Attachment 13 Sound Transit | Downtown Redmond Link Extension Design-Build Contract No. RTA/CN 0148-18 Geotechnical Report Alteration of Geologic Hazard Areas City of Redmond April 7, 2020 Prepared for: Prepared by: Attachment 13 Geotechnical Report – Alteration of Geologic Hazard Areas Revision History/Signature Page Version Description/Comment Geotechnical Report – Geologic Hazard Areas, City 0 January 6, 2020 of Redmond Geotechnical Report – Geologic Hazard Areas, City 1 January 16, 2020 of Redmond Geotechnical Report – Geologic Hazard Areas, City 2 March 19, 2020 of Redmond Geotechnical Report – Geologic Hazard Areas, City 3 April 7, 2020 of Redmond Sound Transit | Downtown Redmond Link Extension Page | ii April 7, 2020 Attachment 13 Geotechnical Report – Alteration of Geologic Hazard Areas EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Downtown Redmond Link Extension (DRLE) project extends East Link light rail from Redmond Technology Center Station to downtown Redmond and will consist of two parallel lines of track running side by side. The project alignment runs along eastbound State Route 520 (SR 520) through critical landslide hazard areas (geologic hazard areas) between NE 60th Street and the SR 520/West Lake Sammamish Parkway NE interchange. The existing steep slopes in this area of the project are considered a potential landslide hazard by the City of Redmond. The project alignment cannot avoid these potential landslide hazard areas (steep slopes) due to the limited space between SR 520 and the adjacent private properties above the slopes. As a result, landslide hazards along the project are either reduced or not adversely affected through use of earth retaining systems (e.g. retaining walls) in areas of slope cut or by placing fill retention systems at the base of existing steep slopes, i.e. providing new buttressing. Earth retaining systems for the project are designed to meet or exceed the slope stability requirements for the State of Washington, and typically improve the stability compared to the existing slopes. Construction of the project will reduce potential hazard impacts by minimizing grading and slope cuts to the extent practical and adhering to recommended erosion and sediment control practices. Monitoring will take place throughout construction along the steep slopes to actively measure for potential slope movement. If excessive slope movements were to occur during construction, corrective action would be taken to prevent potential damage to nearby properties and structures. Introduction The DRLE project extends East Link light rail 3.4 miles from the Redmond Technology Center Station to downtown Redmond and includes two new stations. Most of the light rail alignment, including both stations, will be within the Redmond city limits. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate project compliance with the City of Redmond’s (City) critical areas regulations (Redmond Zoning Code [RZC] Chapter 21.64) in support of the permit application to the City related to Alteration of Geologic Hazard Areas. This report addresses the geotechnical aspects of critical areas regulated under RZC Chapter 21.64.060 regarding geologic hazard areas (GHA). Overall Project Background The DRLE project is a component of the larger East Link Light Rail Transit Project. Sound Transit, Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) issued the East Link Project Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) in July 2011. The EIS evaluated approximately 18 miles of light rail, and the study area was divided into five segments. Segment E included the City of Redmond portion of the study area from Redmond Technology Station (formerly called the Overlake Transit Center Station) to downtown Redmond. Three build alternatives, in addition to the No Build Alternative, were considered in Segment E. Sound Transit | Downtown Redmond Link Extension Page | 1 April 7, 2020 Attachment 13 Geotechnical Report – Alteration of Geologic Hazard Areas The Final EIS and Record of Decision (ROD) identified Marymoor Alternative E2 as the Preferred Alternative in Segment E (FTA et al. 2011; FTA 2011; Federal Highway Administration [FHWA] 2011). This alignment was selected by the Sound Transit Board in 2011 as part of the East Link Project, although Segment E was not funded at the time for construction and operation. Both the Final EIS and the ROD noted that the Sound Transit 2 (ST2) Plan does not provide sufficient funding for Segment E; therefore, the Redmond Technology Station was selected as the interim terminus. In 2011, Sound Transit deferred further work on an extension to the downtown Redmond terminus until funding became available. Preliminary engineering to extend light rail from the Redmond Technology Station to downtown Redmond resumed in 2016, and funding for constructing this extension was approved by voters in the Sound Transit 3 (ST3) Plan. As part of ST3, the Sound Transit Board identified 2024 as the start of operation—one year after East Link