1 TIIESUNDA? OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND. .TUT.Y 4, 1909. : " " T . 5, J1" S"M!r from tha S3,"" y rerainana Goltirhili.. c ."SIL French P'ay: Gertrude Hnffl fife The Mlmlc World"; RUMOR HAS "Hv'.reView:companies: "The i , IT THAT AUGUST BELMONT Around the rev-l.w-- J World." a new 'Madame AMD roubadour," a - P Viennese operetta- "Cousin yfehreV the v,ene P"ettu; a new opera AND MISS "M"e- - ROBSON ARE ENGAGED overwaiPOSev-,0- f Mischief; "The - operetta: "Mental" i""operetta; "The Motor &W.J Dancer"! n Av 77 "Th?.y Barefoot r nil" :. T1" Prima Bal- - it" Th. pai"aise of Mohammed A 1FLAYS MMnMlf "Pe" fhe Glassblowers"; "Th. kn.?"i;UBi?.n J.Vn? "The Tan- - production. iu . new mum c;i I ABTHUB unrt" the of DTDBr A.GREEHC. SneU Eelaac?:0 Davll Warfleld? Blanche In "The Wav"- - Devn-rou- y Another of W. "Zhe, Bate. the J. Locke novels has plays and is a rapid writer, but, as roT'T'vL?; Mandarin": "The Nr been dramatized. he 'The Follies of 1909" is the bill. "The i inn i.ustin Karnu m in "Cameo Ktrbv': This time It is 'Sep- has often explained, he is really . vvnuesme in a slow Midnight Sons," by McDon-oug- cvi i "The Melting Pot" timus," and the dramatization workman, since a play lies in Messrs. Glen h has been his mind and Raymond a all in The ar arranged by Philip Llttcll. a long while before he undertakes to give Hubbell. is booked Buyer"; Madge Harrison it shape. He thinksJ'over to remain throughout the Summer at the son Tr'"Kt"n and w" day ?na,r"aJ Grey Fiske has it after .. a new plav M secured the American day, and it grows by slow processes; Broadway, while at the Herald Square Koyle. with H r u-.,- .. V;V,r .; rights to the play - and In It he will pre- but once it is completed in his brain, the "The Beauty Spot" is not to be disturbed. "ThiI"inT B'05'""1- with 'Chrystal Herne; sent George Ariiss at the beginning mere 'The Climax" is to continue at Daly's eJja'.ly ot Dreams." by Rostand; "Tot- - of act of transcribing it is easy oy JarKlngton and Wilson next season. Prior to the produc- enough. and at Weber's Theater "The Girl from - N Arliss ni., r- ,"Vtr.er- fy Parker; "For tion Guy Bates Post will be given a stellar Rector's" is the offering. - 'or.we." by Cleveland Moffet; "A Fend-of- Little Brother of the Rich." bv Joseph V f by Mr. Fiske. Rose Coghlan, it is MofV.7-n-U- in a new play by said, will he con- - ''K",hSr by Cleveland Rupert Hughes, nected in some way with the New Thea- "From this humble beginning the story entitled "The Bridge." developed ,ar"m Davis; The Ordeal." by The piece had a preliminary ter in New York. She was with John with constantly increasing J.ouKhran; "The Renegade." John trvout in Drew all last season. complexity and splendor during the four strong; a bv Paul Arm- May. -nw play by (i Henry: two com- hours and a half consumed by the per- pany, or The So.uaw Man": "The Head of Madame formance." IvC '" bv E. W. Townsend and Frank Richard Nordica is In London, where OMalley; two cimpanie. in "Mrs. Wigga Kennett. the John Sliand In she appeared recently In a svmphony the Cabbage Patch." of "What Every Woman Knows" last sea- orchestra concert under Nikisch. A Is She In the Eden Musee. in New York, the list of 'independent" theaters is as ' " son. holidaying in Los Angeles with will make a midwinter tour through follows : : Scotch South, appearing the tragedy of Elsie Sigel has furnished a thrift, at the same in Baltimore among Ma-tln- . time heading other cities. subject for a group of figures, including Ifew Xork City Lyric, Elliott'.. f the stock company at the Belasco Theater one of a Chinese witness undergoing the Daly s Casino. Lew Field's. Herald Square. : j and Majestic. Yorkvtlle. Metropolis, Comedy New j j appearing In a number of his oid "third degree" at the hands of his in- 1 Theater. Broadway parts. Caruso is in Milan, quisitors. Opera-Hous- e. The plays to be produced during very but it said to be Theater. West Knd. Grand Ins engagement are not in good spirits, as his voice is Brooklyn and the Hippodrome. "The Hypocrites," still out of order. He declares with Chicago Garrick Theater. "The I.lon and the Mouse." "Twenty that With New Tork fanning itself and the Albany Hermanns Bleecker Hnll. ys ln Philadelphia Lyric and Adelpiit. tlle Shade" and "Imprudence." v ashlngton The Belasco. he scheme to revive "In Miszuora" in Pittsburg The Iuquesne. I'm ii London with Mr. Bennett In the Nat C. St. Louis The Garrick. III. ii in Goodwin rnlo has fallen Cincinnati Lyric. Wll Nc j through for the Boston