritaker—Silrtu Cioud L-t, Blue Wing 2d, Montana Re- Andrews, cf. 4 0 0 3 01 £adford,rf... 401 0 00 The atiendance baa been very gooJ, aud la improv­ just a keen a sense of the just and unjust as haa his fine back stop work, his quick and accurate course beating three of the best clubs in the ing oa.ly. gt-ut 3'}; time, 2:40 Kuunh raew, Merchants' Stakea any other man. He is just as quick to appre­ Wood, If...... 40* 1 00 Basaett, SB... 400 1 52 —Tyrant let, Freehold ad, Hopeddle 3-1; time, 1:57 W.
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