SUNDAY MORNING, NOV. 15 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 VER COM Good Morning America (N) (cc) KATU News This Morning - Sun (cc) 28134 That’s So Raven That’s So Raven This Week With George Stepha- Paid 4318 NASCAR Count- 2/KATU 2 2 65776 21134 36554 nopoulos (N) (cc) (TVG) 30711 down 9568028 Paid 40979 Paid 33592 CBS News Sunday Morning (N) (cc) (TVG) 33399 Face the Nation The NFL Today (Live) (cc) (TVG) NFL Football Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers. (Live) (cc) 6/KOIN 6 6 (N) (TVG) 67950 26399 313196 Newschannel 8 at Sunrise at 6:00 Newschannel 8 at 7:00 (N) (cc) 57660 Meet the Press (N) (cc) 11467 Paid 19912 Paid 49554 Figure Skating: Skate America 8/KGW 8 8 AM (N) (cc) 31450 76405 Betsy’s Kinder- Make Way for Mister Rogers Dinosaur Train Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder Rick Steves’ Travels to the Nature Black Mamba. (cc) (TVPG) Secrets of the Dead Airmen and 10/KOPB 10 10 garten 77047 Noddy 53370 44496 (TVY) 89283 12301 (TVY) 62842 Europe 91554 Edge 39202 85467 the Headhunters. (TVPG) 98931 FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace Good Day Oregon Sunday (N) 91028 Fox NFL Sunday (Live) (cc) (TVPG) NFL Football (Live) (cc) 975950 12/KPTV 12 12 (cc) (TVPG) 14080 71863 Christians & Jews Paid 83776 Turning Point Day of Discovery In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley Paid 24626 Paid 46134 Paid 74 028 Paid 97370 Inspiration Ministry Campmeeting 22/KPXG 5 5 68931 16592 (TVG) 41329 (cc) (TVG) 583844 848283 Jentezen Franklin Dr. David Jer- Kenneth Hagin Jr. Pastor Ed Young The Coral Ridge Redemption (cc) Love Worth Find- In Touch (cc) The Revelation of It Is Written Bayless Conley From His Heart 24/KNMT 20 20 (TVG) 60399 emiah 78844 (TVG) 91860 Sr. 97467 Hour 54301 80282 ing 93554 (TVPG) 31202 Power 69196 (TVG) 99738 21738 (cc) 22467 Paid 319221 Outlook Portland In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley Kenneth Cope- It Is Written Paid 95950 Paid 93080 Hour of Power Bill Butterworth; Paid 18202 Paid 19931 32/KRCW 3 3 49370 Words. (cc) (TVG) 485863 land (N) 89399 (TVG) 71370 John Tesh. (N) (cc) (TVG) 71467 Paid 95467 Paid 27592 Pets.TV (N) Paid 46115 Paid 69979 Paid 51950 Paid 42202 Made in Holly- Paid 18844 Paid 48486 American Idol Rewind S5 Top 12. 49/KPDX 13 13 (TVG) 27080 wood (N) 73660 The top 12. (N) (TVPG) 55863 Paid 605931 Paid 898554 Biography Rock band Led Zep- Biography Aerosmith. The band Private Sessions Daughtry. The Sopranos A Hit Is a Hit. (cc) The Sopranos Nobody Knows A&E 52 181 pelin. (cc) (TVPG) 919919 Aerosmith. (cc) (TVPG) 569478 Daughtry. (cc) (TVPG) 621979 (TVMA) 546689 Anything. (cc) (TVMA) 526825 6:15 Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea ★★★ (‘61) Walter Pidgeon, Joan Fontaine. A sub- The Prisoner The War of the Worlds ★★★ (‘53) Gene Barry, Ann Robinson. Martian The Matrix ★★★ (‘99) Keanu AMC 71 231 marine crew battles a radioactive threat to Earth. ‘PG’ (cc) (1:45) 29948991 94334863 warships attack Earth with heat rays. ‘G’ (cc) (1:25) 271863 Reeves. ‘R’ (cc) (2:16) 265592 Barking Mad Tyler. Breed All About It It’s Me or the Dog (cc) (TVG) Wild Kingdom Gorilla Encounters. Wild Kingdom Danger