-:nr^n::rx;^^-^i-:rrriv,:^':^':~:":^;:: T"vt^":'""'^rr' '-T^^!?!g?^,^7^:^g^T^ gHg For Pictorial Photography [Ifa I you must have a " Sanderson." CATALOGUE of the . Year to and yeir out the « Sanderson " Hand Camera maintain* its fepremsey. Other cameras appear, aio *d«c--;ts«l, and disappear into the ofclrvion. of tie Thirteenth Annual Exhibition of the tu?V Selves or the sale.ami exchange columns. But the " Saivdersoo * is heiivfi ir.-de to ci-er-iiicreiaiii^ iranit^ ttety year! No one ever want* to . sell a " Sanderson " unless be fa-either going to buy another ot fiive up the' bobby altogether. We have written to dozens of people who hate; advertised PHOTOGRAPHIC SALON ** £*ndern.iiJ ** for talei but In nine eases out of ten flw advertise! i» going to buy another ** Sanderson," a different sue, perhaps, 01 adilTctent patlcffl—bo* always another "Sanderson.'* The tenor of t' e replies Wy be •tnniued »p in one short sentence, wlii^.1 we quote from a !:• • r Kc;i*;Iy iteei.td from the editor or a well- knosin dai!y pap-r— 1 "I woi-M rather five tip photo­ graphy (ha a be without a 'Saad*Moa/M rj H:.«f YOU tcetiscd <•' yet that, it fa the short- _ comings, (he incrtifeal' "*T£J88BEK of the ordinary I eawiii that pfc-cit yjur ^^^^^^_^^^^^^_-____^^^_ •J rtflg goudwQtW Are JKHf picture* hong at'thc leading exhibitions? I>o Ibe edito:* of the :;•; pho:o,jrap&ie papers a&yon to seed lli>''» p.*»»tR for reproduction? Is it sot -< because yo, hate to apcbd io mitco time over your camera thai yoo cannot 1: dt i -..-.-ii'.ioc to alt the little detaiti that go to molte a saccesini! pfcli Thiofc-It ouv Settle with, y--;. tier youi camera is ooj at f. If T.-.. n'wih-'- fot fsfflculari of the '{ Sandf r»a," and the bool let " An i . :..• Hobby that Cofcta Nothing" 6 *iU 'car?> y? h'-"* ^ ^^ndetsop" pays for.iuelf within two months, and it detail* tie ad espji-Btes ©/ an amatecr photcgr&ppej who did it. Gallery of the Royal Society" of Mafccra of Paipters in Water Colours, HOUGHTONS Ltd.. " Sandersons," (HI "Sar-tai-Mcsa" ar^; aW.t>i 88/89 HIGH HOLBORN, Sij Pall Mall East, S.W. , hy all dealers everywhere. Get tha kooxitf. LONDON, W.C. -^^awK^^aR^^a^a,^^ ^_ ri—« • i M •BLUIUUM a •••••• THrriirilllll«aMMMH«naMigwrgnMPB^^ '•"•- -.••*™»' 4+ ADVERTISEMENTS. T|5 AMATBUR * ILFORD PLATES iLUSTRATED IffiEKlYTn'OPDiCE 5rfSB-BV-AM8SStlY.KiNTCn} fl ILFORD a- • PA P E R S FINE-ART PHOTOGRAPHY - SOLD BY ALL DEALERS EVERYWHERE « Full Price Lists post free from ILFORD, Limited, ILFORD, LONDON, E. <tf •f.*,lll»Hiy |||.i « ».F^..^....-r.ft«WM——————P---*- AJJJJJJJJJJJJJ t l UMJWII ADVERTISEMENTS. PHOTOGRAPHIC SALON, 1905. Open from the 15th September to the 21st October, 1905. from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Also on Wednesday and Saturday evenings from 7 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. LIST of MEMBERS of the LINKED RING, who conduct the PHOTOGRAPHIC SALON. C. YARNALL ABROTT, A. ALEXANDRE, BERNARD ALFIKRI, J. CRAIG ASNAN, ERNEST R. ASHTON, W. SMEDLEY ASTON, HAROLD BAKER, WALTER BENINOTON, SHAPOOR N. BHEDWAR. DAVID BLOUNT, F. A. BOLTON, MAURICE BREMARD, TOM BRIGHT, MAURICE BUCQUET, ARTHUR BURCHETT, A. BUSCHBEK, \Y. A. CADBY, MRS. CARINK CADBY, EUSTACE CALLAND, H. HAY