7- INIL4 Abortlon: The Movie by Dean Markadakis board box covering the television, most students demonstrator looked pensively at the young boy and watched in sordid amazement at the highly manipu- issued a clever little response: "Have you ever seen a A group of pro-life demonstrators gathered at a lated images flashing before them. These images, cow being slaughtered? Have you ever seen a cow's table in the Union last Wednesday, using as their coupled with the heavenly ethereal choir tune play- throat being sliced , its blood drained, beaten and main attention-getter a gruesome 6-minute video ing in the background was enough to bring tears to skinned while it was still alive? I bet if you did, called "The Hard Truth." This video masterpiece, the oculars of even the most avid pro-choice advo- you'd never eat a hamburger again." As far as which, incidentally, does not appear on the shelves cates. grossing me out, this illustration was more than ade- of your local Blockbuster, attempts to portray the As demonstrations go, there was also a small quate. It's true, though-just because something is horror of abortion by showing taped footage of actu- group of counter-demonstrators wielding signs like, not pleasing aesthetically, it is not necessarily moral- al abortions being performed and aborted fetuses in "ABORTION SAVES, JESUS KILLS," and other ly wrong or sinful (or even bad for you). Open-heart jars and garbage cans. There was also literature less offensive slogans. This contingency was a bit surgery, when you think about it, is really gross. aplenty available to all, whether they wanted to see rowdier than its counterparts, who were really not Does this mean we should make it illegal? more of this wonderful sideshow or not. All this directly "bothering" anyone but were merely exercis- Many students watching the video in the Union senseless misogyny was really unavoidable since ing their first ammendment rights by expressing their last Wednesday thought that it was effective only there were several representatives of the group distaste for the medical profession. "Abortion is the because it showed the grossness factor of the abor- accosting unsuspecting persons with a newsletter fastest growing industry in the U.S. Alot of doctors tion issue. I heard one woman say, "Why don't you which would allegedly enlighten the average Stony are making alot of money off these poor women," show a video of all the women who died trying to Brook student. "Here, read about the abortion lie," professed an angelic looking woman with an utter perform their own abortions with coat hangers." claimed one sprightly young lassie as she oh-so- look of digust strewn across her face. One young Jared Nissim, a pro-life activist said, "We're just try- gracefully shoved the thing in my face. man who was watching the video turned to one of ing to show people the truth about abortion." Despite an explicit warning about the potentially the pro-choicers and said, "Have you seen this?" in a Perhaps, but many people there felt there could have offensive nature of the video that adorned a sheet of way which obviously implied that that person should been a less exploitative method of presenting that hot-pink poster paper skillfully affixed onto a card- and change his stance on the issue. The pro-choice truth. out Ivory bars is soap-less...without hemp is rope- Red Balloon Counters Life Chain less...and a world without marijuana is dope-less. The Pope proclaimed that the lord is "so huge so by Robert V. Gilheany Also in the counter-march was a Red Ballooner immense we are really impressed down here," then dressed like Jesus Christ, who donned a bed sheet, led a sing-a-long of "every sperm is sacred." Over 300 religious organizations and churches crown of thorns, and a nipple ring. Joining the Pope After the skit another song parody bellowed out organized a number of anti-abortion demonstrations and Jesus were Uncle Sam along with women "it's my body and I'll fuck if I want to, you would across Long Island last Sunday (Oct 4th). These dressed as Roman slaves in togas with flowers in fuck too if it wasn't for to this heated discussions efforts turned out large numbers of followers to sup- their hair. The women were chained to the Pope, between Pro-Lifers and counter demonstrators port their cause. Jesus, and Uncle Sam. Some of the signs read "keep almost came to blows. The fighting was also prompt- One site of the demonstrations, "Life Chain" was your rosaries off my ovaries," "Dykes for reproduc- ed by Jesus saying "Suck My Holy Dick," and " in front of the Smith Haven Mall on Rt 347 in Lake tive rights," and a full sized American flag that read stop praying to me and get a life you assholes," to Grove. Hundreds of Christians held mass-produced "U.S. OUT OF MY UTERUS." the same Pro-Lifer. signs that read "Abortion Kills Children." The Pro-Lifers tried to deal with these unwanted As the demonstration ended a group of ten young Unfortunately for the Christens and their nice little party crashers by singing hymns and saying prayers. Christians gathered and started to lead a prayer ses- demonstration,, over 50 student counter demonstra- Their reaction to the counter demonstrators varied sion. Then about thirty Pro-Choice's made a human tors showed up from the University. Mostly lead by from "that's bizarre" to emotional distress. chain and ran and pranced around them chanting the Red Balloon Collective, they appeared in cos- The Ballooners performed a skit at the demo-a "ring around the rosaries-assholes, assholes all fall tume. This motley crew of counter demonstrators mock sermon by the Pope. The routine borrowed down." This went on until the police came, and then was lead by a guy dressed as the Pope with "Safe heavily from "Monty Python." A jester proclaimed it broke up. Sex" written on his hat. that a world with out love is hopeless, a world with The Stony Brook Press page 2 Pres dential Debate and that it obvious- The second question, which went to and organization of demonstrations was a ly wasn't working. President Bush, referred to the issue of question of character, and that Clinton's He said, "We must character in a political campaign and the actions were wrong. It seems that, by have the courage to accusations against of him of being like Bush's logic, some level of respect for the change." Sen. Joseph McCarthy by attacking the country or its policies is indispensable to Bush responded patriotism of political opponents. He one's good character. to the question by responded by saying that it was not patrio- Several economic questions were asked saying that his tism that he was attacking, but character. of the candidates, with Perot receiving the experience in lead- He said that he felt that "demonstrating, or most enthusiastic response for his austere, ership was a crucial organizing demonstrations, against your budget-reduction plans, and his 'let's- asset shared by nei- own country on foreign soil" was inexcus- sweep-away-all-the-crud-from-govern- ther Perot nor ably wrong. He was evidently referring to ment' rhetoric. Clinton did well with the Clinton. He said the actions of Bill Clinton in England audience with his emphasis upon middle- also that his belief when he was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. class tax cuts and emphasis upon invest- that "change for Perot was very sympathetic to Clinton ment to help the economy. President Bush change's sake is and hostile to Bush in his rebuttal, saying met largely with silence from the audience wrong" is unique that transgressions made when one was when he spoke of his economic agenda, among the three. young were not very important, but that including his "America 2000" plan. He Clinton, who "mistakes made when one is an official of made no memorable mistakes, though, and rebutted first, said the government are on our ticket," and are was not hurt by his performance in this that experience subject to the people's approval. subject area. wasn't everything, Clinton scored a point for himself in his Perot was asked the questions "Now that that values, judge- response to the president, saying that while the Cold War is over, what is the single ment and record Bush had called him unpatriotic, but that biggest U.S. national interest?" and "What were also vitally he honored the Republican's military ser- should be done to protect it?" He had three answers: First, we need a strong economy to be secure; second, we must help Russia and the rest of the former Soviet Union to "win its revolution;" and thirdly to neutral- ize the threat posed to the U.S. by the intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) By David Yaseen that remain in those countries. He also said that our national security depends upon The first of three planned presidential our manufacturing capabilities, because debates took place last Sunday, October we may need to retool them in times of 11. In addition to Govenor Bill Clinton war. and President George Bush, H. Ross Perot Clinton's rebuttal was that we needed a was given a podium as well. This was the smaller, more mobile military, and that we first-ever presidential debate to feature should "rebuild American strength at three candidates. Jim Lehrer, of the home," and "promote democracies" McNeil-Lehrer News Hour, was the mod- abroad.
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