RevMexAA (Serie de Conferencias), 14, 157{180 (2002) AUTHOR INDEX Abad, C. Solar Motion using all Hipparcos. J.J. Clari´a, E. Bica, C.M. Dutra & M.C. Torres. C. Abad & K. Vieira. 112 126 Abadi, M.G. Measuring the large-scale struc- Ahumada, A.V. Study of the Transparency of the ture of the universe with the Updated Zwicky Magellanic Clouds from Integrated Spectroscopy Catalogue. A. Zandivarez & M.G. Abadi. 137 of Background Galaxies. C.M. Dutra, E. Bica, Abadi, M.G. The Determination of the Mass J.J. Clari´a, A.E. Piatti & A.V. Ahumada. 144 Power Spectrum from the Mass Function of Ahumada, J. Photometry of asteroids members Galaxy Clusters. A.G. S´anchez, D. Garc´ıa of Maria and Themis Families. A.A. Alvarez Lambas, M. G. Abadi & N.D. Padilla. 139 Candal, S. Fern´andez, J. Ahumada, & R. Duffard. Abraham, Z. 3C 120: relation between optical 104 variability and superluminal motions. A. Caproni Ahumada, J.A. Fotometr´ia CCD de los cum´ ulos and Z. Abraham. 74 abiertos Haffner 17 y Harvard 6. J.A. Ahumada Abraham, Z. Five-year optical variability of & E. Lapasset. 124 bright extragalactic sources. T.P. Dominici, Alessi, B.S. Membership and proper motions of Z. Abraham, R. Teixeira & P. Benevides{Soares. a large sample of open clusters. W.S. Dias, 140 J.R.D. L´epine & B.S. Alessi. 124 Abraham, Z. Maser Effects in the Recombination Alonso, M.S. Elemental Abundance studies of Lines of Eta Carinae. Z. Abraham, A. Damineli, CP stars. The helium-weak group I. HD 19400, P. Durouchoux, L.A. Nyman, & F. MacAuliffe. HD 34797 and HD 35456. M.S. Alonso, Z. L´opez 22 Garc´ıa & S.M. Malaroda. 119 Abt, H.A. Rotational velocities of B stars. Alonso, M.V. First Results of Metallicity Gra- H.A. Abt, H. Levato & M. Grosso. 111 dients in Elliptical Galaxies. M.A.G. Maia, Aguero,¨ E. Anillos adentro: las regiones centrales R.L.C. Ogando, P.S. Pellegrini, R.P. Schi- de NGC 1433. R.J. D´ıaz, E. Aguer¨ o, E. Bajaja avon, C. Chiappini, C. Rit´e, C.N.A. Willmer, & G. Carranza. 143 L.N. da Costa, & M.V. Alonso. 78 Aguero,¨ E. El par de galaxias interactuantes Alonso, M.V. The mass profile of NGC 1399 VV 780. G. Gunthar¨ dt, E. Aguer¨ o & R.J. D´ıaz. determined from globular cluster dynamics. 142 B. Dirsch, T. Richtler, D. Geisler, K. Gebhardt, Aguero,¨ E. Una fusi´on de galaxias. E. Aguer¨ o, L. Infante, D. Minniti, M. Hilker, M. Rejkuba, R.J. D´ıaz & S. Paolantonio. 142 E.K. Grebel, S. Larsen, & M.V. Alonso. 38 Aguero,¨ M.P. Distribuci´on de Masa en Galaxias Altavista, C. Projective methods in dynamics Espirales. M.P. Aguer¨ o, R.J. D´ıaz & M. Oddone. and other fields of Physics. C. Altavista. 106 141 Althaus, L.G Time Dependent Diffusion in ZZ Aguero,¨ M.P. Observaciones CCD de Grupos Ceti Stars: Asteroseismology of G117B-15A. Compactos de Hickson. D. Mast, M. Campos, A.H. C´orsico, O.G. Benvenuto, L.G. Althaus & W. Weidmann, M.P. Aguer¨ o, R.J. D´ıaz & A.M. Serenelli. 