CAMERON, LYONEI. CLARK, A. L, COBURN, ARCHIBALD COCHRANE, HECTOR COLARD, WALTER L. A splendid negative COLLS, REGINALD CRAIGIE, I. CRUWYS-RICHARDS, L- DAVID, GEORGE DAVISON, F. HOLLAND DAY, ROBERT DEMACHY, M/RY DEVENS, medium for all svbjects W. B. DYER, R. EICKEMEYER, CHARLES EMANUEL, FRANK EUGENE, requiring better rendering FREDERICK H. EVANS, COL. J. GALE, JOHN PATTISON GIBSON, KARL of colour values. GREGER, GEORGES GRIMPREL, J. M. C GROVE, HUGO II EN NEB ERG, A. HLLDESHEIMER, A. HORSLEY HLNTON, FREDERICK IIOLLYER, CHARLES JOB, MRS. GERTRUDE KASRBIER, ALEXANDER KEIGHLEY, Wellington & Ward, JOSEI'H T. Kl.tLEY, 11E1NRICH KuHN, ROUILLE LADEVRZE, VlSCOUNT Elstrae, Hem. MAITLAND, THOMAS MANLY, ALIREJ MASKELL, BARON A. DE MEYER, CHARLES MOSS, WARD MUIR, C. PUYO, RALPH W. ROBINSON, Other Grades;— MRS. MARGARET RUSSELL, OTTO SCHARF, MRS. E. L. WATSON- SCHLTZE, MRS. SARAH C. SEARS, DR. F. VON SUTZER, EDUARD J. SPEEDY . STEICHEN, ALFRED STIEGUTZ, EDMUND STIRLING, J. STRAKOSCH, LANDSCAPE . FRANK M. SUTCLIKKE, CARL ULRICH, J. B. B. WELLINGTON, H. VAN LANTERN. DER WEYDI, CLARENCE WHITE, W. WILLIS. ORTHO PROCESS . REGINALD CRAIGIE, Honorary Secretary, The pictures from America end France have Ucn selected by the American and French Members of the Linked Ring. (Iisessi •ESHH •mw—nii 1 11 - 1 n 1 •• in 1 ii • ~Z~^^m—fl^a—la*—WBf—TT"^T7 .r.zr.^C^=r.T^T.J HBP THERE IS ONLY £100 PRIZE COMPETITION Presyttl&i amd F.nl<j Form Frtt, ONE BEST 70/- SET CLOSING DAY, Oct. \f\, 1905. • Deaiora and Photographers wilt ten you It U "ROYAL RUBY" AD VSR TISEMfiXTS. iFORNTi-PlCKARD TRIPLE EXTENSION. ' *.:. m . am IP'N.&G.'REFLEX "IMPERIAL" Self-Focussing TRIPLE EXTENSION OUTFIT. PqmppQ WITH SQUARE- UltlllUl a REFLECTOR. KING OF CAMERAS. A Superb and Pcrfeot Camera, suit­ able for r very Claw tf Work, with ALL MOVEMENTS ACTUATED AND HE 'N. & G.' Square-Reflector CONTROLLED BY RACK f* PINION. Camera ensures dead accuracy T of focus under all conditions, "ROYAL RUBY" OUTFIT, with Triple F.xteiiiiun Camera. Turntabl-, Three-Fold Tripod, Plate Holder, " Royal" Time aid Instantaneous and renders the mechanical adjust­ Shutter with Speed Indicator and Time Exposure ments necessary for taking a Valve, liali'-]ili!(- *in, picture practically automatic. The Long £11 2s, Get* importance of this absence of BxtensdoB Short rocua guesswork and uncertainty, leaving 22 in.; in 3 Indies. Half-plato the mind absolutely free to consider SIM. WHATEVER MAKE OF CAMERA YOU BUY, the artistic aspects of the picture, init*: on It l-eiiig fitted will- >h* SOItfE PERTINENT POINTS. THOnNTON-PICKARD can only be realised by those who REAL LEATHER BELLOWS. Thta n»Oat Im­ have used a good Camera of this portant feature should ho •peclally note J. Many ao-c»ued cheap Cameras are fittod with Bellows Patent type. It always brings success NOT of leather hut of a poor substitute for that Time within the reach of Beginners who, material, Bocb Cameras are not aerficsabic. Exposure Inclit on the Tborntor.-Fiehard "Imperial" and for any reason, have been unable you will obtain a Camera with REAL LEATHER. Valve BELLOWS. 8,0 to master a scale-focussing Camera, extra. and it gives to the oldest Expert SPRING STRETCHERS.