F.Y.B.A. Semester - 02 HISTORY PAPER: 03 [Core / Elective – 1 / Elective - 2] World History [1911 A.D. to 1960A.D.] First Option Unit – I 1. Chinese Revolution (1911) 2. First World War (1914 - 1918) Causes and Results. 3. Treaty of Versailles. Unit – II 4. League of Nations - Achievements and Failure. 5. Disarmament - Efforts and its Failure. 6. Russian Revolution (1917) - Rule of Lenin. Unit – III 7. Development of Russia under the Rule of Stalin. 8. Fascism in Italy and Nazism in Germany. 9. Second World War – Decline of Imperialism and Decolonization. Unit – IV 10. United Nations Organization - Organs, achievements and failure. 11. United Nations Organization - Role in world peace up to1960. 12. The Cold war - Causes and consequences. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Revil, J.C . : World History (Longmans Green & Co. London,1962) 2. Weech, W.N. : History of the World (Asia publishing House, Bombay,1964) 3. Vairanapillai, M.S. : A Concise World History (Madura Book House,Madurai) 4. Sharma, S.R. : A Brief Survey of HumanHistory 5. Hayes, Moon & Way Land : World History (Mac Millan, New York,1957) 6. Thoms, David : World History (O.U.P. London,1956) 7. Langsam, W.C. : The World Since 1919 (Mac Millan, New York,1968) 8. Ketelby C.D.M. : A History of Modern Times from 1789 (George G. Harrap& Co. London,1966) 9. SF{X, o VFW]lGS lJ`JGM .lTCF; 10. l+5F9L4 ZFD5|;FN o lJ`J .lTCF; slCgNL ;lDlT4 ,BGF{f 11. XDF"4 ZFWFS'Q6 o N]lGIFGL SCFGL EFU !vZ 12. lJnF,\SFZ4 ;tIS[T] o I]ZM5GL VFW]lGS .lTCF; s;Z:JTL ;NG4 D{;]ZL !)*Zf 13. HJFCZ,F, GC[Z] o HUTGF .lTCF;G]\ Z[BFNX"G sGJÒJG4 VDNFJFNf 14. EÎ N[J[gN=EF. o I]ZM5GM .lTCF; sI]lGJl;"8L U|\YlGDF"6 AM0"4 VDNFJFN !)(*f 15. WFZ{IF4 SFhL4 EÎ4 HFGLo VFW]lGS lJ`JGM .lTCF; F.Y.B.A. Semester - 02 HISTORYPAPER:03 [Core / Elective – 1 / Elective -2] “History of Tourism Places in Gujarat” Second Option Unit – I TheTourism 1. Meaning of Tourism and Various Definitions ofTourism. 2. Nature and Types ofTourism. 3. Role of Escort in Tourism. Unit – II THE HISTORICAL AND ARCHEOLOGY TOURISM PLACES OF GUJARAT 4. Dholavira, Lothal, Rangpur, Pavagadh Fort - Champaner and Uparkot - Junagadh 5. Rani kiVav – Patan, Adalaj Stepwell –Adalaj Dada harini - vav and Kankariya Lake –Ahmedabad Vijay Vilas Palace - Mandvi and Laxmi Vilas Palace -Vadodara, 6. Dwarkadhish Temple –Dwarka, Somnath Mahadev Temple –Veraval, Sun Temple – Modhera, Hutheesing Jain Temple – Ahmedabad and Palitana Temple – Palitana Unit – III THE MUSEUM OF GUJARAT 