119 J.C Calder´on. 142 Althaus, L.G. Apsidal motion in binary systems Aguilar, A. Physical parameters of RR Lyraes in as a tool for determination of stellar masses: globular clusters from long term CCD photometry. system HD 93205 (O3V+O8V). A.M. Serenelli, A. Arellano Ferro, A. Aguilar, Z. Mar´ın & P. O.G. Benvenuto, L.G. Althaus, R. Barb´a, & Rosenzweig. 39 N.I. Morrell. 19 Ahumada, A.V. Exploring star cluster properties Althaus, L.G. Evolution of helium core white at the SMC metallicity level. A.V. Ahumada, dwarfs with different metallicities. J.J. Clari´a, E. Bica & C.M. Dutra. 127 A.M. Serenelli, L.G. Althaus, R.D. Rohrmann & Ahumada, A.V. Integrated Spectral Properties O.G. Benvenuto. 116 of 13 Open Galactic Clusters. A.V. Ahumada, Althaus, L.G. The Effects of Element Diffusion 157 158 AUTHOR INDEX on the Pulsational Properties of ZZ Ceti Stars. W.G.L. P¨oppel, E. Bajaja, R. Morras & E.M. Ar- A.H. C´orsico, O.G. Benvenuto, L.G. Althaus & nal. 136 A.M. Serenelli. 122 Arnal, E.M. The interaction of BD+24◦ 3866 Althaus, L.G. The evolution of intermediate and BD+24◦ 3881 with the surrounding ISM. mass stars from the main sequence to the white C. Cappa, S. Pineault, E.M. Arnal & S. Ci- dwarf stage. A.M. Serenelli, L.G. Althaus, chowolski. 134 O.G. Benvenuto, & A.H. C´orsico. 18 Arnal, E.M. The molecular gas associated with Alvarez Candal, A.A. Photometry of asteroids Ara OB1. E.M. Arnal & G.A. Romero. 130 members of Maria and Themis Families. Artigue, F. Observations of Cometary Nuclei, A.A. Alvarez Candal, S. Fern´andez, J. Ahumada, from CASLEO. F. Artigue, G. Tancredi, & R. Duffard. 104 J. Fern´andez, R. Gil Hutton, J. Licandro, Alvarez, A.A. The Extinction coefficient of M. Melitta & H. Rickman. 103 Bosque Alegre Astrophysical Station. A.A. Al- Avila-Reese, V. Formation and evolution of disk varez, S. Coca, C. Chavero & R. Duffard. galaxies. V. Avila-Reese & C. Firmani. 91 149 Azc´arate, I.N A measurement of the atmospheric Andersen, J. Membership, Binarity and Stellar secondary charged cosmic radiation at a place of Evolution of Red Giants in the Open Clusters 11.5 GV geomagnetic cut-off. I.N. Azc´arate. NGC 2324, NGC 2818, NGC 3960 and NGC 6259. 133 J.C. Mermilliod, J.J. Clari´a, J. Andersen, A.E. Piatti & M. Mayor. 126 Bajaja, E. Anillos adentro: las regiones centrales Angeli, C.A. S3OS2: A Visible Spectroscopic de NGC 1433. R.J. D´ıaz, E. Aguer¨ o, E. Bajaja Survey of Around 800 Asteroids. D. Lazzaro, & G. Carranza. 143 J.M. Carvano, T. Moth´e-Diniz, C.A. Angeli, Bajaja, E. Distribution and kinematics of HI in R. Duff´ard & M. Florczak. 104 the Galactic quadrant III. W.G.L. P¨oppel, Anglada, G. Spherical Ejection of Material from E. Bajaja, R. Morras & E.M. Arnal. 136 a Young Star. J.M. Torrelles, N.A. Patel, J.F. Bajaja, E. Neutral Hydrogen and Radio Con- G´omez, P.T.P. Ho, L.F. Rodr´ıguez, G. Anglada, tinuum Emission in the IRAS Vela Shell. G. Garay, L. Greenhill, S. Curiel & J. Cant´o. R. Morras, E.M. Arnal, J.C. Testori, E. Bajaja, 133 W.G.L. P¨oppel & P. Reich. 