m THE THK NEWSPAPER NSVSPAPfft THAT IS I HAT IS ALWAYS READ KIFr'ERHNT jHQerry Cljnatmag Co 3111 fteabtrs ODf VOUIMF i 44 BERNARDSVIUE. N. J.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1913 ADOLLAK 1 ITTT TMI TIAl THE "PALE HORSE" SOMERSET COUNTY AFFAIRS DISTRICT CLERK In re, its BpheUlS for he Unionist-lia/etle d FOLEY RESIGNS "Tin' Gazette stands for ;• Utd Somerset Ciunity tlrst, la<! and all Fatal Collision Follows Close Upon f' rink P Bowmifl SiKYCcds Him. A lie time." That's a good slogan, but Wedding.—High-Speeded Motor Car ve beg '<> suggest a period aftw the Little \fnplwnntflUS li I.ibcrty Cor- Demolishes Unlighted Farm Wngon ford "Somervllle," whloh, with Its ner School Mr. Hubtottr'l Thir- and Kills Horse. Chauffeur Fatally much of idlitnlng politicians, place- Iccn Kivomniciul.iimns to llic KIMTII and Bridal Pair Seriously Injured. - eeksrs ami subservient newspapers, Hul\ I oiiM.lorcil. AIHHII the K.ilc wsumes to be about the whole County What Happened One Mile on of tuition to "Outsiders." Another ry lleelf aud grabs everything in sight, Honeymoon Trip. Continued Truant. A. H. liilih H>>pi able Sheriff Bebrinaj dined all blecttd to Succeed Mr. Buck .is Miss Mary 1. Comptou and Abram P. he pretty female attaches to the oBloes Memlicr of tnf Hoard Holeombe were married at the home of i! the Court House a few days since at the bride iu Plnekemin on Thursday I•<• Somerset Hotel. It \v:is an "Adam evening of last week, The pair were to All the memben wvre prmutal Mon- ess Eden" burring only ihe pmettosof motor to Sonierville and take train for lay nitfiit's wljonrnoil meeting of the he Sheriff. And his name is not Alum; Home unnamed rotreat, and this pro- Board of KdncAt'on, whioh( attunsJof t is Oharles, gram they attempted to carry out, but Ht HI III [.He. provi d R Im-v ami protrartid fM< were brought back tothoCompton home lion, In the Hoard of Freeholders List week shortly after they started, both suffering A. R QibO was ,•leeted, without dl»- lie improvement Of llernardsville's from serious wonudH sustained iu an sent, to till the Viiramy OaOMd by tho Main street wa.s OttOt tnore a bone of accident on the highway. resignation ol .1 i^.pit £, Buck, and \\»* 'oiiteution. it is awfully hard to let >t onee swum la hv Jastioe Qnerin uml it appears that the newly-weds were ,'i> of anything for the beuelit of this ippiiinted on the Cointnitteei on Medi- to be takeu to their train iu L. V. 'extreme end of the County." Finally cal Inspection and BolUllngS and Lndlow's motor car, but wheu tho time t was decided to leave the matter us it Orouuds. arrived for a start it was found that itood aud accept the soivicei mid plans Mi<s Aeklev. teacher at Liberty Oof" water had been introduced into tho 'or repairinout to State OonUniselonst 'r, and tin" parents of the Viiil W«g- gasolene tank and the machine would if RoftdS Stevens. The Clerk was I'tii'n hoy, oharged With insubordination, not go, some say there was a plan con- lireeted to notify the c•nuniissioiier to cocted by bucolic and bovine humorists were nfasest for a hearing of i» com- this effect such as abound i:i that section, to kid- plaint of the hoy's parents alleging that nap tho brido or groom, or both. tin1 boy was roughly handled l>y Miss A County contemporary remarks: Ai'kley, when she knd ke)it him after So they went into hiding until a start "The Republican majority in the Hoard lohool and lin run away but was oap> could bo made find were finally induced of Freeholders will have, itn important to enter a car owned by the Superior luty to perform. * * * They will uneil and brought back by other seliool Thread aud Yarn Co., which car, by the naturally he expected to select Kepuhli- hoys. The Committee ou Discipline way, is given the unenviable reputation rans to fill County ofliw.s. « • • The heard the evidence brhind closed doors of having killed anianon the Pluckoniiu election of u Republican majority is aand then reported the matter ad justed* distinct direction to that majority that road last yoar, aud it seomed to be try- they are to follow the will of those who nil the parties bein^ admonished. ing to live up to its reputation. "looted them." Hot I The special meeting was held nmiidy The driver on this occasion, however, IS W HI (O consider Kf, ll-.ilshi/.i'i's reeommen- is said to have been noted for his care- ADONNA The missing documents in the North dations, ilnili: ;i in number, whu'h are ful driving. His name is given as GIOVAN