Forrest Nursery Pty Ltd ACN 081 654 346 A/T/F The Boyanup Nursery Unit Trust, trading as: Boyanup Botanical ‘NATIVE PLANT SPECIALISTS’ ABN 42 357 780 929 LOT 14 South West Hwy, P.O BOX 40, Boyanup W.A 6237 Phone (08) 97 315 470 Fax (08) 97 315 471 Email [email protected] www.boyanupbotanical.com.au Open Mon- Fri 8am- 5pm, Sat- Sun 9am- 3pm Plant Range Catalogue SPECIES COMMON NAMES TYPE Abelia grandiflora 'Nana' Hedge Small Shrub Acmena smithii Lilly Pilly Medium Tree Adenanthos cuneatus Coastal Jugflower Ground cover Adenanthos cunninghamii Prostrate Woolly Bush Medium Shrub Adenanthos ellipticus Oval-leaved Adenanthos Medium Shrub Adenanthos meisneri Prostrate Woolly Bush Small Shrub Adenanthos sericeus Albany Woolly Bush Large Shrub Agonis flexuosa WA Peppermint Tree Small Tree Agonis flexuosa 'Burgundy' Burgundy Peppermint Tree Small Tree Agonis flexuosa 'Nana' Dwarf Peppermint Tree Medium Shrub Agonis 'Forest Magic' Variegated Peppermint Small Shrub Alyogyne 'Blue Heeler" Blue Native Hibiscus Ground Cover Alyogyne hakeifolia 'Elle Maree' Yellow Native Hibiscus Medium Shrub Alyogyne hakeifolia 'Melissa Anne' Mauve Native Hibiscus Medium Shrub Alyogyne huegelii White White Native Hibiscus Large Shrub Alyogyne huegelii Blue Blue Native Hibiscus Large Shrub Alyogyne 'Shelby Ann' Purple Native Hibiscus Medium Shrub Alyogyne 'West Coast Gem' Purple Native Hibiscus Medium Shrub Anigozanthos 'Autumn Blaze' Orange/Yellow Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos 'Big Red' Red Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos 'Bush Dance' Red and Green Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos 'Bush Diamond' White Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos 'Bush Elegance Deep Burgundy Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos 'Bush Endeavour' Red Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos 'Bush Fury' Red Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos 'Bush Inferno' Red Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos 'Bush Pearl' Pink Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos 'Bush Pioneer' Golden Yellow Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos 'Bush Rampage' Orange/Red Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos 'Bush Revolution' Orange Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos 'Bush Tenacity' Yellow Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos flavidus Green Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos flavidus Red Red Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos 'Kings Park Federation Flame' Orange Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos manglesii Red/Green Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos viridis Green Flowers Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos 'Yellow Gem' Yellow Flowers Kangaroo Paw SPECIES COMMON NAMES TYPE Armeria maritima 'Pink Thrift' Pink Sea Thrift Grass Austromyrtus 'Copper Tops' Midgen Berry Small Shrub Banksia blechnifolia Groundcover Banksia Ground Cover Banksia coccinea Scarlet Banksia Medium Shrub Banksia hookeriana Hooker's Banksia Large Shrub Banksia menziesii Dwarf Dwarf Firewood Banksia Medium Shrub Banksia nivea Honeypot Dryandra Small Shrub Beaufortia elegans Purple Flowers Small Shrub Beaufortia sparsa Swamp Bottlebrush Medium Shrub Billardiera 'Edna Walling Blue