JUNE 2015 AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF PHILIPPINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION VOLUME XXV NO. 1 CALIMAG INDUCTED ANEW In this issue: From the President's Desk p2-3 Editorial p4 As I See It p5 Dates to Remember p6 The Vice President's Corner p7 Maria Minerva P. Calimag, M.D. was emotionally; that they all love their fellow Money Matters: The inducted as 2015-2016 Philippine Medical physicians because that was what they have National Treasurer's Association President by Hon. Commissioner sworn to do when they took the Oath of Report p8-9 Florentino C. Doble, MD, PRC Chairman, during Hippocrates; that they should love the th Know your Governor the closing ceremonies of the 108 PMA Philippine Medical Association because it was p12-19 Annual Convention at the Marriott Grand built upon the age-old ideals of its founders as Ballroom in Pasay City. Dr. Calimag was an association of all physicians that would look Feature p20-21 reelected PMA President during the March 15, after each other‟s welfare. She urged the The MCP-KLP p22 2015 National Elections. members to thwart any attempt by any sector to disembowel the profession, to divide the MERS-CoV p23 In her speech, Dr. Calimag said that physicians, and disintegrate the PMA in the doctors have been under constant external exchange for personal gains or political CME Commission p24 threats but a united front and a solid ambitions. foundation would be their shield against all of Specialty & Affiliate these threats. She also stated that the Dr. Calimag asked all physician-leaders Societies p26-27 physicians are revered and looked up to by present during the closing ceremonies to society because eminence, empathy, erudition stand up, recite and live up to heart the and expertise have been the values attributed Declaration of Commitment to the Ethos of the to them. The same values could undermine the Philippine Medical Association which was very core of the Philippine Medical launched the during the Opening Ceremonies Association‟s existence leading to of the 108th PMA Annual Convention. territorialism, turfism, tribalism and turncoatism. She thus called for all Filipino The induction was witnessed by her physicians, especially those in leadership family. positions, to make sure that they love their profession because it has imbued them with ••• God-given talents to heal physically and Page 2 The Physician FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK MARIA MINERVA PATAWARAN-CALIMAG, MD, MSc, PhD, FPBA A Time to Lead at the PMA: Journeying with Commitment, Confidence, Conviction and Character Societies and countless Specialty, Board Rooms of PHILHEALTH on is- Subspecialty and Affiliate Societies in sues of fees reimbursement; in the the past 466 days, I listen to our col- PRC and CHED on issues related to leagues‟ stories and come to under- Outcomes-based Education, the re- stand and appreciate the diversity of vised framework for the Continuing ideas and approaches to health care Professional Education and the challenges found in different regions ASEAN Qualifications Reference - and realize that each has its merits. Framework and in the Conventions We live in interesting times! and Congresses of the Philippine As I continue the heady experi- Council for Health Research and De- “Ang lahat ay may gintong nasa ence of traveling around the country velopment and the different local, at ang kapisanan ay tunay ang dam- this year representing the Philippine national and international Specialty damin”. Mga katagang halaw sa ating Medical Association, I am reminded Societies; in the Medical Staff Meet- Awit ng PMA na dapat nating isa- again and again of the responsibility ings and corridors of hospitals nation- puso. Because at the end of the day, we have as physicians to provide the wide; and in the corridors and audi- leadership and our involvement in our best care possible to our patients. In toria of Universities and Medical Col- respective medical societies is not addition I believe we have a dual re- leges, and speaking my mind in the about the positions we hold but sponsibility to provide the leadership numerous press conferences, while about the relationships we build. to ensure that the environment in calling for transparency and account- ability in all our transactions. which care is given, the structure of Thirty years ago, as a young the health care system, is one that medical graduate, I see how policies The ground is shifting beneath promotes good quality care. Now I and laws were proposed, some our feet and change is upon us. But also recognize the challenges and passed, that would make life signifi- even so, our foundation at the PMA is fears we physicians have of losing our cantly harder for us and for our pa- solid, built upon the age-old