KJ I BELLINI Mainiield tax appeal matter were found in sobstanoe as followsi George Flassett. I few dajl after the hearing of the ease That there he Leu time consumed at reported in last week's NEWS. Wlnsor, The time being of the briefest to reaoh the meetings in presenting all matters She former secretary of the I'ountv Tax in full detail. Approved. the train on time, the car was speeded Board, requested the present secretary up and, when only aboutVt mile out of Hoagland) to get permission from Presi- That all Insurance poUoiw, leases and Pluckemin collided with a two-horse dent Keimey to make the search and other Important documents be kepi in it this wns done, with the result that the safe deposit bos In Ihe National Hank, farm wagon belonging to Win. Moore, papers were found in a file that had not contractor, aud in care of an employee, been used since Mr. Wlnsor relinquish snoh box to be had a( a yearly rental of who is said to have drawn his team ed his duties as Clerk of the Board. By |S0, Approved, across tho road immediately ahead of the way,the continuation of the bearing That the District (ylerk Ille it bond, which was to have been held in Trenton that he keep it detailed, systematic ai1- the motor car, rendering a collision On Tuesday was postponed to Wednes- inevitable. Aud it is alleged also that day iu the Courthouse at Somervllle, ootmt of all expenditures and that inas- tho farm wngon carried no light. HI * Hi much as the annual expendituresamnuut Here were all the elements of si fatal There were about fifty people present to about §40,000, a qualified persou bo collision, and it came—like a Hash. The at tlip recent meeting of the Somerset ealled in to audit all ROOOnntS, Tho motor struck the team fairly, instantly County I', and P. S. A , when fifteen clerk was directed to notify the stain new members joined the association, Auditor and request his services in this. killing one horse, impaling the unfor- Anybody wishing to join will pleusi tunate chauffeur on the wagon pole, send in their application to K. N. Allen To a question as to what disposition throwing the bride against the horses— secretary. was mads of the lollOOl bonds after pay- one dead the other struggling frantically nieiit, Cashier Brown replied thai thoy - t. GoodChris-tianmen, re-joicc . With heart, and soul, and were cancelled and held by (he bank. in a taugle of harness—aud cutting the Inebriate Pfotectors at Last bridegroom's knee so badly that ten Eivontug classes were recommended, Under date of December 18, '1:1, the .stitches were required to oloso the the Clerk tuadvertise, reqaBSting would- Ministers' Union at si meeting held at be pupils who would enter tot n tour- wound. St. Luke's Rectory, Gladstone, issued Both bride aud groom were bruised the following, Whloh Itself-explunitory: months' term to send In their uaui's not later than the 39th inst. Adopted, aud scratched variously aud when an AI.LKN & PALMBB. auto that CBino ;Uong soon lifter the Dear Sirs: That ri^'iil economy be adopted in HIM accident delivered them to the Conipton voice; Give ye herd lo what we say: News! New At the last meeting of the Jlinisters administration of sohool affairs ami home but a very short time after the Union of BeriKii'ilsvillu 11111I vieinily, tin thai an I'll'iii't ho niaiie to proems more start on the honeymoon trip had been Kevs. T. T. Crawford and IJ (t. Bennett liberal terms from the Water Company were appointed a onmmlttee to investi- and the B, 1*. P. Oo. Committee mi made, both were sorely disheveled, gate Application! for lioente to • streaming with blood and in a sorry liquors aud make protest to CheO mit in Transportation ami I'uel, to consider plight generally. case they found any Irregnlaritim, and report. Tho chauffeur was hurried to Somer- You are, tluTi't'ore, nutliorizid to call That the duties of Clerk and Truant the attention of the pn>|ier anthorUiei 1 (Hirer he performed by one person, tho set Hospital, where be died the next Jc • ills Christ is born to-day: Ol and ass be to the irreyuhiritii'S found hy these tui morning, the polo haviug penetrated clergymen, anil to use the name of (hi salaries—(800 and (85O( respeotiTalj ol his abdomen, so that". Iu.) was beyond all Union in so doing, both to he paid to sue.ii person, and that the resources of surgery, (Kev ) T. M. Sl.M.WToN I'res. h(^ devote nil his time to said duties. (llev.) J. M. HAHPICI;, Beo'y.
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