M;OREANA. 1997,8(3): 323-330 SHALLOW -WATER MOLLUSCS FROM THE FORMIGAS ISLETS, AZORES, COLLECTED DURING THE 'SANTAMARIA E FORMIGAS 1990' SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE Sergio P. Avila & Jose M.N. Azevedo provided by Repositório da Universidade dos Açores Sw;ao de Biologia Marinha, Departamento de Biologia, Universidade dos A<;ores 9502 Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel, A~ores. Portugal INTRODUCTION & Broderick, 1832 or Thais haema­ stoma Linnaeus, 1758. In 1886, the The Formigas islets are a group of Italian ship Corsaro visited the For­ rocks extended in a N-S direction, migas islets, the first scientific dredg­ with about 165 m long by 80 m ing being made then. The Princess wide, located 36 km NE from Santa Alice expedition in 1895 also stopped Maria island and 60 km SE from Sao there, but no molluscan fauna was Miguel island. The highest point, described (Azevedo et al., 1991). In 'Formigao', reaches 11 m. These 1989, Gofas published the descrip­ islets are part of the so called Formi­ tion of a new Rissoidae, Alvania for­ gas Bank, an area of shallow waters micarum Gofas, 1989, based on ma­ with roughly 7 km long by 3 km terial collected by the French scien­ wide, which is located between pa­ tific mission 'Biaqores', in 1971. rallels 37°14'N and 37°17'N, and the From 3 to 9 of August, 1990, the meridians 24°43'W and 24°47'W Marine Biology team of the Depart­ (Instituto Hidrognifico, 1981; Aze­ ment of Biology of the University of vedo et al., 1991) and constitutes a the Azores studied the Formigas Natural Reserve (see Fig. 1). islets, during the 'Santa Maria e According to Abdel-Monem et al. Formigas 1990' scientific expedition. (1975), Formigas' basalt flows are 4 This paper provides the list of the MYoId. Although volcanic, irregu­ shallow-water molluscs collected lar lenses of calcareous fossiliferous during this expedition. sediments, with a K-Ar age between 4-6 MYoId, were found by Zbys­ METHODOLOGY zewski & Ferreira (1961). A total of 33 samples were col­ Because of its location and diffi­ lected (see Table 1), from the inter­ cult access, Formigas were only tidal zone to a depth of 45 m. Single studied by a handful of scientists. plants of Cystoseira sp., Laurentia The XVIth century Portuguese sp., Enteromorpha intestinalis (k.) chronicler Gaspar Frutuoso reported Link, Sargassum sp. and Pterocladia the existence of 'buzios' which Aze­ capi/lacea (S. G. Gmel.) Bornet et vedo (1991) has interpreted as possi­ Thur were collected at intertidal level bly referring to Littorina striata King and after washed, the molluscs asso- 324 A<;OREANA I ':1\17 . tJ ): r· 30 Fonnigd> \. f ! I I ) .". ../ .• / " ".-"".,,- / / \""1... ........t.- " ..-J"""" ........ .'" o 10 IS 20 25 kll1 B FIG. 1. Location of Formigas islets (A) and the delimitation of the Natural Reserve (B). (Adapted from Azevedo et al., 1991). ciated to these algae were collected. under the Reference Collection Qualitative samples were made at numbers DBUA328 and DBUA330 intertidal pools, by washing the to DBUA366. The Polyplacophora, sediment and boulders. A suction and mos t of the opistobranchs are device was used at -15 m and -45 m still being studied, so are not referred on a mixed substrate of rock and in this paper. The species determi­ sand. Some scrapings were per­ nation and the arrangement of fami­ formed at the intertidal level as well lies follows Poppe & Goto (1991) as subtidal. The molluscs were pre­ for the Gastropoda and Poppe & served in alcohol (70%) and were Goto (1993) for the Bivalvia and later sorted at the Marine Biology Cephalopoda. Specialised works Laboratories of the University of the were used for the Littorinidae Azores. All the material is deposited (Backeljau & Warmoes, 1992), Tri­ at the Department of Biology of the phoridae (Graham, 1988) with cor­ University of the Azores (DBUA) rections extracted from CLEMAM, AVILA & AZEVEDO: MOLLUSCS FROM FORMIGAS 325 TABLE 1. Reference Collection number of the DBUA-Department of Biology of the Uni­ versity of the Azores and depth of each sample col.lected at the Formigas islets during the 'Santa Maria e Formigas 1990' scientific expedition. intertidal subtidal unknown depth 333 (on Cystoseira sp.) 330 (-5 to -9m) 328 336 (intertidal pool) 332 (-6 to -8m) 334 337 335 (-35m) 347 340 (intertidal pool) 338 (-45m) 363 345 (intertidal pool) 341 (-26m) 346 (on Laurentia sp.) 342 (-45m) 348 (on Enleromorpha intestinalis) 343 (-6 to -8m) 349 (on Sargassum sp.) 350 (-6 to -8m) 351 (on Pterocladia capillacea) 353 (-15m) 352 (on alga turf) 354 (on Pinna rudis, at -15m) 356 355 (-15m) 357 362 (-30m) 359 364 (-45m) 360 (intertidal pool) 361 366 Turridae (Nordsieck, 1977) and Superfamily PATELLACEA Ellobiidae (Martins, 1996). Family Acmaeidae F or each species, it is expressed Acrnaea virginea (O.F. Mi..iller, 1776) the Reference Collection number of DBUA 341. each station where the species is present. Family Patellidae SYSTEMATIC LIST Patel/a uLyssipOiU'llsis aspera Rbding ( 1798) DBUA 359. Phylum MOLLUSCA Class GASTROPODA Subclass PROSOBRANCHIA Superfamily COCCULINACEA Order ARCHAEOGASTROPODA Family Cocculinidae Superfamily PLEUROTOMARIACEA Cocculina corruguta Jeffreys, 1883 Family Scissurellidae DBUA 342, 345, 350. Schismope fayalensis Dautzenberg, 1889 DBUA 332, 336, 338, 340, 343, 345, Superfamily TROCHACEA 346, 350, 353, 355. FamiJy Phasianellidae Tricolia puLLus azorica Dautzenberg, Family Haliotidae 1889 Haliotis tuberculata Linnaeus, 1758 DBUA 341, 342, 349, 350, 352, 353, DBUA 334, 340, 341, 345, 359, 360. 354, 355, 356, 362. 326 A<;OREANA 1997. 8(3): 323-330 Order MESOGASTROPODA Cingula trijasciata (Adams, 1800) Supelfamily UTIDRINACEA DBUA 352. Family Littorinidae Manzonia unifasciata Dautzenberg, Littorina saxatilis (Olivi, 1792) 1889 DBUA 348. DBUA 332, 338, 340, 341, 346, 350, Littorina striata (King, 1832) 352, 353, 355. DBUA 341, 345, 359, 361, 366. Setia subvaricosa Gojas, 1990 DBUA 332, 335, 336, 338, 343, 345, Melavhaphe neritoides (Linnaeus, 350, 352, 355. 1758) DBUA 346, 350. Superfamily CERITHlACEA Family Cerithiidae Superfamily RISSOACEA Bittium cf. reticula tum (da Costa, Family Omalogyridae 1778) Ammonicera fischeriana DBUA 332, 333, 335, 336, 337, 338, (Monterosato, 1869) 340, 341, 342, 343, 345, 346, 349, 350, 352, 353, 354, 355, 359. DBUA 340. Remarks: this species is very simi­ Omalogyra atomus (Philippi, 1841) lar to Bittiunz reticlliatum (da Costa, DBUA 336, 340, 343, 345, 350. 