7. Watson museum and Mahatma Gandhi museum –Rajkot 8. Lakhota place and museum –Jamnagarand Junagadh museum –Sardarbag- Junagadh 9. Kachchh museum –Bhuj and Baroda museum in Kamla bag –Vadodara UNIT – IV THE NATURAL AND CULTURAL TOURISM PLACES OF GUJARAT 10. Saputara– Dang, Shashan Gir – Junagadh, Nal Sarovar –Ahmedabad and Narayan sarovar – Lakhpat (Kachchh) 11. Velavadar–Sanctuary - Bhavnagar, Surkhabnagar Sanctuary and Ghudakhar Sanctuary – Kachchh, Bear Sanctuaries of Gujarat- Ratanmahal Bear Sanctuary- Narmada, Dukhamal Bear Sanctuary - Bharuch and Jeshora Bear Sanctuary - Banaskantha 12. Tarnetar fair- Thangadh, Bhavnath fair- Junagadh, Madhavpur fair- Porbandar and Vautha fair – Ahmedabad. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Bhardwaj D. S. Domestic Tourism in India, Indus Publishing, NewDelhi. 2. Gujarat Tourism Policy 2003 –2010. 3. N. Jayupalan, An Introduction to Tourism. Atlantic Publishers andDistributors. 4. Public Purpose how the Tourist Destination of Tomorrow continues to dispossess the advises of Narmada Today. An Investigative Report on the Tourism project in kevadia, Narmada district, Gujarat, march –2008. 5. Robert Jan Baken, Suresh Bhagavatula. Some reflections on tourism and tourismpolicy inIndia. 6. Agrawal vinod, bhogolikparytan, Arjun publishing house, New Delhi. 7. 0M"P 5LPÒPSMZF84 0M"PD[CA}A N[;F.4 cc.lTCF;DF\ 5|JF;G lJlGIMUcc4 5|F`J" 5la,S[XG4 VDNFJFN4 Z__$ 8. zL ;MDGFYo ;\:S'lT v TLY" lGDF"64 zL ;MDGFY 8=:84 5|EF; 5F86 9. VMhF lNU\T4 5|JF;WFD U]HZFT4 DFlCTL SlDxGZGL SR[ZL4 DFlCTL BFT]\4 U]HZFT ZFHI4 UF\WLGUZ4 DFR" !))Z 10. HMZFJZ l;\C HFNJ4 U]HZFTGL ,MS ;\:S'lTS lJZF;T4 DFlCTL SlDxGZ4 U]HZFT ZFHI4 UF\WLGUZ v Z_!_ 11. D]bI 5lJ+ IF+FWFD4 U]HZFT 5lJ+ IF+FWFD AM0"4 U]HZFT ZFHI4 UF\WLGUZ 12. 5\0IF lJQ6]4 5\0IF s0M"Pf VFZTL4 U]HZFTGF ÊF\lT TLYM"4 ;DF\TZ 5|SFXG4 VDNFJFN4 VFJ'l¿vZ__) 13. 0M"P ZFJ, 5|O],FA[G4 VTLT 5||SFXS4 ZFJ, 5|DMNLGLA[G4 5|YD VFJ'l¿vZ__5 14. U]HZFT lJ`JSMX4 U]HZFT lJ`JSMX 8=:84 VDNFJFN B\0v! 15. U]HZFT ZFHIo lH<,F ;J" ;\U|C4 ;]ZT lH<,M4 U]HZFT ZFHI4 UF\WLGUZ4 JØ" !))$ 16. U]HZFT NX"G 8]lZhD SM5M"Z[XG VMO U]HZFT l,lD8[04 U]HZFT ZFHI4 VDNFJFN4 JØ" Z__& 17. BFRZ s0M"Pf 5|n]dG EP4 JF/F s0M"f WLZ]EF. 5LP4 T;JLZMDF\ H}GFU-4 5|JL6 5|SFXG4 ZFHSM84 VFJ'l¿vZ_!!P 18. BFRZ s0M"Pf 5|n]dG EP4 ;F{ZFQ8=GM UF{ZJJ\TM .lTCF;4 45|JL6 5|SFXG4 ZFHSM84 5|YD VFJ'l¿vZ_!_P 19. BFRZ s0M"Pf 5|n]dG EP4 lUZGFZGM .lTCF;4 H}GFU-4 VFJ'l¿ v Z__) 20. SFl9IFJF0GL S,UL ZFHSM84 ZFHSM8 lH<,FGL 5|JF;G 5]l:TSF4 lH<,F 5\RFIT4 ZFHSM8P 21. NMXL IMU[gN= ;F{ZFQ8= S[ 5|FRLG TLYM"4 H}GFU- 22. N[;F. X\E]5|;FN CZ5|;FN4 5|EF; VG[ ;MDGFY4 5|EF; 5F864 5|YD VFJ'l¿ !)