Bibliography/ Bibliographie Recent Publications Relating to the History of the Atlantic Region Editor: Eric L. Swanick, Contributors: Joan Ritcey, New Brunswick. Newfoundland and Labrador. John MacLeod, Nova Scotia. Frank L. Pigot, Prince Edward Island. See also: Atlantic Advocate Atlantic Insight ATLANTIC PROVINCES (This material considers two or more of the Atlantic provinces.) Armstrong, J.W. Champlain. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1987. 318 p. ill. Atlas historique du Canada. Montréal: Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1987. vol. 1, Des origines à 1800/R. Cole Harris, directeur. 198 p. ill. - publié aussi en anglais. - des sections sur le Canada atlantique. Ayers, Nancy E. "Aboriginal rights in the Maritimes". Canadian Native Law Reporter 2 (1984), pp. 1-84. Babcock, Robert H. "Capitalist development in the New England - Atlantic provinces region". Explorations 4 (Fall, 1987), pp. 34-40. Bosher, J.F. The Canada merchants, 1713-1763. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. 234 p. ill. Chassé, Sonia. Etat général des fonds et collections des Archives provinciales des Pères Eudistes. [Charlesbourg, Que., 1987] 119 p. ill. Cody, Howard. "Atlantic Canadian members of parliament as representatives". Explora­ tions 4 (Fall, 1987), pp. 41-44, 55. Cogné, Daniel. "Armorial seals from the Maritimes". Heraldry in Canada = L'Héral­ dique au Canada 21 (Sept., 1987), pp. 26-32. ill.; 21 (Dec, 1987), pp. 26-34. ill. - the first part cited in Acadiensis Autumn 1987, p. 190. BibliographyI Bibliographie 219 Copes, Parzival. "The political economy of Canada's Atlantic coast fisheries". Zeitschrift der Geseilschaft fur Kanada-Studien 2 (Nr. 1, 1982), pp. 117-135. Courreau, Léger, "L'Acadie reconnaissante". L'Action nationale 76 (janv., 1987), pp. 421-425. Creery, Tim. "L'enseignement du français aux élèves de langue française au Canada anglais". Traduit, présenté et commenté par John E. Vallillée. Le petit courrier 6 (sept., 1987), pp. 10-17. Criner, George K., Alan S. Kezis and James D. Leiby. "Canadian and American potatoes: a bushel of questions". Explorations 4 (Fall, 1987), pp. 48-52. ill. Curtis, David S. Organisations de propriétaires de boises privés dans l'est du Canada: rétrospective, législation, structure, mode de financement et services. Fredericton: Service canadien des forêts des Maritimes, 1987. 112 p. ill. - publié aussi en anglais. Woodlot owner organization in eastern Canada: historical develop­ ment, legislation, structure, financing and services. Fredericton: Canadian Forestry Service - Maritimes, 1987. 118 p. ill. - issued also in French. Cuthbertson, Brian. The first bishop: a biograpohy of Charles Inglis. Halifax: Waegwoltic Press, 1987. 292 p. ill. Daniels, Dan. "[The Canadian Seaman's Union in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in 1949]". New Maritimes 6 (Sept., 1987), pp. 5-11. ill. Davies, Gwendolyn. '"A past of orchards': rural change in Maritime literature before confederation". In The red jeep and other landscapes: a collection in honour of Douglas Lochhead/edited by Peter Thomas. Sackville, N.B./Fredericton: Centre for Canadian Studies, Mount Allison University, Goose Lane, 1987. pp. 35-43. "The song fishermen: a regional poetry collection". In People and place; studies of small town life in the Maritimes /edited by Larry McCann. Fredericton/ Sackville, N.B.: Acadiensis Press and Committee for Studying Small Town Life in the Maritimes, Mount Allison University, 1987. pp. 137-150. ill. De Beneditti, George and Richard J. Price. "Population growth and the industrial structure of Maritime small towns, 1971-1981". In People and place; studies of small town life in the Maritimes/edited by Larry McCann. Fredericton/Sackville, N.B.: Acadiensis Press and Committee for Studying Small Town Life in the Maritimes, Mount Allison University, 1987. pp. 191-208. DeVarennes, Fernand. Lieux et monuments historiques de l'Acadie. Moncton, N.-B.: Editions d'Acadie, 1987. 245 p. ill. Dogra, Ravi. Indo-Canadians. Tantalion, N.S.: Four East Publications, 1987. 60 p. ill. (Peoples of the Maritimes) Dow, Sheila C. "Banking and regional development in Canada". British Journal of Canadian Studies 2 (June, 1987), pp. 16-40. - sections on Maritime Canada. Eden, Lorraine. "Provincial-municipal equalization in the Maritime provinces". Cana- 220 Acadiensis dian Public Administration = Administration publique du Canada 30 (Winter, 1987), pp. 585-600. Emmerson, Frank. The Scots. Tantallon, N.S.: Four East Publications, 1987. 70 p. ill. (Peoples of the Maritimes) Faulkner, Alaric and Gretchen Fearon Faulkner. The French at Pentagoet, 1635-1674; an archaeological portrait of the Acadian frontier. Augusta, Me.: Maine Historic Preservation Commission; Saint John, N.B.: New Brunswick Museum, 1987. 