Windy, Cold Sunny, windy and cold today. HOME Clear, quite cold tonight. Sun- Red Bank, Freehold ny and cold tomorrow. I _ Long Brandt FINAL (Bee Details Page ju 7 Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for i Years VOL. 91, NO. 116 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1968 22 PAGES TEN CENTS Russians Call Move Provocative •-',! '•">' U.S., Warships in Sea ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP)- between the Sea of Marmara vention that bars transit of ficials rejected the Soviet under 30,000 tons into the Two destroyers of the U.S. and the Black Sea. Her sister the strait after nightfall. charges and said the ships Black Sea. 6th Fleet sailed through the - ship, the Turner, followed Izvestia claimed that the were making a routine visit Turkish newspapers viewed Bosporus today for a five-day about an hour later. ships' passage through the that was in conformity with the destroyers' visit as a dem- cruise along Turkey's Black The Soviet government the convention. Sea Coast. newspaper Izvestia reported Bosporus violated the Mon- The Turkish Foreign Minis- onstration of American naval The Russians called the yesterday that its correspon- treux Convention regulating try said the Russians "had strength occasioned by the American naval visit to their dent had seen the two de- use of the strait because the some complaints, but Turkey steady Soviet naval buildup southern doorstep a provoca- stroyers pass through the Bos- two destroyers were equipped rejected them since the pas- tion, a threat to peace and in the Mediterranean during porus and slip "Jike thieves" with missiles capable of de- sage is entirely in conformity Soviet security, and a viola- into the landlocked Black Sea. the past year. The Russians livering nuclear weapons and with the Montreux Conven- tion of the 1936 Montreux But the ships anchored in tion." now have about 60 warships Convention. - the Sea of Marmara for the because the convention bars The convention allows non- in the Mediterranean, a sea. The 3,500-ton Dyess led the night, abiding by the pro- ships of any nation at war. Black Sea powers to send where previously the U.S. 6th way through the narrow strait vision of the Montreux Con- Turkish and American of- "light surface vessels" of Fleet was unchallenged. HEAD FOR BLACK SEA — Two American dettroyert, Police Call Help the USS Turner, top, and the USS Dyess, bottom, headed for the Black Sea today on a U. S. naval opera-' To Quell Melee tion that angered the Soviet Union. (AP Wirephotd) RED BANK — A brawl be- called at 8:30 p.m. by Jack Knight and Robert Clayton, tween Negro youths and po- Rein, manager of the theater. both of whom were taken to lice at the Carlton Theater Four policemen were dis- Riverview Hospital for treat- last night sent two local offi- patched to the scene, he said. ment^ Patrolman Clayton is cers to the hospital and re- When police arrived, they the chief's son. Detective Her- sulted in five arrests. heard a 15-year-old from New bert Swanson also was The melee, which started at Shrewsbury using loud and punched by the youths, the Selected For 8:30 when a Negro usher at- abusive' language, the chief chief said. tempted to disperse youths said. who were making a distur- Cleared Theater bance, wound up with the en- The officers asked the youth Chief Clayton said he tire Red Bank Police Depart- to leave "in order to pre- cleared the theater out and Defense Post LIBRARIAN FETED •— Miss Julia Killian of Spring Lake, director of the county ment and police from seven vent further trouble," the called for outside help. At this library for 22 years, was honored last night at a testimonial dinner in Rod's neighboring towns at the chief said. But the youth re- point he said, the downstairs MILWAUKEE, Wis. (AP)- Laird was not available im- fused and became louder, he lobby "was jammed," while Shadowbrbok, Shrewsbury. Pictured with her, left to right, are Freeholder Benjamin scene, Police Chief George H. Rep. Melvin R. Laird, R-Wis., mediately for comment. • Clayton said. said. youths on the upper level up- is president - elect Richard Danskin; John Livingston, assistant director who will succeed her, and Earle W. Laird, 48, a congressman The boy's sister, also a ju- set chairs and couches and M. Nixon's choice for secre- Chief Clayton, who also was smashed plants. from Marshfield in central Hendriclcson, chairman of the library board. (Register Staff Photo) at the Monmouth St. movie venile, joined in and, when tary of defense, the Milwau- Wisconsin;since,1952, is chair- house, said that youths« in- the officers attempted to ar- Police, from neighboring kee Sentinel reported today. man of the House Republican volved In the fracas were