Bells' Variegated Blue Bells Climber Billardiera heterophylla Blue WA Bluebell Creeper Climber Billardiera heterophylla Pink Pink Bell Creeper Climber Boronia heterophylla Red Boronia Small Shrub Boronia megastigma Brown Boronia Small Shrub Boronia molloyae Tall Boronia Large Shrub Boronia 'Pixie' Pink Flowers Small Shrub Brachyscome ‘Jumbo Tricolour’ Rock Daisy Ground Cover Brachyscome ‘Metallic Blue’ Rock Daisy Ground Cover Brachyscome multifida 'Alba' White Rock Daisy Ground Cover Bromeliads Assorted Varieties Ornamental Brunfelsia latifolia Dwarf Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow Small Shrub Buxus microphylla Japanese Box Hedge Callistemon 'Betka Beauty' Red Bottlebrush Medium Shrub Callistemon 'Candy Pink' Pink Bottlebrush Medium Shrub Callistemon ‘Dawson River Weeper' Red Bottlebrush Large Shrub Callistemon 'Father Christmas' Red/Yellow Bottlebrush Medium Shrub Callistemon 'Kings Park Special' Red Bottlebrush Large Shrub Callistemon ‘Little John’ Red Bottlebrush Small Shrub Callistemon ‘Mary McKillop' Red Bottlebrush Medium Shrub Callistemon 'Perth Pink' Pink Bottlebrush Medium Shrub Callistemon Prestige Pink' Pink Bottlebrush Medium Shrub Callistemon ‘Rose Opal’ Red Bottlebrush Medium Shrub Callistemon 'Rosy Morn' Purple/Red Bottlebrush Small Shrub Callistemon 'Taree Pink' Pink Bottlebrush Medium Shrub Callistemon 'Violaceus' Violet Bottlebrush Medium Shrub Callistemon 'White Anzac' White Bottlebrush Small Shrub Callistemon 'Wilderness White' White Bottlebrush Large Shrub Callitris preissii Rottnest Island Pine Small Tree Calothamnus quadrifidus One-sided Bottlebrush Medium Shrub Calothamnus sanguineus Blood Red Net Bush Medium Shrub Calothamnus villosus Silky Net Bush Small Shrub Calytrix tetragona Pink Form Fringe-myrtle Ground Cover Carex morrowii 'Variegata' Variegated Sedge Sedge Carex petriei Rusty Sedge Sedge Carex testacea Orange Sedge Grass Casuarina 'Cousin It' Prostrate Sheoak Ground Cover Casuarina cunninghamiana River Sheoak Large Tree Ceanothus ‘Blue Pacific’ Blue Flowers Large Shrub Chamelaucium uncinatum 'Alba' White Flowering Wax Medium Shrub Chamelaucium ciliatum Albany Wax Small Shrub Chamelaucium floriferum Walpole Wax Medium Shrub Chamelaucium 'Petticoat Pink' Pink Flowering Wax Medium Shrub Chamelaucium 'Purple Giant' Deep Purple Wax Medium Shrub Chamelaucium 'Purple Pride' Purple Geraldton Wax Tall Shrub SPECIES COMMON NAMES TYPE Chorizema cordatum Coral Flame Pea Small Shrub Cistus 'Silver Pink' Silver Pink Rock Rose Small Shrub Coleonema 'Album' White Diosma Small Shrub Coleonema ‘Compacta Pink’ Pink Diosma Small Shrub Coleonema pulchrum ‘Aurea’ Golden Diosma Small Shrub Conostylis candicans Grey Cottonheads Grass Convolvulus cneorum Silver Bush Small Shrub Convolvulus sabatius Blue Rock Bindweed Ground Cover Convolvulus mauritanicus 'Full Moon' Blue Rock Bindweed Ground Cover Correa alba White Correa Small shrub Correa decumbens Spreading Correa Small Shrub Correa 'Dusky Bells' Pink Correa Small Shrub Correa glabra Rock Correa Tall Shrub Correa 'Mannii' Scarlet Correa Small Shrub Correa pulchella 'Pink Mist' Compact Pink Correa Small Shrub Correa 'Wyn's Wonder' Variegated Correa Small Shrub Corymbia calophylla 'Rosea' Pink Flowering Marri Large Tree Corymbia citriodora Lemon-scented Gum Large Tree Corymbia ficifolia Red Flowering Gum Small Tree Crowea