134 Arellano Ferro, A. Physical parameters of RR Bajaja, E. Structure and kinematics of the HI in Lyraes in globular clusters from long term CCD the surroundings of the Sco-Cen association. photometry. A. Arellano Ferro, A. Aguilar, W.G.L. P¨oppel, E. Bajaja, R. Morras & E.M. Ar- Z. Mar´ın & P. Rosenzweig. 39 nal. 136 Arias, J.I. The massive double-lined O-type Ballereau, D. New VSINI determinations and binary HD 165052. J.I. Arias, N.I. Morrell, physical properties of circumstellar envelopes in R.H. Barb´a, G.L. Bosch & M. Grosso. 118 Be stars. J. Zorec, J. Chauville, D. Ballereau, Arias, M.L. Properties of Be star circumstellar N. Morrell & L. Cidale. 114 envelopes deduced from Fe II emission lines. Balmaceda, L. On the evolution of the diurnal M.L. Arias, J. Zorec, L. Cidale, J. Chauville & atmospheric opacity at EL LEONCITO. D. Bullereau. 120 N. Mazza, N. Nunez,~ L. Balmaceda, C. Francile Arnal, E.M A DRAO and VLA study of & G. Stenborg. 150 the environment of WR 130. S. Cichowolski, Barb´a, R. Apsidal motion in binary systems S. Pineault, E.M. Arnal, J.C. Testori, W.M. Goss as a tool for determination of stellar masses: & C.E. Cappa. 129 system HD 93205 (O3V+O8V). A.M. Serenelli, Arnal, E.M. Distribution and kinematics of HI O.G. Benvenuto, L.G. Althaus, R. Barb´a, & in the Galactic quadrant III. W.G.L. P¨oppel, N.I. Morrell. 19 E. Bajaja, R. Morras & E.M. Arnal. 136 Barb´a, R.H. The massive double-lined O-type Arnal, E.M. Neutral Hydrogen and Radio Con- binary HD 165052. J.I. Arias, N.I. Morrell, tinuum Emission in the IRAS Vela Shell. R.H. Barb´a, G.L. Bosch & M. Grosso. 118 R. Morras, E.M. Arnal, J.C. Testori, E. Bajaja, Barbuy, B. Mapping out the interstellar extinction W.G.L. P¨oppel & P. Reich. 134 in the central 10 degrees of the Galaxy with Arnal, E.M. Structure and kinematics of the HI 2MASS. C.M. Dutra, B.X. Santiago, B. Barbuy in the surroundings of the Sco-Cen association. & E. Bica. 133 AUTHOR INDEX 159 Barbuy, B. The Galactic Bulge. B. Barbuy. 29 Benvenuto, O.G. The evolution of intermediate Barrera, R.S. Membership in the region of the mass stars from the main sequence to the white open cluster NGC2244 via the EM algorithm. dwarf stage. A.M. Serenelli, L.G. Althaus, M.A. Higuera G., A. Uribe, & R.S. Barrera. 33 O.G. Benvenuto, & A.H. C´orsico. 18 Bassino, L.P. CCD Photometry of the Open Clus- Benvenuto, O.G. Time Dependent Diffusion in ter NGC 2395. L.P. Bassino & R.E. Mart´ınez. ZZ Ceti Stars: Asteroseismology of G117B-15A. 125 A.H. C´orsico, O.G. Benvenuto, L.G. Althaus & Baugh, C.M. High order bias in ellipsoidal A.M. Serenelli. 119 collapse model. M.C. Pivato, N.D. Padilla, Berry, D.S. Faint light in clusters of galax- D. Garc´ıa Lambas & C.M.
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