Under the Stealth Hunters (cc) (TVPG) Untamed and Uncut Gator Tricks AP 43 130 (TVG) 11009 (TVG) 37950 935283 (cc) (TVG) 936912 Ice. (cc) (TVG) 20757 52757 Gone Bad. (cc) (TV14) 65221 BET Morning Inspiration 931399 Bobby Jones Gospel Trinitee 5:7. Lift Every Voice Lift Every Voice Video Gospel (N) (cc) (TVG) BET 56 270 (cc) (TVG) 232115 (N) 423370 (TVG) 332806 177689 State of the Union With John King State of the Union With John King: State of the Union With John King State of the Union With John King Fareed Zakaria GPS 186221 Amanpour. 173757 CNN 44 100 (N) 502370 Reliable Sources 979689 (N) 970318 (N) 252863 Paid 4532912 Paid 4788202 40 Days and 40 Nights ★★ (‘02) Josh Hartnett. A bad breakup induc- My Baby’s Daddy ★ (‘04) Eddie Griffin, Anthony Anderson. Three How High ★ (‘01) Method Man, COM 60 190 es a young man to give up sex for Lent. ‘R’ (cc) (1:34) 7119592 footloose men deal with fatherhood. ‘PG-13’ (cc) (1:26) 4789931 Redman. ‘R’ (cc) (1:33) 8521641 Pro Football Seahawks Angling Edge Angler West Outdoor GPS 309486 Pro Football Net Impact Blazers Pregame NBA Basketball Portland Trail Blazers at Charlotte CSN 37 77 Weekly 249405 432028 165844 (TVPG) 184979 Weekly 237252 (TVG) 794370 416080 Bobcats. (Subject to Blackout) 709283 Paid 610863 Paid 803486 Paid 536202 Paid 522009 Paid 729825 Paid 728196 MythBusters Exploding Jaw- MythBusters Son of a Gun. (cc) MythBusters Pingpong balls lift DISC 7 120 breaker. (cc) (TVPG) 696283 (TVPG) 544221 boat. (cc) (TVPG) 531757 Little Einsteins Charlie & Lola Tigger & Pooh Little Einsteins Special Agent Handy Manny Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Choo Imagination Mov- Handy Manny Phineas and Ferb Phineas and Ferb DISN 41 250 (TVY) 610979 (TVY) 2365689 1234776 (TVY) 7736554 Oso 738689 (TVY) 720660 Choo Express. (TVY) 2418739 ers 1781370 (TVY) 5724991 371318 372047 That Morning Show 577115 E!’s Hot Holiday The Soup Pres- Daily 10 Wknd The Soup (TV14) E! News Entertainment news. (N) E! 70 196 Movies 690080 ents 338738 768080 629592 (TVPG) 412399 Outside the Lines Sports Reporters SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 410825 Sunday NFL Countdown (Live) (cc) 264573 PBA Bowling Viper Championship. (Taped) (cc) College Football ESPN 35 70 359115 (N) 243080 429134 Final 155912 Realtree Out- Driven to Hunt NASCAR Now (Live) (cc) 4800134 NHRA Race Day Fantasy Football Now (Live) 9:45 Soccer FIFA U-17 World Cup Final. (Live) 44933486 ESPN2 36 74 doors 5020979 (TVPG) 8606592 (cc) 7637028 9975775 Paid 881399 Paid 218252 Sabrina-Witch Sabrina-Witch Sabrina-Witch Sabrina-Witch Full House (TVG) Stuart Little 2 ★★★ (‘02) Geena Davis, Hugh Laurie. Stuart and The Little Rascals FAM 39 199 707738 719573 923689 915660 906912 Snowball try to rescue a friend. ‘PG’ (cc) (1:18) 260318 869738 4:00 FOX and Friends Sunday America’s News HQ 9801383 America’s News HQ 2989863 FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace FNC 48 118 (Cont’d) 3748931 (cc) (TVPG) 8249404 Paid 4534370 Paid 4780660 Road Tasted With the Neelys Essence of Emeril Simply Delicioso Giada at Home Alex’s Day Off (N) Barefoot Cont- Boy Meets Grill Guy’s Big Bite (N) 30-Minute Meals FOOD 66 164 Thanksgiving feast. 