1778) but it differs in the number of Family Caecidae the costae on the whorls, which is Caecum sp. consistently higher in the Formigas DBUA 355. specimens. For instance, according to the description of Bittium reticula­ Family Rissoidae tum in Graham (1988), this species Alvania sp. has between 12 to 20 costae on the DBUA 332, 335, 336, 338, 350, 355. last whorl, whilst in Bittium cf. reti­ REMARKS: a new species, to be clilatum there are between 22 to 26 dealt with appropriately elsewhere. costae on the last whorl. Alvania angioyi van Aartsen, 1982 Superfamily HIPPONICACEA DBUA335, 340, 343, 350, 352, 353, 355. Alvania cancellata (da Costa, 1778) Family Fossaridae DBUA 341, 350. Fossarus ambiguus (kinnaeus, 1758) Alvania formicarum Gofas, 1989 DBUA 337, 340, 341, 343. DBUA332, 335, 338, 340, 341, 342, 343, 345, 348, 350, 352, 353, 355, 359. SunerfamjlYdTONNACEA Farruly Ranel 1 ae Alvania postrema Gofas, 1990 DBUA340, 350, 351, 352, 353, 355, 359. Charonia lampas lampas (Linnaeus, Alvania poucheti Dautzenberg, 1889 1758) DBUA 350, 352, 353, 355. DBUA 330. Alvania sleursi (Amati, 1987) Cymatium.parthenopeum (von Salis, DBUA335, 340, 341, 342, 343, 350, 352, 1793) 353, 355. DBUA 330. AVILA & AZEVEDO: MOLLUSCS FROM FORMIGAS 327 Family Bursidae Superfamily CONACEA Bursa scrobilator (Linnaeus, 1758) Family Turridae DBUA 330, 357, 359. Bela sp. DBUA 338. Order NEOGASTROPODA Lusitanops sp. Superfamily MURICACEA DBUA 343. Family Muricidae Mangelia sp. Ocinebrina aciculata (Lamarck, 1822) DBUA 338. DBUA332, 336, 338, 340, 342, 343, 347, Mitrolumna olivoidea (Cantraine, 350, 352, 353, 355. 1835) Family Thaididae DBUA 338,340, 342, 343, 345, 350, 355. Thais haemastonza (Linnaeus, 1767) Raphitoma sp. DBUA 345, 353, 359. DBUA 335, 338. Raphitoma camosula (Jeffreys, Family Coralliophilidae 1869) Coraliophila meyendorffi (Calcara, DBUA332, 335, 336, 338, 340, 341, 342, 1845) 343, 345, 346, 350, 351, 353, 354, 355. DBUA 332, 345, 350. Order HETEROGASTROPODA Superfamily BUCCINACEA Superfamily CERlTHIOPSACEA Family Buccinidae Family Cerirhiopsidae ? Colus sp. Cerithiopsis barleei Jeffreys, 1867 DBUA 340. DBUA 343. Family Columbellidae Superfamily TRlPHOKACEA Columbella adansoni Menke, 1853 Family Triphoridae DBUA332, 343, 345, 347, 353, 354, 356, Marshallora adversa (Montagu, 1803) 359. DBUA 338, 34l. Cheirodonta cf. pallescens (Jeffreys, Family Nassariidae 1867) Nassarius incrassatus (Strom, 1768) DBUA 338, 34l. DBUA 332, 353. Family Eulimidae Superfamily VOLUT ACEA Eulima sp. Family Marginellidae DBUA 338, 34l. Gibberula sp. Vitreolina incwva (R.D.D., 1883) DBUA 338, 342, 362. DBUA 338. Volvarirza sp. DBUA 342. Subclass OPISTHOBRANCHIA Order APLYSIOMORPHA Family Mitridae Family Aplysiidae Mitra nigra (Gmelin, 1791) Aplysia fasciata Poiret, 1789 DBUA338, 341, 343, 347, 353, 356, 359. DBUA 360. 328 A<;OREANA IY97 , 813 ): 323-.)30 Aplysia punetata Cuvier, 1803 Superfamily PINNACEA DBUA 354. Family Pinnidae Pinna rudis Linnaeus, 1758 Order THECOSOMAT A DBUA 359. 360. Suborder EUTHECOSOMATA Family Cavolinidae Order PTERlOIDA Diaeria trispinosa (Lesueur,
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