\1W .--- ~(ONTENTS - Volume9. Number45 January 27-February 2. 1984 11 TWTNEWS _ Galveston Defeats Gambling. HPDMeets With Gays. New Dallas Community Center. 21 COMMENT _ Public Forum 29 BOOKS _ Clicking Beot on the Brink of Nodo. by Keith Hole Reviewed by David Fields 36 SH.OWBIZ _ Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson. Boy George. Bette Davis. by Jack Varsi 38 INTEAVIEW _ Lyle Waggoner by Rob Clark 42 BACKSTAGE _ Clayton LeFevre. Charles Pierce at Granny's . by Rob Clark 47 HOTTEA _ Austin and Houston Hold First Goy Pride Meetings . by Chuck 53 SPOATS _ Scores From Bowling Leagues in Dallas. Houston and Son Antonio 54 COVEA/PHOTO ESSAY _ Houstonian Joe Varvaro Photographsby Eli Gukich 59 STAASCOPE _ Lucky in Love by Milton van Stern 63 CLASSIFIED _ Wont Ads and Notices 73 CALENDAA _ Special One-Time Only & Non-Profit Community Events 75 THE GUIDE _ Texas Business / Club Directory TWT (This Week in Texas) is published weekly by Asylum Enterprises. Inc .. at 2205 Montrose. Houston. Texas 77006; phone: (713) 527-9111, Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $60 per year; $40 per half-year. Rates cover cost of first-class postage. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. First-class postage paid at Houston, Texas. Copyright © 1984 by Asylum Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. TWT JANUARY 27 - FEBRUARY 2. 1984 PAGE 7 ~ ~---------------------~ GALVESTON'S HOTTEST CRUISE BAR \ fb' I ~. ~...ff, 1 627 WINNIE @ 7th • (409) 763-1247 1 ~ *'~~ It•• ~~b~lDAY JANUAAY28thlO:30PM! ~.fj ~(j ,~e WITH EMCEEMR. TABATHA SHARP-MISS TRAMMPS '83·'84 1 ~. SANDY TAYLOR - BY POPULAR DEMAND 1 •• SHANNA ROBERTS-1st RUNNER-UP-MISS : METROPLEX OF HOUSTON 1 JESSICA STEELE-fORMER MISS FIRE ISLAND 1 JANEE JOHNSON- THE 1st MISS LONE STAR STATE : STARRING SPECIAL GUESTS 1 NANCY NUWAVE AND TONY LABELLE 1 19th& Mark! ===================-=====1 Gol_lOA'. <>ewes,& lines~ <Ii"""" 1l1/h!.oM'Oi SIGN UP NOWI FOR OUR 1 409 763-4999 ROAD TRIP TO THE COPA 1 WITNESS THE MISS GAY SOUTH PAGEANT I SUNDAY: WEDNESDAY: FRIDAY: NO COVER, $1 LONGNECKS DYNASTY PARTY $3 COVER, 9PM·1:30AM SPONSORED BY HE & SHE PRODUCTIONS I 50~ WELL & DRAFT NO COVER, 2 FOR 1 DRAFT HAPPY HOUR 8·10PM & WELL TILL 2AM $1 WELL "MIDNIGHT AWARENESS" BUS TICKETS ARE $7 PER PERSON 1 MONDAY: HAPPY HOUR PRICES 12:30·2AM, CLOSED THURSDAY: $1 WELL UTMB NIGHT, NO COVER BYOB WITH AFTER HOURS AT MARY'S I TUESDAY: 25~ DRAFT, 75~ WELL NO COVER, $1 WELL SATURDAY: DEPARTURE: 8PM AT TRAMMP'S IN GALVESTON : 50¢ DRAFT $3 COVER, HAPPY HOUR 8·9PM $1 WELL, LATE NIGHT HAPPY HOUR _____ GOOD lUCK,lABATHA SHARPI 1 1.~ AM, $1 WELL DRINKS ~ IT'S COMING ...THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY19th lOPM PAGE 8 TWT JANUARY 27 - FEBRUARY 2, 1984 \ '- i:R£~E£.S ..!~ B~NEF!!.TH~T~~ 2~ !~~ ~S2.0~' ./ I \W1 651 CLUB ~ THIS WEEK IN TEXAS NOW OPEN lOAM MON-FRI Weekly Circulation: 20,000 WITH 75¢ BLOODY MARYS __- -------------NEWS HOME OFFICE (713) 527-9111 10AM-12NOON GALVESTON STRONGLY by the school's board of trustees. Thus, 2205 Montrose Trinity University has reversed its deci- Houston, Texas 77006 SAT & SUN: OPEN 12 NOON HAPPY HOUR 7 DAYS A WEEK DEFEATS GAMBLING sion to recognize its local gay students DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521-0622 2 FOR 1-4PM-7PM GALVESTON - Voters strongly de- organization. 