L r THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY •I-/ xtm Serving Woodbridge Township, Cartcret and Edison Bnt««<J u 2nd etui Man Published At P. 0. Woodbridge, N. J. Woodbridge, N. J., Wednesday, February 26,1969 On Wcdnudiy TEN CENT3 Bureau of Consumer Affairs Established by Mayor; Bernard W. (Buddy) Freedman to Serve as Director By niJTII WOLK The mayor indicated that The mayor further staled, calls increase lo a large mim- slated thai the municipality is "As I said before, most of protect our people. This rm- some of Freedman's lesser hp felt the need was greai in her, a special telephone num- limited in its action because Ihe problems can he resolved reau is only aimed at un- WOODBRIDGE - Itfsin- duties may be given to some- scrupulous businessmen, not Ihe 'township, ' because it is her will be assigned, by a phone call. Sometimes ning today, Woodbridgc Town- one else so dial he will have not served by a Better Busi- ,,,„ .. ... , it cannot encroach upon other .11 the honest, established and ship will have a Bureau of Ihe time to devote to the op- ness Bureau. „ W« r™lw that ""?' "f agencies-stale and county. all one needs is a mediator, reliable merchants." Consumer Affairs. eration of the new bureau. the complaints we will re- "'Our job", he continued, someone to intercede." Freedman poinied mil (hat "I have been reading quite . , , . ," The announcement was Freedman is an attorney t eive wil be tjvi matu rs "will be (o encourage people May Seek Legislation as an attorney and a nirmher made by Mayor Ralph I'. Ba- and prior to passing the bar a bit about Quality Homes Milyor Barone said ,.bllt a( lo come lo us and to gel the and Kensington Gardens and , , , . of the Bar Association he is taught school for five apd a (hc same in)e mOs of ncS( people to go to Ihe right place The mayor said that he, v rone at his weekly press con- similar cases" Dr. Barone ,,„„., not permitted lo give f'i n ference. At,, (lie same tiirie, ihe half years in Chatham Bor- peop|e just know h(w |fl for asistame. In some cases, Freedman and the Depart- ough in the Social Studies l)e- went on, 'and they influenced Ro a,)OU( rec(.ivin1 g nM ot legal advice. However, ho mayor named Bernard VV. their problems. a simple telephone call from ment of Law have been work- partmrnt including a course me to come up with this idea ,h,.i,. ™-n|,iPm, •• ing on the formation of (he said, when a case is definite- (Buddy) Freedman, his ad- of Bureau of Consumer Af- us can resolve (he prbolem or in Consumer Economics. He fairs. The purpose will be (o Review Ordinance Ihe complaint. In areas where Bureau for some lime for he ly a civil matter and there ii ministrative assistant, as ihe also served the Township as advise (he people, when they Norman Kobhins, head of lliere are gaps between Town- said he feels "that we ought nothing further he can do Iw director of the new bureau. Director of Welfare for almost call or write us about their the Department of Law, has ship ordinances and Stale to assume a greater respon- will advise the complainant in three years. problems, So many people ".Mr. Freedman will lie re- been asked by (he mayor to Statutes we will endeavor to sibility and at least advise just don't know the places seek the advice of an alior- sponsible for the operation of Need Such Bureau ' review all ordinances and heal (he breach. What we people who believe they have they can go to in ordei: to gel ney. If a complainant cannot (he Bureau of Consumer Af- "I have felt for a long time State Statutes as far as con- can'i do ourselves we will re- been fleeced." 1 help." afford an attorney he will Im fairs", the mayor continued, that we need such a bureau' , sumer fraud is concerned lo fer to the Slate Office of Com- "If legislation is required referred (o the Legal Services "'rime will Irll whether or stated the mayor who said as Plans call lor assigning one determine "just how far we munity Protection. Matters inn he will need assistance far.as he can determine (his of the secretaries in the ran) go and whether we can, concerning weights and meas- and we can properly do it", Corporation. Tlie nearer ami we may decide on volun- will be the first of its kind in mayor's olfrec/fiiV take com- pur some teeth into our or- ures will go to that depart- Ihe mayor averred, "we will neighborhood office is in Car- teer or part-time help." any community In Uie State. plaints over (he phW. If the/flinanci's." The mayor also ment