E508 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 15, 2015 Jackson, MS, 40 in Meridian and 30 in Clarks- treats and recycles more than two million gal- readiness, and increases fines for violating dale. lons of water per day. Over the years, these volatility standards and hazmat transport The Yazoo Fair and Civic League began as efforts have been recognized by the California standards. It also requires disclosure of train an effort to provide black Yazooans with a Water Environment Association, which award- movements through communities as well as public place to hold community events during ed this facility its ‘‘California Plant of the Year’’ the implementation of a confidential close-call a time when they had nowhere else to go. designation in 2005, as well as naming it ‘‘San reporting system to further increase the safety Today, the Yazoo Fair & Civic League con- Diego Plant of the Year’’ multiple times in of transporting crude oil by rail. tinues to provide a public facility for all of the 1977, 1978, 1981, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, Last summer, a derailment in my district in community to enjoy, and the organization has and 2010. Seattle exposed the vulnerabilities in our cur- expanded its mission to provide affordable I am pleased to see that this proud tradition rent standards, and how easily we risk expos- housing to many residents. The association is being carried on with Padre Dam’s most re- ing our communities to danger from oily spills also manages the historic Oakes African cent effort in its Advanced Water Purification or fiery explosions. We risk too much—our American Cultural Center, which was home to Demonstration Pilot Plant. Funded through a urban centers, our clean waterways, our nat- the legendary Oakes Family in Yazoo City for $3 million state grant, this innovative project ural environment, our robust transportation over a century. A.J. Oakes, III deeded the will test the feasibility of creating a new source network, our pocketbooks—in sitting back and home to the Yazoo Fair & Civic League in of approximately 2,000 to 3,000 acre feet of waiting for an accident to wreak havoc on our 1990, and the home has become a museum purified water for East San Diego County. If communities. We must continue to fight for highlighting and celebrating local black history. successful, this project has the potential to stronger standards and accountability, and this Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me provide up to 20% of our current drinking bill offers a comprehensive approach toward in recognizing the Yazoo Fair & Civic League water demand via a locally-controlled, inde- tackling this urgent threat. I urge my col- for its dedication to serving others and giving pendent, drought-proof and environmentally leagues to support this legislation. Thank you. back to the community. sound water supply, thereby reducing our de- f f pendency on outside sources of imported water. HONORING THE DOOLITTLE PERSONAL EXPLANATION California’s current drought conditions, cou- RAIDERS pled with San Diego’s historical reliance on HON. BILL HUIZENGA imported water, mandate that we pursue every HON. J. FRENCH HILL OF MICHIGAN alternative that will lead to the San Diego re- OF ARKANSAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gion expanding its resource portfolio and uti- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lize an ‘‘all the above’’ approach to water man- Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Wednesday, April 15, 2015 agement. This includes traditional efforts such Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I as conservation and reservoir and aquifer stor- Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, following the De- rise today regarding a missed vote due to a age, as well as taking advantage of new tech- cember 7, 1941, attack of the U.S. Pacific funeral on Tuesday, April 14, 2015. Had I nologies and science in the areas of desalina- Fleet at Pearl Harbor on Oahu, President Roo- been present for roll call vote number 149, H. tion and reclamation projects like the one de- sevelt sought and received from Congress au- Res. 189, the combined rule providing for con- veloped by Padre Dam which we are today thorization to declare war on Japan. In Janu- sideration of H.R. 650—Preserving Access to recognizing. ary 1942, Lieutenant Colonel James H. Manufactured Housing Act and H.R. 685— My colleagues, I ask that you join me in ‘‘Jimmy’’ Doolittle was selected to lead a top- Mortgage Choice Act, I would have voted congratulating Padre Dam Municipal Water secret retaliation attack on Japan. With just ‘‘yea.’’ District for its forward-thinking vision and will- three weeks of special ‘‘short field takeoff’’ f ingness to pursue new ideas on an old, but training, Doolittle’s men set sail toward Japan important, problem. Everyone at the District, aboard the USS Hornet. CELEBRATING THE GRAND OPEN- from leadership to all members of staff, is On April 18, 1942, the Hornet was sighted ING OF THE PADRE DAM AD- making a direct positive impact in our commu- by a Japanese ship and the Doolittle Raiders, VANCED WATER PURIFICATION nity and I am confident that your investment as they would come to be known, set off on DEMONSTRATION PILOT PLANT will prove to be valuable in helping us reach their mission—twelve hours early and some both our short and long-term water manage- 150 miles from their planned launch position. HON. DUNCAN HUNTER ment goals. Within one hour, these 80 volunteers, aboard 16 B–25 bombers, took off in the first U.S. air OF CALIFORNIA f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES raid on Japan in World War II. The air raid re- INTRODUCING THE CRUDE-BY-RAIL sulted in the bombing of multiple military and Wednesday, April 15, 2015 SAFETY ACT industrial targets in Tokyo and other Japanese Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cities. Their mission a success, the crews recognize an exciting event that took place in HON. JIM McDERMOTT headed for their rendezvous point in China. my district this past week on April 10, 2015, OF WASHINGTON Flying on fumes and facing poor weather, by the Padre Dam Municipal Water District. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES one plane diverted to Russia, and the fifteen The Grand Opening of the Padre Dam Ad- others were forced to crash land. With the aid vanced Water Purification Demonstration Pilot Wednesday, April 15, 2015 of Chinese civilians, most of these brave men Plant in Santee, California is an important and Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today reached safety, but not all of our famous flyers critical step in the overall effort by San Diego to introduce legislation to increase the safety made it home. Three of the raiders were killed County to become more water independent as of transporting crude oil by rail. Explosive in action; and, of the eight that were captured, a region and maintain the very best in our growth in crude-by-rail transport in recent three were executed and one died in captivity. water management practices. months has led to increased rail traffic and an Their sacrifice and the success of this mission We all know that California is currently in unprecedented rise in rail accidents—some- served as an essential boost to American mo- the midst of a severe multi-year drought, but times with fatal results. This issue has affected rale, and the exploits of the Doolittle Raiders ensuring our communities can rely on being communities across the nation and cemented marked a critical turning point in the war in the provided with clean and healthy water has the need to increase safety standards and ac- Pacific. been the mission of Padre Dam for many dec- countability. Four derailments in the US and Following their daring drama over Japan, ades. In fact, on this same day in 1962, found- Canada in under a month earlier this year un- the Doolittle Raiders spread out across the na- ing General Manager of Padre Dam Ray derscored the urgency of action to curb the tion and globe. Some continued in the military, Stoyer wrote to President Kennedy compli- risks of transporting volatile crude oil. enjoying long careers into retirement. Others menting him on his commitment to the science The Crude-By-Rail Safety Act addresses a gave their lives in later service to their country, of water management innovation and request- number of shortcomings in our approach to while still others rejoined civilian life as doc- ing his assistance in a groundbreaking water transporting volatile crude oil near and through tors, teachers, businessmen—serving their reclamation study and project at Padre Dam. many American towns and cities. It includes communities in every capacity. President Kennedy supported the District’s provisions to lower oil volatility, prohibits use Earlier this year, we lost two of the surviving reclamation efforts and today the appropriately of unsafe DOT–111 tank cars, strengthens Raiders, LTC Edward Saylor, and LTC Robert named Ray Stoyer Water Recycling Facility tank car standards, improves oil spill response Hite. LTC Hite was one of the brave souls VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15AP8.029 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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