Volume 45 July 1978 Number 2 J , '.'•: - ,- 'V PROCEEDINGS The Helminthological Society ,..•'../—Ci .;'„:> '- " ,'.,' ."''" •"••'••:" >'"•• -•**' '' 'M / Y-'"S^ •V->V'' " ' ' ' ' ,A sem/onnua/ journal of research devoted to Helminthology and all branches of Parasltology . _ Supportediin piart 'Bro;ytonH. \R0nspmfMemprrarTrust Fund Subscription $1|.00 a Foreign, J15KOO ANDERSON, WILDIAM R. Micrbbial Flora Associatedvwith Migrating iStephan- vttftw dentgtus 'Larvae and with Tissue of Parasitized^ Swine ._.l.......r.r........... \6 ANDERSON, WILLIAM ^R., PHILIP A. MAX>DEN AND MERLE L. GOLGLAZIER. 'Mi-; ' •• ,•-;'.brpbi'arFlora of'Guticular Lesions/on Sfrongt/Zus edentatus.L .................. -219 BRQOKS, DANIEL R. AND ToMdE. MATTIS. Redescription of Nagmiafloridensis Markell, 1953 with Discussion of the.Composition of the Anapbrrhutinae , • Lbbss, 1901/t'Pige:nea: Gorgoderidae), .....Ti-...--:x~-^:~~^:i-~™_-:-___-~ • 169 BROOKS, DANIEL R. AND'JAMESIR.PALMIERI. ; Philophibalmuspulchrussp.n. (Digehea: Philophthalmidae) >from the Intestinal Ceea of a Malaysian -:' / -Moorhen —-L.^.-:.!—.,;...._.—-J—-v ...,——..;..„.„^.21 ...^.^^., 166 BROOKS, DANIEL R. AND GERALD'D. SCHMIDT. , Acanthotaeniaoyerstreeti^sp. n. (Cestoda: Proteoeephalidae) from a/Puerto Rican Lizatd, the^First Acantho- > taeniine in Ithe New World ,-.^. __„.+.-..,—......l.^--—-^—,^~~——j-J- 193 BucKiSrER,-RICHARD L., ROBIN M. OVERSTREET AND-RicHABD W.-HEARD! Inter- •'".', inediate^^ Hosts.for^Tegorhynchus farcatus and Dollfusentis chandleii (Acan- :,.^ . - ,thocephala) t~r—- i --? +-——^-—.—1—-l-.-.—1 L_: . ._„—.4. ,-„ 195 CONDER, GEORGE A. , /The Effe,ct of L7V Radiation on Suryival of itheVFree- /V LivingSStages of Jlttemonchus ccintjortus^---.^-.:^.^!..^..:.:: ^:_l:___^i_J_i._r 230 DEAHDORFJF, THOMAS:L. AND DANIEL R. BROSOKS. Passerilepis-schmidti sp. n. (Cestoidea: Hynienblepididae) from the Blue Jay, Cyanocifta cnstata L. in ' j : Nebraska ...^...il T^li...l..J.-^-r——_^T-—.^—-„...:;.—....J.—..._.iL.— .190. on Back Cower) / ^ . r" --•'","-• /.Si Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington v 'THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON THE:.'SOCIETY meets once a month from October ^ through May for the presentation .and discussion of papers dn any and 'all -branches Mfparasitology^or related sciences. .'All interested persons are invited to'attend. V ,.A ,. i.' / i Persons interested in membership in the Helminthological Society of "Washington may obtain application blanks from the Recording Secretary, Dr. Larrj D. Hendricks, Walter Reed Army 'Institute of Research, Washington,-D.C. 20012. A year's subscription to the Proceedings is included in-the rannual dues ($12.00). ;/ „:' , '.;^' \"::.: • -• •< _ -_ ., V OFFICERS OF TrHE SOCIETY FOR 1978 President: HARLEY G.,SHEFFIELD Vice President: RONALD PAYER , , : :'>' Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer: J. .RALPH LICHTENFELS x ^ ; Assistant Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer: JAMES C. BURKE ,s,r -6'' Recording Secretary:* LARRY D, HENDRICKS J- / v--" : h - }^ ;, -{v , Librarian: JUDITH M. SHAW (1962- ) Arcliivisi: JUDITH M.SHAW (1970- .): > V; ; :';.