in Middlesex County. set it up for we are going to teret. - —N^^; SOOth Anniversary Unit Township Acquired $348,450 In Park To Give Distinguished Sites That Cost Taxpayers But $11,000 WOODBHIDCiK — The Town , the ReOrcation Department ' Al present there are only ?,7n<l Citizen's Award in May ship has received an addilional tor summer sports such as acres of open land avalable in $3,000 from Ihe (Ireen Acres archery. Ihe Township, but most of it IF BOARD BUDGET IS IMKKATKI) . is zoned for heavy and iiqht m- GK — As purl of realtor »m\ head <>{ the local be published ;is soon as possible program lor the purchase of a St. (ieorge Avenue, Wood- Ilir .iOOlh anniversary celebra motor vehicle, agency. Dr.'toother with Ihe deadline., of land for a new park in Avenel bridge. Area in front of ilusliy. for concentrated btr-i- i:mi "I Wood-bridge Township a- David Deutseh, dentis! and last .submitting nominations. The mi Prospect Avenue, Smith and Woodbridge Senior High ness areas and the remainder "D relinquished Citizen" awardi ycar's chairman of the Citizens j mayor .said that the award will Council Will Consider Wylie Streets, Mayor Ralph I', School and Health Center. is swamp land. According lo will be established under Ihp Advisory Committee; Laurence be open to men and-women alike liarone announced today. The Total cost, 5179,000 of which Hobcrt Rosa, director of Ihn sponsorship of the 300th Anni Weiss, president of the Amen ami will not he limited to just site is approximately two acres, SX!),.il)O was paid by Green Department of Planning and Hi- \crsary Committee, Mayor can Petroleum Corporation and .Township residents and will be used in expanding- Acres and $89,500 by Open U'clopment, al most there arc Mandate from People, p;irk and playground facilities but !)() acres left lhat could pn,- H.-'l|>li l\ Ba-rone announciVJo i member of ihe Hoard of Trus-j ..Tjlf, ., ., ', , ,, Space, no cost to the Town- already o^'.ib! 'iud. ship of Woodbriuge. i)e- sibly be used for park purpo ••., "The- Slate of iNc-w Jersey, molislied were a delapida- 1() The mayor pointed out lint ..i i - . Thi. rniin will .urn! a,,,i cr. '' vvoouunogf, whether or not Mayor Barone Declares through its (ireen Acres pro led structure used a* a toy park lands arc not neede.l in I he award was suggested by lnL B|iiNP wm mcel all(l s°- ,. ,, „, , . ,, grain has now completed ils shop, a gun shop; a htirncil- :lcctichairniana ltlraw |h lh|iy re)l lc ll)e ll)Vvnslll industrial areas where llx'i' ihr Wrmribridge Area Chambrr » »P e, " '" l>' WOODHKIIMJK — At press ary guides, once they are adop payment of-Ml per cent of (he out tavern and restaurant of Commerce whose president !lll'Cs anl' regulations which will'the mayor staled, are no homes. He aKo nn'i d time, voting had not been com led. cannot be cut. the mayor land acquisition costs for tins! and an ice cream stand, to lhal the County has the r\t<\< Oscar .1. Ackelsherg, wrote toj ' "' " pletcd for Ihe second election;replied that "we are not so sure park", said Ihe mayor. "The improve the appearance of Ihe mayor as follows: "In line/-i I • its /^ <•• i , lionally large Merrill Park in on the Hoard of Education bud- about that" and that Law I)i remaining .10 per ceni of the th<- High School and Health Ihe Isclin Colnnia section of tiie ih the spirit of the anmvc.s LOKMIIil JVlUll t-OtlllllC(l U costs will be paid within the next, Center. The land will also 1 ;ny we would propose to you get which was defeated at the'rector Norman Bobbins has been Township and i.s about. l» 'i' polls, February II. The Board;instructed to investigate the few months by the Federal (!ov be used for a proposed volnp the .siti' adjacent lo tliii iluii Wood-bridge Township cile.lflJ—JkL, fm, ^''^O <WUfc i\f V ijlI Mt lm had re submitted the same bud j law. The salary guide was not eminent through ils Open Space main library. Middlesex County Wicalioti.il for a special award as "Disting-| cv'- ' ff-JViVUV 11. X. Program, Our children have an lushed Citizen" an individual; ' get. 'adopted when the people voted Prospect Park, Prospect ! ami Technical High School, at Tuesday night the Board of,1^ the budget the first time. additional new park because of !the. Perth Amboy bonier lor who has done the most for,' COLON IA -A number of resi • "Jim", as he is best known, j the continuous search by this Street, Avenel, approxi- Woodbridge during the recent.
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