exalata Pink Flowers Small Shrub Damperia diversifolia Blue Flowers Ground Cover Dampiera linearis Common Dampiera Small Shrub Dampiera trigona Angled-Stem Dampiera Ground Cover Darwinia citriodora Lemon-scented Darwinia Small Shrub Darwinia oldfieldii Winchester Bell Small Shrub Darwinia polychroma Harlequin Bell Small Shrub Dianella 'Kentlyn' Purple Flowers Strappy Plant Dianella 'Seaspray' Blue Flowers Strappy Plant Dianella revoluta Blue Flax-Lily Strappy Plant Dipladenia 'Red Riding Hood' Red Brazilian Jasmine Climber Dodonaea aptera Coastal Hop-bush Medium Shrub Dodonaea ceratocarpa Horny Hop-bush Medium Shrub Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea' Purple Hop-bush Medium Shrub Duranta repens 'Geisha Girl' Geisha Girl Medium Shrub Eremaea pauciflora Orange Flowers Medium Shrub Eremophila bignoniiflora polyclada Eremophila 'Big Poly' Large Shrub Eremophila brevifolia Spotted Eremophila Medium Shrub Eremophila calorhabdos Red Rod Medium Shrub Eremophila decipiens Slender Fuchsia Small Shrub Eremophila drummondi x nivea Purple Flowers Small Shrub Eremophila glabra Red Flowers Ground Cover Eremophila glabra Grey Compact Grey Emu Bush Small Shrub Eremophila ‘Kalbarri Carpet’ Gold Flowers Ground Cover Eremophila maculata var. brevifolia Spotted Emu Bush Small Shrub Eremophila microtheca Heath-like Eremophila Small Shrub Eremophila ‘Minnie Pink’ Pink Flowers Small Shrub Eremophlia 'Peaches & Cream' Yellow/Cream Flowers Medium Shrub Eremophila prostrate 'Burgundy' Prostrate Emu Bush Ground Cover Eremophila prostrate 'Lime' Green Flowers Eremophila serpens Snake Eremophila Ground Cover Eremophila ‘Summertime Blue’ Mauve Flowers Small Shrub Eremophila subteretifolia Lake King Eremophila Ground Cover Eremophila 'Thundercloud' Purple Flowers Small Shrub Escallonia iveyi Hedge Large Shrub SPECIES COMMON NAMES TYPE Escallonia 'Pink Pixie' Hedge Small Shrub Eucalyptus caesia Silver Princess Gum Medium Tree Eucalyptus cladocalyx 'Nana' Dwarf Sugar Gum Small Tree Eucalyptus erythrocorys Illyarrie/Red Capped Gum Small Tree Eucalyptus forrestiana Fuchsia Gum Small Tree Eucalyptus leucoxylon megalocarpa Large- fruited Yellow Gum Small Tree Eucalyptus leucoxylon rosea Red Flowering Yellow Gum Medium Tree Eucalyptus macrocarpa Mottlecah Small Tree Eucalyptus nicholii Narrow-leaf Peppermint Medium Tree Eucalyptus platypus Coastal Moort Small Tree Eucalyptus preissiana Bell-fruited Mallee Small Tree Eucalyptus pyriformis Pear-fruited Mallee Small Tree Eucalyptus rosacea Red Flowers Small Tree Eucalyptus sargentii Salt River Gum Medium Tree Eucalyptus spathulata Swamp Mallet Small Tree Eucalyptus torquata Coral Gum Small Tree Eucalyptus victrix Western Coolabah Small Tree Eutaxia myrtifolia Egg and Bacon Small Shrub Festuca glauca Blue Fescue Grass Ficinia nodosa Knobby Club Rush Grass Gompholobium scabrum Painted Lady Small Shrub Grevillea 'Allyn Glory' Red Flowers Medium Shrub Grevillea 'Amethyst' Mauve Flowers Small Shrub Grevillea banksii forsteri Red Silky Oak Large Shrub Grevillea 'Big Red' Red Flowers Large Shrub Grevillea 'Bonnie Prince Charlie' Red/Yellow Flowers Small Shrub Grevillea 'Boongala Spinebill' Burgundy Flowers Small Shrub Grevillea 'Carpet Crawl' Red Toothbrush Flowers Ground Cover Grevillea 'Carramar Gold' Yellow Flowers Medium
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