9571689 7928554 7927825 7941405 3865912 essa 4771912 7947689 5510283 5511912 Paid 19641 Paid 19554 Paid 42370 Paid 61405 Paid 50825 Hawg Quest Paid 73776 Paid 95486 Seasons on the Runnin’ With the Motorsports U USARacing FSN 34 76 59196 Fly (TVG) 33134 PAC 62660 (N) 94660 687660 Paid 1681979 Paid 2960738 The Practice The Honorable Man. The Bachelor ★ (‘99) Chris O’Donnell, Renée Zellweger. A man has First Daughter ★★ (‘04) Katie Holmes, Marc Blucas. The president’s FX 53 53 (cc) (TV14) 2813776 27 hours to marry in order to inherit $100 million. ‘PG-13’ 2974931 daughter falls for a man at college. ‘PG’ (1:45) 1360660 Paid 42979 Golf JBWere Masters, Final Round. 925660 Golf Central Pre PGA Tour Golf Children’s Miracle Network Classic: Final Round. GOLF 33 304 Game 88196 (Live) (cc) 131134 World Impact Spoken Word Odyssey Network Presents (TVPG) Animal Adven- Animal Adven- Animal Adven- Animal Adven- Animal Adven- Animal Adven- Expecting a Miracle (‘09) Jason HALL 18 240 (TVG) 8215202 9089047 6767318 tures 1209202 tures 1208573 tures 1299825 tures 2325757 tures 9070399 tures 1295009 Priestley. (cc) ‘TVPG’ 6911689 Paid 1468757 Paid 9956757 Ground Breakers Garden-Yard Curb Appeal Get Out Way Out Yard Crashers Holmes on Homes (cc) (TVG) The Unsellables Designed to Sell Get It Sold (N) HGTV 67 165 4543863 4522370 (TVG) 7118486 7117757 (TVG) 7108009 3922028 (TVG) 7120221 2021196 (TVG) 2022825 Paid 8217660 Paid 9081405 Weather at War Mud’s impact. (cc) Kennedys: The Curse of Power The Kennedy clan’s tragedies, includ- Countdown to Ground Zero The events of Sept. 11, 2001. (cc) (TVPG) HIST 50 128 (TVPG) 6769776 ing the death of Joe Jr. in World War II. (cc) (TVG) 9062370 2347979 Paid 887573 Paid 313806 Ever Increasing Faith (TVG) Hour of Power (cc) (TVG) 507486 Paid 919486 Health Corner Will & Grace Will & Grace Love’s Deadly Triangle: The Texas LIFE 69 140 506757 (TVG) 640844 (TV14) 618298 (TV14) 908370 Cadet Murder ★★ 862825 MSNBC News Live (N) 9901009 MSNBC News Live (N) 2811318 MSNBC News Live (N) 2812047 Killing on Keithwood Court Doctor’s Justice 101 A Chicago double Meet the Press (cc) 3097298 MSNBC 128 103 wife found dead. 1658641 murder. 4756234 Teen Cribs Teen Cribs Teen Cribs Teen Cribs 717115 Styl’d (TVPG) 592554 World’s Strictest Parents The World’s Strictest Parents (TV14) World’s Strictest Parents (TV14) MTV 63 210 872641 907514 798080 McCuins. (TV14) 898689 713399 726863 All Grown Up ChalkZone (TVY) Jimmy Neutron: Jimmy Neutron: The Fairly Odd- The Fairly Odd- SpongeBob SpongeBob The Penguins Fanboy-Chum SpongeBob SpongeBob NICK 40 252 (TVY) 618405 801028 Gen. 534844 Gen. 553979 Parents 727467 Parents 726738 740318 455738 885080 739202 670950 688979 Paid 738711 Paid 261592 Paid 978370 Paid 997405 Paid 121660 Unsolved Mysteries (TV14) 938919 Unsolved Mysteries (TV14) Xtreme 4x4 Horsepower TV SPIKE 57 54 993689 (TVG) 835298 (TVG) 485757 Paid 9649115 Paid 1013115 Paid 3614196 Paid 3626931 Paid 9278554 Paid 9277825 Ghost Hunters Academy Web of Star Runners (‘09) Connor Trinneer, James Kyson Lee. A smuggler SYFY 59 180 Deceit. (cc) (TVPG) 9658863 crash-lands on a planet crawling with giant insects.
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