NEW YORK TUESDAY MAY 18.07 -TRIPLE SHEET. 8 * HERALD, r, 5, % , a Th»»Uf-^Tbt Son mf ike Omw Cn loth of May, «r (h tl\«*'. r I e »ni .1. /t,,cth4 details of the of the and but t«66 i* dewnbed ail year Biwdwiy %ht" WailUii|ttH hi|II<hm. AFFAIRS OF NICARAGUA. mu n cumber w>ll <>».« hi nesting military organization previou# jeaia, waa t 'jv A torpor i,. A romantic 1'reuch under the above ttU«, Wv\wn«-,TOi«, May 4,1467 cbtaem of eldgiution aa legtudo import*. drama, Phe enotnku olr.SitWi'KaAU ref,>:ucTa . ju acoil u<Xliit fk« military fortes of China are estimated at Kiiojkth khom ('tieiA. produced here lud uiytil. It w in ifcreo ». tc, a prologue, T HrfiuiM uf ji, Haiku Cktrtndon Tt t-afy. Ch* Kftcl on t.rurr«l llornwb)'.The Hrltlih AH Ki A <Mla over the apparent ill f irtono of <ion. W*: r. i- Mbotan It* , with lh>' force ui! rne e ri which mis than 800,0«0 men. In their army rank is , »<o, and deals more it> electa of scenery and macfiuory than Lur>l Mopi,r and on G> ner<U Okia*. Hlta-lifllfm fruiu U«n«raU Wheat wid atom c u.i«r<>(l ient, A UtHaU*. 0.Britain. Vital ti Hr n. he .a It-) Nomina) nov a f r. 1. widier can retire from the army onlyhereditary. Af>t in pictures of character or ncelleDctoe of i nil"' mil yen urn. ly Dy l*N"grupu, l»Kl evening, "i m»u to General Walker. head, then hie son is in a 144.'> W 1H47. .10,14I>,47S a4.S.W,Wl3 73,4X^,411 10.107 literary florn«b}.Aid position toieplace him: if be ban a.m, The scene in lard n-ar die of intelligence received at the WUta Deportment no son of Ma own is uji w ia.>o 47,000,000 ui.iA&^ Napus, iu Oeymuu dialogue.g ye»ieruay A letter appeared in trio Bnuu) of Ternary X, .luted be at liberty to adopt one. It from uur Minister at of the of the Ks«it«-ni*»C In y, Slew lerwey. le allowable to enter the service at as an «s the (iiteenth century. There in a political disturbance. I/mdon, rejeetkro from Han Joan del Air, which gave the nauvw of a number early age toe. 18W to of n-loii tin announcement created do ItUK) rii" nbabilante of t£e quiet Tillage* »f Fort I-n.) and ih.» 16. Gunpowder has been in use among toe Chinese IHoO u^07,lrti 33^60A'7 47,77t.,ftS2 «,a« there always .among the "Naplers." The IHiko Ueity. OalJai(,'Uriof ortlojn of the .Nicaragua!) army who ware killed, *" *»1 LiaHd < dmiu ' -tomrt I assure aiw) »t on tint banki of the n from time MA !*M1 01.066JMI0' t h,, jhu HrvDa /V 1 HaotinrwirIN thn art.i1 Kaa at ti.»; 'date D» I'mjli*h Nal|<hborbood, ilmleon, immemorial; nevertheless the Chinese two ",v" r*t" you, partmerit,and excitement,wounded, rcngued or cashiered. Among I the Utter w n is far from as as that of the Whit*: House. lord on the of the Berg* New have be 0 thrown into an being perfect finrope.artilleryTbereturn of export* to the United H'ates not heing important bummee all to tx dono within an hour. Kin* Napier, receipt the uautc ul' tvuiMrai lloiunhj ami that oil., or U called county, Jersey, the balls originally used the Chinese tor too l«66-fl ended with the 90th oi he ban to Julia fc. L. wbom Immediately repaired to the MUtfl Department to iiiiu-uj "tale of e*o!t*niont ilorii)^ lb. la t thr0.5 or four were made of driedby and hardened. complete yew marry (Mm. Davenport), by intelligence,pon no to correct a report which rettecta upon hie charac. clay artillerymenJune we btw intd in the tompuwo ine American be ha/ to HUmn tho inforiu «»'UTut CMa of the important Mm; M the ilay. 11 coineqiiooeo of the »'.<bleu and niyhtrt'we death In tines of pease the soldiers are dispersed over the white the returns of already ban a child; second, be U r an a eoktter. In JurUcc to him wo take this ©eciwioo to retur'mt for year 1869, tlx; an told hie that from oar miniater had ol'a y< ting of tbU city, but formerly a redd'-nt of the whole and,in addition to their nay. they to Cieat Britain are for the ended Jane child from Wbebel (Hut. Ponko), its nurse, t, thirdly, lordship despatehea Gcneral »talo that euch wan not the caee, but that in place of beuu; lawyer empire, exports year that the in tlio Hi a horn t'.-j relatives ami friend* are at hbsrty to cultivate the portions of land that l«3d. b<> baa to "freo Naples," tho latter>n indefinite term, wtiich ntoru.ug been received oommunewtuig aehiered the General received a leave of aheence for the Neightioi hood, re to an 30ih, Vanoue are .1: n. !