^iv ICustodian of Back Issues: MILFORD N. LUND^ r' • , Representative tothe Washington Aca'demy of Sciences; "ROBERT'S., ISENSTEIN (1976-' ' ) Representative to t/ie American Society of Parasitologists: HARRY HERLICI% (1975- • )/ Executive Committee Members-at-Large: NANCY ;D, PACHECO, 1978 T ' :J / ' 'f "r ;_./ - 'i. EVERETT L. SCHILLER, 1978 \ -/Vj. - ••••.'v!%-/- --'^TV' ^x'.>:-,. ' T! " JEFFERY W. BIER, 1979 ; ^ - v,,: v ',j v?v::\:-%-/'-'v^' .-.: •''•>'••"'•".• RAYMOND v. JREBOIS, 1979( ''>^'.--t:~_'-s'.'.,;^ Immediate 'Past PresWen^: IO&NDALL G. POWERS :J\ "^; X-, ,v Vi,' 3HE PROfcEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLQGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON THE PROCEEDINGS are-published semiannually at Lawrence, Kansas by the Helmiritho- Ibgical Society of Washington. Papers need:not be presented at a rneeting Nto be^ published in the Proceedings., 4 '" _! ' ! ^ ,- 'MANUSCRIPTS should be sent to-the EDITOR, A. James Haley, Department < of Zoology, University of Maryland, College Park,, Maryland 20742. Manuscripts <nrust be typewriften, double spaced, and,in'finished form/ The original and two-copies are required. 'Photocopies" of figures and/drawings rriay be submitted; lor review purposes; originals Vill be ^requested after acceptance of the manuscript. Papers are accepted with the understanding that they will be published only in^^ the,Proceedings M ;, j^'.}'^^'^ - ;/NREPRINTS Tauty be ordered frpni trie /PRINTER -is returned to the BACK VOLUMES of the Proceedings are available.''..'Inquiries Concerning back^ volumes ,arid current ^subscriptions should be "directed to: Helminthological Society !of Washington, ;c/o 'Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, Kansas 66044, U.SiA. ^ BUSINESS OFFICE. The'Society's business office is at.-Lawrence, Kansas. All inquiries concerning subscriptions or back issues and all payments for dues, subscriptions,- and back issues should be addressed to: Helminthological Society of Washington, c/6v Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New, Hampshire St., Lawrence, (Kansas 66044, U.S;.A. - EDITORIAL BOARD -A, JAMES^HALEY^EditOr • ;< •- '1979 ^V-'/t y ; li / ;i980> '>/ ' ;/. ,"-;r- NEWTON 'KINGSTON / DOJVIINIC,DE;GIUSTI-" : JOHN L;'CRITES x I" "f > RALPH J. LICHTENFELS DONALD ^FORRESTER DETCA'NE C. KRITSKY JOHN S. MACKIEWICZ -KENNETH C. KATES BRENT B. NICKOL^ ^ ,; ROBIN JX1. OVERSTREET JOHN D. MIZELLE & /STEWART C. SCHELL GERALD .D, SCHMIDT MARTIN / HORACE W. STUNKARP Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VOLUME 45 JULY 1978 NUMBER 2 Studies on Monogenea of Pakistan. III. Status of the Calceostomatidae (Parona and Perugia, 1890) with a Redescription of Neocalceostoma elongatum Tripathi, 1957 and the Proposal of Neocalceostomoides gen. n. D. C. KRITSKY,1 J. D. MizELLE,2 AND F. M. BiLQEES3 ABSTRACT: Neocalceostoma elongatum Tripathi, 1957 (Dactylogyridae: Calceostomatinae) is redescribed from the gills of Arius serratus (Day), Ariidae, from the Karachi Coast, Pakistan. The diagnosis of Neocalceostoma Tripathi, 1957, is emended, and Neocalceostomoides gen. n. is proposed for N. arii (Unnithan, 1964) comb. n. A new dactylogyrid subfamily, the Pseudomurraytrematinae, is erected for Pseudomurraijtrema Bychowsky, 1957, Anonchohaptor Mueller, 1938, Mijzotrema Rogers, 