l,lumb. 20. 801 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. Juhlisgth h).l iutgoritJI. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1924. RRATUM.-ln the New Zealand Schou! of Mines Scholar- , the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said E ship Regulations, published in Sew Zealarul Gazette Dominion, do hereby set apart the Crown lands described in No. 15, of the l:lth March, 1924, page 688, for'' Subjects l, 2, / the Schedule hereto as provisional State forests. or 3 and 5" in the last paragraph of Clause 8, read "Subjects --- 1, 2 or 3, and 5." SCHEDULE. NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRIOT.-AuoKLAND FOREST­ CONSERVATION REGION, Change of Name of Locality " Buclcley " to " Tolaga Bay." Provisional State Forest No. 113, ALL that area in the North Auckland Land District, being [L.S.] JELLI COE, Governor-General. Section 4, Block II, Whangaroa Survey District, and con­ A PROCLAMATION. taining by admeasurement 450 acres l rood 28 perches, more or less. As the same is more particularly delineated on W-rHEREAS settlers in the locality known as " Buckley," plan No. 3/1, deposited in the Head Office, State Forest in the County of Uawa, desire that the name of such Service, at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. locality should be changed to "Tolaga Bay," and it is considered expedient to alter the same: Provisional State Forest No. 114. Now, therefore, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pur­ All that area in the North Auckland Land District, being suance and exercise of the powers and authorities oo::ferred Section l, Block X, Kaeo Survey District, and containing by on me by the Designation of Districts Act, 1908, and of all admeasurement 497 acres 2 roods, more or less. As the other powers and authorities enabling mo in this behalf, do same is more particularly delineated on plan No. 5/7, tleposited hereby proclaim and declare that the name of the locality in the Head Office, State Forest Service, at Wellington, and known as " Buckley " in the County of Uawa shall be and the thereon bordered red. ea.me is hereby altered to "Tolaga Bay," and do assign the last-mentioned name to such locality accordingly ; and also Provisional State Fore~t No. 115. do hereby proclaim and declare that this Proclamation shall All that area in the North Auckland Land District, being take effect on the first day of August, one thou•and nine Allotments 64, S.E. 65 and S. 66, Parish of Mangonui, Block hundred and twenty-four, not being earlier than six months III, Mangonui Survey District, and containing by admeasure­ after the first publication thereof in the Gazette. ment 408 acres I rood 30 perches. As the same is more particularly delineated on plan No. 5/6, deposited in the Head Given under the hand of Hie Excellency the Governor­ Office, State Forest Service, at ,v ellington, and thereon General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued bordered red. under the Seal of that Dominion, this 24th day of Decem­ ber, 1923. Provisional State ForMt No. 116. RICHD. F. BOLLARD, All that area in the North Auckland Land District, being Minister of Internal Affairs. Section 85, Block IX, Waoku Survey District, and contain­ ing by admeasurement 116 acres 2 roods 10 perches, more GoD SA VE THE KING ! 'I or less. As the same is more particularly delineated on plan No. 7 /5, deposited in the Head Office, State Forest ! Lands set apart as Provisional State Fore.sts. Service, at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. Provisional State For&;t No. 117. JELLICOE, Governor-General. [L.S.] All that area in the North Auckland Land District, being A PROCLAMATION. Sections 6, 7, and 10, Block VIII, Kawakawa Survey Dis- y virtue and in exercise of the powers and authorities trict, and containing by admeasurement 1,174 acres 1 rood B conferred upon me by section eighteen of the Forests 16 perches, more or less. As the same is more particularly Act, 1921-22, I, ,John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor- delineated on plan No. 6/1, deposited in the Head Office, General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by aud with I State Forest Service, Wellington, and thereon bordered red, A 802 THE NEvV ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 20 · Pr01,isional State Forest No. 118. INational-endowment Lands set apart a,• Pr011isional State All that area in the North Auckland Land District, being Forests. Section 15, Block VJ, Whangarei Survey District, and con-1 -- taining by admeasurement 314 acres, more or less. As the [L s.J JELLICOE, Governor-General. same is more particularly delineated on plan No. 9/1, deposited A PROCLAMATION in the Head Office, State Forest Service, at Wellington, and · thereon bordered red. By virtue and in exercise of the powers and authorities conferred upon me by section