330 p. ill. Fischer, Lewis R. and Gerald E. Panting. "Island-hopping: the voyages of Canadian deep-sea trading vessels to the West Indies, 1863-1890". Journal of Caribbean History 2 (no. 1, 1987), pp. 19-42. ill. Fish versus oil: resources and rural development in North American societies/edited by J.D. House. St. John's: Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University, 1986. 197 p. ill. (Social and economic paper; no. 16) Forbes, E.R. "Cutting the pie into smaller pieces: matching grants and relief in the Maritime provinces during the 1930s". Acadiensis 17 (Autumn, 1987), pp. 34-55. "In search of a post-confederation Maritime historiography, 1900- 1967". In Contemporary approaches to Canadian history /edited by Carl Berger. Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1987. pp. 13-27. - originally appeared in Acadiensis 8 (Autumn, 1978). Francis, Diane. Controlling interest: who owns Canada?Toronto: Macmillan, 1986. 352 p. ill. - issued also in French. - sections on Atlantic Canada. Le monopole: 32 familles et 5 conglomérats contrôlent le tiers des richesses canadiennes. Montréal: Editions de l'Homme, 1987.414 p. ill. - publié aussi en anglais. Gallant, Christel. "L'Acadie, bureau de la traduction officielle au Canada". Cultures du Canada français no 2 (1985), pp. 71-78. Geistdoerfer, Aliette. Pêcheurs acadiens, pêcheurs madelinots: ethnologie d'une commu­ nauté de pêcheurs. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 1987. 495 p. ill. Harris, Cole. "The pattern of early Canada". Canadian Geographer - Géographe canadien 31 (Winter, 1987), pp. 290-298. Hart, John. Report on surveys of Atlantic region newspapers for water-related topics for the period 1979-1984: a summary and overview, [s.l.]: Inland Waters Directorate - Atlantic Region, Environment Canada, 1987. 72 p. ill. Historical Atlas of Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987. vol. 1, From the beginning in 1800/ed. R. Cole Harris. 198 p. ill. - issued in French. - sections on Atlantic Canada. Holownia, Thaddeus. "The gas station: corner stone of rural small town architecture". In People and place; studies of small town life in the Maritimes! edited by Larry McCann. Fredericton/Sackville, N.B.: Acadiensis Press and Committee for Study- Bibliography I Bibliographie 221 ing Small Town Life in the Maritimes, Mount Allison University, 1987. pp. 153-160. ill. Horwood, Harold and Ed Butts. Bandits and privateers: Canada in the age of gunpowder. Toronto: Doubleday, 1987. 227 p. ill. - sections on Atlantic Canada. Jobb, Dean. "Sackville promotes a railway: the politics of the New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Railway, 1872-1886". In People and place; studies of small town life in the Maritimes/edited by Larry McCann. Fredericton/ Sackville, N.B.: Acadiensis Press and Committee for Studying Small Town Life in the Maritimes, Mount Allison University, 1987. pp. 31-56. ill. Johnson, Daniel F. "Maritimers in the American Civil War". Generations no. 33 (Sept., 1987), pp. 62-66. Jones, Gwyn. The Norse Atlantic saga: being the Norse voyages of discovery and settlement to Iceland, Greenland and North America. New and enlarged edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985. 337 p. ill. Knowles, Richard Paul. "'A sense of history here': Mary Vingoe's Holy Ghosters, 1776". In The red jeep and other landscapes: a collection in honour of Douglas Lochhead/edited by Peter Thomas. Sackville, N.B./Fredericton: Centre for Cana­ dian Studies, Mount Allison University, Goose Lane, 1987. pp. 20-27. Lapierre, Louis. "Notre environnement nuit-il à notre santé". Egalité no 21 (printemps/ été, 1987), pp. 127-138. Le Faucheux, Monique. "Nantes n'a pas oublié les Acadiens". Société historique acadienne. Cahiers 18 (juillet/sept., 1987), pp. 145-151. ill. "Les patronymes des Acadiens 'de Saint-Malo': 1758-1785". Société historique acadienne. Cahiers 18 (juillet/sept., 1987), pp. 122-139. ill. Lemon, Donald P. Theatre of empire: three hundred years of maps of the Maritimes = Ambitions impérialistes: trois cents années de cartographie dans les Maritimes. Saint John, N.B.: New Brunswick Museum, 1987. 154 p. ill. Lepage, André. "Le Banc de Paspébiac: siège social de l'empire Robin". Gaspésie 25 (sept., 1987), pp. 8-14. ill. McCullough, A.B. La monnaie de le change au Canada des premiers temps jusqu'à 1900. Ottawa: Direction des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Environnement Canada, 1987. 316 p. ill. - publié aussi en français. MacMillan, Carrie. "Seaward vision and sense of place: the Maritime novel, 1880-1920". In People and place; studies of small town life in the Maritimes/ edited by Larry McCann. Fredericton/Sackville, N.B.: Acadiensis Press and Committee for Study­ ing Small Town Life in the Maritimes, Mount Allison University, 1987. pp. 79-97. Maritime dykelands: the 350 year struggle. Halifax: Nova Scotia Dept. of Agriculture
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