1967, and Icelanonchohaptor Leiby, Kritsky, and Peterson, 1972. The Calceostomatidae (Parona and Perugia, 1890), containing Calceostoma van Beneden, 1858, Calceostomella Palombi, 1943, Neocalceostoma Tripathi, 1957, Paracalceostoma Caballero and Bravo-Hollis, 1959, Pseudocalceostoma Yamaguti, 1963, Eychowskya Nagibina, 1968, Dicrumenia Mamaev, 1969, and Neocalceostomoides gen. n., is reduced to a subfamily of the Dactylogyridae Bychowsky, 1933. Yamaguti (1963) included the following in cept that Mayer's acid carmalum, Semichon's the Dactylogyroidea: Bothitrematidae, Calceo- carmalum, and Delafield's hematoxylin were stomatidae, Dactylogyridae, Diplectanidae, and used individually to differentiate internal anat- Protogyrodactylidae. Based on the study of omy; serial transverse sections of two N. Protogyrodactylus spp., Price and Pike (.1.969) elongatum were also used. Measurements, in suppressed the Protogyrodactylidae and placed microns, were made according to the recom- the included genera in the Ancyrocephalinae mendations of Mizelle and Klucka (1953). A (Dactylogyridae). Recently, one of us (F.M.B.) camera lucida and microprojector were used collected numerous Neocalceostoma elongatum in the preparation of the plate. Specimens of Tripathi, 1957 (Calceostomatidae) from the N. elongatum were deposited in the helmintho- gills of Arius serratus (Day) (Ariidae) from the logical collections of the U.S. National Museum Karachi Coast, Pakistan. Examination of these (No. 73106) and the University of Nebraska specimens and members of other genera of State Museum (No. 20689). Calceostomatidae has revealed that separation of this family from the Dactylogyridae is not Neocalceostoma Tripathi, 1957 warranted. EMENDED DIAGNOSIS: Dactylogyridae; Cal- Methods used in the collection, preservation, ceostomatinae. Body divisible into cephalic and preparation of Monogenea for study are region, trunk, peduncle and haptor. Tegument those described by Kritsky et al. (1972), ex- thin, smooth. Head organs large; cephalic lobes well developed. Cephalic glands nu- 1 Department of Allied Health Professions, Idaho State merous. Pharynx muscular, glandular; esoph- University, Pocatello, Idaho 83209. - Washington State University, Box 426, Roche Harbor, agus moderate; intestinal crura (2) lacking Washington 98250. diverticula, nonconfluent posteriorly. Gonads a School of Parasitology, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan. tandem, intercecal; ovary pretesticular. Seminal 149 Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington 150 PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY vesicle a dilation of vas deferens; vas deferens distally flabellate, nonarticulated with cirrus looping left intestinal crus; cirrus, accessory base. Ovary pyriform, contiguous with anterior piece present. Oviduct elongate; vagina dextral; margin of testis, 111 (75-146) wide, 150 vitellaria well developed. Haptor disc shaped, (108-189) long; oviduct looping postero- with 14 (7 pairs) ventral hooks and one pair ventrally over anterior portion of ovary; ventral anchors. Haptoral bar present. Para- Mehlis' gland butterfly shaped, comprising sev- sitic on gills of
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