ideals of autonomy – we fear that “…crucial tients. I realized that I needed to do our predecessors. Because this solid health care decisions will be dictated something about such legislation to foundation, our platform at the PMA by government, or administrators, or protect our patients, and that the has survived some 111 years. This health insurance companies.” most effective way was to become platform yielded the first code of involved in my medical society, the medical ethics and the first standards Moreover, they have taken notice for Philippine medical education. So Manila Medical Society and use the in the Halls of Senate and Congress clout of organized medicine to pro- yes, right now we are living through as I represent the PMA in the Com- historic change. And some may la- tect my patients. mittee of Health on issues of drug ment that fact. But I say, we are lucky. safety profile and fake drugs, in the Now standing here before you as Because the great thing about living Committee on Budget and Finance on the 93rd PMA President and the 7th through history, is we don‟t have to issues of taxation, in the Committee female to lead this prestigious asso- just witness it. We can shape it. on Economic Reforms on issues re- ciation of physicians I recognized the Together we can combat the epi- power of organized medicine. I see lated to the Asian Harmonization; in demic of chronic conditions plaguing how an issue I faced in my practice the Halls of the Department of Health the nation. Together we can foster could be taken to a higher level. And Committee as Resource Person in the innovation in medical education, so if resolved at that higher level, the Formulary Executive Committee and future physicians are better prepared benefits would reach not only my the FDA Pharmacovigilance Commit- for the realities of 21st century health own patients, but also every patient in tee; in the Board Rooms of the Dan- gerous Drugs Board on issues of drug care. the country. regulations and the revision of Board Together we can improve health Regulation No. 3, which is the IRR of As I travelled and visited 17 Re- care technology. Together we can the Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002; the gions and 102 out of 119 Component achieve meaningful legislative and Volume XXV, No. 1 Page 3 medical liability reforms. By standing make sure: that we love our profes- networking schemes; etc. together, united in vision and com- sion because it has imbued us with Dear colleagues, change can be mitment, Filipino physicians can God-given talents to heal physically shape the health care system this and emotionally; that we all love our scary. But we must never forget: country needs. To put it simply, I real- fellow physicians because that is change can also be good. Today we ized that the collective voice – the what we have sworn to do when we stand at a crossroads in the history of voice of the Filipino physicians – had took the Oath of Hippocrates; that we health care in this great nation. Be- the power to make a differ- should love the Philippine Medical hind us lies a century of failed at- ence.” ASAM-ASAM, ISIP-ISIP, USAP- Association because it is the oldest, tempts to improve the system. Ahead USAP, SAMA-SAMA. I therefore call at 111 years old, medical organization of us lie two distinct paths. for unity and solidarity to reform the of Filipino physicians built upon the One is the path of inaction. Of PMA and make it relevant to each age-old ideals of our predecessors. glorifying the past, succumbing to and every Filipino Physician. The Philippine Medical Association as partisan politics that muddle all our “Magkapit-bisig para sa Pagbabago… envisioned by our forefathers is an issues, and thwarting any attempt to para sa PMA at sa Bayan”. In return, association of all physicians that move forward. The other is the path the PMA tagline as an organization would look after each other‟s welfare. of action. Of collaborating, innovat- shall be: “PMA: Empowering the Our duties and responsibilities at the ing, and leading the drive toward pro- Filipino Physician for Nation PMA should be to make sure that all ductive change. Today, we look back, Building.” physicians, regardless of specializa- thank and celebrate three groups of tion and affiliation are cared for, nur- We are ONE PMA! We are an people who played an important role tured and empowered. We should 80,000-strong member organization in the development of our organiza- thwart any attempt by any sector to of Filipino physicians! We are the big- tion First – to the group of early PMA disembowel the profession, to divide gest lobby group that can speak for pioneers who believed and acted the physicians, and disintegrate the and on behalf of all physicians.
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