FREE ZERO HOUR: CRISIS IN TIME PDF Dan Jurgens | 156 pages | 01 Oct 1994 | DC Comics | 9781563891847 | English | New York, NY, United States Zero Hour Reading Order In it, the former hero Hal Jordanwho had until then been a member of the intergalactic police force known as the Green Lantern Corpsmad with grief after the destruction of his home town of Coast City during the " Zero Hour: Crisis in Time of the Supermen " storyline and having obtained immense power as Parallaxattempted to destroy, and then remake, the DC Universe. The crossover involved almost every DC Universe monthly series published at the time. The issues of the series itself were numbered in reverse order, beginning with issue 4 and ending with 0 i. The series was written and penciled by Dan Jurgenswith inks by Jerry Ordway. Zero Hour: Crisis in Time! It promised to do for the inconsistent future timelines of the DC Universe what Crisis had done for its parallel worlds: unify them into a new one. This event served as an opportunity to reconcile some of the problems left unaddressed by Crisis and other problems that had been unintentionally caused by it. In particular, the revised characters of the post-Crisis universe had been rolled out gradually, with DC continuing to feature the old versions until the new versions were launched, some of them a year or several after the first wave of revised characters were published i. The character of Hawkman was one of the most problematic, since the revised version did not first appear until This raised the question of what version Zero Hour: Crisis in Time Hawkman had been seen since he had been retconned to be both the Golden Age Hawkman and a Thanagarian spy. The Legion of Super-Heroes faced similar problems with the eliminations Zero Hour: Crisis in Time Superboy and Supergirl from DC continuity Mon-Ela character with similar powers, had been recast as Valor to take Superboy's place as the Legion's inspiration and most Zero Hour: Crisis in Time member. These and other retcons were not always well received by readers and often introduced new problems. The story begins when characters from alternate realities such as Alpha Centurionan alternate version of Batgirland Triumph suddenly started appearing in the main DC Universe, to everybody's confusion; this happens because time is being somehow "compressed. The apparent villain of the story presented in the miniseries was a character named Extantformerly Hawk of the duo Hawk and Dove and a onetime Teen Titan. Extant Zero Hour: Crisis in Time acquired temporal powers, using them to unravel the DC Universe's timeline. In a confrontation with members of the Justice Society of AmericaExtant aged several of them removing the effect that had kept these heroes of the s vital into the sleaving them either feeble or dead. However, the true power behind the destruction of the universe — caused by temporal rifts of entropy — turned out to be Hal Jordanwho had been widely regarded as the most distinguished Green Lantern in history. Calling himself ParallaxJordan had gone insane, and was now trying to remake the universe, undoing the events which had caused his breakdown and Zero Hour: Crisis in Time own murderous actions following it. Jordan survived Green Arrow shooting an arrow into his heart though. DC published a fold-out timeline inside the back cover of Zero Hour 0 which identified various events and key stories which were part of its newly singular timeline, and when they occurred. Although fixed dates were given for the debut of historical characters such as the JSA, the debut of the post-Crisis Superman was presented as "10 years ago" and subsequent dates were expressed the same way, suggesting that the calendar years of these events were fluid and relative to the present rather than fixedas a way to keep the characters at roughly their present ages. The Legion of Super-Heroes continuity was completely rebooted following Zero Hourand the various Hawkman characters were merged into one even though, contrary to the storyline's purpose, this created new sets of contradictions and confusions. Each ongoing series at the time was given an opportunity to retell or clarify the origin of its hero es to establish the official version in this revised continuity, in a " 0" issue published in the subsequent weeks after Zero Hour. They resumed their previous numbering or went on to 1, for new series, the following month. Several series took new directions following Zero Hour ; for example, new teams were formed in the Justice League books, Oliver Queen's son Connor Hawke was introduced in Green Arrowand Guy "Warrior" Gardner discovered an alien heritage which gave him different powers. A major part of Batman 's origin was retconned after the events in Zero Hour. In this version, Batman never caught or confronted the killer of his parents thus rendering Batman: Year Two non-canonicaland more importantly, Batman was Zero Hour: Crisis in Time of as being an Urban legend. Also, Catwoman was not a prostitute, but rather lived in the low rentals area of Gotham. Finally, contributing to a plot point not fully explored in Batman: Zero Hour: Crisis in Time ThreeDick Grayson was legally adopted by Wayne. But this "warm reboot" did not solve all continuity matters and in fact actually created other continuity problems— the fold-out timeline included Armageddon a story that required the supposedly eliminated alternate timelines to even work, Matrix Supergirl who required an artificially created alternate timeline still existed, Zero Hour: Crisis in Time " Who is Hawkman? For those and other reasons, DC later introduced a variation of the pre-Crisis concept of the Multiversein the form of Hypertime. In the end, this more ecumenical solution did not satisfy DC editors either, inevitably leading to the Infinite Crisis event inwhich revived and brought back several pre- Crisis concepts. Zero Hour Zero Hour: Crisis in Time served to launch or end several ongoing series. A few of these were dictated by the changes Zero Hour: Crisis in Time continuity that came out of the story, but most happened simply because it provided a convenient marketing opportunity to start new series. However, each of the new series save for Starman were canceled after a couple of years, due to poor sales. The critical success of Starman was a turning point for DC's editors and how they viewed DC's Golden Age characters and their ongoing story potential, starting a trend reflected in a small family of books set in the present but reflective of the past, such as Starman' s successor title, JSA. DC have since repeated this idea with The New 52's "Zero Month", a year after the start of the initiative. Infourteen years later, an issue of Booster Gold vol. The issue used the same cover style as previous tie-ins to the event, referring to the " Crisis in Time " and using Zero Hour: Crisis in Time semi-metallic "fifth color" ink used on the original Zero Zero Hour: Crisis in Time issues. Like the other tie-in issues, Booster's origin was explained as part of the adventure in the issue. The cover was a homage to Zero Hour 4, with Ted Kord 's mask replacing Wally West 's, alternate Blue Beetles replacing the alternate Hawkmen, and the heroes around the edges replaced by Booster in the center. This wiki. This wiki All wikis. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Zero Hour: Crisis in Time. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. Cover to Zero Hour 1, the penultimate issue of Zero Hour: Crisis in Time series. Cover by Dan Jurgens and Jerry Ordway. Dorling Kindersley. October 12, Archived from the original on Retrieved History of the DC Universe " Millennium ". Categories :. Fan Feed 0 Hey Kids Comics! Universal Conquest Wiki. Zero Hour: Crisis in Time (Volume) - Comic Vine Zero Hour was designed to remedy continuity errors that had crept into DC titled since the Crisis on Infinite Earthsand relaunch all of the heroes from the same point in time. The Zero Hour event took place in a five-issue miniseries numbered in descending order from 4 to 0and with 27 crossover books, ranging from Action Comics to Wonder Woman. Issues were released in descending order, providing a "countdown" to the restart of the DC Zero Hour: Crisis in Time. Writer Dan Jurgens spearheaded the event, and wrote the five issue miniseries. He collaborated with individual writers, and, together with editor KC Carlsoncoordinated all of the tie-in comics. Jurgens teamed up with Jerry Ordway to provide the artwork for the miniseries. The unique Zero Hour logo, used across the miniseries, was designed by Tim Zach. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted Zero Hour: Crisis in Time other Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Tweet Clean. Cancel Update. What size image should we insert? 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