begins operating to the interim terminus at the Redmond Technology Station. The portion of the full-length East Link corridor, referred to as Segment E in the Final EIS, was subsequently renamed the Downtown Redmond Link Extension (DRLE) Project. Overall Project Description The current design for the DRLE segment consists of a mix of at-grade and elevated track. The DRLE project alignment begins at the Redmond Technology Center and extends north and east along the eastside of the SR 520 freeway using at-grade track generally supported on retained- cut sections to cut into the hillside and pass under existing overpasses. The alignment then turns east with the freeway and transitions to an elevated structure, crossing the Sammamish River and descending into Marymoor Park. The alignment transitions to retained fill and at-grade sections as it reaches the Southeast (SE) Redmond Station. After the station, the light rail alignment turns to the northwest at grade, crosses under SR 520, transitions to an elevated structure over Bear Creek, and then continues as an elevated structure following the Redmond Central Connector (RCC) alignment into downtown Redmond, terminating at the Downtown Redmond Station located at the north side of Redmond Town Center. Report Preparation and Technical Experience This report has been prepared by Mr. Garry Horvitz, a licensed geotechnical engineer and engineering geologist in the State of Washington, meeting the requirements specified in RZC Appendix 1.E. Garry has 44 years of geotechnical engineering experience including landslide stabilization, slope stability evaluations, and geotechnical engineering design of slopes, embankments, roadways, tunnels, elevated structures, and retaining walls. Additional relevant technical expertise and professional registrations for Garry are shown in the geotechnical engineering resume attached to this report. Designated Geologic Hazard Areas of the Project The remainder of this report focuses on the DRLE alignment along the east side of SR 520 between NE 60th Street and the SR 520/West Lake Sammamish Parkway NE (WLSP) Sound Transit | Downtown Redmond Link Extension Page | 2 April 7, 2020 Attachment 13 Geotechnical Report – Alteration of Geologic Hazard Areas interchange, hereafter referred to as the Geologic Hazard Areas (GHA) of the project. The project site area, designated by Redmond Zoning Code (RZC) Chapter 21.64.060, as the GHA comprises approximately 2.7 acres and generally consists of currently undeveloped areas of Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) right-of-way along eastbound SR 520. The GHA is bordered by NE 60th Street to the south, SR 520 to the west, private residences and a community center to the east, and the SR 520/WLSP interchange to the north. Historical site grading consisting of cut and fill were completed in the vicinity of the GHA as part of the initial SR 520 construction and subsequent widening. In general, the existing steep slopes in this area appear to be either cuts made during SR 520 construction or existed prior to construction of SR 520. A soldier pile retaining wall was also constructed along the SR 520 roadway just west of the SR 520/WLSP interchange, to retain an apparent cut in this area. Fills were completed for the NE 60th Street abutment just south of the critical areas, and fills were also likely completed in the flatter areas adjacent to the shoulder of SR 520. Guideway Stationing in the project area designated as the GHA runs from approximately East Bound Station 5050+00 to 5072+00. Proposed Construction in the Critical Areas The width of the proposed DRLE project alignment is approximately 35 feet from wall to wall and consists of an eastbound and westbound track running approximately parallel to SR 520. The tracks are planned at-grade through the GHA from approximately Station 5050+00 to 5071+50, and as the track alignment continues northeast past approximately Station 5071+50, it transitions to an elevated segment over the SR 520/WLSP interchange. Along portions of the alignment, the GHA slopes make up nearly all of the area between SR 520 and the private properties above the GHA slopes. Note that the project alignment is already established and cannot avoid the GHA due to the site constraints and will have to be constructed with suitable use of earth retaining system and other measures to not adversely affect the GHA. For two portions of the alignment, between approximately Station 5050+00 to 5052+00 and 5064+00 to 5067+00, the track will be supported on retained structural fill along the base of existing slopes. The remaining portions of the alignment within the GHA, from approximately Station 5052+00 to 5064+00 and 5067+00 to 5071+50, the site grading for the proposed track alignment will generally consist of retained cuts on the east (uphill) side of the track alignment. Site Reconnaissance We conducted a surface reconnaissance at the project site GHA on November 18 ‒ 19, 2019.
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