FKIDAT,^JUN1 w , i h i » • O' jJlanrlfRBter tpgning ^|Rrall> The Weather Average Dally Net Press Ran Foreeaat ot O. & WeaUMt Oenae jamin Jonea, chairman, Mra. Rob­ the teat. Thla la tha flrat tlma th* For Uw Week Bndlng The Manchester Oioral Sodety King David Lodgs of Odd Fel­ Officers Elected ert Pratt, Mrs. Grace Agard and teat will be ataged without warn­ Jime 9, 1051 Fartly cloudy today, Hght ahew- lows will serve a strawberry sup­ Is in Training era; partl.v cloudy tonight; partly haa set the date of Sunday, June Mrs. Frank H. Hallln; Christian ing. - f HAM About Town 17, ft>r Ite anual picnic at Shady per this evening from six to seven By Church Wonien social relations, Mrs. Carl E. Ol­ The two new systema, one at the 10,163 cloudy tomorrow, shower* to­ Laka, Somers. Members^ aw re­ o’clock In the banquet hall. The son, chairman, Mra. James South achool and the other near ward evening, highest tempera­ Past Grands Association 1* in Pickles And Mrs. John Wabrek; 2-poond tin — prodaet Member ot the Andlt ture near 18. Ite Vtvuii H. PIdmi 9t 14 quest^ to meet at the Second 119 Wetherell atreet, will be in uae Denmsrk — CotAcd, bone* M m # y»»< J* White Of Cbngregational church at one charge. A t a recent meeting of the public relations, Mrs. Earl C. But­ for the first time. Chief Schendel Bareaa of Olrealatlone Manehe$ter— A City of Village Charm S^Uord will he nterried tomo^ o'clock. In case of rain the picnic Manchester Council of Church ler, chairman, Mias Emily Smith would like residents in those areas lem and skinlcos, was ad* Cpl. Thomas Ny. Menlg was and Mrs. Glendon J. Dunlap. J^Vnomlng at ten o'clock In St. will be held at a later date. Mrs. Women the following officers were to call Police Headquarters when vertised ycsjterday at $1.49. Robert Johnp. Mrs. Walther graduated this tyeek from the they hear the alarms ao that an PRICE FIVE CENTS ^ e a 'a church. Air Force Communications elected for the coming seaaon: The correct and Intended (CleaffUled AdvertbAns oe Fags IS) MANCHESTER, CONN.. S.ATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1951 (TWELVE PAGES) Griinder and Mrs. Elbert Carlson accurate report can be made. VOL. LXX, NO. 218 school. Scott Air Force Base, in„ price is— Tha Kary McCnur* group of the compose the committee of ar­ President, Mrs. Everett Johnson; Defense Tests June 12. Formerly he was locat­ vice president, Mrs. Bnch Brandt; C0n*re8*^°»'** Women* rangements. ed at Lackland Air Force Baae. L e ^ e win aerve lU annual secretary, Mr*. Philip M. Sousag; Again Tomorrow Texas. The son of Mr. and Mrt. treaaurer, Mrs. Arthur J. Stark­ itrawberry aupper at the church St. John's church will have only Thomas C. Menlg of 111 Woodland $2.49 Ml North Main street this evening, one mas* Sunday morning at 8:30. weather. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE .street, he wa.s graduated from The following committees have A statewide test of audible S the guest* arrive, between s.x I Rev. Stephen Stryjewakl is to Watklnaon School, Hartford, and also been selected: Christian Re­ alarms of Civilian Defense will be and aeven o'clock. The meal will participate in the deiiication of haa been with the Air Force since ilhe new Polish National Catholic lations, Mrs. Alfred C. Whitney, staged again sometime tomorrow. Raymond E. Gorman lonslst of baked ham. March 12. 1949. I Church in New Britain at 10:00 chairman, Mrs. Willard Mc­ Director Herman O. Schendel made INBCRANOE AOENCT Labor Disputes Tie Ships in 23 Big Ports aoUtoea, cole alaw. choice of dlf- known today. No one but state au­ Seif Serve and Meat Dept. Krent breads, pickle*. I a m., the Church of the Trans- Paul D. Shea, two and half year Laughlin and Mra. Edith . W ick­ IS Brookfield St. Tel. 64«0 thorities know the exact time for ry shortcake with whipped cream ' liguration. and a number of St old son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shea ham; spiritual values, Mr*. Ben­ Sid coffee. Milk will be i>rovided .lohn's parishioners will attend. of 117 Prospect street was in- tor the children who will bo sem-ed Veapt'is at four o’clock at (he mw lured yesterday when he acci­ Fire Destroys Oltl Ftilks lltiiue in Mtnilreul at a greatly rediiced price. Tickct.s rhurch will be followed by a ban- dentally poened the rear door of Idle Over will be available at the door. .quet in Falcon hall, Broad street the car his mother was driving in "Distress SigiiaP East Hartford and fell out into the Robert Warren Ferguson, son Expects 3rd Red Drive Our Lady of FaUma Mothers' I