3920 Cedar Springs TGSG, simply stated, got support Dallas, Texas 75219 75¢ SCHNAPPS ANYTIME feated by a two-to-one margin a gam- FREEBEERBUST bling referendum in last Saturday's from both students and faculty, but not PUBLISHER/EDITORChuck Patrick January 21 election. Sixty-three percent the board. FEATURESEDITOR/ART DIRECTOR Blase DIStefano EVERY SUNDAY 2PM voted no; only 37% voted yes. David Kerr, president of the group, TEXASENTERTAINMENTEDITOR Rob Clark NATIONAL SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jack Varsl 651 S. JENNINGS • FORT WORTH Good weather produced a heavyvoter told TWTNEws/SanAntonio that TGSG is NEWS/SPORTSEDITOR Chuck Patrick turnout, as half of the island city's in- not presently planning to appeal the ASSISTANT TO THEEDITORSDennis Walker habitants voted. Opponents of gambling decision, saying, "The bottom line is POETRYEDITOR o. Flares Alvarez had spent twice as much money on anti- that since this is a private university, CONTRIBUTING EDITORS OPEN 4PM MON-SAT O. Flores Alvarez, Jim Boone, Susan Collins, SUNDAY: OPEN 12 NOON gambling advertising and publicity, it they have the final say on this," With- Harry Deutsch, David Fields, Weldon Grahame, FREE BEERBUSTSUNDAY 2PM was revealed. out recognition, TGSG will consequent- Christopher Hart. Paul Herrera, Hollie Hollister, Harold Hove. George Klein, 2 FOR 1-7DA YS A WEEK Most gay businesses and other liberal ly have limited access to campus facil- Dean Malone, Milton van Stern 75¢ SCHNAPPS ANYTIME citizens had backed the gambling issue. ities and will not be permitted to adver- ADVERTISING ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow WED & FRI MALE DANCERS 10PM "Lots of money was spent to get the tise with posters on the campus. GRAPHIC ARTISTS SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 Fred Hinton, Tuck Finn, Roger Belckel. Hek Cavazos citizenry to vote yes," said one gay bar To date, TGSG is the second gay stu- THE LYNN CHRISTOPHER ALL TYPOGRAPHERS owner. dent organization in Texas to be denied w.J. Quigley, B. Steele, Leslie Holmes COUNTRY RODEO REVUE SHOW 10PM STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Eli Gukich, TUESDAY, JANUARY 31 "It's too bad it had to turn out the way . recognition by a private university, as Scott Taylor, Greg Havican, AI Macareno, AMATEUR SHOW-l0PM it did," added Trammps owner, Chip the Gay/Lesbian Student Support Or- Jim Hamilton, J. Robert Araya, Tom Davis, Carl Neil, Oscar Mendiola, Blase DiStefano, Huber. "Galveston is a tourist town, and ganization at Southern Methodist Uni- Michael Galatls. Hollie Hollister, Greg Oliveira 700 S. JENNINGS • FORT WORTH Hurricane Alicia hurt a lot of our tourism versity was also denied recognition last ACCOUNTING Doug Felix trade," he told TWT NEws/Galveston. year. STATEWIDEDISTRIBUTIONSteve Miles 651 ARLINGTON RECEPTIONISTSara Lindley "Gambling would have been a real A spokesperson for the Texas Gay OPEN 