Wordlist Focus 3 (A-Z) Word Page Part of Pronunciation German French Italian Example speech A a few 5 det ə ˈfjuː ein paar quelques qualche Chop a few onions and fry them in a little olive oil. a little 5 det ə ˈlɪtl ein wenig, etwas un peu de qualche Chop a few onions and fry them in a little olive oil. a little bit 89 adv phr ə ˈlɪtl bɪt ein wenig un petit peu un po' They became interested in vlogging because they genuinely enjoy what they do and they are just a little bit funnier and cooler than their audience. a lot of 5 det ə ˈlɒt əv viel beaucoup de tanto, molto You should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and drink a lot of mineral water. abandon 83 v əˈbændən verstoßen, aussetzen abandonner abbandonare In India children with this defect are often abandoned at birth because their parents feel ashamed of them or cannot afford the surgery that will improve their lives. ability 88 n əˈbɪləti Können capacité abilità It takes hard work and natural ability to make it as a professional athlete. abolish 98 v əˈbɒlɪʃ abschaffen abolir abolire In the UK, the death penalty was abolished by the government in 1998. absent from school 77 adj ˌæbsənt frəm ˈskuːl in der Schule fehlen absent de l'école assente a scuola Hope had been absent from school for several weeks and we were worried. absolutely 31 adv ˈæbsəluːtli vollkommen richtig! absolument, tout à fait assolutamente ‘I think boxing should be banned. It’s too dangerous.’ ‘Absolutely!’ absolutely 85 adv ˈæbsəluːtli vollkommen, total absolument del tutto Ruth Wilson, a media expert, thinks that reality shows are absolutely fascinating. accept an invitation 22 v phr əkˌsept ən eine Einladung annehmen accepter une invitation accettare un invito Should I accept or reject her invitation on Facebook? ˌɪnvəˈteɪʃən accommodation 57 n əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən Unterkunft hébergement, logement alloggio Could you confirm whether travel and accommodation are also free for my friend? according to 35 prep əˈkɔːdɪŋ tə zufolge, entsprechend selon secondo qualcuno According to sports experts, girls at school are still not encouraged to go into football. according to WS 2 prep ə ˈkɔːdɪŋ tə jemandem zufolge selon qn. secondo qualcuno According to her mother, Angie, Mayhem decided that she didn’t like the somebody ˌsʌmbɒdi princess dresses in the stores and started to make her own from cotton scarves and sheets of paper. ache 32 v eɪk wehtun, schmerzen faire mal dolere, fare male The following morning, our legs were aching and tired, but we didn’t give up. across 60 prep əˈkrɒs quer durch à travers attraverso The river flows for 5,464 kilometres from the glaciers of Tibet, across northern and central China and along the foothills of the Himalayas. across 62 prep əˈkrɒs überall auf/auf der sur tout …, dans tout … su tutto Across the globe there are 27 megacities. ganzen…. active volcano 60 n phr ˌæktɪv vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ aktiver Vulkan volcan actif vulcano attivo Vesuvius is an active volcano and it has erupted many times. activity 70 n ækˈtɪvəti Aktivität activité attività Scientists agree that certain human activities, such as cutting down trees, can cause floods in many regions of the world. actually 7 adv ˈæktʃuəli tatsächlich en fait in effetti, in realtà Actually, I think my sister is the meanest person I know! adapt 87 v əˈdæpt adaptiert adapter adattare Many children buy books after they have been adapted for television. adaptation 87 n ˌædæpˈteɪʃən Adaption adaptation adattamento He’s working on a screen adaptation of his latest novel. © Pearson 2016 1 Word Page Part of Pronunciation German French Italian Example speech add 90 v æd hinzufügen ajouter aggiungere But she added that she hadn’t seen the other films yet. addict 81 n ˈædɪkt Fan, Anhänger, Süchtiger accro appassionato/-a I’m a real medical soap addict. addicted to 9 adj əˈdɪktəd tə sich stark interessieren für, féru de essere dipendente da Do you think you are addicted to technology? something ˌsʌmθɪŋ begeistert sein von admire 27 v ədˈmaɪə bewundern admirer ammirare Although Jackie is two years younger, she has always admired Rachel. admire 80 v ədˈmaɪə bewundern admirer ammirare I admire him very much. admire the view 40 v phr ədˌmaɪə ðə ˈvjuː die Aussicht bewundern admirer la vue ammirare la vista While he was admiring the view, Dad crashed into our canoe and knocked us into the water. admit 63 v ədˈmɪt zugeben admettre ammettere Did you know that two-thirds of British teenagers admit they can do more to protect the environment? admit 87 v ədˈmɪt zugeben admettre ammettere The average UK teenager admits he/she is ‘addicted’ to his/her smartphone. adopt 71 v əˈdɒpt sich anschaffen, zulegen adopter adottare I’ve been thinking about adopting a pet. adopt 83 v əˈdɒpt adoptieren adopter adottare Luckily for her, she was found hungry and crying by a passenger who took her home and adopted