Subject Index AARP. See Retired Persons, American Association of AIDS Policy Coordinator, Office of the NationalÐ ABC NewsÐ488, 1035, 1358 1222 Abortion. See Health and medical care Air and Space Museum, National. See Smithsonian Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). See Institution Health and medical care Air Force, Department of the Administration. See other part of subject See also Armed Forces, U.S. Administrative Conference of the U.S.Ð1359 Assistant SecretariesÐ126, 312 Advancement of Colored People, National Association Fairchild Air Force Base, WAÐ1137, 1143 for theÐ931 Under SecretaryÐ312 Advisory. See other part of subject Alabama Advisory committees, Federal. See Government agen- FloodingÐ1216, 1250, 1269, 1368 cies and employees GovernorÐ1250 Aeronautics and Space Administration, NationalÐ201, Tornadoes and floodingÐ1360 1294 Winter stormsÐ368 Africa Alaska, mineral resources, reportÐ300 See also specific country Alaska Natives. See Native Americans Economic assistanceÐ830, 1151 Albania Africa, White House Conference onÐ1119, 1150 Trade with U.S.Ð1019 African-American History Month, NationalÐ183 U.S. AmbassadorÐ1360 African Development FoundationÐ168, 476, 1356, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Bureau of. See Treas- 1367 ury, Department of the African Unity, Organization forÐ1299 Alfalfa ClubÐ1355 Agency. See other part of subject Algeria Civil conflictÐ1056, 1221, 1229 Aging, Federal Council on theÐ900, 1366 Terrorist activityÐ1229, 1230 Aging, National Council onÐ783 U.S. AmbassadorÐ562 Aging, White House Conference onÐ280, 1369 Ambassadors. See specific country Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, FederalÐ1361, American. See other part of subject 1362 AmeriCorpsÐ294, 419, 730, 762, 907, 962, 1175, 1319 Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service. Ameritech Corp.Ð704, 1361 See Agriculture, Department of See Agriculture Amtrak. Railroad Passenger Corporation, National Disaster assistanceÐ1251 Andrew W. Mellon DinnerÐ845 Farm loansÐ901 Angola National Union for the Total Independence of An- Grazing fees on Federal landsÐ497 gola (UNITA)Ð676 Honey importsÐ747 U.S. national emergencyÐ675 Rural Conference, NationalÐ1324 Antigua and Barbuda TobaccoÐ498 Haitian refugees, roleÐ1219 Agriculture, Department of Prime MinisterÐ1367 Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Serv- Appeals, U.S. Court ofÐ137, 221, 526, 853, 984, 1063, iceÐ1353 1101, 1120, 1253, 1328 Assistant SecretaryÐ1363 Architect of the CapitolÐ1301 Commodity Credit CorporationÐ1063 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Deputy Assistant SecretaryÐ1355 BoardÐ1369 Farmers Home AdministrationÐ901, 902, 1251 Arctic Research Policy Committee, InteragencyÐ363 Food and Nutrition ServiceÐ1353 Argentina General Counsel, Office ofÐ901, 902 PresidentÐ1366 Inspector GeneralÐ1367 Terrorist attack at Israeli-Argentine Mutual Associa- Private attorneys, use in farm loan actionsÐ901 tion in Buenos AiresÐ1269, 1313 SecretaryÐ697, 901, 1251 Arkansas Soil Conservation ServiceÐ1353 GovernorÐ1305 AID. See Development Cooperation Agency, U.S. President's visitsÐ1304, 1305, 1353, 1356, 1369 International Winter stormsÐ1357 AIDS. See Health and medical care Arkansas, University ofÐ1081 A±1 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994 Armed Forces, U.S. Bangladesh, Ambassador to U.S.Ð1356 See also specific military department; Defense and BankingÐ163, 455 national security Battle Monuments Commission, AmericanÐ944, 1361, Air collision at Pope Air Force Base, NCÐ541, 1364 542, 552, 553 Belarus Base closingsÐ958, 1074 Arms control negotiations and agreementsÐ21, 80 Commander in chief, Allied Forces, Southern Eu- Chairman, Supreme SovietÐ22, 77, 1354 ropeÐ453 Economic assistanceÐ44, 79 Commander in chief, European CommandÐ1369 Investment treaty with U.S.Ð1354 Draft registrationÐ948 President Clinton's visitÐ77, 1354 International role. See specific country or region Prime MinisterÐ1354 POW's/MIA'sÐ178, 1367 Trade with U.S.Ð1019 Armed Forces DayÐ972, 974 Belgium Armenia, trade with U.S.Ð1019 Foreign MinisterÐ484 Arms and munitions KingÐ1354 See also Defense and national security; Nuclear President Clinton's visitÐ8, 14, 15, 18, 21, 24, 28, weapons 32, 1354 Arms control negotiations and agreementsÐ72, 353, Prime MinisterÐ8 558, 905, 980, 1127 Belize, U.S. AmbassadorÐ1363 Chemical and biological weaponsÐ72, 145, 353, Biological weapons. See Arms and munitions 558, 636, 905, 979, 1046, 1127 Black Mayors, National Conference ofÐ793 Export controlsÐ71, 980, 1169, 1193 Blind and Other Severely Handicapped, Committee Missile systems and technologyÐ72, 381, 558 for Purchase from theÐ1360 NonproliferationÐ73, 209, 558, 979, 1169 Board. See other part of subject Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, U.S.Ð558, Boeing Corp.