rest both of them, youths who communities appeared in The Sentinel said it was Conference and the ranking from out of town. had gathered attacked the of- short order, the chief said. told by an unidentified Nixon Republican on the House Ap- "Our officers report that ficers, said Chief Clayton. Ten officers from Middletown aide in Washington that Laird propriations Committee's wel- Negro youths from Red Bank The chief said the group and several each from Little had agreed to accept the post fare subcommittee. Million Oceanfront offered to help police at the punched, knocked down and Silver, Shrewsbury, New and that a formal announce- height of the trouble," the kicked Patrolmen Peter (See MELEE, Pg. 3, Col.. 6) ment was planned this week. Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D chief said. The youths were Wash., declined last night in thanked, but told to go home, Seattle to comment on re- Repairs Seen Required he said. ports he had rejected an offer Changes Designation LONG BRANCH — An in- require state and federal fi- Mayor Nastasio expressed The chief first referred to Hope for Peace Talk of the defense job. spection tour of the city's nancial assistance. concern over getting the work last night's Incident as a The name of Rep. Gerald fivermile beachfront has dis- Mr. Noble has estimated $1». started in time for comple- "scuffle," but later called it R. Ford, R-Mich., has also closed that 36 jetties are in million will be needed to re- tion prior to next year's in- a "regular brawl." Recount- been discussed concerning the serious need of repairs and pair oceanfront jetties here; flux of vacationers and visi- ing the sequence of events, he position. Appointment of Ford that bulkheads and beaches $500,000 would be required to tors to this resort city. said that police were first Resumption This Week would leave the road open for show deep scars of erosion, replace about 250,000 square Laird's possible advancement according to Mayor Paul yards of beach sand, and PARIS (AP) - U.S. and yond the opening date envi- namese community In Paris, to House top leader. Nastasio Jr. another $500,000 for repairing South Vietnamese peace ne- sioned in President Johnson's plus officials and newsmen. Laird was a critic of an of- The mayor said-Assembly, and back-filling bulkheads. Curfew Imposed, gofiltoTfiiold strategy ses- Oct. 31 bomb-halt package. "I have come with the hope, fer by President Johnson in man Louis R. Aikins and City Mayor Nastasio said yester- ^ons today, and the Ameri- The first delay resulted from that the aggression from North October 1966 to return U.S. Engineer Richard T. Noble day that Gov. Richard J. Saigon's boycott of the talks. Vietnam will soon be brought accompanied him during the /cans hoped the expanded Viet- troops from Vietnam if North Hughes has pledged his sup- /nam peace talks would start to an end," lie said. Vietnamese forces were simi- on-site _ inspection. port to gain state assistance "I have come with all my, He ". said the inspec- in the program. He added Lifted in before the end of the week. good will to search for peace," "We will not demand that larly withdrawn. He helped tion sftows that the city needs that U.S. Sens. Harrison A. DOVER (AP) — This North Edward McDougald, 24, of After the exuberant arrival Ky told a banner • waving those on the other side^sur- urge GOP policymakers to about $2 million for the re- William^ and Clifford P. Elizabeth, a Panther captain, yesterday of Vice President crowd of some 250 greeters render... I don't expect that . pull away from the adminis- Jersey community had a Nguyen Cao Ky, who led a pairs and replacement of Case, as well as Rep. calm, uneventful Sunday was treated for a knife wound at Orly Airport from toe Viet- we will surrender." tration's Vietnam policy. washed-out beach sand. James J. Howard, D-3d Dist., on the arm and released from South Vietnamese delegation night after a short-lived cur- pledged to peace without sur- Mayor Nastasio will meet will support the program on few was lifted as fears of the hospital. the federal level. render, the Americans under Thursday with state Conser- trouble involving the Black Authorities said McDougald Ambassador W. Averell Har- vation' Commissioner Robert Also pledging support, (he Panthers failed to material- was charged with atrocious riman will sit down with their Marines Gose Out Massive A. Roe to ask for state aid for mayor said, are Assembly- ize. assault and battery for kick- Saigon, counterparts to dove- the program. men Joseph Azzolina, Chester ing and shoving a policeman But Mayor Edward Horan tail negotiating positions and Mr. Aikins said the pro- Apy and James M.
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