W^T- llONDAt. OCTOBBB 41,1440 / Tho WflAthor A vorv* DbUf .ClrealaB^ 1 ' 1, e V A "m' - - ' ^ 1 ^ g ^ ----:a g g A .'g a . T -A a " O - ■ rOURTElH HUmdiMtrr EtimltQi XffiDi For the Moffth of 1*46 Foraeast #f U. S. WaaMwr B«Mn« ( The daughter bom October 17 to The Poliab' Women'a AUiaiica. 6 , 4 4 J : Fair. MIgMIy w f —r tafftgMi \ Emergency Doctors Attorney and Mra. Charlea 8. Group No. 246, WlU hold a meet­ Wedneadffy fUlr and 'waraHr. ing tomorrow evening at 7 o’clock M o n g o l -AndH Town House of Scarborough Road, haa ^ ... ' - .MAM a oM a a an ff a ■ n .^*e n • A ’ On account of the meeting of been named Chrolyn Stover Houae. at the home of Mrs. 8eraflna Kir- Manchester— A CUy of ViUage Charm tbs Hartford County Medical ka, of 118 Oak street Hale’s Anniversary Sale Association In this town tomor- MMBorUl Temple, Pythian 81a- Members of the Rangera drtU /^AGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ,: row afternoon, the phyalclana (Ola—ISei Adv—tlataf m Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1940 (TWELVE wlU open iU regular meeting will not have office hours, but team of the TaU Cedars of Lebanon VOL. L 1 0 ^ 1 » will meet tonight at the Temple. a u c b o o f r a n Double Green Stamps Given Tuesday With Gash Sales dd Fellows haU totnorrow eve- on Wednesday afternoon will (Known Aa t|naen AUoe) » * at seven o’clock to allow for observe the usual office hours. The drill period will begin at 7:80. SPIRITUAL MEDIUM ' a public setback party to follow. However, Dr. D.C.Y. Moore and Seventh Dnnghter of a Seventh Son -Si e w g e of the standing social Dr. Mortimer Morlarty will Bom With a VelL New Rayon Silk Arsenals Step Up Big Gun Production committee. The usual playing respond to emergency cslls to­ Rendtaga Dally t A M. to 8 P. _M. Hale’s Finespun Sheets . •ctaea will be avifarded and re- morrow afternoon. Or By Appotatment In the Servtee ^dlkie Would Put 1 B ritish D rop B om bs Dsshmenta served^ of the People tor 80 Venra. 61/]” Extra Length. D r e s s e s s ^ v»>- m Church Street Hartford, Conn. Z\'i” Sewn On Both Enda of Sheet. This group represents the newest styles snd ths sesson’i Mr. and Mra. Paul R. Newman Phone 6-2887 CMophane Wrapped. colors: Black, soldier blue, wine and plum. and Mrs. John Logan of Hilliard Group 4 of Center cnurch wom­ Query on Bosses stfoet and Margery and Philip en will hold a Pot Luck supper Sheridan of Division street spent Weilnesday evening at 6:30 at the Re«. $1.29, 81x1041/2-- $1.09 $3.98 O n N azis’ Shipyards; past weekend in Boston, Mass. church. A business meeting ludU follow. A regular communication of THIS COKE IS Reg. $1.19, 72X104V2----- 99c Before Roosevelt XIanchester Lodge of Masons will Miss Virginia Ryan, daughter of PRINCESS ''h e held at the Temple tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. Harry Byan of 138 GUARANTEED New Winter Coats night beginning at 7:30. 'The En­ Charter Oak street, and a senior at RESTAURANT Reg. Would Ask If President Saves Nickel* to Pay 1 Sirens W arn London If you are not satisHed with its $1.10, 63x1041/2 89c tered Apprentice degree will be Colby College, Watorville, Maine, use, we will remove the coke and Cor. Main and Pearl Streeta Regular $25.00. For This Event Only! Hoapital and Doctor conferred. Refreshments will be has attained the dean's list by her refund the money ‘for the Hundred of Manchester housewives will luw no other sheet. Calls in Free Election Mrved following the regular de­ honor rating.. ____ ' amount removed. -------- SPECIAL -------- 'y ' ■■ When He Sits in Con* Reading, Pa., Oct. 22.—W)— German* Resume Lo f ’ t A Md (Tons of High Explosive* gree work. Substandards of Peppcrell $22.75 Jamea Ott became the father j A t t t t C K at I^ast 1,000 In- Cash Price $13.00 Per Ton. LUNCHEON Fitted and Boxy models trimmed with Persian, Y ^ f, Sil­ fercnce with Hagues, of a girl two weeks ago and Assault Shortly AfleF DUworth-Coniell Post of the vered Fox and Cat Lynx. Sizes 12 to 20 only. now hla wife was ready to leave Noon; Night Compara­ ceniliary Mi»«le« Un* American Legion will start a AUTO Percale Sheets Flynns and Kelly* the hospital. •itish Plan . weekly series of bingo and danc­ leaHcd W here War* L.T.WOODC0. ■Garment Dcpt.