Majestic and a new now rresent. although there is a chance of being built. theater Ivonnett and Augustus Thomas, the play- Kansas City Sam S. Shubrrt Theater. wright, making I'etroit Whitney Opera-Hous- e. the venture N next Spring. Milwaukee Shubert Theater. Buffalo Teck Theater. her stage career as an ingenue in the The stock company field Providence Providence Opcra-Hou- s company of Joseph ' is a special Jefferson, prov e. the elder. idence for those members of the New Haven Hyperion Opera-Hous- profession who enjoy Rochester The Baker. mer, working all Sum- Syracuse Grand Opera-Hous- e. The oldest theatrical family is the or who work because circumstances 1 tica Shubert Theater. Kembles. The first of these to take compel them to do so. The stock organ- Tacoma Ptar Theater. up the profession was Roger Kemble izations are numerous in Seattle Hew Alhambra Theater born In 1721. those parts of New houses will be o;.ened in Columbus, the country where the nights are cool, Indianapolis. Omaha. appear Portland., Seattle. Los and to on the stage every even- ( ',, rancisco. t. i'j-ji- Minneapo- The Booths were of Jewish descent; t lis. Mt. ; ing Is not so great a hardship as-i- Ies Moines. Paul. Toledo. O. Indian- mas' apolis. ; the Irvings, Cornish; the Comptons, "'em. There is the opportunity, ",Ind.; Columbus, O. ai.d manv other Scotch: Playing Important too. of cities. the Robertsons, Celtic; the parts, such, as would Boucicaults, originally French: the Jef-ferso- not fau to Ule ,ot of Uja p, m u English; Barrymores inter. Following the announcement that Eu- the and gene W. Presbrey had Drews, Irish. Many actors and actresses like stock George dramatized and company work and make H. Brennan had arranged to pro- as. a specialty of duce "The Coast of Chance" next Fall, The largest amount of money ever it. for instance. Jane Kennark has comes word Mips a benefit a done for years. Since she was that Jane Oaker will raised at for member of the ing woman the lead- play Flora Gilsey, the San Francisco theatrical profession was at the Jubilee at Alhaugh's when that house heiress, Benefit Terry, 12. liist opened for stock purposes. in the new piece. Esther and for Ellen June 1906. Kennark Miss Lucia Chamberlain wrote the novel. It at the Theater Royal. London. The net has occasionally starred, but was published a little over year ago NEW YORK. June 29. (Special.) proceeds of the affair amounted to for the most part she has preferred a actresses on Eleanor Robson is one of the, $43,920. Jead a stock company. to and sprang into immediate 'popularity by the American stage who have Z She is one of the W" v , - reason ln SOClety 13 member social nositlon most versatile actresses of its charming California setting fLh,"01 K'fted and fently a of at of the day $ Anglo-Americ- lightly turns from grave and i f and its adroit combination of an ctOUDtTy Places' Recently the devotion of August BThnont to gay. from X4 romance with the of beautiful been so marked to the tragedy to comedy, from melodrama to cosmopolitan tale a lleved they that it is reported h Philosophy of Owning farce, without an effort. criminal who purloins an that are engaged to be married. Mr. Bdmont fs a widower wUh - Oriental treasure. a married son. His wife been Just now Jane Kennark Is playing PHOTOGRAPHS OF- ROBERT EASTMAN has dead several years to l, . ousln In AD HIS WIDOW wealth though It 1. currently believed that he not" so tnw Two Chophouses Kate" In Kansas City. and. of Y"ORK- - July 8. (Special.) The above are photographs' Mr. before he got wealthy as hewas course, playing it of Presbrey is no 'prentice at drama-tlzi"- K into partnership with T. F. well. Looking over the Robert Eastman, suspected of killing Mrs. Edith Thompson b- list one notices Robert T. Haines, Broad Creek. Md., widow. Woodill at a mystery story. His adaptation ;iBTtVither WaS a Walthy -k aMf1u has been who and his Mrs. Eastman was Vinnie Bradcome of "Raffles" has toured the country with representatives ln this country of eIe?ou,etBeRothschildl Son ot Sonnj Italr Operates Pair of acting in 'The Rose of an actress, living in New York. the ? Iteatanrantn Jointly mo Rancho. In the great success and has been translated ernPiraetedttobetb,?f JeW,S,h gln the,r nam when tlmUy Money and Gets Springfield. Mass. Adelaide into several languages. ad th of the of Plenxed and Cnpleased Kelm has been appearing in 'A Message There are two is said to have been Schoenberg This traninVi Going aud Coming.
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