>> il«li:.t am! weiiUhol reokKuM of the allotted them. They generally employed CtlM'haht hkyvkxh tub bui in a>d amhbkht s'guides ouly a change of despots. The Count db)r two 1 telligenee. tornueee and prodiotionH t.'nited titalee on account of hie «y<eight falling, and at the jiix ptoc the State in worse, or* and an thU. Danie rumor lux 1 the 'iww and by public making roads, missions. intrrferoM with ReyDa's arrangements. tihobsl (Elmore)baa afloat t-> what wtl) bo the reeult of ail cxpiratiou of the furlough ho returned b> hia dulnn. circulate nvrt tat the bank* of river*. Their anna Ui>' l/tadoa March 17.1 !< ' repairing JVY<«n Timex, been the Count a and have a child at tba It Ui believed that llr. Dallas will oomo homo it' In regard to the affair, an at pre* oil ihororemarka!)!aro of sabres, swords, piken, muskets, hewn ooomlaid The announcements to the effor t that a mistress, they appearing same an lie's. tbeocneent of Julia's Immediately, having failed In hie mission, wh*h letter Ikon Hon. Wlunl.Thr Hrltlalt Aiding 1 (ton an t itiU'T.'iit viTftiona of lb 1) ooeurrem ail wit. arrow*. The Russian traveller Timlrowsti, woo new Plenipotentiary had been appoioUd to proceed age Scy IKOrbanl bar vkrited a large portion of tbe Chinese empire, states to Pekin, uud that ths last statesman entrusted wi'h l ather to ber marriage wMb the Count. Gbebel louaents wot the eoiisanimation and ratification of hit treaty, and tlw tout* Rltwio. The nnwH of the >-.\> il»'uit'iit in the aliovo ka« ttat the sold'ers are elothed the name aa the other nucb a mission had iuct departed thin life, might to change the children In order to give her ton legitimacy thereby v. tiling all of those complicated ami intricate TO TUB KDITOK OP TIIR HKKAI.lt. '.u^'rrio hoil our ottloe, wi l<*T*U h»vl nno of onr aperiai hihabitants, with the exoeptlon of the tonic, which -rem almost to imply that intercourse and the united coronets of Kaveth aod tKOrluun. <iuertioiui which have cauaed 10 tnoch trouble and debate, tv bile the Brim h government it profir Ing Urn kind «t reporters to tho qv>t for tho purpose >f getting at wear over of the same diplomatic Julia, they all, and which is always with China wan transacted once in a and tin It a vost deal of it la alio rumor- d )»v)«ibWt feeling* for thin and ut.deacoring to tho lifts, not yat'i'-iini; til il.it win .ntorowtiiu; color as that of the under which serve only however, refuses positively to marry D'Orbanl, evu diplomacy, country, flag they and that we were now about to repeatgenerationthe the a mistake. provo to un that are and Itave nut, been iu tho m.utor. On tw ari ,ut hi Urn Ii is to say, or blue, with or withoutthat which when the fortune of war has ptaoed bcyUa> life in the that administration will recall hitn. That is they not, ingh yellow, red, producei bo little results lorty yearsenterprise In Ceutral a seven not herder. In tiaics of war they receive helmets of iron, since. Tie is hands of the Count. If the attack upon one of the out The administration will do no such thing. But If Mr. American Allaire, British boot of interfering the in>|»r »h»hlc an t ,i.,gf.-:iMTNeighbortioo'lacooouw shields coincidence, however, merely or war atearner* Inn iteru .it for no of tho o.'Oiirrriiro were uu 1 »!1 wort eoriasses that are quilted and wadded, and for in no pointe do the two occasions re poets is Muccereful, a column of fire la to be «ent op from a manifest a desire to return home, the administrationDalian right lying t.reytown rile, hoiIh of nturhM cuperficial, than lo at bamboo wickerwork. semb'e each other. Bince tbe embassy ofLoM mounbiiu wilhtt tight of Key 11ahi camp. He is then to a ill oiler no object*m. That a skilful and shrewd man other purpcwe defeat Uw little roluma under G>l circulated in regard to tho atla <>y tho inhabitant* of itn ths nt china. to the l/x:k Wh«n the hi it recruit* arrived from All lh.it there * at th pksnch naval movmntwr Celestial Umpire, onr whole relationsAmherst give the signal for a genera) assault upon the city by firing be sent in Inn place in case he does return home hi nettled ridge.
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