WANT TO VOLUNTEER? STATE SYMBOLS, PART 2 Mailing Label Several town committees are seeking Our Thompson-Ames correspondent members. talks birds, flowers and fish. See story on A3 See story on A7 MARCH 26, 2009 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE From pilot to selectman, O’Brien settles into new role Wetlands issue a BY DANIELLE DELISLE [email protected] “It seemed like a good idea at the time,” said O’Brien. The newest face on the Gil- “Not a lot of people were go- chief concern for ford Board of Selectmen, ing to enlist in flight school.” John O’Brien has traveled He was sent to Fore Polk extensively in his life but is in Louisiana and then Fort Meadows project now enjoying the content- Walters in Texas and then fi- ment of being part of a com- nally to Fort Rucker in Al- BY DANIELLE DELISLE act area and boundaries of [email protected] munity. abama where he went what can be defined as wet- “It’s an absolutely beauti- through boot camp, flight The project to convert the lands in the Meadows area. ful town,” said O’Brien. “The school and tactical flight Meadows into a new, larger “These wetlands have small town atmosphere is school. He was then sent to outdoor athletic facility is been delineated at least three very enticing, the people are Vietnam where he was sta- still underway and coming different times by at least pleasant and there are lots of tioned with the 101st air- under close scrutiny from three different agencies with activities all year round. I've borne. He was there for just the Conservation Commis- vastly different results,” said made a lot of friends here.” under a year and in that time sion. Rendall. “I was brought in as O’Brien was born in Rah- was very busy flying mis- “This is just an informal a third party to determine way, N.J., and was raised sions all over the country.His meeting,” said John Good- which is correct.” there before he went to Jack- unit was called the Black hue, chairman of the Con- Goodhue said that, be- son State University in Al- Widows. servation Commission on cause of the map differences, abama. He double majored in O’Brien has been trained March 17. “We wanted to the commission wants to be history and political science. to fly the helicopters that bring the selectmen up to extra sure of the wetland O’Brien worked several jobs would pick up and drop off speed on the project.” boundaries before moving to put himself through troops and provide cover fire Selectman Gus Benavides forward with an application school because he had to pay for the forces on the ground. and new Selectman John to the Wetlands Bureau. his own tuition. He cut cake The worst mission O”Brien O’Brien attended the meet- There has been no formal ap- and worked as a gas station can remember was called ing to hear the commission- plication made so far in the attendant while at the same Lam San 709. The goal was to ers and guest Nancy Rendall process, once the delineation time studying and thinking interdict the Ho Chi Min explain the main concerns is finished that would be the about what he wanted to pur- trail. O’Brien’s helicopter with developing the pro- next step for the project. sue as a career. was ordered to take Viet- posed facility.Rendall is from “If the natural balance When the Vietnam War namese troops in, and the Blue Moon Environmental gets mucked up then we are came O’Brien was drafted, troops got themselves sur- Services, an environmental going to be closing the and since he had only two rounded. O’Brien had to pi- consulting firm hired by the beach,” said Douglas Hill, a courses to finish he was able lot the helicopter to a 10-foot commission to study the wet- member of the Conservation to go in on delayed enlist- hover to retrieve the troops PHOTO BY DANIELLE DELISLE land delineation for the Commission. “It's some- ment and asked to be as- John O’Brien, the newest Gilford selectman, works in his new office just Meadows project. This signed to flight school. SEE O’BRIEN PAGE A12 days after winning the election on March 10. means determining the ex- SEE MEADOWS PAGE A12 Gilford High School evaluated to receive accreditation BY DANIELLE DELISLE [email protected] cal look at ourselves.” 