> Nashes; Hits Cornyit He walked up to the cashier’s tively Quiet; British ing parties at its home on Leon­ ELECTRICIANS 40c Reg. desk and plunked down an 11- ard street on Nov. 2. Phone 4496 $1.69, 8^x108--- - . $1.39 -Long Range Guns Be* Victory i*hip* Under Con*true« D inners.........................05c | Reg. $1.00 Children’s Dresse^^.............79c Political Machin^* pound bag of nickels. "It’s a Advertisement thousand of ’em,” h* said. "I gin Third Successive tion; Numerou* Fires R™. *1.59, 81x^ ................... $1.29 Daintily trimmed cotton prints. Broken sizes. Aboard Willkie Train en want to pay my bill.” After years of experience we ■ "How did you ever save so Day Bomharding Nazi 1; tulernerrptdry for War Started; Raid* Follow highly recommend Norfolk Paints Route to Chicago, Oct. 22. many," asked the astonished Attack* on Shipping. and Varnishes for complete satis­ Reg. $1.59, 72x1^....... $1.29 ^/P>_Wenden L. Wilikie cashier. ^ Positions Across Strait Indirate* Offetidive in faction. G. E. Willis & Son, Inc. Reg. $1.98 S|iiin Rayons and Collons brought his presidential cam­ Ott waved his hand nonchal­ Some Theater; neanon HALE'S SELF SERVE Slight inlsweaves, oil spotsxor uneven hems which will antly. "That’s nothing,” he Bulletin! London, Oct. 22.—(4*)— not impair wearing qualities. ^In e, soft sheets that will Prints and soljd colors. Broken sizes, $ 1 . 7 9 paign into the Chicago area The Original In New England! today just after he accused said. **I have another bag like London, Oct, 22,— An For Having Big Ann^y. Britjrth plane.s dropped ton* wear for that for the doctor.” Roofing & Siding President Roosevelt of letting air raid alarm shortly after of high explo.'iiyes, and *t that city’s Democratic organ­ darkness fell signal!^ lh« London, Oct. 22.—'/P ;-I»rd east l.OfiO. incen'diarj' bomb* Our Specialty RIGHT H|:RE! AND HEALTH MARKET Substandards of Ptppjerell Croft, undersecretary for ■war, in­ l^fit night on Hamburg «hip- Genuine Ignition Parts are in­ Our regular .stock of Nell.v Dons, IIubrite.9, ization and two others ‘‘try to opiening of Ixindon’s 46th con­ L’Aiglon.8. Martha Mannings, reduced for thi« event. steal the election for him secutive night of aerial siege dicated in a speech ' twiay that bundling yards where Germwl A. A v Dion, Inc. stalled here quickly, ^by ex- Pillow Ca^s Stale Rivals Britain looked forward to under- ! warsmos were under con- NowrLocated At pert.s factory-trained in T u i­ Stock include.H spun rayons and rayon cretie.s iq without even a reliuke.” after a day of comparative structioby the Air Ministry,, TUESDAY SPECIALS Regular 37c, 42”x36’^ plain colors and prints. The Republican presidential quiet. taking a land offensive in some j 299 Autumn St. Tel. 4860 tion technique! No waiting, Double Green Stamps Given With Ca.sh Sales nominee told an audience in the Hurl Charges theater and declared, “the war; said toda/ no Parts-substituting, no un­ Milwaukee auditorium last night Gunn of large caliber, mad* in the Wanhlngton,^ Yard arsenal, await shipment in this can never be won without a mill-1 The Brltish'N«mbera had the Tuesday. 4 for $1.0C^ , Reg. $6.50 Reduceil t o ...................$5.98 that hla oppoaltion uses “lofty talk picture released by the National Defense Advisory , *Ten other arsenals, the commission London, Oct, 22.—(/P>-— tary decision, east or west, or on handicaps of a Imqyy ground jiaae. reasonable charges. Poor meet defenae needs. motor performance usually Tt will pay’you to buy these cases by the dozen, ' ' / Reg. $5.98 Reduced to , . .............$.5.29 and low performance," and added: In Campaign said, have atepped up production and are working at German warplanes resumed both fronts. ' "great searchlight iwUvity and In* Hale’s QuaUty * "When the third term candidate the long a.ssault on London "That is why we are building tense anti-aircraft n>e,’’ the min* traces; right, back to Ignition. up a great Army,” he added, "it Istry said, tut. instead olwltacklng And Ignition trouble, too fre­ Reg. $3.98 Reduced t o ............. ,$ 3 .2 9 begins his belated and forced- dls- shortly after noon today, must be an Army of superior effi­ B E N D I X I„oaf 5 C Substandards oL Dixie Nite t'u.naidn of the Issues of the cam­ C.anfli(latP* for Governor when warning sirens signal­ en masoe, thev'^split up a ^ ap­ HOME LAUNDRY quently, traces right back to BREAD paign, I want to put to him a quea- Jajiaii Dangles ciency." proached /'ipgly from dtCtarcnt. inexpert repairs! Stop by for Mattress Protectors \ ^ 59c Hooverettes ......... 2 for $1.00 tion: You say that yt^ seek no dic­ And Unitefl State* Seh* Nazis Expect France led their return after a com­ Speaking to a group of film In- ilirections And varying heignto to W ishi-s .
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