Cultural Differences between Greece and the Czech Republic Prohlašuji, že předložená bakalářská práce je původní a zpracoval/a jsem ji samostatně. Prohlašuji, že citace použitých pramenů je úplná, že jsem v práci neporušil/a autorská práva (ve smyslu zákona č. 121/2000 Sb., o právu autorském, o právech souvisejících s právem autorským a o změně některých zákonů, v platném znění, dále též „AZ“). Souhlasím s umístěním bakalářské práce v knihovně VŠPJ a s jejím užitím k výuce nebo k vlastní vnitřní potřebě VŠPJ . Byl/a jsem seznámen/a s tím, že na mou bakalářskou práci se plně vztahuje AZ, zejména § 60 (školní dílo). Beru na vědomí, že VŠPJ má právo na uzavření licenční smlouvy o užití mé bakalářské práce a prohlašuji, že s o u h l a s í m s případným užitím mé bakalářské práce (prodej, zapůjčení apod.). Jsem si vědom/a toho, že užít své bakalářské práce či poskytnout licenci k jejímu využití mohu jen se souhlasem VŠPJ, která má právo ode mne požadovat přiměřený příspěvek na úhradu nákladů, vynaložených vysokou školou na vytvoření díla (až do jejich skutečné výše), z výdělku dosaženého v souvislosti s užitím díla či poskytnutím licence. V Jihlavě dne 11. května 2012 ...................................................... Podpis Acknowledgement I would like to thank to my supervisor Mgr. Zdislava Kratochvílová for her valuable advices during the supervising of my bachelor thesis. Also, my thanks belongs to my parents who supported me during the whole period of studying at the college and also to my friends and people around me. COLLEGE OF POLYTECHNICS JIHLAVA Department of Tourism Cultural Differences between Greece and the Czech Republic Bachelor Thesis Author: Michaela Siberová Supervisor: Mgr. Zdislava Kratochvílová Jihlava 2012 © 2012 Michaela Siberová Abstract SIBEROVÁ, Michaela: Cultural Differences between Greece and the Czech Republic. Bachelor Thesis. College of Polytechnics Jihlava. Department of Tourism. Supervisor Mgr. Zdislava Kratochvílová. Degree of qualification: Bachelor. Jihlava 2012. 92 pages. In my bachelor thesis I chose the topic called the Cultural Differences between Greece and the Czech Republic. In the theoretical part I focused on the basic facts about both states in these spheres (history, name and the state symbols, geography, climate, environment, politics and inhabitants). Than I wrote about concrete cultural differences which were concerned with religion, sights, sports, cuisines, feast and festivals and character and appearance. In the practical part, I asked my respondents with the help of questionnaires for answers to the same 17 questions, thanks to them I tried to find out the awareness of my fellow – citizens about Greece and the Greeks about the Czech Republic. Key words Greece. The Czech Republic. Cultural Differences. Culture. Religion. Awareness. Abstrakt Ve své bakalářské práci Kulturní rozdíly mezi Řeckem a Českou republikou jsem se v teoretické části zaměřila na základní charakteristiku obou států v daných oblastech (historie, název a státní symboly, geografie, podnebí, příroda, politika a obyvatelé). Dále jsem psala o konkrétních kulturních rozdílech, které se zabývaly náboženstvím, památkami, sporty, kuchyněmi, svátky a festivaly, a vzhledem a chováním. V praktické části jsem se pomocí dotazníků tázala svých respondentů na 17 stejných otázek, prostřednictvím kterých jsem se snažila zjistit povědomí svých spoluobčanů o Řecku a naopak Řeků o České republice. Klíčová slova Řecko. Česká republika. Kulturní rozdíly. Kultura. Náboženství. Povědomí. Preface The topic of my bachelor thesis is the Cultural Differences between Greece and the Czech Republic. Why I chose this theme? I spent some time in Greece and I was charmed by this country. Also, I realized facts and behaviour which I would not accept as a Central European woman, but after returning to my homecountry, I decided I wanted to find out more information about Greek people, their culture and everything related to them. I would like to tell you from where I drew my sources of information. I found data about the countries in books, from the library in Přelouč where I come from and from a school library also, but the information for the part with cultural differences, it was harder to find, therefore I used the internet a lot and also many articles in English, which was sometimes also a problem, because there were used expressions which I did not understand properly or I did not know how to rewrite them into an easier but still the same meaning. My thesis is for those who like traveling and also who are interested in other nations as well. In my opinion, it can be used as a guide about the mentality and other interesting things during the visiting of Greece. Content Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 11 1 The Profile of the Czech Republic ............................................................................... 12 1.1 Basic information .................................................................................................. 12 1.1.1 History ............................................................................................................ 12 1.1.2 Name and the state symbols ........................................................................... 14 1.1.3 Geography ...................................................................................................... 14 1.1.4 Climate ........................................................................................................... 15 1.1.5 Environment ................................................................................................... 17 1.1.6 Politics ............................................................................................................ 18 1.1.7 Inhabitants ...................................................................................................... 18 2 The Profile of Greece ................................................................................................... 19 2.1 Basic Facts about Greece ...................................................................................... 19 2.1.1 History ............................................................................................................ 19 2.1.2 Name and the state symbols ........................................................................... 21 2.1.3 Geography ...................................................................................................... 21 2.1.4 Climate ........................................................................................................... 22 2.1.5 Environment ................................................................................................... 23 2.1.6 Politics ............................................................................................................ 23 2.1.7 Inhabitants ...................................................................................................... 24 3 Cultural Differences ..................................................................................................... 25 3.1 Culture of the Czech Republic .............................................................................. 25 3.1.1 Religion .......................................................................................................... 26 3.1.2 Sights .............................................................................................................. 26 3.1.3 Sports .............................................................................................................. 27 3.1.4 Czech Cuisine ................................................................................................. 28 3.1.5 Feasts and Festivals ........................................................................................ 28 3.1.6 Character and Appearance .............................................................................. 31 3.2 Culture of Greece .................................................................................................. 32 3.2.1 Religion .......................................................................................................... 32 3.2.2 Sights .............................................................................................................. 33 3.2.3 Sports .............................................................................................................. 34 3.2.4 Greek Cuisine ................................................................................................. 35 3.2.5 Feast and Festivals .......................................................................................... 37 3. 2. 6 Character and Appearance ............................................................................ 39 4 Practical Part - questionnaire ....................................................................................... 41 4. 1 Awareness of Czech people about Greece and its culture ................................... 42 4. 2 Awareness of Greek people about the Czech Republic and its culture ................ 62 Sources of respondents for the questionnaire: Awareness of Czech people about Greece and its culture .................................................................................................. 80 Source of respondents for the questionnaire: Awareness of Greek people about the Czech Republic and its culture ...................................................................................
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