p ESID Football to 'Duke' it out After a 34-20 lo s to Navy, the No. 6 Hens America's first ladies blend gear up for a howdown with JMU, the fame with fashion only other undefeated team in A-1 0 play. Mosaic / Bl Sports I B6 Tuesdays The news source of & Friday. the Blue Hen FREE ,Bus·H WINS SECOND TE Incumbent re-elected BY ANDREW AMSLE~ & ERIN BURKE Nutimwl State Ne ws Editors WASHINGTON , D.C. - After more th an 12 hour of voting in each tate and a record turnout nationwide, President George W. Bush will remain in the White House for another four years. Marked by a tense night of wai ting for THE REVLEW/Fil e Photo electi on results, President Bush announced Former Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry victory at 3 p.m. Wednesday. admitted defeat to the president Wednesday afternoon. ln his acceptance peech at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., Bush cknowledged the decision process has bee n lengthy. Kerry concedes "We had a long night and a gTeat ni ght ," he told a crowd of supporters, "a nd we deli v­ ered a hi storic victory." In add ition, Bush aid he is proud to lead election to Bush the United States forward. He al so reached out across pani an line BY BROOK PATTERSON AND the need ~ the desperate need - in anempl to unit e th e co untry that had been CA RSON WALKER fo r find ing common ground in so divided in recent mon ths. Ameri ca . Today J hope we can · "To those who voted for my pponent to BOSTON - Former Democ rati c beg in the hea lin g." make thi s nati on stronger and bel!er I wi ll presid enti al ca ndidate John Ken)' Bush won a majority of the fl eed yo ur support ," Bush sa id , "and I will conceded to Pres ident George W. popu lai vote Tuesday ni ght, but work to earn it Bush Wednesday after a long and wa in a ti ght ituation with Ohio "We have one country, one constitution hard-fought race for the White be ing too close tu call. and ne future th at binds us.'· I louse. Shortly before 1 a.m. NBC But on ly hours before Bush offered hi An Election Day full of opti­ antTOtmced Bush would 1 win acccptanc • the clecti n was anything but mism and hope in th e streets of Ohio. Fans left with thei r hcn cl s deci ive. Boston dragged into a day full of down and tea rs strea ming down As many expert predicted , several states disappointment for. th e th eir face. onl y to have th eir emo­ were too clo. e to call by ni ght fall , but as the Democratic ca nd idate. tional roll er coaster of a ni ght ni ght wore on, th.ree states became pi votal to Kerry plar1n ed to co ntes t th e take an upswing when CNN co n­ Bush 's re-election. Ohio res ults but later rea lized fi rm ed Ohio was sti ll up in th e air. Former Democratic pre idential ca ndi­ Pres id ent Bush's margin of victo­ Fo rm er vice pres id entia l date John Kerry scored an earl y victory when ry was overwhelmin g. ca ndidate John Edward s made an he won Pennsylvan ia's 21 electoral vo tes, but "The outcome should be appea rance and promised a ll of hour later when Bu h clai med Florida's 27 , Courtesy of G e orgc WBu ~ h . wm decided by voters and not a pro­ th e vo tes would be counted. Ohio s t o?~ out as th e ba ttl eground of the clcc- President George W. Bush received 51 percent of the popular vote l\1csday. tra cted legal battl e," he said " It 's been a long ni ght," he Li on. Wednesday in his com;ession sa id, "but we ' ve wa ited four By Wedne day morni ng, Bush had suc­ By most s t a nd a rd ~ thi s electi on was one ln Was hington , D.C. , wh ere Kerry speech at Fa neuil llall in Boston. years fo r this victOIJ' we can wait cessfull y captured 254 electoral votes, win ­ of the closest in hi stmy Bu sh received 51 per­ trounced Bush 90 percent to 9 percent , voter Kerry said he ca lled Bush to another night. " ning nearly all of the Midwest and S uthern cen t of the populm· vote. onl y 2 perce nt more turnout was unprecedented. congratul ate him and th e two dis­ Vote r~ fl ooded polling places states. than Kerry. Beatrice Watson , executive di rector of cussed dh is ion between the Tuesday in what was ca lled one Still , Ohio remained