—Thuao make tho ereo- tloo of the C#mera practloi'ly automatic. They increased confidence when doing are flitod to BOTH FRONT AND B\CK. which difficult work. they look at" right angioa to. and in "dead true" perpendicular with tho base-board. The great convenience in practlco of these Spring Slretchora cannot bo ovcr-e all mated. MOVEMENTS-—The "Imperial" liaaaGREATER BAMOE or MOVEMENTS tlian any other Camera Illustrated Ait Booklet, 6d. at a similar price. These IncludO Triple Swine TIME AND INSTANTANEOUS. Peit Fret. Front, Triple Swing- Back. Rising. Falling, and The iDOU perfect and reliable of all Shutters. Croia Front. Reversing Bp.ok for Horizontal and The *ma)!*vl «i«e cive* (with valve! :— Vertical Picture*, Long Extension, Wide Angle Short ••Time" Exposuresof (, i *, and I, Movement, and Revolving Turntable. ?. and i oecondt. Instantaneous Exposures upiolftCth of a Mcond. Prolonged Tlmo Exposures NEWMAN & GUARDIA, SPECIFICATION. of ar.y duration. LIMITED. TRIPLE EXTENSION" CAMERA, fitted with LEATHER Equal Illumination all over the plate. BELLOWS and fa; practical nufvcmcai. 90 & 92, Shaftesbury Avenue, Behind Ixa*, Tim •ad loilanl*'>eoai Shutter with Speed Absolutely without Vibration. Indicator, fitted M Cv-ser* front, riving ipeedi l/15to to L«Bh LONDON, W. we. and TIME EXPOSURES. Tbree-fotd Asfc Tr~od Stand. Double Book-fcr= Dark SH<k. CfmfttUCaiai'iur Pert fttt- Beek Symmetric Lent *it>i Iris Diaphrapn. HALF-PLATE SIZE 70 - THORNTON-PICKARD Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Mado in an SIZES j.piate to j-piate- ALTR1NCHAIW. miiiMwinnwi IIHIWIIHII faiWW M—I ppp -* •HIinilllHllllO—iWgHMssaag^aS r;f-S'"**""rTTT I .JUSHM ^Z) VERTISEMRMTS, FOREWORDS. Pictures made Uis:ble Image. by the Ozotype Unrewr$cd Prims. process are not like ordinary TO OUR CRITICS. iC photographs, but more nearly resemble water-colour drawings. The colours Some critics will persist in thinking, and saying, are carefully selected from the best artist's pigments, that some methods of art are right and others are and the results are absolutely wrong. permanent. As a medium for artistic ^^ expression Ozotype is unequalled. It It seems only too easy for the partisan critic to is also the simplest and easiest pigment process to work. Wellington Road, Kentish Town, be blind to the merits of a thing well done in a ivay THE OZOTYPE COMPANY, LONDON, N.W. of which he disapproves, and blind also to the defects of T. & R. ANNAN & SONS' a thing ill-done in the way of which he approves. fVcw Address is - . - 518, SAUCHIEHALL STREET, GLASGOW. An Illustrated Catalogue of Aulotype Reproductions may be had, post free for Sixpence. Photogravure and Half-Tone Process Work of Finest Quality. GLASGO.W : 518, SAUCHIEHALL STREET. IBB nrmf t M " " ™ \ttrrrm - — MBaMtafl £,.;:::-:- n-feeteekfel AD VER TISEMENTS. Catalogue. ROSS LENSES The prices In tlie Catalogue refer to the Pictures framed as they hang. Duplicates can be obtained In most A GREATER CHOICE THAN OFFERED cases. BY ANY OTHER MANUFACTURER. Information concerning Pictures not priced, which may, For the Amateur, for the Professional Photographer, however, be for sale, and all further particulars, and for the Process Worker.
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