Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Westside Subway Extension Draft Environmental Impact Statement/ Environmental Impact Report > Executive Summary September 2010 The U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Grant Agreement (FFGA) were completed to extend Transit Administration (FTA) and the Los Ange- the subway from Wilshire/Western to Pico/San les County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Vicente at this time. The subway alignment was to (Metro) are undertaking the Los Angeles Westside have deviated south of Wilshire Boulevard to avoid a Subway Extension Project (Project) that would extend federally prohibited methane gas hazard zone (a zone the Metro Purple Line/Metro Red Line heavy rail that was designated in 1985 after naturally occurring subway system from its current western termini at methane gas caused a fire in the Fairfax District). Wilshire/Western Station (Metro Purple Line) and The planning for a subway in this corridor was later Hollywood/Highland Station (Metro Red Line) to a suspended in 1998 due to a lack of funding, includ- new western terminus. ing a ballot initiative that prohibited local funds from being used for subway construction. History and Background of the Westside Subway Extension Project Resumption of Subway Planning Metro’s Westside Subway Extension has been an In October 2005, at the request of Metro and the integral element of local, regional, and Federal trans- Mayor of the City of Los Angeles, the American portation planning since the early 1980s. Extending Public Transportation Association (APTA) conducted westward from the Los Angeles Central Business a Peer Review to reconsider the feasibility of tunnel- District (CBD), the Westside Subway Extension ing along the federally precluded Wilshire Boulevard has been the subject of in-depth technical studies segment of the Westside Corridor. As a result of this and extensive community involvement during this review, which concluded that tunnels could be safely period. The transit investment has historically been constructed and operated along Wilshire Boulevard envisioned to extend toward Beverly Hills, Century due to advances in new tunnel construction meth- City, Westwood (the University of California, Los ods that were previously unavailable, legislation was Angeles (UCLA)), West Los Angeles, and Santa enacted in Congress repealing the Federal prohibi- Monica. tion on subway funding in December 2007. Suspension of Early Subway Planning Alternatives Analysis In the early 1990s, plans were underway to extend As discussed in Chapter 2 of this Draft Environmen- the Metro rail subway to the Westside. Construction tal Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report was underway on the Metro Red Line from Union (EIS/EIR), Alternatives Analysis (AA) Study was Station to Wilshire/Western Station and to Holly- initiated in 2007 for all reasonable fixed-guideway wood. Environmental clearance and a Full Funding alternative alignments and transit technologies, including heavy rail subway alternatives. The FTA tive (LPA) would be selected and Metro would apply issued an Early Scoping Notice in the Federal Register for entry into FTA’s Preliminary Engineering (PE) on October 1, 2007, to help define the appropriate Phase. range of issues and alternatives to be addressed in the AA Study. If entry into the FTA PE Phase is granted, the Final EIS/EIR would be prepared at the New Starts The AA Study evaluated alignment and transit tech- PE level of engineering. After completion of the Final nology alternatives within the Study Area. After the EIS/EIR process, a Notice of Determination (NOD) alternatives evaluation in the AA Study, two alterna- and Record of Decision (ROD) would be issued. If tives were recommended for further consideration a Build Alternative is identified and selected as the in this Draft EIS/EIR. These two alternatives best LPA in these decision documents, Metro would then met the Purpose and Need while having the fewest apply for entry into the FTA Final Design phase. environmental impacts. The alternatives were: (1) At this point in the process, Metro would be able to Extend the Metro Purple Line Subway via Wilshire acquire right-of-way, relocate utilities, prepare final Boulevard to Santa Monica, and (2) Extend the Metro construction plans and specifications (including Purple Line Subway via Wilshire Boulevard to Santa construction management plans), construction cost Monica plus extend a subway from the Metro Red estimates, and bid documents. The project financial Line Subway Hollywood/ Highland Station via Santa plan would then be completed—which is required Monica Boulevard to connect with the Wilshire line. for all projects seeking a FFGA from the FTA. Once Final Design is completed, Metro would begin con- The alternative alignments studied