too close to ca ll . In addi tion, turnout was at an all-time the St. Mary 's Coun Senior Housing Facility America n people. of th e most import ant elections in lt on became clear that it was stati sti- hi gh nati onwide. An estim ated 120 million in the Foggy Bottom district, said voter "We had a good conversa­ U.S. hi story ca ll y improbable for Ken)' to win Ohio's 20 Americans showed up at th e po ll s, some wa it­ turnout has been phenomenal in the election. tion. and we talke d about the da n­ The Boston Public Library, electoral votes, and he conceded at 2 p.m. ing in line for up to nine hours. ger of di\ i ion in our country and Wedn esday. see BUSH-CHENEY page AS see DEMS. page AS Minner prevails Democratic incumbent edges Lee with 51 percent ofthe vote BY MONICA SIMMONS Copy Etbwr In cumbent Gov. Ruth Ann Minner fend ed off fierce c mpe ti­ tion from Republi can opponent :&i ll Lee Tuesday ni ght to claim a secon I term . The race was much ti ght er th an the 2000 race. in whi ch Mi nn er, a De mocrat, trampled Rep ublican John Burri by more tha n 20 percentage points. This year, Minner edged out Lee's 46 percent wi th S I percent of the vote. Joined onstage with her three TilE REVlEW/Jessic n Duome sons and their fam ilies, Minner co llege if they agree to Leach math Many students turned traditional new coverage of the election into a social event by gathering with friends. aid the people of Delaware contin­ or science in Delaware public ue to urprise her. chools once they graduate. "They put their trust in the There was one more accom­ pli hment she could safely check Campus anticipated election results- ri'ght people ," he aid . "Tonight prove that the people of Delaware off her list. BY MIKE HARTNETT parents ." Acros, campus, red, white and blue re pond to plan and visions rath er "Re-e lecting th e governor: done!" she said , joined in unis n Cnp1 F:dlwr DeFelice said she is not taking the elec­ pia. tic hats filled an East Delaware Avenue than ali t of complaints." o televL ions were turned off Tuesday tion re ults lightly. living room bursting with shouting and Minner said whil e she sus­ by the crowd and bouncing to night a tudents taycd up !arc to wa tch the "If !President Bu~h]lo , es, I'm moving laughter. pected it would be a tig ht race, he Bnchman-Turncr Overdrive' omcome of one of the clo~est presidentinl ou t of the country," she said with a facial Senior Matt McDermott, the lone wa surpri eel by the negati ve "Taking are of Business." ruces in U . hi story unfold before their ex pression indicating she muy not have been Republican in the room, suid he originally adverti ements launched in recent Sen. Jo cph Bielen , D-Del., eyes. joking. liked Bush but voted for the former week attacking her remarks on the appeared before Minner spoke and In a Cleveland Avenue living room, a Senior Stacy Mest, In dependent, did not Democratic presidential candidate John rape of Ca nndra Arnold , a embraced her. Biden , who defend­ group of friends were huddled aro und a tcl­ look a~ exuberant as her friends while , he Kerry hecau. e he wanted a change. .Smyrna prison counselor who was ed Minner when he wa riticized cvi ion watching C 's election coverage sat on the stairs smoking a cigarette, occa­ "Thctr policies arc so stmilar that 1 )leld ho tage by an inrnate Ia t in advertisements, said Minner' performance dunng the last four whi le munching on donkey and elephant siona ll y glanci ng-at the television . don't think there will be a big June. hnpcd ugar cookie and ·ipping cans of "I don't think either candidate is tntclli difference in policy changes," he snid . "But he plan to continue with ini­ years proved to voters she i. a Busc h Li ght beer. gent enough to run n country," said Mest, a change will at least ~hak thmgs up a lit­ tiative to improve education and politician of caliber and substance . a cnior Ashley DeFelice, Repubhcnn, P~:nnsylvania rcstdcnt who chose not to vote. tle ." health in Delaware, he aid. he "This i my governor and I'm looked confident as she watched Pre.
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