highway. He was treated at the Brings Reel Faees circle closed it* season with a of Mr. and Mrs Sherwood G. Fer- East Hartford hospital for ruts 50,000 in dinner at the Old Olony Restau­ puson of 74 Horton road, was on his forehead and lacerations of n rant on the Boulevard. East Hart­ . graduated June 8 from Montgom- the nose and then discharged. Frank S. Lent Hurt ford, June 16— lA’'— The ford, Wednesday evening. , rry Junior ColleR^. Takorrm PArk, Whore Reds Strike Back Maryland, and received the certifi­ State Caplt4>l flew the dlsln-.H 650 Craft cate'of technical electricity. The Frank Samuel Lent, aon e i Allies Push sign for two hour* this morn-, fourth commencement exerclea* Special Services Frank S. Lent of 10 Laurel street. * lug. w ere held on the campus. Several person* walking h> ‘■.Npw Yiirk, Jiini' 16— (/P)— who enlisted in the Navy last ice 'n spice ^ To Chinese th«- Capitol on the way to work Lalior (lisjnitps tied up Ameri- For Church School month, is receiving hia boot train­ ' WONSAN could hnixllly believe th^ lr ey.-s rnn aliipi'ing in (’very major j “paf^et ing at Balnbridge. Maryland. A wlH-n they glanced at Ihe ,\mer- graduate of Peekaklll, N. Y.. high Strong Spot | ■ S*0 of Jopon Icua (lag w aving In Ihe m orn­ S4U) I'ui'l arpii of tho nation to­ BE SURE Sunday, June IT, will be ob­ school, until recently he waa em­ ing breeze. il jiy. I THE POPULAR served as "Church School Day" at ployed by the National Fire Insur­ SingoMf^ The flag w as flying "u|>slile 'I'he Hcnmeii in Ihe Atl*nt(c atui both the B:15 and 11 o'clock serv­ ance Company of Hartford. Hla By OLEN CI.EMEN'TS down". .\ tele|ihone rail to c.ulf Cuiisi port* iliil nut talk 1 Y A'R D t E Y ices In Center church. The kinder­ mother. Ruth Hopkins Lent, now Young! Tokyo, June 16— fiT*) — the Capitol promptly correct.-tl mIiuuI II '.‘iliike," lull shippers garten and primary department decea.sed, was a graduate nurse NORTH Ko»or>g Ihe Incident. All this hapix'ii- wuiul>i<'‘l if nny wmiM *nil wilh- YOUR FAMILY WILL and was stationed at Anglers, BY « Rearguard Reds and probing SHAVING BOWL children at the early servlee and KOREA ed. by Ihe way. only two day* iiiit II i iuil nu t. the lower and upper Juniors and France, during World War 1. Allied patrols clashed head- after "Flag day." Ill .'^1111 Fmiu iseo, tlie CIO Amor- Enchanting! on today in scattered battles Junior high at the second .service. / leiin Knili'i a**uelntion (li'l not BE COMFORTABLY The cherub .and chapel choirs will to report at nine o'clock Sunday across the jagged mountains quililile nliuul wurilH II riillod a sing the same anthem and children In their re.spertlve rooms, and West Ciiii.'il nimilime strike a* juniors at 10:4.’i, Rehearsals for of the east and central fronts will be baptized and dediratnl at Our printed sheer af>9P« OPS Director .•MHin n* negutmlion* broke down these program* will take place to­ in Korea. , Hwoehon enily ludiiy. both aervices. and cotton frocks _ n ie Communist* fought desper­ •'‘""’’••gw.rrak Rev. Dorothy Pease who Is in morrow morning at 9:30 (or the A few liuiir* eni)u'i*. fi'deral me- AND HEALTHFULLY you’ll adore fo r its ‘ • ately to .save their escape mutes charge of these servlre* urges all kindergarten and primary, and Sees New Cuts diiilui* iiiinuuneeil tlieir (iillure to cool fla tte ry .. the to the north as Allied armored kindergarten and primary children 10:30 for the older rhildren. _ i f bring Die union iind shippers lo­ grand entrances forces thrust toward the new Red goi tier .loHcpIi Ciirnui, president •'< *. Hw6cKof» PARAUIL that await when­ fortress city of Kumsong, In Food Price of Ihe CIO Niitlon*! Maritime WARM NEXT WINTER Chinese and North Korean main union, iiiiiiieiiuitely Haul ever you wear it I forces continued lo fall back "1 expect our men will not sail A t budget prices. along the front ahead of heavy r»^0>un<hony!^ \Vii.shinp:ton. slunc 16 ’■I’ ahip.H. Iieeaiisti tlu*y have no c4in- Pnee Stabilizer Michael V. DiSalle Inii l. I know 1 wouldn't " The Allied artillery fire. iv <.^ - . ORDER The U. B. Eighth Army com­ aaid la-st nipht that the beef pnre ronlnirt expired at midnight last root Th* le«-«oel, % mander warned that another Red ^ , , ,S O U T H ^ ^ S> rollbacks will stick, and the gov­ nighl. waihabla, erhp, offensive is expected. AKA With NMI a compllmairtary bottle KOREA ernment is considering Bimilar satin strips Curnui and other union offieialn $6 .9 8 Sufficient Reserve* cuts on ol^cr commo<liticH.
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