during the AA struction of the project, perform project testing, and process were generally located along roadway rights- then initiate transit service (Figure S-1). of-way that could reasonably be used in an at-grade, elevated, or subway configuration. Four technologies Transit Service were presented and analyzed in the AA Study— Construction heavy rail transit (HRT), light rail transit (LRT), bus Final Design rapid transit (BRT), and monorail. The ridership Preliminary Engineering (PE) analysis demonstrated a need for a technology that Environmental Alternatives (EIR/EIS)- could provide a capacity of more than 700 passengers Analysis Advanced per train set to accommodate the high-capacity peak- Conceptual Completed Engineering (ACE) January 2009 Future Phases period loading along the Wilshire and Santa Monica Current Study alignments. HRT was identified as the preferred technology for further study because it has the capac- ity to meet the anticipated ridership demand and limit the number of transfers. Figure S‑1. Steps in the FTA Project Development Process In January 2009, the Metro Board approved the Westside Subway Extension Project AA Study and Draft EIS/EIR Study Process authorized preparation of this Draft EIS/EIR. The FTA and Metro have prepared this Draft EIS/ EIR for the Westside Subway Extension in Los Public hearings will be held after the release of the Angeles, California. The FTA is the lead agency for Draft EIS/EIR, and then a Locally Preferred Alterna- the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and S-2 Westside Subway Extension September 2010 Executive Summary Metro is the lead agency for the California Environ- the base of the Santa Monica Mountains along Hol- mental Quality Act (CEQA). lywood, Sunset, and San Vicente Boulevards; east to the Metro Rail stations at Hollywood/Highland and This Draft EIS/EIR defines the Purpose and Need of Wilshire/Western; south to Pico Boulevard; and west the Project and describes and evaluates the alterna- to the Pacific Ocean (Figure S-2). tives, including a No Build Alternative and a rela- tively low-cost Transportation System Management Relationship of the Study Area to Metro’s (TSM) Alternative. The Draft EIS/EIR documents Transit System the evaluation of the potential transportation and Since 1990, Metro has constructed a regional fixed- environmental impacts and benefits, mitigation mea- guideway transit system that consists of HRT, LRT, sures, operating and maintenance and capital costs, BRT, and commuter rail. This system currently and potential funding sources for the alternatives. includes more than 76 miles of Metro Rail service It also includes a comparison of alternatives and a (HRT and LRT) and 14 miles of BRT service. These discussion of the public and agency outreach. The include the Metro Red Line (HRT), Metro Blue Line components of the Project that are evaluated in this (LRT), Metro Green Line (LRT), Metro Gold Line Draft EIS/EIR include the following: (LRT) and Metro Orange Line (BRT). In addition, the • Westside Subway Extension alternatives—Five Southern California Regional Rail Authority (Metro- heavy rail subway alternatives are analyzed, rep- link) has opened more than 500 miles of Metrolink resenting different project lengths commuter rail lines that serve five counties. • Station location options and alignments—Con- sideration whether to include certain stations, The existing fixed-guideway transit service in the the location of alternate station locations where region is complemented by the transit corridors options exist, and comparison of optional routes currently under study or construction, including: for connecting station locations Exposition Light Rail Transit Project Phases 1 and 2; • Phasing options—Two minimum operable seg- Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension; Metro Regional ments (MOS) with potential interim operation Connector; Metro Gold Line Eastside Extension are considered Phase 2; Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project; • Other project components—traction powered South Bay Metro Green Line Extension; Metro substations, vent shafts, trackwork options, a Orange Line Extension; and Wilshire BRT. The rail operations center, and two options for the Westside Subway Extension would provide direct maintenance yard connections from the west side of the county to all elements of the existing Metro system. Enhance- Description of the Westside Subway Extension ments are also planned for the Division 20 Mainte- Study Area nance and Storage Facility. The Study Area for the Project was defined during the AA phase. It is located in western Los Angeles Purpose and Need for Transit County and encompasses approximately 38 square Improvements in the Study Area miles. The Study Area is east/west
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