&5 23. N[;F. X\E]5|;FN CZ5|;FN4 ;F{ZFQ8=GM .lTCF;4 5|JL6 5|SFXG4 ZFHSM84 +LÒ VFJ'l¿ v !))_ 24. N[;F. 0F"[P D[CA}A4 U]HZFTDF\ 5|JF;G4 U]H"Z U|\YZtG SFIF",I4 VDNFJFN4 5|YD VFJ'l¿vZ__$ 25. 9FS]Z X{,[gN=4 5|JF; EFZTL4 5|JL6 5]:TS E\0FZ4 ZFHSM8 26. HMXL lJXF, VFZP4 5ZDFZ DGLØFF S[P4 5|JF;GGL lJEFJGF VG[ lJlGIMU4 ;F{ZFQ8= I]lGJl;"8L ZFHSM8 5|YD VFJ'l¿vZ__& F.Y.B.A. Semester - 02 HISTORY PAPER: 04 [Core / Elective – 1 / Elective - 2] History of India [320 A.D. to 1206 A.D.] Unit – I 1. Gupta Dynasty – Samudragupta – expansion of theGupta Empire. 2. Achievements of Chandragupta II and Kumargupta. 3. Achievements of Skandagupta. Unit – II 4. Social and Cultural development; Literature, Arts, Education and Science during the Guptaperiod. 5. Harshavardhana – Career and achievement. 6. Expansion and Influence of Indian Culture in SoutheastAsia. Unit – III 7. The Pallavas, the Cheras and the Cholas theirAchievements. 8. The Ancient Chinese Pilgrims; Fa-hien, Hiuen -Tsang and I-sting 9. A brief Political Survey of Rajput states with special reference to the Parmars, Chalukyas (Vatapi), Rashtrakutas and Pallavas. Unit – IV 10. Social, Economic, Religious and Cultural conditions during Rajputa period. 11. Legacy of Ancient India; Literature, Arts, Education andScience. 12. Invasions of Mahammud Gaznavi and Mahammud Ghori- their impact on India. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Mujumdar, R.C. : Ancient India (Motilal Banarasidas – Delhi 1968) 2. Tripathi, R.S. : History of India (Motilal Banarasidas – Delhi 1968) 3. Mahajan, V.D. : Ancient India (S Chand & Co., Delhi1968) 4. Kulkarani, Chidambar : Ancient Indian History and Culture (Orient Longmans,Bombay, 1974) 5. Delvi, D.A., David, M.D., Mahadevan V and Shastri B.S. : History and Culture of Ancient India (Kitabmahal, Allahabad) 6. ;ZG4 5LP o 5|FRLG DwISF,LG EFZT !5Z& ;]WL sZ6ÒT l5|g8;"4 lN<CLf 7. XDF"4 V[DPV[,P o 5|FRLG EFZTGM .lTCF; sS{,F; 5]:TS ;NG4 EM5F,f 8. ,}GLIF4 ALPV[GP o 5|FRLG EFZTGM ZFHG{lTS VG[ ;F\:S'lTS .lTCF;P !Z_& ;]WLP sSD, 5|SFXG4 .gNMZ4 !)**f 9. 5Fg0[I4 ZFHA,Lo 5|FRLG EFZT sG\NlSXMZ V[g0 ;g;4 JFZF6;Lf 10. D]SZÒ ZFWFS]D]No 5|FRLG EFZT sZFHSD, 5|SFXG4 lN<CL !)&*f 11. DH]DNFZ VFZP ÒPo U]%TSF,LG EFZT sI]lGJl;"8L U|\Y lGDF"6 AM0"4 VDNFJFN4 !))(f 12. WFZ{IF4 SFhL4 EÎ4 HFGL o 5|FRLG EFZTGM .lTCF; 13. BFRZ 5LPALP o 5|FRLG EFZTGF lJN[XLIF+LVM .
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