High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail SPEEDLINES NOVEMBER 2016 ISSUE #19 ABOVE: Amtrak’s new trainsets “AVELIA LIBERTY” to enter service in 2021; Station upgrades and improvements for track capacity and ride quality among infrastruc- ture upgrades. 2 I am very pleased to submit my first Letter from the Chair in our fall issue of Speedlines. Before I recap our recent meetings and activities, I will highlight our upcoming second annual High-Speed Rail Policy Forum on November 30 at APTA headquarters. Our forward-looking theme is - Getting to the Tipping Point – U. S. High Performance Intercity Passenger Rail. We have an exciting roster of confirmed and invited panelists. Confirmed Panelists include:, California High-Speed Rail Authority CEO Jeff Morales, Former FTA Administrator Jim Simpson, NNEPRA Executive Director Patricia Quinn, FRA Associate Administrator for Railroad Policy and Development Paul Nissenbaum, Virginia Railway Express CEO Doug Allen, and Steve Schlickman of the University of Illinois. Potential policy and program developments in intercity and high speed rail in the new administration of President- elect Donald Trump will be among the pertinent and timely topics of our speakers and panel. Visit the APTA.com website for the details. By the way, this issue of SPEEDLINES includes Peter Peyser’s Washington Update. His early review of a potential Trump Administration infrastructure program and current congressional funding issues is a must-read. Many of you were able to join us for of our Committee meeting on Sunday at 8 a.m. at the APTA Annual Meeting in Los Angeles. Notwithstanding the hour, the room was full and we barely squeezed in our very full agenda. APTA Leadership welcomed our Committee and provided an update on the latest developments in the APTA Consensus Process. Other updates include: - Steve Schlickman on the HS&IPR Return on Investment Study, - Jim Michel on new FRA System Safety Rule, - Mitch Warren on the Northeast Corridor Commission, - Mariah Morales with the latest from Amtrak, - Peter Gertler on the UIC International Conference. Subcommittee chairs shared updates on other Committee activities, including the Policy Forum, Legislative Subcommittee, Speedlines and Committee presentations at the 2016 Rail Conference in a very steamy June in Phoenix, AZ. The Sunday morning calendar also included a 7 a.m. meeting of the Regional Corridors Subcommittee Meeting, chaired by Committee Secretary Jennifer Bergener of the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA). The meeting included a discussion of the Committee’s future direction upon its one year anniversary with the thought being a consideration of routine corridor issues in an extended Committee meeting and activation of the Subcommittee on an ad hoc basis. I want to acknowledge in particular the efforts of Dominic Spaetling our Program Subcommittee Chair to raise the profile of the HS&IPR in the APTA Rail and Annual Meetings programs and of course, for leading the Policy Forum development. And as always, the SPEEDLINES team leaders Al Engel, Ken Sislak, Eric Peterson and Wendy Wenner of Amtrak have brought you another excellent edition. I hope many of you can join us at the November 30 Policy Forum at APTA headquarters. It’s offered at no charge and promises to be a great event. And thank you for your interest in the High-Speed & Intercity Passenger Rail Committee. SPEEDLINES | November 2016 Anna M. Barry 3 CONTENTS SPEEDLINES MAGAZINE 3 LETTER FROM OUR COMMITTEE CHAIR ANNA Barry 4 APTA HIGHLIGHTS Los Angeles Annual Meeting - 2016 5 WASHINGTON, DC UPDATES 7 SPOTLIGHT » p. 16 8 TRANSIT TRIVIA On the front cover: A new era of high-speed train 10 IMPRESSIONS OF INNOTRANS travel is coming to the nation’s busiest rail corridor. 13 AMTRAK’S NEXT-GEN TRAINSETS CHAIR: ANNA BARRY VICE CHAIR: AL ENGEL 15 FRA SYSTEM SAFETY RULE SECRETARY: JENNIFER BERGENER OFFICER AT LARGE: DAVID CAMERON IMMEDIATE PAST-CHAIR: PETER GERTLER 17 AMTRAK IMPROVEMENTS EDITOR: WENDY WENNER 20 STATE SUPPORTED ROUTES PUBLISHER: AL ENGEL ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER: KENNETH SISLAK ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER: ERIC PETERSON 22 HSIPR FORUM 2016 LAYOUT DESIGNER: WENDY WENNER © 2011-2016 APTA - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 23 DATES TO REMEMBER SPEEDLINES is published by the High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Committee of the AMerican PUBLIC TRANSPOrtatiON ASSOciatiON 1300 I Street NW, Suite 1200 East Washington, DC 20005 HSR Policy FORUM, 4 NOVEMBER 30, 2016 APTA APTA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. HIGHLIGHTS HS&IPR - ANNUAL MEETING 2016 Contributor: Dominick Spaethling At the APTA Annual Meeting in Los P.E. Senior Executive Officer, Project the vehicles. This innovation was Angeles, on the last day of the con- Management and Regional Rail for put on the vehicles to allow level ference, September 14th, the High- Los Angeles Metro. She described boarding for passengers while still Speed and Intercity Passenger Rail the ambitious “Link Union Station” allowing freight trains clearance Committee