Seventh Serlel, Vol., V No. 15 Monday, June 30, 1980 Asadha 9, 1902 (s.ta) LOK SABHA DEBATES Third Session (Seventh Lok Sabha) (Yol.V contains Nos. 11 -2 0) LOIC SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DEJ,m Prb ' Ba. ,.oo (ORIGINAL ENGLISH PI.OCEBDINGS INCLUDED IN ENGLISH VBRSION AND ORIGINAL HINDI PltOCBBDINGS INCLUDED IN HINDI VBltSION WILL DB TB.BATID AS AUTBOlUTATIVE AND NOT THE TltANSLATIONTHEREOF.J ~O~~TS No. 15, Mond.zy, June 30, 1980 Asadha 9, 1902 .(~ak,:,) \ I ~ COLUMNS , 1 Oral Answers to Q,Iestions *Starred Questions Nos. 305 to 309, 3 HZ , 318 and 319 1--28 Written Answers to Questions: Starred Q lestions Nos. 3 I 0, 3 1 I, 3 13 to 3 17 and 320 to 32 4 28-43 Unstarred Questions Nos. 2314 to 2404, 2406 to 2442 and 2444 to 2476 43-264 Re. Questions of Priv lege 265- 73 Papers Laid on the Ta ble • 273-74 Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance - Reported discovery of a decomposed hUman body in fresh water pumping tank at Delhi Main Railway Station f. ,.. ' 275-88 Shri Sushil Bhattacharyya . 275-7U Shri C.K. Jaffer Shader 215-7(j· 277-79 Shri Ram Vilas Pa5wan 276-77 Shri Niren Ghosh 279-80 Shri Kamalapati Tripathi . 280-81 Statement Re. Railway Accident between Delhi and Delhi Shahdara Stations on 27-6-80 . I ~ 288-89 Election to Committee - Animal Welfare Board Matters Under Rule 377 - q (i) Reported suspension of movement of coal by Railways to tea Gardens in West Bengal : <;hri Subodh Sen (ii) Ste1)S to avert the reported strike by Junior Doctors' Federa- tion, Delhi : Shri G.~1. Bd.ll,l.twalla 291 ------ --- --- -----'''--- * The ',ign -1- marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the IIo·lse by that Member. (ii) COLUMNS (iii) Report~d loss to farmers d\s1e to w~er lOiiing by the Ghaggar Flood Project and Rajasthan Canal ProJect: Shri Manphool Sing}} Choudhary (iv) Need for financial assistance to apple growers in Himachal Pradesh: Shri Chintamani Jena (v) Reported p),ralysingofcommercial activity in Kerala due to Cochin Port Workers' strike: Shri V.S. Vijayaraghavan . 293-94 General Budget, 198o-8I-General Discussion 294-392 ~hri Manoranjan Bhakta . 294-98 Shri Arvind Netam . 298-302 Shri Sa ~ish Agaiwal . 302-18 t Shri Chandrab\1:\n Athare Patil . 318-23 Shri R.P, Gaekwad . 323-2 5 Shri T. S. N~i . 326- 28 Shrimati Krishna Sahi 328- 33 Shri R1.mnath Dubey 333 --35 Shri Chl.ndra Pal Shailani 335-37 Shri .\1001 Chand Daga 338-44 Shri Dal bir Singh 344-48 \ Shri G M. Banatwalla 348-53 Shri M'lg:lnbhai Barot 353-62 Shri B.R. Bha6at 362 - 69 Shri R lnjit Singh 369-72 Shri R R. Bhole 37~-77 Shri Sunil Maitra 377-86 Shri Glridhar Gomango 386-92 LOK SABHA DEBATES ~====:~========~==============~~======= I 2 LOK SABHA SHRI K. A. RAJAN: The sorry state of affairs prevailing in our country is that OUr country could not Monday, June 30, 1980;Asadha 9, 1902 exploit the Wadg Bank, which (Saka) e has immense resources in fish. It is estimated that yearly, we are incurr- The LOk Sabha met at Eleven of the ing a loss of Rs. 40 crores or Rs. 50 Clock Icrores worth of fish, because of poach- ing. The real reasons behind all these [MR. SpEAKER in the Chair] things are these: with regard to deep ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS sea products, the estimated str£:ngth of our fleet is only 70-nearly. If we compare it with other countries, we Fishing Potential of Wadge Bank know that Japan possesses 15,000 -r trawlers, Taiwan has got 7,000 *305, SHRI K. A. RAJAN: trawlers arnd Mexico 4,000 trawlers. SHRI G. M. BANATWALLA: It was reported widely in all the papers during last year that Taiwan Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE was encroaching upon and exploiting be pleased to state: the fish because of the sophisticated (a) whether Government are aware and well-equipped trawlers at its of the necessity to exploit fishina command. But the unfortunate state potential of the Wadge Bank; of affairs in our country is that we are unable to tap the Wadge Bank as it is, (b) whether the Wadge Bank is because of lack of enough equipped within the limits of India's territorial trawlers, waters, and MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Rajan, please (c) whether the fisheries of the make it short, the supplementary said bank are now being exploited should be short. by foreign interests WIth Or without Government's permission? SHRI K. A. RAJAN; Is the hon. Minister thinking of putting in more THE MINISTER OF AGRICUL- equipped trawlers and seeing to ;t that TURE AND RURAL RECONSTRUC.. our resources are not frittered away? TION (SHRI BIRENDRA SINGH SHRI BIRENDRA SINGH RAO: RAO) : (a) Yes, Sir. The Act for Exclusive Economic Zone (b) The territorial waters extend came into force in 1977. It is an Act up to 12 nautical miles. Under the of 1976. And We enteTed into DI) recent law of the Seas, India's oceanic agreement with Sri Lanka for flshinO' sovereignty in her Exclusive Economic in the Wadge Bank area fOr 3 year;' Zone extends up to 200 miles. The That agreement has ended in January Wadge Bank lies wholly within India's this year. After that it is all our Exolusive Economic Zon~. responsibility to increase the number of trawlers there. We are trying to (c) No, Sir. get more. We are also conducting a 882 LS-l. 3 Oral AnaweTs JUNE 30, 1980 4 detailed survey of the whole area. the development of Ponnani fishing har- About 50 per cent of the area has been bour with cold storage facilities? Let properly surveyed; and we shall see the Government explain the measures lIthat all our fish potential is fully that ate being thought of for the utllized by our own country. We have maximum exploitation of the poten- not extend the agreement with Sri tialities and whether priority treat- Lanka. ment w'lIl be given in view of tl1e very backward nature of this place. SHRI K. A. RAJAN: I would like to know from the hon. Minister SHRI BIRENDRA SINGH RAO: For whether he would take any concrete deep sea fishing we already have 78 trawlers on our seas. But in tbe coas- meaSures ~arding this pOaching. It tal areas we are encouraging fisher- 15 reported, as I said, that certain men's co-operative societies to enable ~ntries are interfering in this bank, them to earn their living by better catching away the whole fish. What means of fishing. We are also think- -concrete steps haVe been taken to ing of supplying them with trawler's, prevent this poaching? loans and other facilities. In the next lew years we want to increase the SHRI Bl&ENDRA SINGH RAO: Ou,' number of mechanised boats beyond coast guards are taking effective steps 15, 000. We are also increasing the "to apprehend any poachers. A few number of trawlers beyond 300 by Taiwanese trawlers were caught on 2 1985. A very large number of -or 3 occasions. They were taken to mechanised boats privately owned hy the harbour; and whatever action fishennen in the coastal areas are do- 'Could be 'taken against them. was ing this work and we have all inten- "taken, and they were released after a tion of g'lving them full encourage- severe warning was administered to ment. them. The coastal guards are always on guard to stop poaching. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Is the hon. Minister aware of the fact that on the entire coastal area there is a SHRI G. M. BANATWALLA: Any constant conflict between those who $cheme for exploiting the marine are resorting to mechanised fishing wealth here will benefit the fishermen and those who are resorting to non- in Ponnani, Chowghat, Tirur and mechanised fishing essentially small Tanur and other areas which are ex- fishermen. If you decide to increase tremely backward. Therefore, I nave the number of trawlers on a to ask the Government whether th~ very large scale, are you aware of development of these resources, and the fact that it will be to the detriment fl.ttitng potentials here will get ~ome of toe small fishermen who are resort- pt'Jorlty treatment from the Govern- ing to fishing in a non-mechanise:i ment? Further the Government has way? With all your desire, prxtety clarified that they are aware of the and enthusiasm to have more traw- need for the development of these lers, will you protect the interests of potentialities. '1 would also like the the small fishermen? Government to explain what measures <they have thought of apart from these SHRI BIRENDRA SINGH RAO: We 'trawlers. In the case of the trawlers are fully aware of their needs. We ana deep fishing, and mechanised are protecting the interests of the local trawlers, modem flshing tra wlers fishermen. Government is thinking ot fitted with electronics and refrigera- demarcating certain areas exclusively tion facilities and all that, care has to for small boats and for mechanised be 'taken in order to see that the inte- boats. So far as rivaly between mecha- -rest or this very poor backward fisher- nised boats fishermen and other boats, men is not jeopardised. Will such a country craft, is concerned, I do not care be properly taken? Is there any think we can do anything very effective- .cherne with the Government for even ly_ The hon.
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