Dissecting and Post-Mortem

Dissecting and Post-Mortem

A. AR D A TEXA . DISSECTING AND POST-MORTEM. - Fig. Sog. o. Hooks Darlin ' Chain .. 40 ~ 0 . Hooks, Double, Dissecting 1'\o. Hooks, Grappling .. .. 5 No. Hooks, Pl~in Chain . 50 o. Knife Cartilags, all teel . 75 No. Knife, Extra Heavy 5 o. Needles, (see page .. ) , 2 for ~5 Pump Embalming . Rachitome. Double Sa" Haw, Leonard's . Scal pel, a ll Steel . .. Scissors Straight . Scissors, Curved . Syrringe, Omego Embalm ing. Tenaculum . DISSECTING CASES. Fig. 17. DISSECTIN CASE, 0. CONTAINS : ) calpel, Cartilage Knife, 1 Tenaculum 1 Di ·ecting Forcep, 1 D issecting Scalpel, 1 Blow Pipe, Tupee Chain and Hook and Fine Wood Case. No. 5 Contents as above, bony Handles . l 7fl ·o. 16 Contents as above, but all Knives in Aseptic Metal Handles . 2 2:- RESSIN C. SE NO. 2 C01 TAINS : 3 cal pels, Cartilage Knife Tenaculum Dis ecting Forcep , cissor , P low Pipe, Tupee Chain and Hook and ine iVood Ca e. o. 17* Contents as above, Ebony Handle . 2 :- 1 o. 1 Contents a above A eptic Metal Handle . ~ ) N "T :MENT' p POST-MORTEM OASES. Fig. 819. Leonard's Post-Mortem Case. CONTAINS: 1 Heavy Post-Mortem Knife, Funnell's Saw and Knife, 3 Scalpel , 1 Tenaculum, Hammer, 1 Blow Pipe, l Enterotome, 1 Chisel, 1 pair cissors, 1 pair Thumb Forceps, Chain and Hooks, 1 atilage Knife. Rosewood ase with name plate, lock and key. No. 1 9* Leonard's Po t-Mortem Case . 20 ) Funnell's Post-Mortem Case. C NTAINS: 3 cal pel (a sorted ize ) 1 Cartilage Knife, .Tenaculum 1 pair Dissecting c1s or , 1 pair Dis ectin Forcep , 1 Chisel 1 Blo,., Pipe, 1 Chain and Hook, Tripple eedle and ilf in Oak Case, Leath r lined. o. 2 Funnell' Post-l\Iortem Case .......... ·. !) 0 United States' Army Post-Mbrtem Case. CONTAINS: \ 1 Long Kuife, 1 Chisel, 1 alpel 1 Blade aw, Capital- all fitting iu one han lle. assorted calpel 1 Tenaculum 1 pair traio-ht ci sors, 1 pair cur ed or flat ci or pair Dissectio ~ •orceps 1 Blow Pipe, 1 Chaiu and Hook Needles and ilk in ak a I,eather Lined . o. ~1 . Army Po t-Mortem Ca ·e . l I :)() All instruments designated with a * are illustrated. 4 A. AR ALLA TEXA . GENERAL OPERATING- ARTERIAL. - Fig. 25. Fig. 82. Fig. u30. Fig. 8.JZ. Fig. 829. .. No. ~22 Forceps, Accupressure, All is, Ring Handle, each 1 ~5 No. 23 Pins, (( Glass Head, per dozen. 75 No. 24 (( (( Ring Head per dozen. 60 No. 25* Tourniquet, Instantaneous . -o No. 2 " Es'march' complete 2 I o. 27 " Extra Hea y, All Gum, Esmarch s 1 o. Cl • trap and Cllain, E march's o. Clamp, Artery Langenbeck' Curved per d z . 4 o. 3 "' For ep rtery Cross ctiou . o. 31 " F ne trated 1i e atch 0. " priug Catch 1 I TR MENT A E . t GENERAL OPERATING ARTERIAL. I Fig. 833·. Fig. 839. Fig. 44· No. 33* Forceps, Artery and Dressing, Rat Tooth, large, plain . $1 00 No. 834 " cc 11 11 medium 75 11 No. 35 " " " small . 