sponsored a session project which is the re-envisioned past the “”All Aboard Florida” station titled, “High-Speed & Intercity Los Angeles Union Station with platforms. Passenger Rai: Planning, Engineering, run-through tracks and the incor- Funding and Partnerships Lead to poration of California High-Speed Finally, we rounded out the pre- Success.” The session covered a wide Rail. The project is planned to not sentations with a report by Allan range of projects ranging from the only transform the passenger rail Rutter, the Freight Practice Leader California High-Speed Rail project station operations but also provide for the Texas A&M Transportation and its partnerships in the Los a mix of passenger amenities that Institute. He provided a survey of Angeles region, to Florida where we turn the station into a destination in the recent passenger rail research heard about the privately financed itself. She highlighted the innova- that the Transportation Research “All Aboard Florida” railroad and its tive designs that are under develop- Board and the National Cooperative “Brightline” service between Miami ment for the station and discussed Railroad Research Program (NCRRP) and Orlando. Below is a recap of the the important partnerships with the have conducted over the last few different speakers and the topics that California High-Speed Rail Authority years. The three reports he focused they presented. and other regional partners. his report on were: Michelle Boehm, Southern California Next, we shifted to the East Coast • Alternative Financing Approaches Regional Director, California High- and heard from Gene Skoropowski, for Passenger and Freight Rail Speed Rail Authority, gave an update Senior Vice President for Railroad Projects on the Authority’s progress in con- Operations at “All Aboard Florida”. He structing the first true high-speed described the rail line under devel- • Intercity Passenger Rail Service system in the United States in the opment between Miami and Orlando and Development Guide Central Valley of California. She and the incredible development also described how the Authority that is planned around and on top • Developing Multi-State Institutions is working in partnership with local of the station areas. He showed pic- to Implement Intercity Passenger agencies to fund important projects tures and videos of the “Brightline” Rail Programs like grade separations in Southern services’ innovative rolling stock California that have positive effects that is customer comfort focused All of these reports are published on freight, commuter and future and has wonderful amenities. The and available on the internet. Allan high-speed rail operations as well rolling stock is also unique because made the point that it is now time as improving pedestrian and vehic- it has extending boarding plate that to take this excellent research and ular safety. comes from the vehicles to bridge to put it into practice. the gap between the platforms and We then heard from Jeanet Owens, SPEEDLINES | November 2016 5 WASHINGTON, DC UPDATES PUSH FOR INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT Contributor: Peter Peyser Donald Trump’s victory on November 8 shocked the To incentivize the $167 billion in equity investment, political establishment in Washington – and much of the plan suggests an 82% federal tax credit on equity the nation. His ascension to the presidency means invested in an infrastructure project. It stipulates that some abrupt policy shifts may be in the offing. But the portion of equity benefiting from the tax credit one area in which a dramatic change is not expected would not require a return on investment from project is in infrastructure investment. A Trump presidency revenues. Therefore, the typical 9-10% equity return will mean that a strong infrastructure investment would only be required on 18% of the invested equity. package is likely to come before Congress in 2017. So, for example, on a project with $ 1 billion of equity, The same expectation was in place for a would-be only $180 million of that (18%) would be calling on Clinton presidency. project revenues for a return. At a rate of return of 10%, this means the expected return on equity coming from While the Trump campaign was not as specific as the project revenues would be only 1.8% of the total equity Clinton campaign about their infrastructure plan for investment. This makes the equity cheaper to the most of this year, they did release in late October a project than debt financed in the municipal markets. paper that compared Mr. Trump’s plans for infrastruc- ture investment to Secretary Clinton’s. In doing so, the The Trump plan appears to be focusing exclusively on document gives much more specificity to the Trump projects that can support debt and equity investment plan than has previously been available. through project revenue streams or dedicated reve- nues. It does not supply any additional funding in the The document is in the form of a paper prepared by form of grants. Wilbur Ross and Peter Navarro, two economists who are Trump campaign advisors.
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