Ð263, 264 805, 807, 809, 1364, 1369 Bolivia Army, Department of the PresidentÐ1095, 1181 See also Armed Forces, U.S. U.S. AmbassadorÐ1368 Assistant SecretariesÐ126 Bosnia-Herzegovina Corps of EngineersÐ167 Ambassador to U.S.Ð1366 1st Infantry DivisionÐ1008 Arms embargoÐ186, 704, 721, 734, 825, 988, 997, Force sufficiency certificationÐ964 1000 General CounselÐ1358 Bosnian Croat representativeÐ354, 484, 485 Military Academy, U.S.Ð1363 Confederation agreement with CroatiaÐ354, 484 Art, National Gallery of. See Smithsonian Institution Conflict resolutionÐ20, 23, 30, 42, 57, 64, 115, Arts and the Humanities, National Foundation on the 122, 186, 217, 219, 220, 248, 281, 287, 350, 354, Arts, National Endowment for theÐ1249, 1250 484, 494, 570, 589, 595, 645, 660, 661, 670, 702, Humanities, National Endowment for theÐ947, 703, 726, 731-735, 758-760, 770, 806, 823, 825, 1096, 1327 826, 832, 987, 996, 1000, 1015, 1026, 1050, 1054, Arts, National Council on theÐ1359 1056, 1173, 1182, 1218, 1236 Arts, National Endowment for the. See Arts and the Constitution establishing Muslim-Croat Federa- Humanities, National Foundation on the tionÐ354, 484 ASEAN. See South East Asian Nations, Association Economic assistanceÐ503 of Gorazde, Serbian attacks and NATO responseÐ660, Asia-Pacific region 661, 670, 679, 694, 699, 703, 732, 755, 759 See also specific country Humanitarian assistanceÐ30, 224, 825, 996, 1053 South Asia, regional nonproliferationÐ73, 209 NATO air power, authorization and potential useÐ See Association. other part of subject 20, 23, 24, 28-30, 33, 35, 42, 57, 121, 186, 193, Association Executives, American Society ofÐ395 219, 224, 228, 232, 248, 250, 272, 278, 280, 281, See Atomic Energy Agency, International. United Na- 283, 286, 287, 699, 727, 732, 733, 755, 774, 806, tions 825, 987, 1000 Australia, U.S. AmbassadorÐ805 No-fly zoneÐ282, 326, 354, 679, 733 Austria, ChancellorÐ731, 1360 PresidentÐ122, 354, 484, 485, 503 See Awards. other part of subject Prime MinisterÐ354, 484 Azerbaijan Trade with U.S.Ð1019 Sarajevo marketplace attackÐ186, 193, 217, 218, U.S. AmbassadorÐ147 224, 282 U.S. AmbassadorÐ503 Bahrain U.S. military, roleÐ29, 232, 280, 281, 283, 354, Ambassador to U.S.Ð1356 589, 679, 721, 758-760, 996, 1000, 1056 U.S. AmbassadorÐ363 U.S. Special EnvoyÐ354, 485, 699, 702, 1049 Baltic American Enterprise FundÐ1201 Boy Scouts of AmericaÐ1358 A±2 Subject Index Boys NationÐ1335 CanadaÐContinued Bridges. See Infrastructure Defense, U.S. and Canada, Permanent Joint Board British Broadcasting Corp.Ð996 onÐ1367 Brown v. Board of Education, 40th anniversaryÐ931, Joint Commission, U.S. and Canada, InternationalÐ 935, 940 38, 1356 Budget, Federal Prime MinisterÐ731, 733, 759, 1182, 1368 See also specific agency; Economy, national Trade with U.S.Ð1182 Balanced budget, proposed constitutional amend- Cancer Society, AmericanÐ187 mentÐ292, 349, 352 Caribbean region Defense spendingÐ836, 1240 See also specific country; Latin America DeficitÐ117, 118, 127, 128, 306, 439, 463, 591, Maritime boundariesÐ418 595, 1140 CBS NewsÐ1033 Entitlement spendingÐ223 CBS SportsÐ556 Fiscal year 1995Ð196, 236, 835 CBS `` This Morning ''Ð1358 Foreign aid spendingÐ343, 462, 1057 Central America. See specific country; Latin America Peacekeeping operations, fundingÐ700, 808 Central Intelligence AgencyÐ4, 297, 304, 320, 323, Rescissions and deferralsÐ201, 815, 1062 834 Spending cutsÐ176, 196 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation BoardÐ Supplemental appropriations, fiscal year 1994Ð242, 1369 244, 519, 1355, 1356, 1370 Chemical weapons. See Arms and munitions Bulgaria, trade with U.S.Ð135, 1298 Chicago Housing AuthorityÐ635, 1091, 1092 Bureau. See other part of subject Children and Families, Administration for. See Health Burma, National League for Democracy leaderÐ257, and Human Services, Department of 1287 Children and youth Burundi, PresidentÐ635, 678 See also specific subject Business and industry Child careÐ884 See also specific company or industry Child supportÐ499, 887, 1077, 1083 Credit availabilityÐ163 Immunization programsÐ630, 729 Enterprise zones. See Enterprise zones Teenage pregnancy and parentingÐ174, 594 Industry conversion and job retrainingÐ238, 527, Teenage suicideÐ715 886, 958, 1074 Children's Defense FundÐ1366 Productivity and competitivenessÐ441 Chile Research and developmentÐ163, 442 PresidentÐ1157 Small and minority businessÐ162, 195, 469, 519, Trade with U.S.Ð1158 579, 593, 605, 608, 625, 835, 836, 1165, 1256 U.S. AmbassadorÐ1368 Business CouncilÐ305 China Business RoundtableÐ164, 1102 Human rightsÐ377, 474, 829, 991, 994 Rhinoceros and tiger tradeÐ668 Cabinet Trade with U.S.Ð747, 828, 948, 954, 991, 994, 1018 See also specific position Vice PremierÐ829, 1362 MeetingÐ1361 CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency Cairo conference. See United Nations, International
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