2PM MON-FRI booster shot for us," he commented. and Lesbian Student Organization Coali- SAT & SUN: OPEN 12 NOON SenatorChet Brooks had said priorto tion, a statewide networking of all gay SALES the election that if 60% of the voters and lesbian student groups on college EXECUTIVESALESMANAGER HAPPY HOUR 4-7PM Jim Veteto 7 DAYS A WEEK said yes, he would have asked the State campuses in Texas, said that the coali- Legislature to approve gambling on Gal- tion would look into the problem and Advertising rates are available on request by tele- SUNDAY 2PM phoning the salesperson in your nearest city, from veston Island, Obviously, Brooks has would seek any help needed. 10am-5pm, weekdays. FREE BEERBUST dropped his enthusiasm for the mea- Trinity University's new gay group had DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: PLUS POT LUCK ($1.50) Friday, one week prior to publication. sure, since voters did not send such a planned to become a member of TGL- AUSTIN 1851 W. DIVISION • ARLINGTON mandate: SOC at the coalition's next conference Scott Taylor. (512) 926-0253 Those for gambling, mainly the Great- scheduled to be held in April, Jay Cherin CORPUS CHRISTI Greg Oliveira. (512) 993-5079 er Galveston Beach Association, said of TWTNEWS/Austinreported, DALLAS/FORT WORTH they would not try again. Alan Gellman. (214) 521-0622 'iII~atL~ "Galveston has not only defeated HOUSTON/GALVESTON HOUSTONIAN JACK LEE Scot Roberts. (713) 527-9111 ~f4.tk gambling, it has also destroyed it," said DIES OF INJURIES SAN ANTONIO one observer. Tim Ramm. (512) 734-5961 S~~ HOUSTON - After being struck TRINITY STUDENTS down by an unknown assailant in his ad garage apartment in the 2400 block of CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Houston Bureau-Leslie Holmes LOSE RECOGNITION Richton, off Kirby Drive,Jack Lee,44, lay Dallas Bureau-Bobby Lamb ?7at~S~ SAN ANTONIO - After earlier re- unconscious for more than 24 hours be- TWT MAGAZINE fkue, 25-?7e1. 5 ceiving recognition of their Trinity Gay fore he was found on Sunday, January A Division of Support Group on November 30,TGSG, 8 by his friend, Barry Nye. Nye had been ASYLUM ENTERPRISES, INC. The Corporation in a turnabout, lost its offical status away on business for three days in near- earlier this month due to achoice made by Clear Lake. PAGE 10 TWT JANUARY 27 - FEBRUARY 2, 1984 TWT JANUARY 27 - FEBRUARY 2, 1984 PRGE 11 of an initial project, gay Republican registration . MRS announced that on January 18, Q) - Stan Aten was elected its first chairper- .-Q 0-<1l • <1l _c son, J. Jacobs its secretary/historian, ~ f/):g <'Oa> -;Q)coc<U ._ and Ric Richards its first treasurer. Cf)Ol·~'-O 0 The next meeting is set for next Wed- -, C ~ 2: Cti ~ l~ nesday, February 1 at 7:00pm. II. >a =:JU~~Q) 0. 0<'0 DC Cf) gc..wrc- Q) SAGA RETREAT <1lg-g>~E ~ _:0 Q.l-<l>,et..o HAILED SUCCESSFUL ~C!'CI)~-O«S <1lCf/)<1l"Oo.L: SAN ANTONIO - Last weekend's s: .0 Q) s: c .~ Q) co UZEUl<1l<1lUl SAGA leadership retreat at the Guada- •• • lupe River Ranch was very productive, .l:t::.- reported Tim Ramm of TWTNEws/San Antonio.
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