eighteen, subsection Provisional State For est No. 119. two, of the Forests Act, 1921-22, I, John Rushworth, Viscount All that area in the North Auckland Land District, being Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, Sections 7, 8, and 9, Block IV, Kaihu Survey District, and acting by and with tile advice and consent of the Executive containing by admeasurement 783 acres 3 roods 30 perches, Council of the said Dominion. do hereby set apart the more or less. As the same is more particularly delineated national-endowment lands described in the Schedule hereto on plan No. 10/2, deposited in the Head Office, State Forest as provisional Sta.te forests. · Service, at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. SCHEDULE. Provi.,ional State Forest No. 120. NORTH AucKLAND LAND DISTRICT.-AucKLAND FoREST· All that area in the North Auckland Land District, being C,.ONSERVATION REGION. '.Allotments 185, 186, S.E. 187, S.W. 190, and N.W. 191, Provisional State Foregt No. 122. Parish of Okahu, Block XVI, Maungaru Survey District, and ALL that area in the North Auckland Land District, being containing by admeasurement 350 acres 2 roods 27 perches, Section 24, Block I, Tangihua Survey District, and con­ more or less. As the same is more particularly delineated on taining by admeasurement 936 acres, more or less. As the plan No. 10/1, deposited in the Head Office, State Forest same is more particularly delineated on plan No. 11/2, Service, at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. deposited in the Head Office, State Forest Service, at Wel­ lington, and thereon bordered red. Provisional State Forest No. 121. All those areas in the North Auckland Land District, being Provisional State Forest No. 123. Sections 7 and 10, Block VIII, Maungaru Survey District, . All that area in the North Auekland Land District, being and containing by admeasurement llO acres and 503 acres Sections 8, 9, 10, 12, and 13, Block XIV, Russell Survey respectively, more or less. As the same are more particularly District, and containing by admeasurement 2,486 acres, delineated on plan No. 10/3, deposited in the Head Office, more or less. As the same is more particularly delineated State Forest Service, at Wellington, and thereon bordered on plan No. 6/2, deposited in the Head Office, State Forest red. Service, at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Provi8ional State Fm-est No. 124. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued All that area in the North Auckland Land District, being under the Seal of that Dominion, this 24th day of March, Sections' 1, Block IX, and 2, Block X, Russell Survey Dis­ 1924. trict, containing by admeasurement, 2,125 acres, more or R. HEATON RHODES, less. As the same is more particularly delineated on plan Commissioner of State Forests. No. 6/3, deposited in the Head Office, State Forest Service, Approved in Council. at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. C. A. JEFFERY, Provisionar State Forest No. 1.?5. Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. All that area in the North Auckland Land District, being GOD SA VE THE Krno ! Section 17H, Riverhead Homestead Settlement, situated in Blocks XV, Kaipara Survey District, and XIII, Waiwera Survey District, and containing by admeasurement 578 acres 3 roods, more or less. As the same is more particularly Lands set apart as a State Forest. delineated on plan No. 17/1, deposited in the Head Office, State Forest Service, at ·wellington, and thereon bordered [L.B.] JELL I COE, Governor-General red. A PROCLAMATION. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued B y virtue and in exercise of the powers and ·authorities under the Seal of that Dominion, this 24th day of March, conferred upon me by the Forests Act, 1921-22, I, 1924. John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the R. HEATON RHODES, Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice Commissioner of State Forests. and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, Approved in Council. do hereby set apart the Crown land described in the Schedule C. A. JEFFERY, hereto as a permanent State forest. Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. SCHEDULE. GoD SAVE THE KING! CANnlRBURY-0TAGO FOREST-CONSERVATION REGION, StaJ,e Forest, Part No. 2.-Lyndon Survey District. Crown Land set apart for Disposal by way of Sale or Lease to Discharged Soldiers, under Special Tenures, in the Auckland Reserve. Block. Area. Land District. A, R. P. [L.B.] JELL I COE, Governor-General. 3657 II 623 0 0 A PROCLAMATION. 3927 51 1 11 .N pursuance of the power and authority conferred upon 3943 754 2 0 I me by section four of the Discharged Soldiers Settle­ 3944 II a;;d III 813 0 0 ment Act, 1915, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, 3945 II and VI 1,042 0 0 Governor.
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