her. adopt 107 v əˈdɒpt adoptieren adopter adottare When they are strong and healthy, they are adopted by loving families. adorable 13 adj əˈdɔːrəbəl bezaubernd, hinreißend adorable adorabile The two older children are quite rude, but the youngest is absolutely adorable. advantage of 103 n phr ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ əv Vorteil von etwas avantage, bénéfice de vantaggio di qualcosa The main advantage of voluntary work is that you can really feel you’re helping something ˌsʌmθɪŋ someone. advantage to 103 n phr ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ tə Vorteile von etwas avantage de qc. vantaggio nel fare There are a lot of advantages to doing voluntary work. something ˌsʌmθɪŋ qualcosa advantages and 37 n phr ədˌvɑːntɪdʒɪz ən Vor- und Nachteile des avantages et des vantaggi e svantaggi There are both advantages and disadvantages to this type of lifestyle. disadvantages ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒɪz inconvénients adventurous 13 adj ədˈventʃərəs abenteuerlustig, waghalsig aventureux avventuroso Ron isn’t an adventurous sailor. advert 8 n ˈædvɜːt Werbung publicité pubblicità Did you know that you can actually get discounts for watching adverts on your mobile phone? advertise 59 v ˈædvətaɪz werben faire de la publicité fare pubblicità Many companies will only advertise in the Sunday paper. advertising 87 n ˈædvətaɪzɪŋ Werbung publicité pubblicità In the UK over thirty percent of all advertising is online. advise WS 4 v ədˈvaɪz raten conseiller consigliare Peter advised me to spend more time at the gym. advise somebody to 30 v phr ədˌvaɪz ˌsʌmbɒdi jemandem raten, etwas zu conseiller à qn. de faire qc. consigliare qualcosa a Before an important event, I advise athletes to visit the stadium. do something tə ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ tun qualcuno aerobics class WS 4 n eəˈrəʊbɪks klɑːs Aerobics-Unterricht cours d’aérobic corso di aerobica She went to classes at a gym where her mother was doing aerobics classes and discovered that she loved the sport. affect 64 v əˈfekt betreffen, Auswirkungen affecter interessare Deforestation affects the global community as well as Amazonian tribes. haben auf after all WS 10 adv phr ˌɑːftə ˈɔːl letztlich après tout dopotutto After all, unless we do something now, we won’t have any lights or power in a few decades’ time. age group 88 n ˈeɪdʒ ɡruːp Altersgruppe tranche d'âge fascia d'età Many vloggers direct their vlogs at a certain age group. aged 85 adj eɪdʒd im Alter von de … à … ans dell'età di Auditions take place around the country and are open to anybody aged 15–28. agree 31 v əˈɡriː zustimmen être d'accord essere d'accordo I’m sorry, I don’t agree with you. agree to do WS 16 v phr əˌɡriː tə ˈduː einverstanden sein, etwas accepter de faire qc. acconsentire a qualcosa Dave agreed to help with the police search. something ˌsʌmθɪŋ zu tun agriculture 71 n ˈæɡrɪˌkʌltʃə Landwirtschaft agriculture agricoltura Farmers shouldn’t use too many chemicals in agriculture. aim 53 n eɪm Ziel but, objectif obiettivo The aim of the event ‘Feeding the 5,000’ was to make people think about how we use food. © Pearson 2016 2 Word Page Part of Pronunciation German French Italian Example speech air pollution 64 n ˈeə pəˌluːʃən Luftverschmutzung pollution de l'air inquinamento atmosferico Air pollution from traffic fumes affects mostly big cities. air quality 63 n ˈeə ˌkwɒləti Luftqualität qualité de l'air qualità dell'aria British teenagers’ top three environmental worries are: poor air quality, global warming, not enough recycling. air travel 37 n ˈeə ˌtrævəl Flugreise voyages aériens viaggio aereo Air travel is growing rapidly. alive 78 adj əˈlaɪv am Leben en vie vivo Yates wouldn’t have left Simpson on the mountain if he had known he was still alive. all aboard! 83 phr ˌɔːl əˈbɔːd alle von Bord! tout le monde à bord! tutti a bordo! ‘All aboard!’ called out the captain. allergic to 49 adj əˈlɜːdʒɪk tə allergisch gegen etwas allergique à qc. allergico a qualcosa I eat all vegetables now, except for beetroot, tomatoes and red peppers – I’m something ˌsʌmθɪŋ allergic to them. allow somebody to 30 v phr əˌlaʊ ˌsʌmbɒdi tə jemandem erlauben etwas permettre à qn. de faire concedere qualcosa a Visiting the stadium allows the athletes to visualise the day of the competition. do something ˈduː ˌsʌmθɪŋ zu tun qc. qualcuno amazed 68 adj əˈmeɪzd erstaunt étonné sorpreso They would probably be amazed to learn about modern technology and life in other parts of the world. amazing 40 adj əˈmeɪzɪŋ erstaunlich incroyable, stupéfiant formidabile, splendida When I went to Croatia for the first time, I was really impressed by the fantastic beaches, amazing views and very friendly local people. ambulance 82 n ˈæmbjələns Notarzt ambulance ambulanza If you feel a pain in your chest, call an ambulance immediately – it might be a heart attack.
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