60 11 11 No. 836 " Serrated, large . 75 11 11 11 No. 37* " medium 60 11 11 11 No. 38 " small 40 No. 839* 11 Artery aurl Needle combined 1 50 11 No. 840* • Artery and Torsion . 1 7r; No. 841 Needles,. Aneurism, Fletcher's 2 25 No. 842 Needles, Aneurism, Mott's Set ·2 25 No. 43 Serresfine's Wire, all shapes 15 No. 844* Polypus Forceps, small . 90 All instruments designated with a * are illustrated. ff . P . 'Al LLA T X .... , .... GENERAL OPERATING ARTERIAL. Fig. 45 · · Fig. sS. Fig. 51. Fig. 4. Fig. 854. Fig. 52. No. Haemostatic Forceps, Leonard's 2 i) No. {( {( Peau's 4~ 7; No. " " !n No. {( " " G 1 2; No. " " Heart shaped . ~ tO No. " " Fenestrated . 2 2 2; ~0. " " " blique No. " " " T Shaped. 2 2- ~ . o. " " " Triangular 2 2?5 No. " cc Pratt s louo- . 2 5 No. " " " short 1 7fi No. " " Tait' . ] 0 I o. " Spencer '¥ell' 1 5 No .. " vVyeth's 50 T T A CE . 7 GENERAL OPERATING- OSTEOTOMY. .." \.'. Fig. 6o. Fig. 871. Fig. 70 . Fig. S62. Fig. S61 Fig. 6 . Fig. 859. Fig. 866. Fig.S6. 0. Chisel, L gou l ' 1 T: o. .. Leonan.l's 2;" " Plain . 75 " Mason's, made with round head 2~ " te 1, round head . ... 2~ 0. II ou re and Levator , Darby's set . '"0 o. Curette, Bruns . 1 -o o, .. Circle 1 7; o. Lauer's . 1 7- o. " Leonard,, and Pereosteotome 2 No. " Ri tog . o. " Van Brun's . No. Volkman s . o. Double end, 4Yz inch 1 No. If ' 6Yz " I o. " " " 10 " l A. TE GENERAL OPERATING- OSTEOLOGY. I I I I Fig. Si7. F ig. 885. I Pig. 883. No. 875* Drill, Brainard's set of 5 point. 2 75 No. 76 " Collin's, complete inca e . 22 i() No. 877* " Hamilton's .. 3 00 No. 78 " Marsee's . ... 5 2'" No. 79• '' Pope's Antrum . 2 2- No. 8 0 " Exsector, Wyeth !' 15 on I No. 81 Forceps, Isaac s Bayonet with pring-aseptic 3 00 No.8 2 " Liston's Angular " " 3 00 No. 8 3* " " Double Concave Lateral. right, with spring 3 0 11 11 No. 884 " " " left, " " 3 00 No. 5* " " Straight . 3 0() Forceps quoted are finest grade, with spring and made with seperable joints. Without springs and plain joints are much cheaper. • I T T GENERAL OPERATING- OSTEOTOMY. Fig. 7. Fig. 891. Fig, Fig. 89o. Fig. 0. For p Bone Cuttin , Li ton's cur ed up a eptible . o. atterlee s straight Cl 11 0 * '' U . ~. rmy Pattern o, Bone Holding Darbey s aseptible . o. Cl '' ' arabeuf ' ..... o. " FurO'uson's Lion Jaw, aseptibl o. ail Extracting P0 t' . .. All instruments designated with a "* are illustrated. ,... • J T GENERAL OPERATING. - • F ig. 899. Fig. I o. Forceps, Rongeur, arby B u Ho1 111g a eptibl 0 . '' Hopkins a eptibl 0. vffman o. Cur ed . 0 . Seque trum, Furgu on strai ht . o. ' " cun ed ( ee paue i! ) 0 . " Van Buren' ur ed :-o 0 . pinal, Hopkiu s curved . 3 00 J ' 1H. T A 71 GENERAL OPERATING- OSTEOTOMY. ' Fig. 906. Fi.!'. J ~· Fig. <)0'3. Fi . 