10 years ago. 10 years ago and there have school notes, comments and port will be informative read- GHS has spent the last two The committee looks at been many changes to the suggestions. DeMinico ing for anyone involved with Every 10 years Gilford years preparing for the visit. technology, building, pro- school since then.” added that the school has the school. High School receives a visit The representatives spent grams, resources, students, The representatives also breathing room since the “The students have no from representatives of the Monday through Thursday parents, volunteers, staff, shadowed some of the stu- committee visited the problems telling the commit- New England Association of of last week at the school classes and other aspects of dents during the day to see schools and the final report tee how they feel about the Schools and Colleges; 2009 is talking with students, teach- the school to make their de- how they respond to block is expected sometime in school,” said DeMinico. one of those years, with ers, parents and other staff. termination. The process of scheduling and observing June. He noted that the re- “They are very uninhibited.” NEASC representatives in Once the meetings and inter- evaluation actually started teachers in the classroom. town last week to determines views are complete the com- 18 months ago with a “soft” DeMinico said a lot of time if the school can renew its ac- mittee, made up of about 15 report sent to the committee was spent discussing the cur- creditation. educators from all over New before the visit. Observation riculum. Sudden death of “If you’re not an accredit- England, makes a decision and the interviews men- He said that the recom- ed high school it harms a stu- which can fall one of three tioned above are the two mendations that come back dent’s ability to get into the ways. The school can be ac- main sources of data for the from the board are very use- best colleges,” said Paul credited, not accredited or committee. ful to the school in making Gilford freshman DeMinico, superintendent of there can be a provisional ac- “There were some issues sure they are meeting the the Gilford School District. creditation. DeMinico said with the building the last needs of the students. Even “It’s a good opportunity for that he expects Gilford to be time there was a review,” when a school is accredited under investigation us to take a good, hard, criti- fully accredited as they were said DeMinico, “but that was the committee still gives the BY DANIELLE DELISLE [email protected] The school is in contact with On March 16 the Gilman- the parents to let them know ton Sheriff ’s Department the situation and offer advice was called to the residence of for broaching the topic with the Bowen family in re- their child. Those students sponse to the death of who have trouble concen- Chelsea Rae Bowen, who was trating during the day will be a freshman at Gilford High able to use the counseling School. services. For many students “Our thoughts and this will be the first time prayers go out to the family,” someone they know has died. said Paul DeMinico, superin- Bowen graduated with tendent of the Gilford School high honors from Gilmanton District. “This type of loss is School. She received the just beyond comprehen- President’s Award for Acad- sion.” emic Excellence, The The cause of death is still Scholastic Art and Writing undetermined, and the Belk- Award, the Nelson Family nap County Attorney’s Of- Award and the Art Award. fice is currently investigat- Bowen is survived by her ing the circumstances sur- twin sister Miranda, who al- rounding Bowen’s death. The so attends GHS, her younger office would give out no fur- sister Brianna, her parents ther information as of Mon- and her grandparents as well day. as aunts, uncles and cousins. Counselors were mobi- Instead of flowers the family lized from different parts of is requesting donations be the district to meet with the made to the Chelsea R. students last Tuesday morn- Bowen Memorial Art Schol- ing to help them through the arship, c/o Lakes Region grieving process. Scholarship Foundation. “I think the school has “You always go into par- PHOTO BY GEORGE REGAN done a commendable job,” ent mode when something Spring skiing said DeMinico. like this happens,” said De- Education is on the fore- Minico. “It’s just very tragic Spring skiers and riders overlooking Lake Winnipesaukee at The Gunstock Ski Area on March 21. front of the district’s mind. when an adolescent is lost.” A2 THE GILFORD STEAMER ALMANAC MARCH 26, 2009 Regional Economic Senior citizens can feel safe in Gilford BY DANIELLE DELISLE Development [email protected] ditions, allergies, medica- idence. they are being a bother or not tions, relatives, friends, vehi- There are currently three trust the government. The Gilford Police Depart- cles and permissions to en- residents who call in to the One woman heard an Committee meeting ment has run a Senior Citi- ter the home should the need department every morning alarm in her house when she zen Call-In Program for at arise.
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