90r. Fig qo2. Fig. I I. Fig. 912 • Fig. 9<><J· Fig. 9 · . tqe Bent to tb Right I :;o .. Left I ;)() I ~0 ,, I '.) I ·>-·- l 2:> ;( I (I() ,, 1 2:> l . .- a 1 1 ~I) f' () . 12:2 righ :> 0 R GE NERAL OPERATING- OSTEOTOMY. ( Fig. 91 • F ig. 922 . Fig. 91 . o. 913 Hook a nd Levator, Laugenbeck, Bone . 1 35 Knife, R esectiou, Lano-enbeck's Bi toury Til 111 t a ncl Prope I - ' alp I ] ;){) Le ator, 1\ atbew s . Lever , R ino- Handle, Perio teum Mallet, Lea Filled . ,-- " Steel . ] I • ail Ger ter's quare 35 " Hahn Roun 3- 0 ·teotome Marshall 'if> I ani' a patory, Langenbeck s " Mathew s . ·. era per SGRGICAL IN TR MENT AND APPLIANCE. 73 GENERAL OPERATING- OSTEOTOMY. No. 928 Retractor, Fluhrers Exsecti.ng . $ 1 90 No. 929 Saw, Bead, Stohlman's . 4 50 No. 930 " Jeffrey's 7 00 No. 931 " Circular, Tiemann's 9 00 No. 932 " Interosseous, Dawborn 's 3 50 No. 933 " Leute's . ] lfi No. 934 " Subcutaneous, Adam's larO'e : 3 00 No. 935 " " Shracly's Improve i . 6 0 11 No. 936 " \Vyeth's Set of 3 6 00 No. 937 " Needles, J a £frey's . :..0 No. 93 Shear, Rib Cutting, Dennison 's 12 00 11 No. 939 " " Plain ·. 4 00 No. 940 DeVilbliss, Power Saw . 20 00 No. 941 ·" Nasal Cutter 2 00 No. 942 " Drills, 3 sizes, each . 3 00 No. 943 " Improved Engine .. 2 00 No. 944 Flexible Cable Shaft 12 00 No. 945 " Nasal Saw ..... }:-) 0 No. 946 " Mastoid Drill with Gouge for opening Mastoid Cells 3 00 No. 947 " Trephennig Director . 3 00 I am prepared to make Excision Splints of any pattern or stze. Can a1c::o make appliances for operations of whatever character, developing the ideas of individual operators. All instruments Designated with a * are illustrated. A. Y. GENERAL OPERATING-MASTOID. o. 9 * chwartz' Ma toid et in as I~ - o. 9 ' Chisel, Buck s, laro-e or small, each . - . Chi el 'chwat'tz ~0. ] ' o. 2, mall lZ ar h wntn to Sell wa rtzs i\'fa toid . 7n " " Ko. 3 }Laro-e et 0: ,.J. " No. 4 o. rainage Tube, il er o. ri 11 Buck' set 111 a ( o. Gou e 111 ca e . o. ouge 'chwartz's 0. 1, ( , ma ll No. - o. 2. t T ~ lI " • o. I l Lary .l o. I (( No. J l ) I J\.Iastoid 1 1 o. Perio testome Buck' 0. Retractor, Allport's Ma toid o. Rose s ouble eud o. c op, Pol i tzer 1 T: COELIOTOMY AND LABaROTOMY. - o .. 6 ' Butt u Mur by . na tomo ·i , a h IZ to et ,.. 7 - . 96- lam \ atllen ' Int tina l • r P· H - o. >< }u h iu T ube, dom ina ! . 1 r, I - . • !) • dle Cr ff rd Abdomina l ] J,. 0 . ,... () eedle, Keith Abu mi na l 10 J..T • • ,..,.} Plate ut Ana tom r a tr 1 0 ~ o .. 7 Retractor, K r u b omttla "r ... ""3 ear' " r R AL TH. M A A GENERAL OPERATING- TREPHINING. q ( ~ ' . :::: ..,... .~· ;; ' :::=---------;;:.;...,.,...__:._)~ Fig. 977- Fig. 98r Fig. 987. No. 74 Brush, Trephining . No. 975 Ele ator, Trephining plain No. 97 · " and Leuticnlor Knife 1 5 0. 977* and Raspatory . J Forceps see pao-e 7 igs. 9; an:l l'.

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